0.12.2: + Announcer + >>on:doOnce: + String + >>uriEncoded + >>uriDecoded + >>uriComponentEncoded + >>uriComponentDecoded + Collection + >>removeAll 0.12.0: * SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fillBlock() takes a third 'index' parameter * Existing classes moved to new KernelInfrastructure package * ImporterExporter * are now StreamExporters * aware of AMD namespaces * support transport types and commit channels + Node + >>nextChild + >>method + >>postCopy + >>isCascadeNode + >>isLastChild + BlockNode + >>nextNode: + >>nextChild + SendNode + >>isCascadeSendNode + >>shouldBeAliased + CompiledMethod>>sendTo:arguments: + Array + >>addFirst: + >>removeLast + Number + >>ceiling + >>floor + >>asNumber + >>// + >>cos + >>sin + >>tan + >>arcCos + >>arcSin + >>arcTan + >>log + >>log: + >>raisedTo: + >>sign + >>** + >>ln + >>e + String + class>>esc + >>asMutator + >>capitalized + >>isCapitalized + JSProxy>>printString + Behavior + >>ownProtocols + >>ownMethods + JSStream>>nextPutSendIndexFor: + InterfacingObject class + Interpreter class + DocumentFragmentTag class + AbstractExporter class + PlatformInterface class - Node>>extent - JSStream>>nextPutStatement:with: - Smalltalk.installSuperclass() - ClassReferenceNode class (now handled via VariableNode) 0.11.0: * AnnouncementSubscription use #valuable: instead of #block: (deprecated) * AbstractCodeGenerator inherits from Object, not NodeVisitor * Object>>printString * replace >>printString with >>printOn: * replace >>storeString with >>printString * PackageLoader is now PackageHandler (>>commit: >>setupPackagenamed:prefix: >>ajaxPutAt:data: * Package>>fetch: is now Package>>load: * Package>>fetch:prefix: is now Package>>load:prefix: * Queue>>front replaced by Queue>>next * Queue>>frontIfAbsent: replaced by Queue>>nextIfAbsent: * Queue>>back: replaced by Queue>>nextPut: * smalltalk.addMethod() does not use explicit JS selector * JSObjectProxy>>canForwardMessage: replaced by use of JSObjectProxy>>lookupProperty: with asJavaScriptSelector * JSObjectProxy>>forwardMessage: replaced by explicit JSObjectProxy>>forwardMessage:withArguments: * String>>asJavaScriptSelector moved to Kernel-Objects package + Object>>asString + Object>>putOn: + String>>isVowel + Collection>>putOn: + CharacterArray>>putOn: + Stream>><< + Stream>>write + SequenceableCollection>>newStream + SequenceableCollection>>readStream + SequenceableCollection>>stream + SequenceableCollection>>streamClass + SequenceableCollection>>writeStream + Collection>>isImmutable + Stream>>nextPutString: + StringStream>>nextPutString: + JSStream>>nextPutClassRefFunction: + String>>crlfSanitized + inlined Block now also responds to >>value: + Parser: split literal into runtimeLiteral and parseTimeLiteral + Parser: write #(4 #(5 6 #()) 7) as #(4 (5 6 ()) 7) + Parser: write #(#on:do: #Object) as #(on:do: Object) + Parser: Symbols for binarie selectores + Package>>commit + AIContext>>initializeLocals + ASTInterpreter>>withBlockContext: + smalltalk.allSelectors() + Object>>isCompiledMethod + Object>>isPackage + Object>>isBehavior + ClassMoved Announcemen class + Behavior>>includesBehavior: + Environment>>classes + Environment>>allSelectors + Environment>>removeProtocol: + Environment>>renameProtocol:to:in: + CompiledMethod>>protocol: + Smalltalk>>globalJsVariables + Smalltalk>>addGlobalJsVariable: + Smalltalk>>deleteGlobalJsVariable: - Object>>storeOn: - Object>>log:block: - Object>>printNl - Compiler-IR.st >>javascriptSelector - Compiler-IR.st >>nextPutVar: - Kernel-Collections.st >>asSuperSelector - Collection>>readStream - Collection>>stream - Collection>>streamClass - Collection>>writeStream - Symbol class (replaced with String) - IRInlinedNonLocalReturn class - IRInlinedSend>>nonLocalReturnInliner - IRNonLocalReturnInliner class - Package>>dependencies - Package>>dependencies: - Package>>properties - Package>>jsProperties - Package>>jsProperties: - Package>>propertiesAsJSON - Package>>propertyAt: - Package>>propertyAt:ifAbsent: - Package>>propertyAt:put: - Browser>>ajaxPutAt:data: