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Add slide release 0.9.1 and link to documentation

Laurent Laffont 13 lat temu

+ 260 - 246

@@ -1,207 +1,83 @@
 smalltalk.addPackage('Presentation', {});
-smalltalk.addClass('Presentation', smalltalk.Widget, ['currentSlide', 'slides'], 'Presentation');
-selector: unescape('title'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_title", []);
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('author'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return "John Smith";
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('url'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return unescape("http%3A//");
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('description'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return "A presentation written in Jtalk";
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('email'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return unescape("");
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('slides'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-(($receiver = self['@slides']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? (function(){return smalltalk.send(self, "_initSlides", []);})() : $receiver;
-return self['@slides'];
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('slideClasses'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return smalltalk.send(self, "_subclassResponsibility", []);
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('currentSlide'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return self['@currentSlide'];
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('currentSlide%3A'),
-fn: function (aSlide){
-var self=this;
-return self;}
+smalltalk.addClass('Slide', smalltalk.Widget, ['presentation'], 'Presentation');
-selector: unescape('slideTransition'),
+selector: unescape('presentation'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return "fade";
+return self['@presentation'];
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('style'),
-fn: function (){
+selector: unescape('presentation%3A'),
+fn: function (aPresentation){
 var self=this;
-return "";
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('nextSlide'),
+selector: unescape('id'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-var next=nil;
-(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(next=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_at_ifAbsent_", [((($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlideIndex", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver +(1) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [(1)])), (function(){return nil;})]));return (($receiver = next) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(self['@currentSlide']=next);return smalltalk.send(next, "_show", []);})() : nil;})() : nil;
+return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_name", []);
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('showCurrentSlide'),
+selector: unescape('cssClass'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(".slide", "_asJQuery", []), "_hide", []);smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(unescape("%23"), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", []), "_id", [])]), "_asJQuery", []), "_show", []);return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send("title", "_asJQuery", []), "_text_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_title", []), "__comma", [unescape("%20-%20")]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", []), "_id", [])])]);})() : nil;
+return "slide";
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('previousSlide'),
+selector: unescape('backgroundColor'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-var next=nil;
-(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(next=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_at_ifAbsent_", [((($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlideIndex", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver -(1) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [(1)])), (function(){return nil;})]));return (($receiver = next) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(self['@currentSlide']=next);return smalltalk.send(next, "_show", []);})() : nil;})() : nil;
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('moveAt%3A'),
-fn: function (anInteger){
-var self=this;
-var next=nil;
-(next=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_at_ifAbsent_", [anInteger, (function(){return nil;})]));
-(($receiver = next) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(self['@currentSlide']=next);return smalltalk.send(next, "_show", []);})() : nil;
+return unescape("%23555");
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('currentSlideIndex'),
+selector: unescape('title'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_indexOf_ifAbsent_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", []), (function(){return (1);})]);
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('slidesDo%3A'),
-fn: function (aBlockWithArg){
-var self=this;
-smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_do_", [(function(aSlide){return smalltalk.send(aBlockWithArg, "_value_", [aSlide]);})]);
+return smalltalk.send(self, "_id", []);
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('initSlides'),
+selector: unescape('show'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-(self['@slides']=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slideClasses", []), "_collect_", [(function(each){return smalltalk.send(each, "_on_", [self]);})]));
+(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_backgroundColor", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send((typeof window == 'undefined' ? nil : window), "_jQuery_", [unescape("%23slides")]), "_css_color_", ["background", smalltalk.send(self, "_backgroundColor", [])]);})() : nil;
+smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send((typeof window == 'undefined' ? nil : window), "_jQuery_", [".slide"]), "_hide_options_duration_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_slideTransition", []), [], (300)]);
+smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send((typeof window == 'undefined' ? nil : window), "_jQuery_", [smalltalk.send(unescape("%23"), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(self, "_id", [])])]), "_show_options_duration_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_slideTransition", []), [], (300)]);
 return self;}
@@ -209,70 +85,44 @@ smalltalk.method({
 selector: unescape('renderOn%3A'),
 fn: function (html){
 var self=this;
-(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_type_", [unescape("text/css")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_style", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_style", []));
-(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_id_", ["slides"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){return smalltalk.send(self, "_renderSlidesOn_", [html]);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
+(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_cssClass", [])]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_id_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_id", [])]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){smalltalk.send(self, "_renderSlideOn_", [html]);return smalltalk.send(self, "_renderMetaOn_", [html]);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('renderSlidesOn%3A'),
+selector: unescape('renderSlideOn%3A'),
 fn: function (html){
 var self=this;
-smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_do_", [(function(each){return smalltalk.send(each, "_renderOn_", [html]);})]);
-(($receiver = self['@currentSlide']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? (function(){return (self['@currentSlide']=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_first", []));})() : $receiver;
-smalltalk.send(self, "_showCurrentSlide", []);
-return self;}
-smalltalk.Presentation.klass.iVarNames = ['current'];
-selector: unescape('concretePresentations'),
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_allSubclasses", []), "_select_", [(function(aPresentationClass){return smalltalk.send(aPresentationClass, "_isConcrete", []);})]);
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('title'),
-fn: function (){
+selector: unescape('renderMetaOn%3A'),
+fn: function (html){
 var self=this;
-return "Slides";
+(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_id_", ["meta"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["title"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_title", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []));(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["description"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_description", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []));(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["author"]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_author", [])]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [smalltalk.send("mailto:", "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_email", [])])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["url"]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_url", [])]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_url", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('concretePresentationsDo%3A'),
-fn: function (aBlockWithArg){
-var self=this;
-smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_concretePresentations", []), "_do_", [aBlockWithArg]);
-return self;}
-selector: unescape('isConcrete'),
-fn: function (){
+selector: unescape('on%3A'),
+fn: function (aPresentation){
 var self=this;
-return false;
+return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_presentation_", [aPresentation]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_yourself", []);})(smalltalk.send(self, "_new", []));
 return self;}
 smalltalk.addClass('PresentationNavigator', smalltalk.Widget, ['presentationBrush', 'currentPresentation', 'slideSelect'], 'Presentation');
@@ -549,85 +399,209 @@ return self;}
-smalltalk.addClass('Slide', smalltalk.Widget, ['presentation'], 'Presentation');
+smalltalk.addClass('Presentation', smalltalk.Widget, ['currentSlide', 'slides'], 'Presentation');
-selector: unescape('presentation'),
+selector: unescape('title'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return self['@presentation'];
+return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_title", []);
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('presentation%3A'),
-fn: function (aPresentation){
+selector: unescape('author'),
+fn: function (){
 var self=this;
+return "John Smith";
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('id'),
+selector: unescape('url'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_name", []);
+return unescape("http%3A//");
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('cssClass'),
+selector: unescape('description'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return "slide";
+return "A presentation written in Jtalk";
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('backgroundColor'),
+selector: unescape('email'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return unescape("%23555");
+return unescape("");
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('title'),
+selector: unescape('slides'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return smalltalk.send(self, "_id", []);
+(($receiver = self['@slides']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? (function(){return smalltalk.send(self, "_initSlides", []);})() : $receiver;
+return self['@slides'];
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('show'),
+selector: unescape('slideClasses'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_backgroundColor", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send((typeof window == 'undefined' ? nil : window), "_jQuery_", [unescape("%23slides")]), "_css_color_", ["background", smalltalk.send(self, "_backgroundColor", [])]);})() : nil;
-smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send((typeof window == 'undefined' ? nil : window), "_jQuery_", [".slide"]), "_hide_options_duration_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_slideTransition", []), [], (300)]);
-smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send((typeof window == 'undefined' ? nil : window), "_jQuery_", [smalltalk.send(unescape("%23"), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(self, "_id", [])])]), "_show_options_duration_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_slideTransition", []), [], (300)]);
