Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Helios-Core'! Object subclass: #HLModel instanceVariableNames: 'announcer environment' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLModel methodsFor: 'accessing'! announcer ^ announcer ifNil: [ announcer := Announcer new ] ! environment ^ environment ifNil: [ self manager environment ] ! environment: anEnvironment environment := anEnvironment ! manager ^ HLManager current ! systemAnnouncer ^ self environment systemAnnouncer ! ! !HLModel methodsFor: 'error handling'! withChangesDo: aBlock [ self announcer announce: (HLAboutToChange new actionBlock: aBlock). aBlock value. ] on: HLChangeForbidden do: [ :ex | ] ! ! !HLModel methodsFor: 'testing'! isBrowserModel ^ false ! isReferencesModel ^ false ! isToolModel ^ false ! ! HLModel subclass: #HLToolModel instanceVariableNames: 'selectedClass selectedPackage selectedProtocol selectedSelector' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'accessing'! allSelectors ^ self environment allSelectors ! availableClassNames ^ self environment availableClassNames ! availablePackageNames ^ self environment availablePackageNames ! availablePackages ^ self environment availablePackageNames ! availableProtocols ^ self environment availableProtocolsFor: self selectedClass ! packages ^ self environment packages ! selectedClass ^ selectedClass ! selectedClass: aClass (self selectedClass = aClass and: [ aClass isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self withChangesDo: [ selectedClass = aClass ifTrue: [ self selectedProtocol: nil ]. aClass ifNil: [ selectedClass := nil ] ifNotNil: [ self selectedPackage: aClass theNonMetaClass package. self showInstance ifTrue: [ selectedClass := aClass theNonMetaClass ] ifFalse: [ selectedClass := aClass theMetaClass ] ]. self selectedProtocol: nil. self announcer announce: (HLClassSelected on: self selectedClass) ] ! selectedMethod ^ self selectedClass ifNotNil: [ self selectedClass methodDictionary at: selectedSelector ifAbsent: [ nil ] ] ! selectedMethod: aCompiledMethod selectedSelector = aCompiledMethod ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self withChangesDo: [ aCompiledMethod ifNil: [ selectedSelector := nil ] ifNotNil: [ selectedClass := aCompiledMethod methodClass. selectedSelector := aCompiledMethod selector ]. self announcer announce: (HLMethodSelected on: aCompiledMethod) ] ! selectedPackage ^ selectedPackage ! selectedPackage: aPackage selectedPackage = aPackage ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self withChangesDo: [ selectedPackage := aPackage. self selectedClass: nil. self announcer announce: (HLPackageSelected on: aPackage) ] ! selectedProtocol ^ selectedProtocol ! selectedProtocol: aString selectedProtocol = aString ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self withChangesDo: [ selectedProtocol := aString. self selectedMethod: nil. self announcer announce: (HLProtocolSelected on: aString) ] ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'actions'! addInstVarNamed: aString self environment addInstVarNamed: aString to: self selectedClass. self announcer announce: (HLInstVarAdded new theClass: self selectedClass; variableName: aString; yourself) ! save: aString self announcer announce: HLSourceCodeSaved new. (self shouldCompileClassDefinition: aString) ifTrue: [ self compileClassDefinition: aString ] ifFalse: [ self compileMethod: aString ] ! saveSourceCode self announcer announce: HLSaveSourceCode new ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'commands actions'! commitPackage self withHelperLabelled: 'Committing package ', self selectedPackage name, '...' do: [ self environment commitPackage: self selectedPackage ] ! copyClassTo: aClassName self withChangesDo: [ self environment copyClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass to: aClassName ] ! moveClassToPackage: aPackageName self withChangesDo: [ self environment moveClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass toPackage: aPackageName ] ! moveMethodToClass: aClassName self withChangesDo: [ self environment moveMethod: self selectedMethod toClass: aClassName ] ! moveMethodToProtocol: aProtocol self