@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+ * This is a "compiler" for Amber code.
+ * Put the following code into compiler.js:
+ * var amberc = require('amberc');
+ * var compiler = new amberc.Compiler('path/to/amber', ['/optional/path/to/compiler.jar]);
+ * compiler.main();
+ *
+ * Execute 'node compiler.js' without arguments or with -h / --help for help.
+ */
+ * Map the async filter function onto array and evaluate callback, once all have finished.
+ * Taken from: http://howtonode.org/control-flow-part-iii
+ */
+function async_map(array, filter, callback) {
+ if (0 === array.length) {
+ callback(null, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ var counter = array.length;
+ var new_array = [];
+ array.forEach(function (item, index) {
+ filter(item, function (err, result) {
+ if (err) { callback(err); return; }
+ new_array[index] = result;
+ counter--;
+ if (counter === 0) {
+ callback(null, new_array);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ * Always evaluates the callback parameter.
+ * Used by Combo blocks to always call the next function,
+ * even if all of the other functions did not run.
+ */
+function always_resolve(callback) {
+ callback();
+ * Combine several async functions and evaluate callback once all of them have finished.
+ * Taken from: http://howtonode.org/control-flow
+ */
+function Combo(callback) {
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.items = 0;
+ this.results = [];
+Combo.prototype = {
+ add: function () {
+ var self = this,
+ id = this.items;
+ this.items++;
+ return function () {
+ self.check(id, arguments);
+ };
+ },
+ check: function (id, arguments) {
+ this.results[id] = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
+ this.items--;
+ if (this.items == 0) {
+ this.callback.apply(this, this.results);
+ }
+ }
+var path = require('path'),
+ util = require('util'),
+ fs = require('fs'),
+ exec = require('child_process').exec;
+ * AmberC constructor function.
+ * amber_dir: points to the location of an amber installation
+ * closure_jar: location of compiler.jar (can be left undefined)
+ */
+function AmberC(amber_dir, closure_jar) {
+ this.amber_dir = amber_dir;
+ this.closure_jar = closure_jar;
+ this.kernel_libraries = ['boot', 'Kernel-Objects', 'Kernel-Classes', 'Kernel-Methods',
+ 'Kernel-Collections', 'Kernel-Exceptions', 'Kernel-Transcript',
+ 'Kernel-Announcements'];
+ this.compiler_libraries = this.kernel_libraries.concat(['parser', 'Compiler', 'Compiler-Exceptions']);
+ //, 'Compiler-Core', 'Compiler-AST', 'Compiler-IR', 'Compiler-Inlining', 'Compiler-Semantic'];
+ * Default values.
+ */
+var createDefaults = function(amber_dir, finished_callback){
+ return {
+ 'smalltalk': {}, // the evaluated compiler will be stored in this variable (see create_compiler)
+ 'load': [],
+ 'init': path.join(amber_dir, 'js', 'init.js'),
+ 'main': undefined,
+ 'mainfile': undefined,
+ 'closure': false,
+ 'closure_parts': false,
+ 'closure_full': false,
+ 'closure_options': '',
+ 'suffix': '',
+ 'loadsuffix': '',
+ 'suffix_used': '',
+ 'deploy': false,
+ 'libraries': [],
+ 'compile': [],
+ 'compiled_categories': [],
+ 'compiled': [],
+ 'program': undefined,
+ 'finished_callback': finished_callback
+ };
+ * Main function for executing the compiler.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.main = function(parameters, finished_callback) {
+ console.time('Compile Time');
+ var options = parameters || process.argv.slice(2);
+ if (1 > options.length) {
+ this.usage();
+ } else {
+ this.defaults = createDefaults(this.amber_dir, finished_callback);
+ this.handle_options(options);
+ }
+ * Process given program options and update defaults values.