+return smalltalk.send(self, "_subclassResponsibility", []);
 return self;}
+selector: unescape('currentSlide'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+return self['@currentSlide'];
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('currentSlide%3A'),
+fn: function (aSlide){
+var self=this;
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('slideTransition'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+return "fade";
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('style'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+return "";
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('nextSlide'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+var next=nil;
+(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(next=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_at_ifAbsent_", [((($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlideIndex", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver +(1) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [(1)])), (function(){return nil;})]));return (($receiver = next) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(self['@currentSlide']=next);return smalltalk.send(next, "_show", []);})() : nil;})() : nil;
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('showCurrentSlide'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(".slide", "_asJQuery", []), "_hide", []);smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(unescape("%23"), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", []), "_id", [])]), "_asJQuery", []), "_show", []);return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send("title", "_asJQuery", []), "_text_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_title", []), "__comma", [unescape("%20-%20")]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", []), "_id", [])])]);})() : nil;
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('previousSlide'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+var next=nil;
+(($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", [])) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(next=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_at_ifAbsent_", [((($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlideIndex", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver -(1) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [(1)])), (function(){return nil;})]));return (($receiver = next) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(self['@currentSlide']=next);return smalltalk.send(next, "_show", []);})() : nil;})() : nil;
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('moveAt%3A'),
+fn: function (anInteger){
+var self=this;
+var next=nil;
+(next=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_at_ifAbsent_", [anInteger, (function(){return nil;})]));
+(($receiver = next) != nil && $receiver != undefined) ? (function(){(self['@currentSlide']=next);return smalltalk.send(next, "_show", []);})() : nil;
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('currentSlideIndex'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_indexOf_ifAbsent_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_currentSlide", []), (function(){return (1);})]);
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('slidesDo%3A'),
+fn: function (aBlockWithArg){
+var self=this;
+smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_do_", [(function(aSlide){return smalltalk.send(aBlockWithArg, "_value_", [aSlide]);})]);
+return self;}
+selector: unescape('initSlides'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+(self['@slides']=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slideClasses", []), "_collect_", [(function(each){return smalltalk.send(each, "_on_", [self]);})]));
+return self;}
@@ -635,44 +609,70 @@ smalltalk.method({
 selector: unescape('renderOn%3A'),
 fn: function (html){
 var self=this;
-(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_cssClass", [])]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_id_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_id", [])]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){smalltalk.send(self, "_renderSlideOn_", [html]);return smalltalk.send(self, "_renderMetaOn_", [html]);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
+(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_type_", [unescape("text/css")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_style", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_style", []));
+(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_id_", ["slides"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){return smalltalk.send(self, "_renderSlidesOn_", [html]);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('renderSlideOn%3A'),
+selector: unescape('renderSlidesOn%3A'),
 fn: function (html){
 var self=this;
+smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_do_", [(function(each){return smalltalk.send(each, "_renderOn_", [html]);})]);
+(($receiver = self['@currentSlide']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? (function(){return (self['@currentSlide']=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_slides", []), "_first", []));})() : $receiver;
+smalltalk.send(self, "_showCurrentSlide", []);
+return self;}
+smalltalk.Presentation.klass.iVarNames = ['current'];
+selector: unescape('concretePresentations'),
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_allSubclasses", []), "_select_", [(function(aPresentationClass){return smalltalk.send(aPresentationClass, "_isConcrete", []);})]);
 return self;}
-selector: unescape('renderMetaOn%3A'),
-fn: function (html){
+selector: unescape('title'),
+fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_id_", ["meta"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["title"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_title", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []));(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["description"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_description", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []));(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["author"]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_author", [])]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [smalltalk.send("mailto:", "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_email", [])])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["url"]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_url", [])]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_presentation", []), "_url", [])]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
+return "Slides";
 return self;}
+selector: unescape('concretePresentationsDo%3A'),
+fn: function (aBlockWithArg){
+var self=this;
+smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_concretePresentations", []), "_do_", [aBlockWithArg]);
+return self;}
-selector: unescape('on%3A'),
-fn: function (aPresentation){
+selector: unescape('isConcrete'),
+fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_presentation_", [aPresentation]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_yourself", []);})(smalltalk.send(self, "_new", []));
+return false;
 return self;}
 smalltalk.addClass('FOSDEMSlide', smalltalk.Slide, [], 'Presentation');
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ smalltalk.method({
 selector: unescape('slideClasses'),
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
-return [(smalltalk.FOSDEMIntroSlide || FOSDEMIntroSlide),(smalltalk.CountersSlide || CountersSlide),(smalltalk.IDESlide || IDESlide),(smalltalk.JtalkAndJavascriptSlide || JtalkAndJavascriptSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMJSPlayGroundSlide || FOSDEMJSPlayGroundSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMJSToSmalltalk || FOSDEMJSToSmalltalk),(smalltalk.FOSDEMBookletSlide || FOSDEMBookletSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMTwitter || FOSDEMTwitter),(smalltalk.FOSDEMCanvasSlide || FOSDEMCanvasSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMAmberBackend || FOSDEMAmberBackend),(smalltalk.FOSDEMREPLSlide || FOSDEMREPLSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMCLISlide || FOSDEMCLISlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMContributionsSlide || FOSDEMContributionsSlide)];
+return [(smalltalk.FOSDEMIntroSlide || FOSDEMIntroSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMAmberZeroNine || FOSDEMAmberZeroNine),(smalltalk.CountersSlide || CountersSlide),(smalltalk.IDESlide || IDESlide),(smalltalk.JtalkAndJavascriptSlide || JtalkAndJavascriptSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMJSPlayGroundSlide || FOSDEMJSPlayGroundSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMJSToSmalltalk || FOSDEMJSToSmalltalk),(smalltalk.FOSDEMBookletSlide || FOSDEMBookletSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMTwitter || FOSDEMTwitter),(smalltalk.FOSDEMCanvasSlide || FOSDEMCanvasSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMAmberBackend || FOSDEMAmberBackend),(smalltalk.FOSDEMREPLSlide || FOSDEMREPLSlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMCLISlide || FOSDEMCLISlide),(smalltalk.FOSDEMContributionsSlide || FOSDEMContributionsSlide)];
 return self;}
@@ -1899,10 +1899,24 @@ smalltalk.method({
 selector: unescape('renderSlideOn%3A'),
 fn: function (html){
 var self=this;
-(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["section"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("http%3A//")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [unescape("")]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("https%3A//")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [unescape("")]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("http%3A//")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [unescape("")]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
+(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["section"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("/documentation.html")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", ["Documentation"]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("http%3A//")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [unescape("")]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("https%3A//")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [unescape("")]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_p", []), "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_href_", [unescape("http%3A//")]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [unescape("")]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_a", []));})]);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
 return self;}
+smalltalk.addClass('FOSDEMAmberZeroNine', smalltalk.FOSDEMSlide, [], 'Presentation');
+selector: unescape('renderSlideOn%3A'),
+fn: function (html){
+var self=this;
+(function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_class_", ["section center"]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_with_", [(function(){return (function($rec){smalltalk.send($rec, "_h1_", [unescape("Amber%200.9.1%20is%20out%20%21")]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_div_", [(function(){return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_cite", []), "_with_", [unescape("Now%20with%20over%2043%20forks%20on%20github%20and%20more%20than%20230%20followers%20the%20project%3A%20%20http%3A//")]);})]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_div_", [(function(){return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_cite", []), "_with_", [unescape("--%20Nicolas%20%26%20G%F6ran")]);})]);})(html);})]);})(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []));
+return self;}

Plik diff jest za duży
+ 397 - 397

+ 174 - 156

@@ -1,148 +1,70 @@
 Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Presentation' properties: #{}!
-Widget subclass: #Presentation
-	instanceVariableNames: 'currentSlide slides'
+Widget subclass: #Slide
+	instanceVariableNames: 'presentation'
 	category: 'Presentation'!
-!Presentation methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^ self class title.
-	^'John Smith'
-	^''
-	^'A presentation written in Jtalk'
-	^''
-	slides ifNil: [self initSlides].
-	^slides
-	^self subclassResponsibility
-	^currentSlide
-currentSlide: aSlide
-	currentSlide := aSlide
+!Slide methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^'fade'
+	^presentation
-	"Should return a CSS style"
-	^ ''
-! !
-!Presentation methodsFor: 'actions'!
-	| next |
-	self currentSlide ifNotNil: [
-		next := self slides 
-			at: (self currentSlideIndex) + 1
-			ifAbsent: [nil].
-		next ifNotNil: [currentSlide := next. next show]]
+presentation: aPresentation
+	presentation := aPresentation
-	self currentSlide ifNotNil: [
-		'.slide' asJQuery hide.
-		('#', self currentSlide id) asJQuery show.
-          	'title' asJQuery text: self title, ' - ', self currentSlide id.
-        ]
+	^ self class name
-	| next |
-	self currentSlide ifNotNil: [
-		next := self slides 
-			at: (self currentSlideIndex) - 1
-			ifAbsent: [nil].
-		next ifNotNil: [currentSlide := next. next show]]
+	^'slide'
-moveAt: anInteger
-	| next |
-	next := self slides 
-			at: anInteger
-			ifAbsent: [nil].
-	next ifNotNil: [currentSlide := next. next show]
+	^'#555'
-	^ self slides indexOf: self currentSlide ifAbsent: [1]
-! !
-!Presentation methodsFor: 'enumerating'!
-slidesDo: aBlockWithArg
-	self slides do: [:aSlide| aBlockWithArg value: aSlide].
+	^ self id
 ! !
-!Presentation methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+!Slide methodsFor: 'actions'!
-	slides := self slideClasses collect: [:each | each on: self]
+	self backgroundColor ifNotNil: [
+		(window jQuery: '#slides') css: 'background' color: self backgroundColor].
+	(window jQuery: '.slide') hide: self presentation slideTransition options: #() duration: 300.
+	(window jQuery: '#', self id) show: self presentation slideTransition options: #() duration: 300.
 ! !
-!Presentation methodsFor: 'rendering'!
+!Slide methodsFor: 'rendering'!
 renderOn: html
-	html style
-		type: 'text/css';
-		with: self style.
-	html div 
-		id: 'slides';
-		with: [self renderSlidesOn: html]
+	html div class: self cssClass; id: self id; with: [
+		self renderSlideOn: html.
+		self renderMetaOn: html]
-renderSlidesOn: html
-	self slides do: [:each | 
-		each renderOn: html].
-	currentSlide ifNil: [currentSlide := self slides first].
-	self showCurrentSlide
-! !
-Presentation class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
-!Presentation class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^ self allSubclasses select: [:aPresentationClass| aPresentationClass isConcrete]
+renderSlideOn: html
-	^ 'Slides'
-! !
-!Presentation class methodsFor: 'enumerating'!
-concretePresentationsDo: aBlockWithArg
-	self concretePresentations do: aBlockWithArg.
+renderMetaOn: html
+	html div 
+		id: 'meta';
+		with: [
+			html p class: 'title'; with: self presentation title.
+			html p class: 'description'; with: self presentation description.
+			html a class: 'author'; with: self presentation author; href: 'mailto:', self presentation email.
+			html a class: 'url'; with: self presentation url; href: self presentation url]
 ! !
-!Presentation class methodsFor: 'testing'!
+!Slide class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
-	^false
+on: aPresentation
+	^self new
+		presentation: aPresentation;
+		yourself
 ! !
 Widget subclass: #PresentationNavigator
@@ -348,72 +270,150 @@ open
 	^ self new open
 ! !
-Widget subclass: #Slide
-	instanceVariableNames: 'presentation'
+Widget subclass: #Presentation
+	instanceVariableNames: 'currentSlide slides'
 	category: 'Presentation'!
-!Slide methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!Presentation methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^presentation
+	^ self class title.
-presentation: aPresentation
-	presentation := aPresentation
+	^'John Smith'
-	^ self class name
+	^''
-	^'slide'
+	^'A presentation written in Jtalk'
-	^'#555'
+	^''
-	^ self id
+	slides ifNil: [self initSlides].
+	^slides
+	^self subclassResponsibility
+	^currentSlide
+currentSlide: aSlide
+	currentSlide := aSlide
+	^'fade'
+	"Should return a CSS style"
+	^ ''
 ! !
-!Slide methodsFor: 'actions'!
+!Presentation methodsFor: 'actions'!
-	self backgroundColor ifNotNil: [
-		(window jQuery: '#slides') css: 'background' color: self backgroundColor].
-	(window jQuery: '.slide') hide: self presentation slideTransition options: #() duration: 300.
-	(window jQuery: '#', self id) show: self presentation slideTransition options: #() duration: 300.
+	| next |
+	self currentSlide ifNotNil: [
+		next := self slides 
+			at: (self currentSlideIndex) + 1
+			ifAbsent: [nil].
+		next ifNotNil: [currentSlide := next. next show]]
+	self currentSlide ifNotNil: [
+		'.slide' asJQuery hide.
+		('#', self currentSlide id) asJQuery show.
+          	'title' asJQuery text: self title, ' - ', self currentSlide id.
+        ]
+	| next |
+	self currentSlide ifNotNil: [
+		next := self slides 
+			at: (self currentSlideIndex) - 1
+			ifAbsent: [nil].
+		next ifNotNil: [currentSlide := next. next show]]
+moveAt: anInteger
+	| next |
+	next := self slides 
+			at: anInteger
+			ifAbsent: [nil].
+	next ifNotNil: [currentSlide := next. next show]
+	^ self slides indexOf: self currentSlide ifAbsent: [1]
 ! !
-!Slide methodsFor: 'rendering'!
+!Presentation methodsFor: 'enumerating'!
+slidesDo: aBlockWithArg
+	self slides do: [:aSlide| aBlockWithArg value: aSlide].
+! !
+!Presentation methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+	slides := self slideClasses collect: [:each | each on: self]
+! !
+!Presentation methodsFor: 'rendering'!
 renderOn: html
-	html div class: self cssClass; id: self id; with: [
-		self renderSlideOn: html.
-		self renderMetaOn: html]
+	html style
+		type: 'text/css';
+		with: self style.
+	html div 
+		id: 'slides';
+		with: [self renderSlidesOn: html]
-renderSlideOn: html
+renderSlidesOn: html
+	self slides do: [:each | 
+		each renderOn: html].
+	currentSlide ifNil: [currentSlide := self slides first].
+	self showCurrentSlide
+! !
+Presentation class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
+!Presentation class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+	^ self allSubclasses select: [:aPresentationClass| aPresentationClass isConcrete]
-renderMetaOn: html
-	html div 
-		id: 'meta';
-		with: [
-			html p class: 'title'; with: self presentation title.
-			html p class: 'description'; with: self presentation description.
-			html a class: 'author'; with: self presentation author; href: 'mailto:', self presentation email.
-			html a class: 'url'; with: self presentation url; href: self presentation url]
+	^ 'Slides'
 ! !
-!Slide class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+!Presentation class methodsFor: 'enumerating'!
-on: aPresentation
-	^self new
-		presentation: aPresentation;
-		yourself
+concretePresentationsDo: aBlockWithArg
+	self concretePresentations do: aBlockWithArg.
+! !
+!Presentation class methodsFor: 'testing'!
+	^false
 ! !
 Slide subclass: #FOSDEMSlide
@@ -1865,6 +1865,7 @@ body {
 ^ {
+	FOSDEMAmberZeroNine.
@@ -1968,6 +1969,8 @@ FOSDEMSlide subclass: #FOSDEMContributionsSlide
 renderSlideOn: html
 	html div class: 'section'; with: [
+		html p with: [
+			html a href: '/documentation.html'; with: 'Documentation'].
 		html p with: [
 			html a href: ''; with: ''].
 		html p with: [
@@ -1976,3 +1979,18 @@ renderSlideOn: html
 			html a href: ''; with: '']]
 ! !
+FOSDEMSlide subclass: #FOSDEMAmberZeroNine
+	instanceVariableNames: ''
+	category: 'Presentation'!
+!FOSDEMAmberZeroNine methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
+renderSlideOn: html
+	html div 
+		class: 'section center';
+		with: [ 	html 
+					h1: 'Amber 0.9.1 is out !!';
+					div: [html cite with: 'Now with over 43 forks on github and more than 230 followers the project: live and kicking!!'];
+					div: [html cite with: '-- Nicolas & Göran'] ]
+! !

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