withChangesDo: [ self environment moveMethod: self selectedMethod toProtocol: aProtocol ] ! openClassNamed: aString | class | self withChangesDo: [ class := self environment classNamed: aString. self selectedPackage: class package. self selectedClass: class ] ! removeClass self withChangesDo: [ self manager confirm: 'Do you REALLY want to remove class ', self selectedClass name ifTrue: [ self environment removeClass: self selectedClass ] ] ! removeMethod self withChangesDo: [ self manager confirm: 'Do you REALLY want to remove method ', self selectedMethod methodClass name,' >> #', self selectedMethod selector ifTrue: [ self environment removeMethod: self selectedMethod ] ] ! removeProtocol self withChangesDo: [ self manager confirm: 'Do you REALLY want to remove protocol ', self selectedProtocol ifTrue: [ self environment removeProtocol: self selectedProtocol from: self selectedClass ] ] ! renameClassTo: aClassName self withChangesDo: [ self environment renameClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass to: aClassName ] ! renameProtocolTo: aString self withChangesDo: [ self environment renameProtocol: self selectedProtocol to: aString in: self selectedClass ] ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'compiling'! compileClassComment: aString self environment compileClassComment: aString for: self selectedClass ! compileClassDefinition: aString self environment compileClassDefinition: aString ! compileMethod: aString | method | self withCompileErrorHandling: [ method := self environment compileMethod: aString for: self selectedClass protocol: self compilationProtocol. self selectedMethod: method ] ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'defaults'! allProtocol ^ '-- all --' ! unclassifiedProtocol ^ 'as yet unclassified' ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'error handling'! handleCompileError: anError self announcer announce: (HLCompileErrorRaised new error: anError; yourself) ! handleParseError: anError | split line column messageToInsert | split := anError messageText tokenize: ' : '. messageToInsert := split second. "21 = 'Parse error on line ' size + 1" split := split first copyFrom: 21 to: split first size. split := split tokenize: ' column '. line := split first. column := split second. self announcer announce: (HLParseErrorRaised new line: line asNumber; column: column asNumber; message: messageToInsert; error: anError; yourself) ! handleUnkownVariableError: anError self announcer announce: (HLUnknownVariableErrorRaised new error: anError; yourself) ! withCompileErrorHandling: aBlock [ [ aBlock on: ParseError do: [:ex | self handleParseError: ex ] ] on: UnknownVariableError do: [ :ex | self handleUnkownVariableError: ex ] ] on: CompilerError do: [ :ex | self handleCompileError: ex ] ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'private'! compilationProtocol | currentProtocol | currentProtocol := self selectedProtocol. currentProtocol ifNil: [ currentProtocol := self unclassifiedProtocol ]. self selectedMethod ifNotNil: [ currentProtocol := self selectedMethod protocol ]. ^ currentProtocol = self allProtocol ifTrue: [ self unclassifiedProtocol ] ifFalse: [ currentProtocol ] ! withHelperLabelled: aString do: aBlock "TODO: doesn't belong here" (window jQuery: '#helper') remove. [ :html | html div id: 'helper'; with: aString ] appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery. [ aBlock value. (window jQuery: '#helper') remove ] valueWithTimeout: 10 ! ! !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'testing'! isToolModel ^ true ! shouldCompileClassDefinition: aString ^ self selectedClass isNil or: [ aString first asUppercase = aString first ] ! ! !HLToolModel class methodsFor: 'actions'! on: anEnvironment ^ self new environment: anEnvironment; yourself ! ! Widget subclass: #HLTab instanceVariableNames: 'widget label root' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLTab methodsFor: 'accessing'! activate self manager activate: self ! add self manager addTab: self ! displayLabel ^ self label size > 20 ifTrue: [ (self label first: 20), '...' ] ifFalse: [ self label ] ! focus self widget canHaveFocus ifTrue: [ self widget focus ] ! label ^ label ifNil: [ '' ] ! label: aString label := aString ! manager ^ HLManager current ! widget ^ widget ! widget: aWidget widget := aWidget ! ! !HLTab methodsFor: 'actions'! hide root ifNotNil: [ root asJQuery css: 'visibility' put: 'hidden' ] ! registerBindings self widget registerBindings ! remove self widget unregister. root ifNotNil: [ root asJQuery remove ] ! show root ifNil: [ self appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ] ifNotNil: [ root asJQuery css: 'visibility' put: 'visible' ] ! ! !HLTab methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: html root := html div class: 'tab'; yourself. self renderTab ! renderTab root contents: [ :html | html div class: 'amber_box'; with: [ self widget renderOn: html ] ] ! ! !HLTab methodsFor: 'testing'! isActive ^ self manager activeTab = self ! ! !HLTab class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aWidget labelled: aString ^ self new widget: aWidget; label: aString; yourself ! ! Widget subclass: #HLWidget instanceVariableNames: 'wrapper' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! manager ^ HLManager current ! wrapper ^ wrapper ! ! !HLWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! alert: aString window alert: aString ! confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock self manager confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock ! execute: aCommand HLManager current keyBinder activate; applyBinding: aCommand asBinding ! unregister "This method is called whenever the receiver is closed (as a tab). Widgets subscribing to announcements should unregister there" ! ! !HLWidget methodsFor: 'keybindings'! registerBindings self registerBindingsOn: self manager keyBinder bindings ! registerBindingsOn: aBindingGroup ! ! !HLWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html ! renderOn: html wrapper := html div. [ :renderer | self renderContentOn: renderer ] appendToJQuery: wrapper asJQuery ! ! !HLWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! canHaveFocus ^ false ! ! !HLWidget methodsFor: 'updating'! refresh self wrapper ifNil: [ ^ self ]. self wrapper asJQuery empty. [ :html | self renderContentOn: html ] appendToJQuery: self wrapper asJQuery ! ! !HLWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing'! openAsTab self canBeOpenAsTab ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. HLManager current addTab: (HLTab on: self new labelled: self tabLabel) ! tabLabel ^ 'Tab' ! tabPriority ^ 500 ! ! !HLWidget class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ false ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLConfirmation instanceVariableNames: 'confirmationString actionBlock cancelBlock' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLConfirmation methodsFor: 'accessing'! actionBlock ^ actionBlock ifNil: [ [] ] ! actionBlock: aBlock actionBlock := aBlock ! cancelBlock ^ cancelBlock ifNil: [ [] ] ! cancelBlock: aBlock cancelBlock := aBlock ! confirmationString ^ confirmationString ifNil: [ 'Confirm' ] ! confirmationString: aString confirmationString := aString ! ! !HLConfirmation methodsFor: 'actions'! cancel self cancelBlock value. self remove ! confirm self actionBlock value. self remove ! remove (window jQuery: '.confirmation') removeClass: 'active'. [ (window jQuery: '#overlay') remove. (window jQuery: '.confirmation') remove ] valueWithTimeout: 300 ! ! !HLConfirmation methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html | confirmButton | html div id: 'overlay'. html div class: 'confirmation'; with: [ html span with: self confirmationString. html div class: 'buttons'; with: [ html button class: 'button'; with: 'Cancel'; onClick: [ self cancel ]. confirmButton := html button class: 'button default'; with: 'Confirm'; onClick: [ self confirm ] ] ]. confirmButton asJQuery focus. (window jQuery: '.confirmation') addClass: 'active'. self setupKeyBindings ! setupKeyBindings (window jQuery: '.confirmation') keyup: [ :e | e keyCode = 27 ifTrue: [ self cancel ] ] ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLDebugger instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Core'! HLWidget subclass: #HLFocusableWidget instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! focusClass ^ 'focused' ! ! !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'events'! blur self wrapper asJQuery blur ! focus self wrapper asJQuery focus ! hasFocus ^ self wrapper notNil and: [ self wrapper asJQuery is: ':focus' ] ! ! !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html ! renderOn: html self registerBindings. wrapper := html div class: 'hl_widget'; yourself. wrapper with: [ self renderContentOn: html ]. wrapper at: 'tabindex' put: '0'; onBlur: [ self wrapper asJQuery removeClass: self focusClass ]; onFocus: [ self wrapper asJQuery addClass: self focusClass ] ! ! !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! canHaveFocus ^ true ! ! HLFocusableWidget subclass: #HLListWidget instanceVariableNames: 'items selectedItem mapping' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! cssClassForItem: anObject ^ self selectedItem = anObject ifTrue: [ 'active' ] ifFalse: [ 'inactive' ] ! iconForItem: anObject ^ '' ! items ^ items ifNil: [ items := self defaultItems ] ! items: aCollection items := aCollection ! positionOf: aListItem < return aListItem.parent().children().get().indexOf(aListItem.get(0)) + 1 > ! selectedItem ^ selectedItem ! selectedItem: anObject selectedItem := anObject ! ! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! activateFirstListItem self activateListItem: (window jQuery: ((wrapper asJQuery find: 'li.inactive') get: 0)) ! activateItem: anObject self activateListItem: (mapping at: anObject ifAbsent: [ ^ self ]) asJQuery ! activateListItem: aListItem | item | (aListItem get: 0) ifNil: [ ^self ]. aListItem parent children removeClass: 'active'. aListItem addClass: 'active'. self ensureVisible: aListItem. "Activate the corresponding item" item := (self items at: (aListItem attr: 'list-data') asNumber). self selectedItem == item ifFalse: [ self selectItem: item ] ! activateNextListItem self activateListItem: (window jQuery: '.focused .nav-pills .active') next. "select the first item if none is selected" (window jQuery: '.focused .nav-pills .active') get ifEmpty: [ self activateFirstListItem ] ! activatePreviousListItem self activateListItem: (window jQuery: '.focused .nav-pills .active') prev ! ensureVisible: aListItem "Move the scrollbar to show the active element" | perent position | position := self positionOf: aListItem. parent := aListItem parent. aListItem position top < 0 ifTrue: [ (parent get: 0) scrollTop: ((parent get: 0) scrollTop + aListItem position top - 10) ]. aListItem position top + aListItem height > parent height ifTrue: [ (parent get: 0) scrollTop: ((parent get: 0) scrollTop + aListItem height - (parent height - aListItem position top)) +10 ] ! focus super focus. self items isEmpty ifFalse: [ self selectedItem ifNil: [ self activateFirstListItem ] ] ! refresh super refresh. self ensureVisible: (mapping at: self selectedItem ifAbsent: [ ^ self ]) asJQuery ! selectItem: anObject self selectedItem: anObject ! ! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultItems ^ #() ! ! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'events'! setupKeyBindings "TODO: refactor this!!" | active interval delay repeatInterval | active := false. repeatInterval := 70. self wrapper asJQuery unbind: 'keydown'. self wrapper asJQuery keydown: [ :e | (e which = 38 and: [ active = false ]) ifTrue: [ active := true. self activatePreviousListItem. delay := [ interval := [ (self wrapper asJQuery hasClass: self focusClass) ifTrue: [ self activatePreviousListItem ] ifFalse: [ active := false. interval ifNotNil: [ interval clearInterval ]. delay ifNotNil: [ delay clearTimeout] ] ] valueWithInterval: repeatInterval ] valueWithTimeout: 300 ]. (e which = 40 and: [ active = false ]) ifTrue: [ active := true. self activateNextListItem. delay := [ interval := [ (self wrapper asJQuery hasClass: self focusClass) ifTrue: [ self activateNextListItem ] ifFalse: [ active := false. interval ifNotNil: [ interval clearInterval ]. delay ifNotNil: [ delay clearTimeout] ] ] valueWithInterval: repeatInterval ] valueWithTimeout: 300 ] ]. self wrapper asJQuery keyup: [ :e | active ifTrue: [ active := false. interval ifNotNil: [ interval clearInterval ]. delay ifNotNil: [ delay clearTimeout] ] ] ! ! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. mapping := Dictionary new. ! ! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'private'! registerMappingFrom: anObject to: aTag mapping at: anObject put: aTag ! ! !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderButtonsOn: html ! renderContentOn: html html ul class: 'nav nav-pills nav-stacked'; with: [ self renderListOn: html ]. html div class: 'pane_actions form-actions'; with: [ self renderButtonsOn: html ]. self setupKeyBindings ! renderItem: anObject on: html | li | li := html li. self registerMappingFrom: anObject to: li. li class: (self cssClassForItem: anObject); at: 'list-data' put: (self items indexOf: anObject) asString; with: [ html a with: [ (html tag: 'i') class: (self iconForItem: anObject). self renderItemLabel: anObject on: html ]; onClick: [ self activateListItem: li asJQuery ] ] ! renderItemLabel: anObject on: html html with: anObject asString ! renderListOn: html mapping := Dictionary new. self items do: [ :each | self renderItem: each on: html ] ! ! HLListWidget subclass: #HLNavigationListWidget instanceVariableNames: 'previous next' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLNavigationListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! next ^ next ! next: aWidget next := aWidget. aWidget previous = self ifFalse: [ aWidget previous: self ] ! previous ^ previous ! previous: aWidget previous := aWidget. aWidget next = self ifFalse: [ aWidget next: self ] ! ! !HLNavigationListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! nextFocus self next ifNotNil: [ self next focus ] ! previousFocus self previous ifNotNil: [ self previous focus ] ! ! !HLNavigationListWidget methodsFor: 'events'! setupKeyBindings super setupKeyBindings. self wrapper asJQuery keydown: [ :e | e which = 39 ifTrue: [ self nextFocus ]. e which = 37 ifTrue: [ self previousFocus ] ] ! ! HLNavigationListWidget subclass: #HLToolListWidget instanceVariableNames: 'model' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! commandCategory ^ self label ! label ^ 'List' ! menuCommands "Answer a collection of commands to be put in the cog menu" ^ ((HLToolCommand concreteClasses select: [ :each | each isValidFor: self model ]) collect: [ :each | each for: self model ]) select: [ :each | each category = self commandCategory and: [ each isAction and: [ each isActive ] ] ] ! model ^ model ! model: aBrowserModel model := aBrowserModel. self observeSystem; observeModel ! selectedItem: anItem "Selection changed, update the cog menu" super selectedItem: anItem. self updateMenu ! ! !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! activateListItem: anItem self model withChangesDo: [ super activateListItem: anItem ] ! activateNextListItem self model withChangesDo: [ super activateNextListItem ] ! activatePreviousListItem self model withChangesDo: [ super activatePreviousListItem ] ! observeModel ! observeSystem ! unregister super unregister. self model announcer unsubscribe: self. self model systemAnnouncer unsubscribe: self ! ! !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html self renderHeadOn: html. super renderContentOn: html ! renderHeadOn: html html div class: 'list-label'; with: [ html with: self label. self renderMenuOn: html ] ! renderMenuOn: html | commands | commands := self menuCommands. commands isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. html div class: 'btn-group cog'; with: [ html a class: 'btn dropdown-toggle'; at: 'data-toggle' put: 'dropdown'; with: [ (html tag: 'i') class: 'icon-cog' ]. html ul class: 'dropdown-menu pull-right'; with: [ self menuCommands do: [ :each | html li with: [ html a with: each menuLabel; onClick: [ self execute: each ] ] ] ] ] ! ! !