Smalltalk createPackage: 'Helios-Browser'! HLWidget subclass: #HLBrowser instanceVariableNames: 'model packagesListWidget classesListWidget protocolsListWidget methodsListWidget sourceWidget bottomDiv' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLBrowser commentStamp! I render a system browser with 4 panes (Packages, Classes, Protocols, Methods) and a source area.! !HLBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing'! environment ^ self model environment ! model ^ model ifNil: [ model := HLBrowserModel new ] ! model: aModel model := aModel ! ! !HLBrowser methodsFor: 'actions'! focus ^ self packagesListWidget focus ! unregister super unregister. { self packagesListWidget. self classesListWidget. self protocolsListWidget. self methodsListWidget. self sourceWidget } do: [ :each | each unregister ] ! ! !HLBrowser methodsFor: 'keybindings'! registerBindingsOn: aBindingGroup HLToolCommand registerConcreteClassesOn: aBindingGroup for: self model ! ! !HLBrowser methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html html with: (HLContainer with: (HLHorizontalSplitter with: (HLVerticalSplitter with: (HLVerticalSplitter with: self packagesListWidget with: self classesListWidget) with: (HLVerticalSplitter with: self protocolsListWidget with: self methodsListWidget)) with: self sourceWidget)). self packagesListWidget focus ! ! !HLBrowser methodsFor: 'testing'! canHaveFocus ^ true ! ! !HLBrowser methodsFor: 'widgets'! classesListWidget ^ classesListWidget ifNil: [ classesListWidget := HLClassesListWidget on: self model. classesListWidget next: self protocolsListWidget ] ! methodsListWidget ^ methodsListWidget ifNil: [ methodsListWidget := HLMethodsListWidget on: self model. methodsListWidget next: self sourceWidget ] ! packagesListWidget ^ packagesListWidget ifNil: [ packagesListWidget := HLPackagesListWidget on: self model. packagesListWidget next: self classesListWidget ] ! protocolsListWidget ^ protocolsListWidget ifNil: [ protocolsListWidget := HLProtocolsListWidget on: self model. protocolsListWidget next: self methodsListWidget ] ! sourceWidget ^ sourceWidget ifNil: [ sourceWidget := HLBrowserBottomWidget new model: self model; yourself ] ! ! HLBrowser class instanceVariableNames: 'nextId'! !HLBrowser class methodsFor: 'accessing'! nextId nextId ifNil: [ nextId := 0 ]. ^ 'browser_', (nextId + 1) asString ! tabClass ^ 'browser' ! tabLabel ^ 'Browser' ! tabPriority ^ 0 ! ! !HLBrowser class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ true ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLBrowserBottomWidget instanceVariableNames: 'model codeWidget documentationWidget' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLBrowserBottomWidget commentStamp! I render the code area of a browser and optionally the documentation for the selected class.! !HLBrowserBottomWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeWidget ^ codeWidget ifNil: [ codeWidget := HLBrowserCodeWidget new browserModel: self model; yourself ] ! documentationWidget ^ documentationWidget ifNil: [ documentationWidget := HLDocumentationWidget new model: self model; yourself ] ! model ^ model ! model: aModel model := aModel. self observeModel ! previous "For navigation" ! previous: aWidget "For navigation" ! ! !HLBrowserBottomWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! focus self codeWidget focus ! observeModel self model announcer on: HLShowInstanceToggled send: #onShowInstanceToggled to: self; on: HLShowCommentToggled send: #onShowCommentToggled to: self ! ! !HLBrowserBottomWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onShowCommentToggled self refresh ! onShowInstanceToggled self refresh ! ! !HLBrowserBottomWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html self model showComment ifTrue: [ self renderPanesOn: html ] ifFalse: [ html with: self codeWidget ] ! renderPanesOn: html html with: (HLVerticalSplitter with: self codeWidget with: self documentationWidget) ! ! !HLBrowserBottomWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! canHaveFocus ^ true ! ! HLToolModel subclass: #HLBrowserModel instanceVariableNames: 'showInstance showComment' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLBrowserModel methodsFor: 'accessing'! showComment ^ showComment ifNil: [ false ] ! showComment: aBoolean self withChangesDo: [ showComment := aBoolean. self announcer announce: HLShowCommentToggled new ] ! showInstance ^ showInstance ifNil: [ true ] ! showInstance: aBoolean self withChangesDo: [ showInstance := aBoolean. self selectedClass ifNotNil: [ self selectedClass: (aBoolean ifTrue: [ self selectedClass theNonMetaClass ] ifFalse: [ self selectedClass theMetaClass ]) ]. self announcer announce: HLShowInstanceToggled new ] ! ! !HLBrowserModel methodsFor: 'actions'! focusOnClasses self announcer announce: HLClassesFocusRequested new ! focusOnMethods self announcer announce: HLMethodsFocusRequested new ! focusOnPackages self announcer announce: HLPackagesFocusRequested new ! focusOnProtocols self announcer announce: HLProtocolsFocusRequested new ! focusOnSourceCode self announcer announce: HLSourceCodeFocusRequested new ! setClassComment: aString self environment setClassCommentOf: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass to: aString ! ! !HLBrowserModel methodsFor: 'commands actions'! editComment self announcer announce: HLEditComment new ! ! !HLBrowserModel methodsFor: 'testing'! isBrowserModel ^ true ! ! !HLBrowserModel class methodsFor: 'actions'! on: anEnvironment ^ self new environment: anEnvironment; yourself ! ! Object subclass: #HLClassCache instanceVariableNames: 'class selectorsCache overrideCache overriddenCache' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLClassCache methodsFor: 'accessing'! overriddenCache ^ overriddenCache ifNil: [ overriddenCache := HashedCollection new ] ! overrideCache ^ overrideCache ifNil: [ overrideCache := HashedCollection new ] ! selectorsCache ^ selectorsCache ! selectorsCache: aCache selectorsCache := aCache ! theClass ^ class ! theClass: aClass class := aClass ! ! !HLClassCache methodsFor: 'actions'! invalidateChildrenSelector: aSelector self theClass subclasses do: [ :each | (self selectorsCache cacheFor: each) removeSelector: aSelector; invalidateChildrenSelector: aSelector ] ! invalidateParentSelector: aSelector self theClass superclass ifNotNil: [ (self selectorsCache cacheFor: self theClass superclass) removeSelector: aSelector; invalidateParentSelector: aSelector ] ! invalidateSelector: aSelector self invalidateParentSelector: aSelector; invalidateChildrenSelector: aSelector; removeSelector: aSelector ! ! !HLClassCache methodsFor: 'private'! removeSelector: aSelector self overriddenCache removeKey: aSelector ifAbsent: [ ]. self overrideCache removeKey: aSelector ifAbsent: [ ] ! ! !HLClassCache methodsFor: 'testing'! isOverridden: aMethod ^ self overriddenCache at: aMethod selector ifAbsentPut: [ aMethod isOverridden ] ! isOverride: aMethod ^ self overrideCache at: aMethod selector ifAbsentPut: [ aMethod isOverride ] ! ! !HLClassCache class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aClass selectorsCache: aSelectorsCache ^ self new theClass: aClass; selectorsCache: aSelectorsCache; yourself ! ! HLToolListWidget subclass: #HLClassesListWidget instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLClassesListWidget commentStamp! I render a list of classes in the selected package.! !HLClassesListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! cssClassForItem: aClass aClass theNonMetaClass comment isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ 'uncommented' ]. ^ aClass theNonMetaClass heliosClass ! getChildrenOf: aClass ^ self items select: [ :each | each superclass = aClass ] ! getRootClassesOf: aCollection ^ aCollection select: [ :each | (aCollection includes: each superclass) not ] ! label ^ 'Classes' ! ! !HLClassesListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! focusMethodsListWidget self model announcer announce: HLMethodsListFocus new ! focusProtocolsListWidget self model announcer announce: HLProtocolsListFocus new ! observeModel self model announcer on: HLPackageSelected send: #onPackageSelected: to: self; on: HLShowInstanceToggled send: #onShowInstanceToggled to: self; on: HLShowCommentToggled send: #onShowCommentToggled to: self; on: HLClassSelected send: #onClassSelected: to: self; on: HLClassesFocusRequested send: #onClassesFocusRequested to: self ! observeSystem self model systemAnnouncer on: ClassAdded send: #onClassAdded: to: self; on: ClassRemoved send: #onClassRemoved: to: self; on: ClassMoved send: #onClassMoved: to: self; on: ClassRenamed send: #onClassRenamed: to: self; on: ClassMigrated send: #onClassMigrated: to: self; on: ClassCommentChanged send: #onClassCommentChanged: to: self ! selectItem: aClass self model selectedClass: aClass ! showComment: aBoolean self model showComment: aBoolean ! showInstance: aBoolean self model showInstance: aBoolean ! toggleShowComment self