123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593 |
- Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Compiler-Interpreter' properties: #{}!
- NodeVisitor subclass: #AIContext
- instanceVariableNames: 'outerContext pc locals method'
- package: 'Compiler-Interpreter'!
- AIContext is like a `MethodContext`, used by the `ASTInterpreter`.
- Unlike a `MethodContext`, it is not read-only.
- When debugging, `AIContext` instances are created by copying the current `MethodContext` (thisContext)!
- localAt: aString
- ^ self locals at: aString ifAbsent: [ nil ]
- localAt: aString put: anObject
- self locals at: aString put: anObject
- locals
- ^ locals ifNil: [ locals := Dictionary new ]
- method
- ^ method
- method: aCompiledMethod
- method := aCompiledMethod
- outerContext
- ^ outerContext
- outerContext: anAIContext
- outerContext := anAIContext
- pc
- ^ pc ifNil: [ pc := 0 ]
- pc: anInteger
- pc := anInteger
- receiver
- ^ self localAt: 'self'
- receiver: anObject
- self localAt: 'self' put: anObject
- selector
- ^ self metod
- ifNotNil: [ self method selector ]
- initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext
- self pc: aMethodContext pc.
- self receiver: aMethodContext receiver.
- self method: aMethodContext method.
- aMethodContext outerContext ifNotNil: [
- self outerContext: (self class fromMethodContext: aMethodContext outerContext) ].
- aMethodContext locals keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
- self locals at: key put: value ]
- fromMethodContext: aMethodContext
- ^ self new
- initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext;
- yourself
- Object subclass: #ASTDebugger
- instanceVariableNames: 'interpreter context'
- package: 'Compiler-Interpreter'!
- ASTDebugger is a debugger to Amber.
- It uses an AST interpreter to step through the code.
- ASTDebugger instances are created from a `MethodContext` with `ASTDebugger class >> context:`.
- They hold an `AIContext` instance internally, recursive copy of the `MethodContext`.
- Use the methods of the 'stepping' protocol to do stepping.!
- context: aContext
- context := AIContext new.
- interpreter
- ^ interpreter ifNil: [ interpreter := self defaultInterpreterClass new ]
- interpreter: anInterpreter
- interpreter := anInterpreter
- method
- ^ self context method
- defaultInterpreterClass
- ^ ASTSteppingInterpreter
- buildAST
- "Build the AST tree from the method source code.
- The AST is annotated with a SemanticAnalyzer,
- to know the semantics and bindings of each node needed for later debugging"
- | ast |
- ast := Smalltalk current parse: self method source.
- (SemanticAnalyzer on: self context receiver class)
- visit: ast.
- ^ ast
- initializeInterpreter
- self interpreter interpret: self buildAST nodes first
- initializeWithContext: aMethodContext
- "TODO: do we need to handle block contexts?"
- self context: IAContext fromMethodContext: aMethodContext.
- self initializeInterpreter
- restart
- self shouldBeImplemented
- resume
- self shouldBeImplemented
- step
- "The ASTSteppingInterpreter stops at each node interpretation.
- One step will interpret nodes until:
- - we get at the end
- - the next node is a stepping node (send, assignment, etc.)"
- [ (self interpreter nextNode notNil and: [ self interpreter nextNode stopOnStepping ])
- or: [ self interpreter atEnd not ] ]
- whileFalse: [
- self interpreter step.
- self step ]
- stepInto
- self shouldBeImplemented
- stepOver
- self step
- context: aMethodContext
- ^ self new
- initializeWithContext: aMethodContext;
- yourself
- Object subclass: #ASTInterpreter
- instanceVariableNames: 'currentNode context shouldReturn result'
- package: 'Compiler-Interpreter'!
- ASTIntepreter is like a `NodeVisitor`, interpreting nodes one after each other.
- It is built using Continuation Passing Style for stepping purposes.
- Usage example:
- | ast interpreter |
- ast := Smalltalk current parse: 'foo 1+2+4'.
- (SemanticAnalyzer on: Object) visit: ast.
- ASTInterpreter new
- interpret: ast nodes first;
- result "Answers 7"!
- context
- ^ context ifNil: [ context := AIContext new ]
- context: anAIContext
- context := anAIContext
- currentNode
- ^ currentNode
- result
- ^ result
- initialize
- super initialize.
- shouldReturn := false
- interpret: aNode
- shouldReturn := false.
- self interpret: aNode continue: [ :value |
- result := value ]
- interpret: aNode continue: aBlock
- shouldReturn ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
- aNode isNode
- ifTrue: [
- currentNode := aNode.
- self interpretNode: aNode continue: [ :value |
- self continue: aBlock value: value ] ]
- ifFalse: [ self continue: aBlock value: aNode ]
- interpretAssignmentNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpret: aNode right continue: [ :value |
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: (self assign: aNode left to: value) ]
- interpretBlockNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- "TODO: Context should be set"
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: [ self interpret: aNode nodes first; result ]
- interpretBlockSequenceNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpretSequenceNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- interpretCascadeNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- "TODO: Handle super sends"
- self interpret: aNode receiver continue: [ :receiver |
- "Only interpret the receiver once"
- aNode nodes do: [ :each | each receiver: receiver ].