+ * Followed by check_for_closure_compiler() and then collect_files().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.handle_options = function(optionsArray) {
+ var stFiles = [];
+ var jsFiles = [];
+ var programName = [];
+ var currentItem = optionsArray.shift();
+ var defaults = this.defaults;
+ while(undefined !== currentItem) {
+ switch(currentItem) {
+ case '-l':
+ defaults.load.push.apply(defaults.load, optionsArray.shift().split(','));
+ break;
+ case '-i':
+ defaults.init = optionsArray.shift();
+ break;
+ case '-m':
+ defaults.main = optionsArray.shift();
+ break;
+ case '-M':
+ defaults.mainfile = optionsArray.shift();
+ break;
+ case '-o':
+ defaults.closure = true;
+ defaults.closure_parts = true;
+ break;
+ case '-O':
+ defaults.closure = true;
+ defaults.closure_full = true;
+ break;
+ case '-A':
+ defaults.closure = true;
+ defaults.closure_options = defaults.closure_options + ' --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS';
+ defaults.closure_full = true;
+ break;
+ case '-d':
+ defaults.deploy = true;
+ break;
+ case '-s':
+ defaults.suffix = optionsArray.shift();
+ defaults.suffix_used = defaults.suffix;
+ break;
+ case '-S':
+ defaults.loadsuffix = optionsArray.shift();
+ defaults.suffix_used = defaults.suffix;
+ break;
+ case '-h':
+ case '--help':
+ case '?':
+ this.usage();
+ break;
+ default:
+ var fileSuffix = path.extname(currentItem);
+ switch (fileSuffix) {
+ case '.st':
+ stFiles.push(currentItem);
+ break;
+ case '.js':
+ jsFiles.push(currentItem);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Will end up being the last non js/st argument
+ programName.push(currentItem);
+ break;
+ };
+ };
+ currentItem = optionsArray.shift();
+ }
+ if(1 < programName.length) {
+ throw new Error('More than one name for ProgramName given: ' + programName);
+ } else {
+ defaults.program = programName[0];
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ this.check_for_closure_compiler(function(){
+ self.collect_files(stFiles, jsFiles)
+ });
+ * Print usage options and exit.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.usage = function() {
+ console.log('Usage: amberc [-l lib1,lib2...] [-i init_file] [-m main_class] [-M main_file]');
+ console.log(' [-o] [-O|-A] [-d] [-s suffix] [-S suffix] [file1 [file2 ...]] [Program]');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' amberc compiles Amber files - either separately or into a complete runnable');
+ console.log(' program. If no .st files are listed only a linking stage is performed.');
+ console.log(' Files listed will be handled using the following rules:');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' *.js');
+ console.log(' Files are linked (concatenated) in listed order.');
+ console.log(' If not found we look in $AMBER/js/');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' *.st');
+ console.log(' Files are compiled into .js files before concatenation.');
+ console.log(' If not found we look in $AMBER/st/.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' NOTE: Each .st file is currently considered to be a fileout of a single class');
+ console.log(' category of the same name as the file!');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' If no <Program> is specified each given .st file will be compiled into');
+ console.log(' a matching .js file. Otherwise a <Program>.js file is linked together based on');
+ console.log(' the given options:');
+ console.log(' -l library1,library2');
+ console.log(' Add listed JavaScript libraries in listed order.');
+ console.log(' Libraries are not separated by spaces or end with .js.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -i init_file');
+ console.log(' Add library initializer <init_file> instead of default $AMBER/js/init.js ');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -m main_class');
+ console.log(' Add a call to the class method main_class>>main at the end of <Program>.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -M main_file');
+ console.log(' Add <main_file> at the end of <Program.js> acting as #main.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -o');
+ console.log(' Optimize each .js file using the Google closure compiler.');
+ console.log(' Using Closure compiler found at ~/compiler.jar');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -O');
+ console.log(' Optimize final <Program>.js using the Google closure compiler.');
+ console.log(' Using Closure compiler found at ~/compiler.jar');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -A Same as -O but use --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -d');
+ console.log(' Additionally export code for deploy - stripped from source etc.');
+ console.log(' Uses suffix ".deploy.js" in addition to any explicit suffic set by -s.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -s suffix');
+ console.log(' Add <suffix> to compiled .js files. File.st is then compiled into');
+ console.log(' File.<suffix>.js.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' -S suffix');
+ console.log(' Use <suffix> for all libraries accessed using -l. This makes it possible');
+ console.log(' to have multiple flavors of Amber and libraries in the same place.');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' Example invocations:');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' Just compile Kernel-Objects.st to Kernel-Objects.js:');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' amberc Kernel-Objects.st');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' Compile Hello.st to Hello.js and create complete program called Program.js.');
+ console.log(' Additionally add a call to the class method Hello>>main:');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' amberc -m Hello Hello.st Program');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' Compile Cat1.st and Cat2.st files into corresponding .js files.');
+ console.log(' Link them with myboot.js and myKernel.js and add myinit.js as custom');
+ console.log(' initializer file. Add main.js last which contains the startup code');
+ console.log(' and merge everything into a complete program named Program.js:');
+ console.log('');
+ console.log(' amberc -M main.js -i myinit.js myboot.js myKernel.js Cat1.st Cat2.st Program');
+ process.exit();
+ * Checks if the java executable exists and afterwards,
+ * if compiler.jar exists at the path stored in this.closure_jar.
