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Merge pull request #447 from jeromebaum/issue-417

Add --fallback-page switch (fixes #417)
Manfred Kröhnert 12 years ago
2 changed files with 343 additions and 280 deletions
  1. 82 70
  2. 261 210

+ 82 - 70

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+Smalltalk current createPackage: 'FileServer'!
 Object subclass: #FileServer
-	instanceVariableNames: 'path http fs url port basePath util username password'
+	instanceVariableNames: 'path http fs url port basePath util username password fallbackPage'
 	package: 'FileServer'!
 !FileServer methodsFor: 'accessing'!
@@ -12,6 +13,18 @@ basePath: aString
 	basePath := aString
+	^fallbackPage
+fallbackPage: aString
+	fallbackPage := aString
+password: aPassword
+	password := aPassword.
@@ -24,10 +37,6 @@ username: aUsername
 	username := aUsername.
-password: aPassword
-	password := aPassword.
 username: aUsername password: aPassword
 	username := aUsername.
 	password := aPassword.
@@ -35,6 +44,15 @@ username: aUsername password: aPassword
 !FileServer methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+	(fs existsSync: self basePath, 'index.html') ifFalse: [
+		console warn: 'Warning: project directory does not contain index.html'].
+	(fs existsSync: self basePath, 'st') ifFalse: [
+		console warn: 'Warning: project directory is missing an "st" directory'].
+	(fs existsSync: self basePath, 'js') ifFalse: [
+		console warn: 'Warning: project directory is missing a "js" directory'].
 	super initialize.
 	path := self require: 'path'.
@@ -45,28 +63,11 @@ initialize
 	port := self class defaultPort.
 	username := nil.
 	password := nil.
-	(fs existsSync: self basePath, 'index.html') ifFalse: [
-		console warn: 'Warning: project directory does not contain index.html'].
-	(fs existsSync: self basePath, 'st') ifFalse: [
-		console warn: 'Warning: project directory is missing an "st" directory'].
-	(fs existsSync: self basePath, 'js') ifFalse: [
-		console warn: 'Warning: project directory is missing a "js" directory'].
+	fallbackPage := nil.
 ! !
 !FileServer methodsFor: 'private'!
-require: aModuleString
-	"call to the require function"
-	^require value: aModuleString
-writeData: data toFileNamed: aFilename
-	console log: aFilename
 base64Decode: aString
 	<return (new Buffer(aString, 'base64').toString())>
@@ -94,19 +95,19 @@ isAuthenticated: aRequest
 			ifTrue: [^true]
 			ifFalse: [^false]
+require: aModuleString
+	"call to the require function"
+	^require value: aModuleString
+writeData: data toFileNamed: aFilename
+	console log: aFilename
 ! !
 !FileServer methodsFor: 'request handling'!
-handleRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
-	aRequest method = 'PUT'
-		ifTrue: [self handlePUTRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse].
-	aRequest method = 'GET'
-		ifTrue:[self handleGETRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse].
-	aRequest method = 'OPTIONS'
-		ifTrue:[self handleOPTIONSRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse]
 handleGETRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
 	| uri filename |
 	uri := (url parse: aRequest url) pathname.
@@ -117,6 +118,15 @@ handleGETRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
 			ifTrue: [self respondFileNamed: filename to: aResponse]]
+handleOPTIONSRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
+	aResponse writeHead: 200 options: #{'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -> '*'.
+					'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -> 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'.
+					'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -> 'Content-Type, Accept'.
+					'Content-Length' -> 0.
+					'Access-Control-Max-Age' -> 10}.
+	aResponse end
 handlePUTRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
 	| file stream |
 	(self isAuthenticated: aRequest)
@@ -142,13 +152,26 @@ handlePUTRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
 		stream writable ifTrue: [stream end]]
-handleOPTIONSRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
-	aResponse writeHead: 200 options: #{'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -> '*'.
-					'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -> 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'.
-					'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -> 'Content-Type, Accept'.
-					'Content-Length' -> 0.
-					'Access-Control-Max-Age' -> 10}.
-	aResponse end
+handleRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse
+	aRequest method = 'PUT'
+		ifTrue: [self handlePUTRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse].
+	aRequest method = 'GET'
+		ifTrue:[self handleGETRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse].
+	aRequest method = 'OPTIONS'
+		ifTrue:[self handleOPTIONSRequest: aRequest respondTo: aResponse]
+respondAuthenticationRequiredTo: aResponse
+	aResponse
+		writeHead: 401 options: #{'WWW-Authenticate' -> 'Basic realm="Secured Developer Area"'};
+		write: '<html><body>Authentication needed</body></html>';
+		end.
+respondCreatedTo: aResponse
+	aResponse
+		writeHead: 201 options: #{'Content-Type' -> 'text/plain'. 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -> '*'};
+		end.
 respondFileNamed: aFilename to: aResponse
@@ -180,33 +203,21 @@ respondInternalErrorTo: aResponse
-respondAuthenticationRequiredTo: aResponse
+respondNotCreatedTo: aResponse
-		writeHead: 401 options: #{'WWW-Authenticate' -> 'Basic realm="Secured Developer Area"'};
-		write: '<html><body>Authentication needed</body></html>';
+		writeHead: 400 options: #{'Content-Type' -> 'text/plain'};
+		write: 'File could not be created. Did you forget to create the st/js directories on the server?';
 respondNotFoundTo: aResponse
+	self fallbackPage isNil ifFalse: [^self respondFileNamed: self fallbackPage to: aResponse].
 		writeHead: 404 options: #{'Content-Type' -> 'text/plain'};
 		write: '404 Not found';
-respondNotCreatedTo: aResponse
-	aResponse
-		writeHead: 400 options: #{'Content-Type' -> 'text/plain'};
-		write: 'File could not be created. Did you forget to create the st/js directories on the server?';
-		end.
-respondCreatedTo: aResponse
-	aResponse
-		writeHead: 201 options: #{'Content-Type' -> 'text/plain'. 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -> '*'};
-		end.
 respondOKTo: aResponse
 		writeHead: 200 options: #{'Content-Type' -> 'text/plain'. 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -> '*'};
@@ -215,25 +226,30 @@ respondOKTo: aResponse
 !FileServer methodsFor: 'starting'!
-startOn: aPort
-	self port: aPort.
-	self start
 	(http createServer: [:request :response |
 	      self handleRequest: request respondTo: response])
 	      on: 'error' do: [:error | console log: 'Error starting server: ', error];
 	      on: 'listening' do: [console log: 'Starting file server on port ', self port asString];
 	      listen: self port.
+startOn: aPort
+	self port: aPort.
+	self start
 ! !
 FileServer class instanceVariableNames: 'mimeTypes'!
 !FileServer class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^4000
+	^#{
+		'-p' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer port: value].
+		'--username' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer username: value].
+		'--password' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer password: value].
+		'--fallback-page' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer fallbackPage: value]
+	}
@@ -650,20 +666,16 @@ defaultMimeTypes
-	^mimeTypes ifNil: [mimeTypes := self defaultMimeTypes]
+	^4000
 mimeTypeFor: aString
 	^self mimeTypes at: (aString replace: '.*[\.]' with: '') ifAbsent: ['text/plain']
-	^#{
-		'-p' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer port: value].
-		'--username' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer username: value].
-		'--password' -> [:fileServer :value | fileServer password: value]
-	}
+	^mimeTypes ifNil: [mimeTypes := self defaultMimeTypes]
 ! !
 !FileServer class methodsFor: 'initialization'!

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 261 - 210

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff