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Added Herby's description from ML

Some copy editing.
Hannes Hirzel 10 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 42 lisäystä ja 0 poistoa
  1. 42 0

+ 42 - 0

@@ -21,6 +21,48 @@ and go to `http://localhost:4000/` in your browser.
 In all packages that uses Silk, add `'silk/Silk'`
 to the package imports.
+## Introduction
+Silk does not have any dependency except the amber library ``domite`` that it builds upon.
+The metaphor it heavily builds upon is: 
+     Each element is a Stream of its children. You can write to that stream, copy that stream to get the copy of the       "cursor" etc. 
+The package ``silk`` contains only one class ``Silk``, which represents a DOM node _both_ as an element (that can be inserted) and as a stream (which can insert things into itself).
+The main message there is ``<<``, the high-level message to put an object on a stream. ``Silk new`` conveniently wraps the HTML ``body`` and puts the cursor at the end of it. 
+     Silk new << 'Hello, world!'
+you append a text node to the body.
+Silk uses the browser support for ``querySelector`` to get to the elements - that is, you can do all the basic things, but not all the fancy stuff (:visible) that only jQuery has. 
+For example with
+    '#log' asSilk << 'another item'
+you append the text ``another item`` to the element with id ``#log``.
+Silk uses DNU (Smalltalk ``does not understand``) to help you to create HTML elements, and uses associations as a way to set attributes. So to construct HTML text you do:
+Silk new
+        H1: {'id'->'header'. 'Welcome'};
+        P: {'id'->'welcome'. 'This is an acme page.'. 'It was created by Silk'};
+        HR;
+        SMALL: {'id'->'footer'. 'We do not guarantee anything.'}
+BTW, `foo H1: bar` is just a convenience for `foo H1 << bar; yourself`.
+You can use blocks, if you ``<<`` them (or include them in TAGNAME:), they are called and passed the wrapped element stream in the first parameter.
+As for widgets, any object will work, it only needs ``renderInSilk: aSilk`` method present. If you ``aSilk << suchObject``, its ``renderInSilk:`` will be called (that's how association and block magic is done).
 ## Contributing
 To bring project alive (for example after `git clone`):