Smalltalk createPackage: 'Helios-Inspector'! HLNavigationListWidget subclass: #HLInspectorDisplayWidget instanceVariableNames: 'inspector' package: 'Helios-Inspector'! !HLInspectorDisplayWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! inspector ^ inspector ! inspector: anInspector inspector := anInspector ! model ^ self inspector model ! ! !HLInspectorDisplayWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html html div with: self selectionDisplayString ! selectionDisplayString |selection| selection := self model selection. ^ (self model variables includesKey: selection) ifTrue:[ (self model instVarObjectAt: selection) printString ] ifFalse:[ '' ] ! ! HLModel subclass: #HLInspectorModel instanceVariableNames: 'inspectee code variables label selection' package: 'Helios-Inspector'! !HLInspectorModel commentStamp! I am the model of the Helios inspector `HLInspectorWidget`. ## API Use the method `inspect:on:` to inspect an object on an inspector.! !HLInspectorModel methodsFor: 'accessing'! code "Answers the code model working for this workspace model" ^ code ifNil:[ code := HLCodeModel on: self environment ] ! inspectee ^ inspectee ! inspectee: anObject inspectee := anObject ! label ^ label ifNil: [ self inspectee printString ] ! label: aString label := aString ! selectedInstVarObject ^ self instVarObjectAt: self selection ! selection ^ selection ifNil:[ '' ] ! selection: anObject selection := anObject. self announcer announce: (HLInstanceVariableSelected on: selection) ! variables ^ variables ifNil: [ Dictionary new ] ! variables: aCollection variables := aCollection ! ! !HLInspectorModel methodsFor: 'actions'! inspect: anObject on: anInspector inspectee := anObject. variables := #(). inspectee inspectOn: anInspector ! instVarObjectAt: anInstVarName ^ self variables at: anInstVarName ! selectedInstVar: anInstVarName self selection: anInstVarName ! subscribe: aWidget aWidget subscribeTo: self announcer ! ! !HLInspectorModel class methodsFor: 'actions'! on: anEnvironment ^ self new environment: anEnvironment; yourself ! ! HLNavigationListWidget subclass: #HLInspectorVariablesWidget instanceVariableNames: 'announcer inspector list diveButton' package: 'Helios-Inspector'! !HLInspectorVariablesWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! announcer ^ announcer ifNil:[ announcer := Announcer new ] ! inspector ^ inspector ! inspector: anInspector inspector := anInspector ! label ^ self model label ! model ^ self inspector model ! selection ^ model selection ! variables ^ self model variables keys ! ! !HLInspectorVariablesWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! dive self announcer announce: HLDiveRequested new ! refresh self variables = self items ifFalse: [ self resetItems. super refresh ] ! resetItems items := nil ! ! !HLInspectorVariablesWidget methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultItems ^ self variables ! ! !HLInspectorVariablesWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! selectItem: anObject super selectItem: anObject. self model selectedInstVar: anObject ! ! !HLInspectorVariablesWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderButtonsOn: html diveButton := html button class: 'btn'; with: 'Dive'; onClick: [ self dive ] ! renderContentOn: html self renderHeadOn: html. super renderContentOn: html. self wrapper onDblClick: [ self dive ] ! renderHeadOn: html html div class: 'list-label'; with: self label ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLInspectorWidget instanceVariableNames: 'model variablesWidget displayWidget codeWidget' package: 'Helios-Inspector'! !HLInspectorWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeWidget ^ codeWidget ifNil: [ codeWidget := self defaultCodeWidget ] ! codeWidget: aWidget codeWidget := aWidget ! displayWidget ^ displayWidget ifNil: [ displayWidget := HLInspectorDisplayWidget new inspector: self; yourself ] ! initialize super initialize. self register ! inspectee ^ self model inspectee ! inspectee: anObject self model inspectee: anObject ! label ^ self model label ! model ^ model ifNil: [ self model: HLInspectorModel new. model ] ! model: aModel model := aModel. self codeWidget model: aModel code. self observeCodeWidget; observeVariablesWidget; observeModel ! tabLabel ^ 'Inspector' ! variablesWidget ^ variablesWidget ifNil: [ variablesWidget := HLInspectorVariablesWidget new inspector: self; yourself ] ! ! !HLInspectorWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! inspect: anObject self model inspect: anObject on: self. self codeWidget receiver: anObject. self refreshVariablesWidget; refreshDisplayWidget ! observeCodeWidget self codeWidget announcer on: HLDoItExecuted do: [ self onDoneIt ] ! observeModel self model announcer on: HLInstanceVariableSelected send: #onInstanceVariableSelected to: self ! observeVariablesWidget self variablesWidget announcer on: HLDiveRequested send: #onDive to: self ! refresh self inspect: self inspectee ! refreshDisplayWidget self displayWidget refresh ! refreshVariablesWidget self variablesWidget refresh ! setLabel: aString self model label: aString ! setVariables: aDictionary self model variables: aDictionary ! ! !HLInspectorWidget methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultCodeWidget ^ HLCodeWidget new model: self model code; receiver: self model inspectee; yourself ! ! !HLInspectorWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onDive HLInspector new inspect: self model selectedInstVarObject; openAsTab ! onDoneIt self refresh ! onInspectIt ! onInstanceVariableSelected self refreshDisplayWidget ! onPrintIt ! ! !HLInspectorWidget methodsFor: 'registration'! register HLInspector register: self ! unregister super unregister. HLInspector unregister: self ! ! !HLInspectorWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html html with: (HLHorizontalSplitter with: (HLVerticalSplitter with: self variablesWidget with: self displayWidget) with: self codeWidget) ! ! HLInspectorWidget subclass: #HLInspector instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Inspector'! !HLInspector methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html html with: (HLContainer with: (HLHorizontalSplitter with: (HLVerticalSplitter with: self variablesWidget with: self displayWidget) with: self codeWidget)). self variablesWidget focus ! ! HLInspector class instanceVariableNames: 'inspectors'! !HLInspector class methodsFor: 'accessing'! inspectors ^ inspectors ifNil: [ inspectors := OrderedCollection new ] ! tabClass ^ 'inspector' ! tabLabel ^ 'Inspector' ! tabPriority ^ 10 ! ! !HLInspector class methodsFor: 'actions'! inspect: anObject self new openAsTab; inspect: anObject ! ! !HLInspector class methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. self watchChanges ! watchChanges [ self inspectors do: [ :each | each refresh ] ] valueWithInterval: 500 ! ! !HLInspector class methodsFor: 'registration'! register: anInspector self inspectors add: anInspector ! unregister: anInspector self inspectors remove: anInspector ! ! !HLInspector class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ false ! !