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bin: remove old amberc (bash script)

Manfred Kroehnert 12 år sedan
2 ändrade filer med 0 tillägg och 386 borttagningar
  1. 0 353
  2. 0 33

+ 0 - 353

@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-# This is a "compiler" for Amber code. Run without arguments for help.
-# Get Amber root directory from the location of this script so that
-# we can find the st and js directories etc.
-# Earlier we used this but it does not work on Mac
-# Amber=$(readlink -f `dirname ${0}`/..)
-TARGET=`dirname ${0}`/..
-pushd . >/dev/null
-AMBER="`\pwd -P`"
-popd >/dev/null
-function usage {
-Usage: $0 [-l lib1,lib2...] [-i file] [-m class] [-M file]
-          [-o] [-O|-A] [-d] [-s suffix] [-S suffix] [file1 [file2 ...]] [Program]
-   Will compile Amber files - either separately or into a runnable complete
-   program. If no .st files are listed only a linking stage is performed.
-   Files listed will be handled using these rules:
-   *.js
-     Files are linked (concatenated) in listed order.
-     If not found we look in $AMBER/js
-   *.st
-     Files are compiled into .js files before concatenated.
-     If not found we look in $AMBER/st.
-     NOTE: Each file is currently considered to be a fileout of a single class
-     category of the same name as the file!
-   If no Program is specified each given .st file will be compiled into
-   a .js file. Otherwise a <Program>.js file is linked together based on
-   the options:
-  -l library1,library2
-     Additionally add listed libraries (no spaces or .js) in listed order.
-  -i file
-     Add library initializer <file> instead of default $AMBER/js/init.js 
-  -m class
-     Add at end a call to #main in class <class>. 
-  -M file
-     Add at end javascript file <file> acting as main.
-  -o
-     Optimize each js file using the Google closure compiler.
-     Using Closure compiler found at ~/compiler.jar    
-  -O
-     Optimize final <Program>.js using the Google closure compiler.
-     Using Closure compiler found at ~/compiler.jar
-  -A Same as -O but use --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
-  -d
-     Additionally export code for deploy - stripped from source etc.
-     Uses suffix ".deploy.js" in addition to any explicit given suffic using -s.
-  -s suffix
-     Add <suffix> to compiled js files so that File.st is compiled into
-     File.<suffix>.js.
-  -S suffix
-     Use <suffix> for all libraries accessed using -L or -l. This makes it possible
-     to have multiple flavors of Amber and libraries in the same place.
-     Example invocations:
-     Just compile Kernel-Objects.st to Kernel-Objects.js:
-        amberc Kernel-Objects.st
-     Compile Hello.st to Hello.js and create complete program called
-     Program.js and adding a call to class method #main in class Hello:
-        amberc -m Hello Hello.st Program
-     Compile two .st files into corresponding .js files,
-     and link with specific myboot.js, myKernel.js, myinit.js
-     and main.js and create complete program called Program.js:
-        amberc -M main.js myinit.js myboot.js myKernel.js Cat1.st Cat2.st Program
-	exit 1;
-# Check we at least got one argument
-if [ -z $1 ] ; then
-   usage
-# Define our predefined library combinations
-KERNEL="boot Kernel-Objects Kernel-Classes Kernel-Methods Kernel-Collections Kernel-Exceptions Kernel-Transcript Kernel-Announcements"
-COMPILER="$KERNEL parser Compiler Compiler-Exceptions"
-# Predefined initializer
-# Default values
-# Ok, bad coding practice but hey, who would use such a suffix?
-# Read options and shift them away
-while getopts "l:i:m:M:oOAds:S:h?" o; do
-case "$o" in
-   l) LOAD=$OPTARG;;
-   i) INIT=$OPTARG;;
-   m) MAIN=$OPTARG;;
-   o) CLOSURE=true
-      CLOSUREPARTS=true;;
-   O) CLOSURE=true
-      CLOSUREFULL=true;;
-   A) CLOSURE=true
-      CLOSUREFULL=true;;
-   d) DEPLOY=true;;
-   h) usage;;
-   [?])  usage;;
-   esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-# Check for Closure compiler and Java
-if [ ! -z $CLOSURE ]; then
-  java > /dev/null
-  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
-    if [ ! -f ~/compiler.jar ]; then
-      echo "Can not find Closure compiler at ~/compiler.jar"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  else
-   echo "java is not installed and is needed for -O, -A or -o (Closure compiler)."
-   exit 1
-  fi
-# Function for looking up listed js files
-function resolvejs {
-  if [ -f $FNAME ]; then
-  else
-    if [ -f $AMBER/js/$FNAME ]; then
-    else
-      echo "Javascript file not found: $FNAME"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-# Resolve listed libraries in $BASE deparated by spaces
-for FILE in $BASE
-   resolvejs $FILE
-# Resolve listed libraries in $LOAD separated by ,
-LOAD=${LOAD//,/\ }
-for FILE in $LOAD
-   resolvejs $FILE
-# Resolve COMPILER
-   resolvejs $FILE
-# Add supplied libraries we have not already loaded (they are already resolved)
-#for FILE in $EXTRA
-#   resolvejs $FILE
-# Resolve init and nodecompile
-   resolvejs $FILE
-# Add supplied libraries
-# Get a unique tempdir and make it get auto removed on exit
-TMPDIR=`mktemp -d amberc.XXXXXX 2>>/dev/null` ||\
-    TMPDIR=/tmp/amberc.$$.`date +%s` && mkdir -p $TMPDIR
-trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR" EXIT
-# --------------------------------------------------
-# Collect libraries and Smalltalk files looking
-# both locally and in $AMBER/js and $AMBER/st 
-# --------------------------------------------------
-until [ "$*" = "" ]
-  case $1 in
-     *.st)
-        CATEGORY=`basename $1 .st`
-        if [ -f "$1" ]; then
-        else
-           if [ -f $AMBER/st/$1 ]; then
-             COMPILE="$COMPILE $AMBER/st/$1 $CATEGORY"
-           else
-             echo "Amber file not found: $1"
-             exit 1
-           fi
-        fi
-        ;;
-     *.js)
-        resolvejs $1
-        ;;
-      *)
-        # Will end up being the last non js/st argument
-        PROGRAM=$1
-        ;;
-  esac
-  shift
-# --------------------------------------------------
-# Actual compilation phase of collected .st files
-# --------------------------------------------------
-# Create compiler dynamically
-cat $TOCOMPILER > $TMPDIR/compiler.js
-# Compile all collected .st files to .js
-echo "Loading libraries$TOCOMPILER and compiling ..."
-node $TMPDIR/compiler.js $DEPLOY $SUFFIX $COMPILE
-# Verify all .js files corresponding to .st files were created, otherwise exit
-IFS=" "
-  if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
-    echo "Failed compilation of $FILE, exiting."
-    exit 1
-  fi 
-if [ ! -z $CLOSUREPARTS ]; then
-  echo "Compiling all js files using Google closure compiler."
-  do
-    mv $FILE $FILE.original
-    java -jar ~/compiler.jar $CLOSUREOPTS --js $FILE.original --js_output_file $FILE
-    rm $FILE.original
-  done
-if [ -z $PROGRAM ]; then
-  echo "Done."
-  exit 0
-# --------------------------------------------------
-# Now we start composing resulting javascript file.
-# --------------------------------------------------
-# Add collected libraries to libs.js file.
-if [ ! -z "$LIBS" ]; then
-  echo "Adding libraries $LIBS ..."
-  cat $LIBS > $TMPDIR/libs.js
-  LIBS=$TMPDIR/libs.js
-echo "Adding Amber code$COMPILED ..."
-# Check for init file
-if [ ! -z "$INIT" ]; then
-   if [ -f "$INIT" ]; then
-      echo "Adding initializer $INIT ..."
-   else
-      echo "Can not find init file $INIT, exiting."
-      exit 1
-   fi 
-# Check for adding main
-if [ ! -z "$MAIN" ]; then
-  echo "Adding call to $MAIN class >> main ..."
-  echo "smalltalk.$MAIN._main()" > $TMPDIR/main.js
-  MAIN=$TMPDIR/main.js
-# Check for adding main file
-if [ ! -z "$MAINFILE" ]; then
-   if [ -f "$MAINFILE" ]; then
-      echo "Adding main as $MAINFILE ..."
-   else
-      echo "Can not find main file $MAINFILE, exiting."
-      exit 1
-   fi 
-# And finally concatenate Program.js
-echo "Writing $PROGRAM.js ..."
-echo "Done."
-if [ ! -z $CLOSUREFULL ]; then
-  echo "Compiling $PROGRAM.js file using Google closure compiler."
-  mv $PROGRAM.js $PROGRAM.js.original
-  java -jar ~/compiler.jar $CLOSUREOPTS --js $PROGRAM.js.original --js_output_file $PROGRAM.js
-  rm $PROGRAM.js.original
-  echo "Done."