model showComment: self showComment not ! ! !HLClassesListWidget methodsFor: 'private'! setItemsForPackage: aPackage self items: (aPackage ifNil: [ #() ] ifNotNil: [ ((aPackage classes collect: [ :each | each theNonMetaClass ]) asArray sort) sort: [ :a :b | a name < b name ] ]). ! setItemsForSelectedPackage self setItemsForPackage: self model selectedPackage ! ! !HLClassesListWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onClassAdded: anAnnouncement | class | class := anAnnouncement theClass. (class package = self model selectedPackage or: [ self items includes: class ]) ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedPackage. self refresh ! onClassCommentChanged: anAnnouncement | class | class := anAnnouncement theClass. class package = self model selectedPackage ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self refresh ! onClassMigrated: anAnnouncement | class oldClass | class := anAnnouncement theClass. oldClass := anAnnouncement oldClass. (self items includes: oldClass) ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self model selectedClass = oldClass ifTrue: [ self model selectedClass: class ]. self setItemsForSelectedPackage. self refresh ! onClassMoved: anAnnouncement | class oldPackage | class := anAnnouncement theClass. oldPackage := anAnnouncement oldPackage. (oldPackage = self model selectedPackage or: [ class package = self model selectedPackage ]) ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. oldPackage = self model selectedPackage ifTrue: [ self selectedItem: nil; selectItem: nil ]. self setItemsForSelectedPackage. self refresh ! onClassRemoved: anAnnouncement | class | class := anAnnouncement theClass. class package = self model selectedPackage ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedPackage. self refresh ! onClassRenamed: anAnnouncement anAnnouncement theClass package = self model selectedPackage ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedPackage. self refresh ! onClassSelected: anAnnouncement | selectedClass | anAnnouncement item ifNil: [ ^ self ]. selectedClass := anAnnouncement item theNonMetaClass. self selectedItem: selectedClass. self hasFocus ifFalse: [ self activateItem: selectedClass; focus ] ! onClassesFocusRequested self focus ! onPackageSelected: anAnnouncement self selectedItem: nil. self setItemsForSelectedPackage. self refresh ! onShowCommentToggled self refresh ! onShowInstanceToggled self refresh ! ! !HLClassesListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderButtonsOn: html | checkbox | html div class: 'btn-group'; with: [ html button class: (String streamContents: [ :str | str nextPutAll: 'btn'. self showInstance ifTrue: [ str nextPutAll: ' active' ] ]); with: 'Instance'; onClick: [ self showInstance: true ]. html button class: (String streamContents: [ :str | str nextPutAll: 'btn'. self showClass ifTrue: [ str nextPutAll: ' active' ] ]); with: 'Class'; onClick: [ self showInstance: false ] ]. html label class: 'checkbox'; with: [ checkbox := html input type: 'checkbox'; onClick: [ self toggleShowComment ]. html with: 'Doc' ]. self showComment ifTrue: [ checkbox at: 'checked' put: 'checked' ] ! renderItem: aClass level: anInteger on: html | li | li := html li. li asJQuery data: 'item' put: aClass. li class: (self listCssClassForItem: aClass); with: [ html a with: [ (html tag: 'i') class: (self cssClassForItem: aClass). self renderItemLabel: aClass level: anInteger on: html ]; onClick: [ self activateListItem: li asJQuery ] ]. (self getChildrenOf: aClass) do: [ :each | self renderItem: each level: anInteger + 1 on: html ] ! renderItem: aClass on: html super renderItem: aClass on: html. (self getChildrenOf: aClass) do: [ :each | self renderItem: each level: 1 on: html ] ! renderItemLabel: aClass level: anInteger on: html html span asJQuery html: (String streamContents: [ :str | anInteger timesRepeat: [ str nextPutAll: '    ' ]. str nextPutAll: aClass name ]) ! renderItemLabel: aClass on: html self renderItemLabel: aClass level: 0 on: html ! renderListOn: html (self getRootClassesOf: self items) do: [ :each | self renderItem: each on: html ] ! ! !HLClassesListWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! showClass ^ self model showInstance not ! showComment ^ self model showComment ! showInstance ^ self model showInstance ! ! HLFocusableWidget subclass: #HLDocumentationWidget instanceVariableNames: 'model' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLDocumentationWidget commentStamp! I render