- self
- interpretAll: aNode nodes allButLast
- continue: [
- self
- interpret: aNode nodes last
- continue: [ :val | self continue: aBlock value: val ] ] ]
- interpretClassReferenceNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self continue: aBlock value: (Smalltalk current at: aNode value)
- interpretDynamicArrayNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpretAll: aNode nodes continue: [ :array |
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: array ]
- interpretDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpretAll: aNode nodes continue: [ :array | | hashedCollection |
- hashedCollection := HashedCollection new.
- array do: [ :each | hashedCollection add: each ].
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: hashedCollection ]
- interpretJSStatementNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- shouldReturn := true.
- self continue: aBlock value: (self eval: aNode source)
- interpretMethodNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpretAll: aNode nodes continue: [ :array |
- self continue: aBlock value: array first ]
- interpretNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- aNode interpreter: self continue: aBlock
- interpretReturnNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpret: aNode nodes first continue: [ :value |
- shouldReturn := true.
- self continue: aBlock value: value ]
- interpretSendNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- "TODO: Handle super sends"
- self interpret: aNode receiver continue: [ :receiver |
- self interpretAll: aNode arguments continue: [ :args |
- self
- messageFromSendNode: aNode
- arguments: args
- do: [ :message |
- self context pc: self context pc + 1.
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: (message sendTo: receiver) ] ] ]
- interpretSequenceNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self interpretAll: aNode nodes continue: [ :array |
- self continue: aBlock value: array last ]
- interpretValueNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self continue: aBlock value: aNode value
- interpretVariableNode: aNode continue: aBlock
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: (aNode binding isInstanceVar
- ifTrue: [ self context receiver instVarAt: aNode value ]
- ifFalse: [ self context localAt: aNode value ])
- assign: aNode to: anObject
- ^ aNode binding isInstanceVar
- ifTrue: [ self context receiver instVarAt: aNode value put: anObject ]
- ifFalse: [ self context localAt: aNode value put: anObject ]
- continue: aBlock value: anObject
- result := anObject.
- aBlock value: anObject
- eval: aString
- "Evaluate aString as JS source inside an JS function.
- aString is not sandboxed."
- | source function |
- source := String streamContents: [ :str |
- str nextPutAll: '(function('.
- self context locals keys
- do: [ :each | str nextPutAll: each ]
- separatedBy: [ str nextPutAll: ',' ].
- str
- nextPutAll: '){ return (function() {';
- nextPutAll: aString;
- nextPutAll: '})() })' ].
- function := Compiler new eval: source.
- ^ function valueWithPossibleArguments: self context locals values
- interpretAll: aCollection continue: aBlock
- self
- interpretAll: aCollection
- continue: aBlock
- result: OrderedCollection new
- interpretAll: nodes continue: aBlock result: aCollection
- nodes isEmpty
- ifTrue: [ self continue: aBlock value: aCollection ]
- ifFalse: [
- self interpret: nodes first continue: [:value |
- self
- interpretAll: nodes allButFirst
- continue: aBlock
- result: aCollection, { value } ] ]
- messageFromSendNode: aSendNode arguments: aCollection do: aBlock
- self
- continue: aBlock
- value: (Message new
- selector: aSendNode selector;
- arguments: aCollection;
- yourself)
- shouldReturn
- ^ shouldReturn ifNil: [ false ]
- ASTInterpreter subclass: #ASTSteppingInterpreter
- instanceVariableNames: 'continuation nextNode'
- package: 'Compiler-Interpreter'!
- ASTSteppingInterpreter is an interpreter with stepping capabilities.
- Use `#step` to actually interpret the next node.
- Usage example:
- | ast interpreter |
- ast := Smalltalk current parse: 'foo 1+2+4'.
- (SemanticAnalyzer on: Object) visit: ast.
- interpreter := ASTSteppingInterpreter new
- interpret: ast nodes first;
- yourself.
- debugger step; step.
- debugger step; step.
- debugger result."Answers 1"
- debugger step.
- debugger result. "Answers 3"
- debugger step.
- debugger result. "Answers 7"!
- nextNode
- ^ nextNode
- initialize
- super initialize.
- continuation := [ ]
- interpret: aNode continue: aBlock
- nextNode := aNode.
- continuation := [
- super interpret: aNode continue: aBlock ]
- step
- continuation value
- atEnd
- ^ self shouldReturn or: [ self nextNode == self currentNode ]
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ false
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretAssignmentNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ true
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretBlockNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ true
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretCascadeNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretDynamicArrayNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ true
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretDynamicDictionaryNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ true
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretJSStatementNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ true
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretMethodNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretReturnNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretSendNode: self continue: aBlock
- isSteppingNode
- ^ true
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretSequenceNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretBlockSequenceNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretValueNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretVariableNode: self continue: aBlock
- interpreter: anInterpreter continue: aBlock
- ^ anInterpreter interpretClassReferenceNode: self continue: aBlock