EnyoAmber.st 849 B

  1. "This is a base class for Amber Enyo UI classes. We keep track of an optional sister kind
  2. in Enyo and typically an instance of it, or an instance without a kind, called ui.
  3. NOTE: Inheritance of ivars seems broken, I need to use #ui: in subclass to set it"
  4. Object subclass: #EnyoFriend
  5. instanceVariableNames: 'ui kind'
  6. category: 'EnyoAmber'!
  7. !EnyoFriend methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  8. ui
  9. ^ui
  10. !
  11. ui: aUI
  12. ui := aUI
  13. !
  14. dollar
  15. "Return the $ of ui for easy access to the components of the UI."
  16. <return this['@ui'].$>
  17. !
  18. kind
  19. ^kind
  20. ! !
  21. !EnyoFriend methodsFor: 'initializing'!
  22. initialize
  23. "We make sure our JS functions can be used transparently from Amber,
  24. at this moment we do not use it - trying to create Enyo kinds that are
  25. at the same time Amber classes failed for me."
  26. super initialize.
  27. <this.allowJavaScriptCalls = true>
  28. ! !