the documentation for the selected class! !HLDocumentationWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! documentation ^ self selectedItem ifNil: [ '' ] ifNotNil: [ :item | item comment ifEmpty: [ self defaultDocumentation ] ] ! head ^ self selectedItem ifNil: [ self defaultHead ] ifNotNil: [ :item | item name ] ! model ^ model ! model: aModel model := aModel. self observeSystem; observeModel ! selectedItem ^ self model selectedClass ifNotNil: [ :class | class theNonMetaClass ] ! ! !HLDocumentationWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! editDocumentation self model editComment ! observeModel self model announcer on: HLClassSelected send: #onClassSelected: to: self; on: HLEditComment send: #onEditDocumentation to: self ! observeSystem self model systemAnnouncer on: ClassCommentChanged send: #onClassCommentChanged: to: self ! selectClass: aClass self model selectedClass: aClass ! unregister super unregister. self model announcer unregister: self ! ! !HLDocumentationWidget methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultDocumentation ^ 'No documentation available. **That''s bad. Seriously.**' ! defaultHead ^ 'No class selected' ! ! !HLDocumentationWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onClassCommentChanged: anAnnouncement anAnnouncement theClass = self model selectedClass theNonMetaClass ifTrue: [ self refresh ] ! onClassSelected: anAnnouncement self refresh ! onEditDocumentation self request: self model selectedClass theNonMetaClass name, ' comment' value: self model selectedClass theNonMetaClass comment do: [ :comment | self setClassComment: comment ] ! setClassComment: aString self model setClassComment: aString ! ! !HLDocumentationWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html html div class: 'doc'; with: [ self renderHeadOn: html; renderDocOn: html ] ! renderDocOn: html self selectedItem ifNotNil: [ self renderInheritanceOn: html. html h1 with: 'Overview'; with: [ html button class: 'button default'; with: 'Edit'; onClick: [ self editDocumentation ] ]. (html div class: 'markdown'; asJQuery) html: ((Showdown at: 'converter') new makeHtml: self documentation) ] ! renderHeadOn: html html div class: 'head'; with: self head ! renderInheritanceOn: html html div class: 'inheritance'; with: [ html with: 'Subclass of '. self selectedItem superclass ifNil: [ html em with: 'nil' ] ifNotNil: [ html a with: self selectedItem superclass name; onClick: [ self selectClass: self selectedItem superclass ] ] ] ! ! HLToolListWidget subclass: #HLMethodsListWidget instanceVariableNames: 'selectorsCache' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLMethodsListWidget commentStamp! I render a list of methods for the selected protocol.! !HLMethodsListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! allProtocol ^ self model allProtocol ! cssClassForItem: aSelector | override overriden method | method := self methodForSelector: aSelector. override := self isOverride: method. overriden := self isOverridden: method. ^ override ifTrue: [ overriden ifTrue: [ 'override-overridden' ] ifFalse: [ 'override' ] ] ifFalse: [ overriden ifTrue: [ 'overridden' ] ifFalse: [ '' ] ] ! label ^ 'Methods' ! methodForSelector: aSelector ^ self model selectedClass methodDictionary at: aSelector ! methodsInProtocol: aString self model selectedClass ifNil: [ ^ #() ]. ^ aString = self allProtocol ifTrue: [ self model selectedClass methods ] ifFalse: [ self model selectedClass methodsInProtocol: aString ] ! overrideSelectors ^ self selectorsCache at: 'override' ifAbsentPut: [ self model selectedClass allSuperclasses inject: Set new into: [ :acc :each | acc addAll: each selectors; yourself ] ] ! overridenSelectors ^ self selectorsCache at: 'overriden' ifAbsentPut: [ self model selectedClass allSubclasses inject: Set new into: [ :acc :each | acc addAll: each selectors; yourself ] ] ! selectorsCache ^ self class selectorsCache ! selectorsInProtocol: aString ^ ((self methodsInProtocol: aString) collect: [ :each | each selector ]) sorted ! ! !HLMethodsListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! observeModel self model announcer on: HLProtocolSelected send: #onProtocolSelected: to: self; on: HLShowInstanceToggled send: #onShowInstanceToggled to: self; on: HLMethodSelected send: #onMethodSelected: to: self; on: HLMethodsFocusRequested send: #onMethodsFocusRequested to: self ! observeSystem self model systemAnnouncer on: ProtocolAdded send: #onProtocolAdded: to: self; on: ProtocolRemoved send: #onProtocolRemoved: to: self; on: MethodAdded send: #onMethodAdded: to: self; on: MethodRemoved send: #onMethodRemoved: to: self; on: MethodMoved send: #onMethodMoved: to: self ! selectItem: aSelector aSelector ifNil: [ ^ self model selectedMethod: nil ]. self model selectedMethod: (self methodForSelector: aSelector) ! ! !HLMethodsListWidget methodsFor: 'private'! setItemsForProtocol: aString ^ self items: (aString ifNil: [ #() ] ifNotNil: [ self selectorsInProtocol: aString ]) ! setItemsForSelectedProtocol self setItemsForProtocol: self model selectedProtocol ! ! !HLMethodsListWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onMethodAdded: anAnnouncement self model selectedClass = anAnnouncement method methodClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedProtocol. self refresh ! onMethodMoved: anAnnouncement self model selectedMethod = anAnnouncement method ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self model selectedProtocol = self model allProtocol ifFalse: [ self selectedItem: nil; selectItem: nil; setItemsForSelectedProtocol; refresh ] ! onMethodRemoved: anAnnouncement | method | method := anAnnouncement method. self items detect: [ :each | each = method selector ] ifNone: [ ^ self ]. self selectedItem ifNotNil: [ (method methodClass = self model selectedClass and: [ method selector = self selectedItem ]) ifTrue: [ self selectedItem: nil; selectItem: nil ] ]. self setItemsForSelectedProtocol. self refresh ! onMethodSelected: anAnnouncement | selector method | method := anAnnouncement item. selector := method isCompiledMethod ifTrue: [ method selector ] ifFalse: [ nil ]. self selectedItem: selector; activateItem: selector ! onMethodsFocusRequested self focus ! onProtocolAdded: anAnnouncement self model selectedClass = anAnnouncement theClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedProtocol. self refresh. self focus ! onProtocolRemoved: anAnnouncement self model selectedClass = anAnnouncement theClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedProtocol. self refresh. self focus ! onProtocolSelected: anAnnouncement self selectedItem: nil. self setItemsForSelectedProtocol. self refresh ! onShowInstanceToggled self onProtocolSelected: nil ! ! !HLMethodsListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html self model showInstance ifFalse: [ html div class: 'class_side'; with: [ super renderContentOn: html ] ] ifTrue: [ super renderContentOn: html ] ! renderItemLabel: aSelector on: html html with: aSelector ! ! !HLMethodsListWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! isOverridden: aMethod ^ self selectorsCache isOverridden: aMethod ! isOverride: aMethod ^ self selectorsCache isOverride: aMethod ! ! HLMethodsListWidget class instanceVariableNames: 'selectorsCache'! !HLMethodsListWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing'! selectorsCache ^ HLSelectorsCache current ! ! HLToolListWidget subclass: #HLPackagesListWidget instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLPackagesListWidget commentStamp! I render a list of the system packages.! !HLPackagesListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! cssClassForItem: anItem ^ 'package' ! items ^ items ifNil: [ self initializeItems ] ! label ^ 'Packages' ! ! !HLPackagesListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! commitPackage self model commitPackage ! focusClassesListWidget self model announcer announce: HLClassesListFocus new ! observeModel self model announcer on: HLPackageSelected send: #onPackageSelected: to: self; on: HLPackagesFocusRequested send: #onPackagesFocusRequested to: self ! observeSystem self model systemAnnouncer on: ClassAdded send: #onClassAdded: to: self. self model systemAnnouncer on: PackageAdded send: #onPackageAdded: to: self ! selectItem: aPackage self model selectedPackage: aPackage ! ! !HLPackagesListWidget methodsFor: 'initialization'! initializeItems ^ items := self model packages sort: [ :a :b | a name < b name ] ! ! !HLPackagesListWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onClassAdded: anAnnouncement "Amber doesn't have yet a global organizer for packages" (self items includes: anAnnouncement theClass package) ifFalse: [ self initializeItems; refresh ] ! onPackageAdded: anAnnouncement self initializeItems; refresh ! onPackageSelected: anAnnouncement | package | package := anAnnouncement item. self selectedItem: package. self hasFocus ifFalse: [ self activateItem: package; focus ] ! onPackagesFocusRequested