+ * All closure related entries are set to false upon failure.
+ *
+ * callback gets called in any case.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.check_for_closure_compiler = function(callback) {
+ var defaults = this.defaults;
+ var self = this;
+ if (defaults.closure) {
+ exec('which java', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
+ // stdout contains path to java executable
+ if (null !== error) {
+ console.warn('java is not installed but is needed for -O, -A or -o (Closure compiler).');
+ defaults.closure = false;
+ defaults.closure_parts = false;
+ defaults.closure_full = false;
+ callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ path.exists(self.closure_jar, function(exists) {
+ if (!exists) {
+ console.warn('Can not find Closure compiler at: ' + self.closure_jar);
+ defaults.closure = false;
+ defaults.closure_parts = false;
+ defaults.closure_full = false;
+ callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ callback();
+ }
+ * Check if the file given as parameter exists in the local directory or in $AMBER/js/.
+ * '.js' is appended first.
+ *
+ * @param filename name of a file without '.js' prefix
+ * @param callback gets called on success with path to .js file as parameter
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.resolve_js = function(filename, callback) {
+ var baseName = path.basename(filename, '.js');
+ var jsFile = baseName + this.defaults.loadsuffix + '.js';
+ var amberJsFile = path.join(this.amber_dir, 'js', jsFile);
+ console.log('Resolving: ' + jsFile);
+ path.exists(jsFile, function(exists) {
+ if (exists) {
+ callback(jsFile);
+ } else {
+ path.exists(amberJsFile, function(exists) {
+ if (exists) {
+ callback(amberJsFile);
+ } else {
+ throw(new Error('JavaScript file not found: ' + jsFile));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ * Collect libraries and Smalltalk files looking
+ * both locally and in $AMBER/js and $AMBER/st.
+ * Followed by resolve_libraries().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.collect_files = function(stFiles, jsFiles) {
+ var self = this;
+ var collected_files = new Combo(function() {
+ self.resolve_libraries();
+ });
+ if (0 !== stFiles.length) {
+ self.collect_st_files(stFiles, collected_files.add());
+ }
+ if (0 !== jsFiles.length) {
+ self.collect_js_files(jsFiles, collected_files.add());
+ }
+ * Resolve st files given by stFiles and add them to defaults.compile.
+ * Respective categories get added to defaults.compile_categories.
+ * callback is evaluated afterwards.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.collect_st_files = function(stFiles, callback) {
+ var defaults = this.defaults;
+ var self = this;
+ var collected_st_files = new Combo(function() {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(data) {
+ var stFile = data[0];
+ var stCategory = data[1];
+ defaults.compile.push(stFile);
+ defaults.compiled_categories.push(stCategory);
+ defaults.compiled.push(stCategory + defaults.suffix_used + '.js');
+ });
+ callback();
+ });
+ stFiles.forEach(function(stFile) {
+ var _callback = collected_st_files.add();
+ console.log('Checking: ' + stFile);
+ var category = path.basename(stFile, '.st');
+ var amberStFile = path.join(self.amber_dir, 'st', stFile);
+ path.exists(stFile, function(exists) {
+ if (exists) {
+ _callback(stFile, category);
+ } else {
+ path.exists(amberStFile, function(exists) {
+ if (exists) {
+ _callback(amberStFile, category);
+ } else {
+ throw(new Error('Smalltalk file not found: ' + amberStFile));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ * Resolve js files given by jsFiles and add them to defaults.libraries.
+ * callback is evaluated afterwards.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.collect_js_files = function(jsFiles, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ var collected_js_files = new Combo(function() {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(file) {
+ self.defaults.libraries.push(file[0]);
+ });
+ callback();
+ });
+ jsFiles.forEach(function(jsFile) {
+ self.resolve_js(jsFile, collected_js_files.add());
+ });
+ * Resolve kernel and compiler files.
