Jelajahi Sumber

needlessly changed a protocol name

The original protocol names got lost when I moved the methods to be an extension in my own package. Moving them back to the original package, the protocol names were gone. Reconstructing them by intuition got only one wrong :-).

With the right protocol name, comparisons with Git are much nicer.
Christian Haider 4 tahun lalu
1 mengubah file dengan 192 tambahan dan 0 penghapusan
  1. 192 0

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Smalltalk createPackage: 'Silk'!
+Domite subclass: #Silk
+	slots: {}
+	package: 'Silk'!
+!Silk commentStamp!
+I am subclass of `Domite` with more convenient high-level API.
+ - `aSilk << anObject` uses double-dispatch via `renderOnSilk:`.
+This allows to create widgets
+(no formal superclass, anything with `renderOnSilk:` is a widget),
+as well as incorporating magic on certain types of objects:
+   - blocks: `aSilk << aBlock` runs the block, passing aSilk as a parameter.
+   - associations: `aSilk << (key -> value)` set attribute key to value.
+Worthful to note is, rendering a collection has its magic
+already built-in (via `putOn:`) -- if you `stream << aCollection`,
+its items are `<<`'d in sequence.
+So, de facto, arrays are deeply flattened when put on a stream via `<<`.
+ - `aCssSelectorString asSilk` returns Silk wrapping an element at a selector.
+ - `anObject inSilk` returns anObject rendered in a document fragment.
+##Element creation
+These messages use DNU to dynamically create
+elements with any (letters-and-numbers) tag name,
+Next samples show this on an example of `<div>`.
+ - `Silk DIV` is shortcut for `Silk newElement: 'div'`.
+ - `aSilk DIV` is shortcut for
+`[ |tmp| tmp := Silk DIV. aSilk << tmp. tmp] value`.
+IOW, it not just creates the element and returns it,
+but also puts in on aSilk.
+ - `aSilk DIV: anObject` is shortcut for
+`aSilk DIV << anObject; yourself`.
+IOW, it not just creates and inserts the element,
+but puts a content into it.
+Taken all this together, one can do pretty neat constructs:
+  aSilk P: { 'id'->'mission'. 'We are the champions.' }
+adds `<p id="mission">We are the champions.</p>` into `aSilk`
+and returns the Silk-wrapped `<p>` with insertion cursor at the end.!
+!Silk methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+	"<String>
+	XML namespace for elements: html.
+	The default for all virtual Silk tag messages"
+	^self element namespaceURI
+! !
+!Silk methodsFor: 'error handling'!
+doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
+	"`aSilk DIV` creates a div element and inserts it.
+	`aSilk DIV: anObject` creates a div element, inserts it
+	and puts contents in it"
+	(self class tryMakeDnuElement: aMessage in: self)
+		ifNil: [ ^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]
+		ifNotNil: [ :newElement | self << newElement. ^ newElement ]
+! !
+!Silk methodsFor: 'writing'!
+nextPut: anObject
+	"Double-dispatches anObject via renderOnSilk: message.
+	If a message returns nil, this fallbacks to superclass.
+	Otherwise, it is assumed renderOnSilk: did its job."
+	(anObject renderOnSilk: self)
+		ifNil: [ super nextPut: anObject ]
+! !
+!Silk class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+	"<String>
+	XML namespace for HTML elements.
+	The default for all virtual Silk tag messages"
+	^'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'
+	"<String>
+	XML namespace for elements: html.
+	The default for all virtual Silk tag messages"
+	^self htmlNamespace
+! !
+!Silk class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+newElement: aString in: aSilk
+	"<Silk>
+	creates a new element in the same xml namespace as aSilk.
+	When aSilk is the class Silk, the default behavior applies (html namespace for new elements)"
+	aSilk namespace = self htmlNamespace ifTrue: [
+		^self newElement: aString].
+	"actually, the lines above are not needed if you want to use the namespaced method always"
+	^self newElement: aString xmlns: aSilk namespace
+tryMakeDnuElement: aMessage in: aSilk
+	"`DIV` creates a div element.
+	`DIV: anObject` creates a div element and puts contents in it.
+	When aSilk is an instance and not the class Silk, 
+	and the instance has an xml namespace other than the default #html,
+	Then that namespace is used for the new element.
+	You can do:
+		svg := Silk newElement: 'svg' xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'.
+		svg CIRCLE: {'cx' -> 60. 'cy' -> 25. 'r' -> 10}.
+	This creates a svg circle, not a html circle."
+	| selector newElement useArg |
+	selector := aMessage selector.
+	selector asUppercase = selector
+		ifFalse: [ ^ nil ].
+	selector last = ':'
+		ifTrue: [ useArg := true. selector := selector allButLast ]
+		ifFalse: [ useArg := false ].
+	(selector includes: ':')
+		ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+	newElement := self newElement: selector asLowercase in: aSilk.
+	useArg ifTrue: [ newElement << aMessage arguments first ].
+	^ newElement
+! !
+!Silk class methodsFor: 'message handling'!
+doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
+	"`Silk DIV` creates a div element.
+	`Silk DIV: anObject` creates a div element and puts contents in it"
+	^ (self tryMakeDnuElement: aMessage in: self)
+		ifNil: [ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]
+! !
+!Association methodsFor: '*Silk'!
+renderOnSilk: aSilk
+	key attrPut: value on: aSilk
+! !
+!BlockClosure methodsFor: '*Silk'!
+renderOnSilk: aSilk
+	self value: aSilk
+! !
+!JSObjectProxy methodsFor: '*Silk'!
+	^ Silk newStream << self; yourself
+renderOnSilk: aSilk
+	^ nil
+! !
+!Object methodsFor: '*Silk'!
+	^ Silk newStream << self; yourself
+renderOnSilk: aSilk
+	^ nil
+! !
+!String methodsFor: '*Silk'!
+	^ Silk at: self asString
+attrPut: anObject on: aSilk
+	aSilk attrAt: self put: anObject
+! !