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// NOTE: This code is called using the amberc bash script - do not use directly.
-// The arguments variable is a series of .st filenames and category names.
-// If it is a .st file we import it, if it is a category name we export it
-// as aCategoryName.js.
-var util = require('util'), fs = require('fs');
-// Only care about our arguments, strip away node, all.js and debug flag.
-var arguments = process.argv.splice(4);
-// First argument is also produce deploy files: "true" or "false"
-var deploy = (process.argv[2] == "true");
-// Second argument is suffix: "no-silly-suffix" means none
-suffix = process.argv[3];
-if (suffix == "no-silly-suffix") {
-  suffix = "";
-// If it ends with .st, import it, otherwise export category as .js
-arguments.forEach(function(val, index, array) {
-  if (/\.st/.test(val)) {
-    util.puts("Reading file " + val);
-    code = fs.readFileSync(val, "utf8");
-    smalltalk.Importer._new()._import_(code._stream());
-  } else {
-    util.puts("Exporting " + (deploy ? "(debug + deploy)" : "(debug)") + " category "
-		+ val + " as " + val + suffix + ".js" + (deploy ? " and " + val + suffix + ".deploy.js" : ""));
-    fs.writeFileSync(val + suffix + ".js", smalltalk.Exporter._new()._exportPackage_(val));
-    if (deploy) {
-	fs.writeFileSync(val + suffix + ".deploy.js", smalltalk.StrippedExporter._new()._exportPackage_(val));
-    }
-  }