self focus ! ! !HLPackagesListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderItemLabel: aPackage on: html html with: aPackage name ! ! HLToolListWidget subclass: #HLProtocolsListWidget instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLProtocolsListWidget commentStamp! I render a list of protocols for the selected class.! !HLProtocolsListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! allProtocol ^ self model allProtocol ! cssClassForItem: anItem anItem = self allProtocol ifTrue: [ ^ '' ]. anItem = 'private' ifTrue: [ ^ 'private' ]. anItem = 'initialization' ifTrue: [ ^ 'initialization' ]. (anItem match: '^\*') ifTrue: [ ^ 'extension' ]. ^ '' ! label ^ 'Protocols' ! selectedItem ^ super selectedItem" ifNil: [ self allProtocol ]" ! ! !HLProtocolsListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! observeModel self model announcer on: HLClassSelected send: #onClassSelected: to: self; on: HLShowInstanceToggled send: #onClassSelected: to: self; on: HLProtocolSelected send: #onProtocolSelected: to: self; on: HLProtocolsFocusRequested send: #onProtocolsFocusRequested to: self ! observeSystem self model systemAnnouncer on: ProtocolAdded send: #onProtocolAdded: to: self; on: ProtocolRemoved send: #onProtocolRemoved: to: self ! selectItem: aString self model selectedProtocol: aString ! ! !HLProtocolsListWidget methodsFor: 'private'! setItemsForClass: aClass self items: (aClass ifNil: [ Array with: self allProtocol ] ifNotNil: [ (Array with: self allProtocol) addAll: aClass protocols; yourself ]) ! setItemsForSelectedClass self setItemsForClass: self model selectedClass ! ! !HLProtocolsListWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onClassSelected: anAnnouncement self selectedItem: nil. self setItemsForSelectedClass. self refresh ! onProtocolAdded: anAnnouncement | class | class := anAnnouncement theClass. class = self model selectedClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self setItemsForSelectedClass. self refresh ! onProtocolRemoved: anAnnouncement | class protocol | class := anAnnouncement theClass. protocol := anAnnouncement protocol. class = self model selectedClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self model selectedProtocol = protocol ifTrue: [ self selectedItem: nil; selectItem: nil ]. self setItemsForSelectedClass. self refresh ! onProtocolSelected: anAnnouncement | protocol | protocol := anAnnouncement item. self selectedItem: protocol. protocol ifNil: [ ^ self ]. self hasFocus ifFalse: [ self activateItem: protocol; focus ] ! onProtocolsFocusRequested self focus ! ! !HLProtocolsListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html self model showInstance ifFalse: [ html div class: 'class_side'; with: [ super renderContentOn: html ] ] ifTrue: [ super renderContentOn: html ] ! ! Object subclass: #HLSelectorsCache instanceVariableNames: 'classesCache' package: 'Helios-Browser'! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'accessing'! cacheFor: aClass aClass ifNil: [ ^ nil ]. ^ self classesCache at: aClass name ifAbsentPut: [ self newCacheFor: aClass ] ! classesCache ^ classesCache ifNil: [ classesCache := HashedCollection new ] ! ! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'actions'! observeSystem SystemAnnouncer current on: MethodAdded send: #onMethodAdded: to: self; on: MethodRemoved send: #onMethodRemoved: to: self ! ! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'factory'! newCacheFor: aClass ^ HLClassCache on: aClass selectorsCache: self ! ! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. self observeSystem ! ! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'private'! invalidateCacheFor: aMethod (self cacheFor: aMethod methodClass) invalidateSelector: aMethod selector ! ! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'reactions'! onMethodAdded: anAnnouncement self invalidateCacheFor: anAnnouncement method ! onMethodRemoved: anAnnouncement self invalidateCacheFor: anAnnouncement method ! ! !HLSelectorsCache methodsFor: 'testing'! isOverridden: aMethod ^ (self cacheFor: aMethod methodClass) isOverridden: aMethod ! isOverride: aMethod ^ (self cacheFor: aMethod methodClass) isOverride: aMethod ! ! HLSelectorsCache class instanceVariableNames: 'current'! !HLSelectorsCache class methodsFor: 'accessing'! current ^ current ifNil: [ current := super new ] ! flush current := nil ! ! !HLSelectorsCache class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new self shouldNotImplement ! !