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'updating'! updateMenu (self wrapper asJQuery find: '.cog') remove. [ :html | self renderMenuOn: html ] appendToJQuery: (self wrapper asJQuery find: '.list-label') ! ! !HLToolListWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aModel ^ self new model: aModel; yourself ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLManager instanceVariableNames: 'tabs activeTab keyBinder environment history' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLManager methodsFor: 'accessing'! activeTab ^ activeTab ! environment "The default environment used by all Helios objects" ^ environment ifNil: [ environment := self defaultEnvironment ] ! environment: anEnvironment environment := anEnvironment ! history ^ history ifNil: [ history := OrderedCollection new ] ! history: aCollection history := aCollection ! keyBinder ^ keyBinder ifNil: [ keyBinder := HLKeyBinder new ] ! tabs ^ tabs ifNil: [ tabs := OrderedCollection new ] ! ! !HLManager methodsFor: 'actions'! activate: aTab self keyBinder flushBindings. aTab registerBindings. activeTab := aTab. self refresh; addToHistory: aTab; show: aTab ! addTab: aTab self tabs add: aTab. self activate: aTab ! addToHistory: aTab self removeFromHistory: aTab. self history add: aTab ! confirm: aString ifFalse: aBlock (HLConfirmation new confirmationString: aString; cancelBlock: aBlock; yourself) appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock (HLConfirmation new confirmationString: aString; actionBlock: aBlock; yourself) appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! removeActiveTab self removeTab: self activeTab ! removeFromHistory: aTab self history: (self history reject: [ :each | each == aTab ]) ! removeTab: aTab (self tabs includes: aTab) ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self removeFromHistory: aTab. self tabs remove: aTab. self keyBinder flushBindings. aTab remove. self refresh. self history ifNotEmpty: [ self history last activate ] ! ! !HLManager methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultEnvironment "If helios is loaded from within a frame, answer the parent window environment" window parent ifNil: [ ^ Environment new ]. ^ ((window parent at: 'smalltalk') at: 'Environment') new ! ! !HLManager methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. self keyBinder setupEvents ! ! !HLManager methodsFor: 'rendering'! refresh (window jQuery: '.navbar') remove. self appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! renderAddOn: html html li class: 'dropdown'; with: [ html a class: 'dropdown-toggle'; at: 'data-toggle' put: 'dropdown'; with: [ html with: 'Open...'. (html tag: 'b') class: 'caret' ]. html ul class: 'dropdown-menu'; with: [ ((HLWidget withAllSubclasses select: [ :each | each canBeOpenAsTab ]) sorted: [ :a :b | a tabPriority < b tabPriority ]) do: [ :each | html li with: [ html a with: each tabLabel; onClick: [ each openAsTab ] ] ] ] ] ! renderContentOn: html html div class: 'navbar navbar-fixed-top'; with: [ html div class: 'navbar-inner'; with: [ self renderTabsOn: html ] ] ! renderTabsOn: html html ul class: 'nav'; with: [ self tabs do: [ :each | html li class: (each isActive ifTrue: [ 'active' ] ifFalse: [ 'inactive' ]); with: [ html a with: [ ((html tag: 'i') class: 'icon-remove') onClick: [ self removeTab: each ]. html with: each displayLabel ]; onClick: [ each activate ] ] ]. self renderAddOn: html ] ! show: aTab self tabs do: [ :each | each hide ]. aTab show; focus ! ! HLManager class instanceVariableNames: 'current'! !HLManager class methodsFor: 'accessing'! current ^ current ifNil: [ current := self basicNew initialize ] ! ! !HLManager class methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize self current appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! ! !HLManager class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new "Use current instead" self shouldNotImplement ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLSUnit instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLSUnit class methodsFor: 'accessing'! tabLabel ^ 'SUnit' ! tabPriority ^ 1000 ! ! !HLSUnit class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ true ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLTranscript instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Core'! !HLTranscript class methodsFor: 'accessing'! tabLabel ^ 'Transcript' ! tabPriority ^ 600 ! ! !HLTranscript class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ true ! !