+ * Followed by resolve_init().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.resolve_libraries = function() {
+ // Resolve libraries listed in this.kernel_libraries
+ var self = this;
+ var all_resolved = new Combo(function(resolved_library_files, resolved_compiler_files) {
+ self.resolve_init(resolved_compiler_files[0]);
+ });
+ this.resolve_kernel(all_resolved.add());
+ this.resolve_compiler(all_resolved.add());
+ * Resolve .js files needed by kernel
+ * callback is evaluated afterwards.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.resolve_kernel = function(callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ var kernel_files = this.kernel_libraries.concat(this.defaults.load);
+ var kernel_resolved = new Combo(function() {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(file) {
+ if (undefined !== file[0]) {
+ self.defaults.libraries.push(file[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ callback(null);
+ });
+ kernel_files.forEach(function(file) {
+ self.resolve_js(file, kernel_resolved.add());
+ });
+ always_resolve(kernel_resolved.add());
+ * Resolve .js files needed by compiler.
+ * callback is evaluated afterwards with resolved files as argument.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.resolve_compiler = function(callback) {
+ // Resolve compiler libraries
+ var compiler_files = this.compiler_libraries.concat(this.defaults.load);
+ var compiler_resolved = new Combo(function() {
+ var compilerFiles = [];
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(file) {
+ if (undefined !== file[0]) {
+ compilerFiles.push(file[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ callback(compilerFiles);
+ });
+ var self = this
+ compiler_files.forEach(function(file) {
+ self.resolve_js(file, compiler_resolved.add());
+ });
+ always_resolve(compiler_resolved.add());
+ * Resolves default.init and adds it to compilerFiles.
+ * Followed by create_compiler().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.resolve_init = function(compilerFiles) {
+ // check and add init.js
+ var initFile = this.defaults.init;
+ if ('.js' !== path.extname(initFile)) {
+ initFile = this.resolve_js(initFile);
+ this.defaults.init = initFile;
+ }
+ compilerFiles.push(initFile);
+ this.create_compiler(compilerFiles);
+ * Read all .js files needed by compiler and eval() them.
+ * The finished Compiler gets stored in defaults.smalltalk.
+ * Followed by compile().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.create_compiler = function(compilerFilesArray) {
+ var self = this;
+ var compiler_files = new Combo(function() {
+ var content = '(function() {';
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(data) {
+ // data is an array where index 0 is the error code and index 1 contains the data
+ content += data[1];
+ });
+ content = content + 'return smalltalk;})();';
+ self.defaults.smalltalk = eval(content);
+ console.log('Compiler loaded');
+ self.compile();
+ });
+ compilerFilesArray.forEach(function(file) {
+ console.log('Loading file: ' + file);
+ fs.readFile(file, compiler_files.add());
+ });
+ * Compile all given .st files by importing them.
+ * Followed by category_export().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.compile = function() {
+ console.log('Compiling collected .st files')
+ // import .st files
+ var self = this;
+ var imports = new Combo(function() {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(code) {
+ if (undefined !== code[0]) {
+ // get element 0 of code since all return values are stored inside an array by Combo
+ self.defaults.smalltalk.Importer._new()._import_(code[0]._stream());
+ }
+ });
+ self.category_export();
+ });
+ this.defaults.compile.forEach(function(stFile) {
+ var callback = imports.add();
+ if (/\.st/.test(stFile)) {
+ console.log('Importing: ' + stFile);
+ fs.readFile(stFile, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (!err)
+ callback(data);
+ else
+ throw new Error('Could not import: ' + stFile);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ always_resolve(imports.add());
+ * Export compiled categories to JavaScript files.
+ * Followed by verify().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.category_export = function() {
+ var defaults = this.defaults;
+ var self = this;
+ // export categories as .js
+ async_map(defaults.compiled_categories, function(category, callback) {
+ var jsFile = category + defaults.suffix_used + '.js';
+ var jsFileDeploy = category + defaults.suffix_used + '.deploy.js';
+ console.log('Exporting ' + (defaults.deploy ? '(debug + deploy)' : '(debug)')
+ + ' category ' + category + ' as ' + jsFile
+ + (defaults.deploy ? ' and ' + jsFileDeploy : ''));
+ fs.writeFile(jsFile, defaults.smalltalk.Exporter._new()._exportPackage_(category), function(err) {
+ if (defaults.deploy) {
+ fs.writeFile(jsFileDeploy, defaults.smalltalk.StrippedExporter._new()._exportPackage_(category), callback);
+ } else {
+ callback(null, null);
+ }
+ });
+ }, function(err, result){
+ self.verify();
+ });
+ * Verify if all .st files have been compiled.
+ * Followed by compose_js_files() and optimize().
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.verify = function() {
+ console.log('Verifying if all .st files were compiled');
+ var self = this;
+ async_map(this.defaults.compiled, function(file, callback) {
+ path.exists(file, function(exists) {
+ if (exists)
+ callback(null, null);
+ else
+ throw(new Error('Compilation failed of: ' + file));
+ });
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ self.compose_js_files();
+ });
+ * Synchronous function.
+ * Concatenates compiled JavaScript files into one file in the correct order.
+ * The name of the produced file is given by defaults.program (set by the last commandline option).
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.compose_js_files = function() {
+ var defaults = this.defaults;
+ if (undefined === defaults.program) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var program_files = [];
+ if (0 !== defaults.libraries.length) {
+ console.log('Collecting libraries: ' + defaults.libraries);
+ program_files.push.apply(program_files, defaults.libraries);
+ }
+ if (0 !== defaults.compiled.length) {
+ console.log('Collecting compiled files: ' + defaults.compiled);
+ program_files.push.apply(program_files, defaults.compiled);
+ }
+ if (undefined !== defaults.init) {
+ console.log('Adding initializer ' + defaults.init);
+ program_files.push(defaults.init);
+ }
+ console.log('Writing program file: %s.js', defaults.program);
+ var fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(defaults.program + defaults.suffix_used + '.js');
+ fileStream.on('error', function(error) {
+ fileStream.end();
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ var self = this;
+ fileStream.on('close', function(){
+ self.optimize();
+ });
+ program_files.forEach(function(file) {
+ if(path.existsSync(file)) {
+ console.log('Adding : ' + file);
+ console.log(fileStream.write(fs.readFileSync(file)));
+ } else {
+ fileStream.end();
+ throw(new Error('Can not find file ' + file));
+ }
+ });
+ if (undefined !== defaults.main) {
+ console.log('Adding call to: %s>>main', defaults.main);
+ fileStream.write('smalltalk.' + defaults.main + '._main()');
+ }
+ if (undefined !== defaults.mainfile && path.existsSync(defaults.mainfile)) {
+ console.log('Adding main file: ' + defaults.mainfile);
+ fileStream.write(fs.readFileSync(defaults.mainfile));
+ }
+ console.log('Done.');
+ fileStream.end();
+ * Optimize created JavaScript files with Google Closure compiler depending
+ * on the flags: defaults.closure_parts, defaults.closure_full.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.optimize = function() {
+ var defaults = this.defaults;
+ var self = this;
+ var optimization_done = new Combo(function() {
+ console.timeEnd('Compile Time');
+ if (undefined !== defaults.finished_callback) {
+ defaults.finished_callback();
+ }
+ });
+ if (defaults.closure_parts) {
+ console.log('Compiling all js files using Google closure compiler.');
+ var allJsFiles = defaults.compiled.concat(defaults.libraries);
+ allJsFiles.forEach(function(file) {
+ var minifiedName = path.basename(file, '.js') + '.min.js';
+ self.closure_compile(file, minifiedName, optimization_done.add());
+ });
+ }
+ if (defaults.closure_full) {
+ console.log('Compiling ' + defaults.program + '.js file using Google closure compiler.');
+ self.closure_compile(defaults.program + '.js', defaults.program + '.min.js', optimization_done.add());
+ }
+ always_resolve(optimization_done.add());
+ * Compile sourceFile into minifiedFile with Google Closure compiler.
+ * callback gets executed once finished.
+ */
+AmberC.prototype.closure_compile = function(sourceFile, minifiedFile, callback) {
+ // exec is asynchronous
+ var self = this;
+ exec(
+ 'java -jar ' +
+ self.closure_jar + ' ' +
+ self.defaults.closure_options +
+ ' --js '+ sourceFile +
+ ' --js_output_file '+ minifiedFile,
+ function (error, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (error) {
+ console.log(stderr);
+ } else {
+ console.log(stdout);
+ console.log('Minified: '+ minifiedFile);
+ }
+ callback();
+ }
+ );
+module.exports.Compiler = AmberC;
+module.exports.Combo = Combo;
+module.exports.map = async_map;