Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Spaces'! Object subclass: #ObjectSpace instanceVariableNames: 'frame' package: 'Spaces'! !ObjectSpace commentStamp! I am a connection to another Smalltalk environment. The implementation creates an iframe on the same location as the window, and connect to the Amber environment. ## Usage example: | space | space := ObjectSpace new. space do: [ smalltalk ] "Answers aSmalltalk" (space do: [ smalltalk ]) == smalltalk "Answers false" space release "Remove the object space environment"! !ObjectSpace methodsFor: 'accessing'! frame ^ frame ! ! !ObjectSpace methodsFor: 'evaluating'! do: aBlock self isConnected ifFalse: [ ^ ObjectSpaceConnectionError signal ]. ^ frame contentWindow eval: '(', aBlock compiledSource, ')()' ! ! !ObjectSpace methodsFor: 'events'! whenReadyDo: aBlock frame asJQuery bind: 'load' do: aBlock ! ! !ObjectSpace methodsFor: 'initialization'! connectTo: aFrame self release. frame := aFrame ! create 'body' asJQuery append: '<iframe style="display: none;"></iframe>'. frame := 'iframe' asJQuery get last. frame contentWindow location: window location ! initialize super initialize. self create ! isConnected ^ self frame notNil ! ! !ObjectSpace methodsFor: 'releasing'! destroy frame ifNil: [ ^ self ]. frame asJQuery remove. self release ! release frame := nil ! ! !ObjectSpace class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aFrame ^ self basicNew connectTo: aFrame; yourself ! ! Error subclass: #ObjectSpaceConnectionError instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Spaces'! !ObjectSpaceConnectionError methodsFor: 'accessing'! messageText ^ 'The ObjectSpace is not connected' ! ! TestCase subclass: #ObjectSpaceTest instanceVariableNames: 'space' package: 'Spaces'! !ObjectSpaceTest methodsFor: 'initialization'! setUp space := ObjectSpace new ! tearDown space destroy ! ! !ObjectSpaceTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testConnection space destroy. self deny: space isConnected. self should: [ space do: [] ] raise: ObjectSpaceConnectionError ! testCreate self assert: space frame notNil. self assert: space isConnected ! testEvaluation | result | space whenReadyDo: [ result := space do: [ smalltalk ]. self assert: result class name equals: 'Smalltalk'. self deny: result class = Smalltalk. self deny: result == smalltalk ] ! testRelease self deny: space frame isNil. space release. self assert: space frame isNil ! !