Smalltalk createPackage: 'Silk'! Domite subclass: #Silk instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Silk'! !Silk commentStamp! I am adding convenience APIs to my subclass, `Domite`. ##Rendering - `aSilk << anObject` uses double-dispatch via `renderOnSilk:`. This allows creating widgets (no formal superclass, anything with `renderOnSilk:` is a widget), as well as incorporating magic on other objects: - blocks: `aSilk << aBlock` runs the block, passing aSilk as a parameter. - associations: `aSilk << (key -> value)` set attribute key to value. It is good to note that rendering collection has magic of its own built-in in general: if you `stream << aCollection`, its items are `<<`'d in sequence. So, de facto, array are deeply flattened when putting on a stream via `<<`. ##Convenience - `aCssSelectorString asSilk` returns Silk wrapping an element at a selector. - `anObject inSilk` returns anObject rendered in a document fragment. ##Element creation These messages use DNU to dynamically create elements with any (letters-and-numbers) tag name, Next samples show this on an example of `
`. - `Silk DIV` is shortcut for `Silk newElement: 'div'`. - `aSilk DIV` is shortcut for `[ |tmp| tmp := Silk DIV. aSilk << tmp. tmp] value`. IOW, it not just creates the element and returns it, but also puts in on aSilk. - `aSilk DIV: anObject` is shortcut for `aSilk DIV << anObject; yourself`. IOW, it not just creates and insert the element, but puts a content into it. ##Conclusions Taken all this together, one can do pretty neat constructs: ``` aSilk P: { 'id'->'mission'. 'We are the champions.' } ``` adds `

We are the champions.

` into `aSilk`.! !Silk methodsFor: 'writing'! doesNotUnderstand: aMessage "`aSilk DIV` creates a div element and inserts it. `aSilk DIV: anObject` creates a div element, inserts it and puts contents in it" | selector newElement useArg | selector := aMessage selector. selector asUppercase = selector ifFalse: [ ^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]. selector last = ':' ifTrue: [ useArg := true. selector := selector allButLast ] ifFalse: [ useArg := false ]. (selector includes: ':') ifTrue: [ ^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]. newElement := self class newElement: selector asLowercase. self << newElement. useArg ifTrue: [ newElement << aMessage arguments first ]. ^ newElement ! nextPut: anObject "Double-dispatches anObject via renderOnSilk: message. If a message returns nil, this fallbacks to superclass. Otherwise, it is assumed renderOnSilk: did its job." (anObject renderOnSilk: self) ifNil: [ super nextPut: anObject ] ! ! !Silk class methodsFor: 'message handling'! doesNotUnderstand: aMessage "`Silk DIV` creates a div element" | selector | selector := aMessage selector. selector asUppercase = selector ifFalse: [ ^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]. (selector includes: ':') ifTrue: [ ^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage ]. ^ self newElement: selector asLowercase ! ! !Association methodsFor: '*Silk'! renderOnSilk: aSilk aSilk attrAt: key put: value ! ! !BlockClosure methodsFor: '*Silk'! renderOnSilk: aSilk self value: aSilk ! ! !CharacterArray methodsFor: '*Silk'! asSilk ^ Silk at: self asString ! ! !JSObjectProxy methodsFor: '*Silk'! inSilk ^ Silk newStream << self; yourself ! ! !Object methodsFor: '*Silk'! inSilk ^ Silk newStream << self; yourself ! renderOnSilk: aSilk ^ nil ! !