Smalltalk createPackage: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! Object subclass: #HLBinding instanceVariableNames: 'key label' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLBinding commentStamp! I am the abstract representation of a keybinding in Helios. My instances hold a key (integer value) and a label. Bindings are built into a tree of keys, so pressing a key may result in more key choices (for example, to open a workspace, 'o' is pressed first then 'w' is pressed). Binding action handling and selection is handled by the `current` instance of `HLKeyBinder`. Subclasses implement specific behavior like evaluating actions or (sub-)grouping other bindings.! !HLBinding methodsFor: 'accessing'! atKey: aKey "Answer the sub-binding at key aKey. Always answer nil here. See HLBindingGroup for more." ^ nil ! displayLabel ^ self label ! key ^ key ! key: anInteger key := anInteger ! label ^ label ! label: aString label := aString ! shortcut ^ String fromCharCode: self key ! ! !HLBinding methodsFor: 'actions'! apply ! release ! ! !HLBinding methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: aBindingHelper html: html ! ! !HLBinding methodsFor: 'testing'! isActive ^ self subclassResponsibility ! ! !HLBinding class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: anInteger labelled: aString ^ self new key: anInteger; label: aString; yourself ! ! HLBinding subclass: #HLBindingAction instanceVariableNames: 'command' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLBindingAction commentStamp! My instances are the leafs of the binding tree. They evaluate actions through commands, instances of concrete subclasses of `HLCommand`. The `#apply` methods is used to evaluate the `command`. If the command requires user input, an `inputWidget` will be displayed to the user.! !HLBindingAction methodsFor: 'accessing'! command ^ command ! command: aCommand command := aCommand ! input: aString self command input: aString ! inputBinding ^ HLBindingInput new label: self command inputLabel; ghostText: self command displayLabel; defaultValue: self command defaultInput; inputCompletion: self command inputCompletion; callback: [ :val | self command input: val; execute ]; yourself ! inputWidget ^ HLBindingActionInputWidget new ghostText: self command displayLabel; defaultValue: self command defaultInput; inputCompletion: self command inputCompletion; callback: [ :value | self input: value; executeCommand ]; yourself ! ! !HLBindingAction methodsFor: 'actions'! apply self command isInputRequired ifTrue: [ HLKeyBinder current helper showWidget: self inputWidget ] ifFalse: [ self executeCommand ] ! executeCommand self command execute. HLKeyBinder current deactivate ! ! !HLBindingAction methodsFor: 'testing'! isActive ^ self command isActive ! ! HLBinding subclass: #HLBindingGroup instanceVariableNames: 'bindings' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLBindingGroup commentStamp! My instances hold other bindings, either actions or groups, and do not have actions by themselves. Children are accessed with `atKey:` and added with the `add*` methods.! !HLBindingGroup methodsFor: 'accessing'! activeBindings ^ self bindings select: [ :each | each isActive ] ! at: aString ^ self bindings detect: [ :each | each label = aString ] ifNone: [ nil ] ! at: aString add: aBinding | binding | binding := self at: aString. binding ifNil: [ ^ self ]. binding add: aBinding ! atKey: anInteger ^ self bindings detect: [ :each | each key = anInteger ] ifNone: [ nil ] ! bindings ^ bindings ifNil: [ bindings := OrderedCollection new ] ! displayLabel ^ super displayLabel, '...' ! ! !HLBindingGroup methodsFor: 'actions'! release self bindings do: [ :each | each release ] ! ! !HLBindingGroup methodsFor: 'add'! addGroupKey: anInteger labelled: aString self add: (HLBindingGroup on: anInteger labelled: aString) ! ! !HLBindingGroup methodsFor: 'adding'! add: aBinding ^ self bindings add: aBinding ! addActionKey: anInteger labelled: aString callback: aBlock self add: ((HLBindingAction on: anInteger labelled: aString) callback: aBlock; yourself) ! ! !HLBindingGroup methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: aBindingHelper html: html self isActive ifTrue: [ aBindingHelper renderBindingGroup: self on: html ] ! ! !HLBindingGroup methodsFor: 'testing'! isActive ^ self activeBindings notEmpty ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLBindingActionInputWidget instanceVariableNames: 'input callback status wrapper ghostText message inputCompletion defaultValue messageTag' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLBindingActionInputWidget commentStamp! My instances are built when a `HLBindingAction` that requires user input is applied.! !HLBindingActionInputWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! callback ^ callback ifNil: [ callback := [ :value | ] ] ! callback: aBlock callback := aBlock ! defaultValue ^ defaultValue ifNil: [ '' ] ! defaultValue: aString defaultValue := aString ! ghostText ^ ghostText ! ghostText: aText ghostText := aText ! input ^ input ! inputCompletion ^ inputCompletion ifNil: [ #() ] ! inputCompletion: aCollection inputCompletion := aCollection ! message ^ message ifNil: [ message := '' ] ! message: aString message := aString ! status ^ status ifNil: [ status := 'info' ] ! status: aStatus status := aStatus ! ! !HLBindingActionInputWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! clearStatus self status: 'info'. self message: ''. self refresh ! errorStatus self status: 'error'. self refresh ! evaluate: aString [ self callback value: aString ] on: Error do: [ :ex | self input asJQuery one: 'keydown' do: [ self clearStatus ]. self message: ex messageText. self errorStatus ] ! refresh wrapper ifNil: [ ^ self ]. wrapper class: self status. messageTag contents: self message ! ! !HLBindingActionInputWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: html wrapper ifNil: [ wrapper := html span ]. wrapper class: self status; with: [ input := html input placeholder: self ghostText; value: self defaultValue; onKeyDown: [ :event | event which = 13 ifTrue: [ self evaluate: input asJQuery val ] ] yourself. input asJQuery typeahead: #{ 'source' -> self inputCompletion }. messageTag := (html span class: 'help-inline'; with: self message; yourself) ]. "Evaluate with a timeout to ensure focus. Commands can be executed from a menu, clicking on the menu to evaluate the command would give it the focus otherwise" [ input asJQuery focus; select ] valueWithTimeout: 10 ! ! Object subclass: #HLKeyBinder instanceVariableNames: 'modifierKey helper bindings selectedBinding' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLKeyBinder commentStamp! My `current` instance holds keybindings for Helios actions and evaluate them. Bindings can be nested by groups. The `bindings` instance variable holds the root of the key bindings tree. Bindings are instances of a concrete subclass of `HLBinding`. I am always either in 'active' or 'inactive' state. In active state I capture key down events and my `helper` widget is displayed at the bottom of the window. My `selectedBinding`, if any, is displayed by the helper. Bindings are evaluated through `applyBinding:`. If a binding is final (not a group of other bindings), evaluating it will result in deactivating the binder, and hiding the `helper` widget.! !HLKeyBinder methodsFor: 'accessing'! activationKey "SPACE" ^ 32 ! activationKeyLabel ^ 'ctrl + space' ! bindings ^ bindings ifNil: [ bindings := self defaultBindings ] ! escapeKey "ESC" ^ 27 ! helper ^ helper ! selectedBinding ^ selectedBinding ifNil: [ self bindings ] ! ! !HLKeyBinder methodsFor: 'actions'! activate self helper show ! applyBinding: aBinding aBinding isActive ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self selectBinding: aBinding. aBinding apply ! deactivate selectedBinding ifNotNil: [ selectedBinding release ]. selectedBinding := nil. self helper hide ! flushBindings bindings := nil ! selectBinding: aBinding aBinding = selectedBinding ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. selectedBinding := aBinding. self helper refresh ! ! !HLKeyBinder methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultBindings | group | group := HLBindingGroup new add: HLCloseTabCommand new asBinding; add: HLSwitchTabCommand new asBinding; yourself. HLOpenCommand registerConcreteClassesOn: group. ^ group ! ! !HLKeyBinder methodsFor: 'events'! handleActiveKeyDown: event "ESC, ctrl+g ctrl+space deactivate the keyBinder" (event which = self escapeKey or: [ (event which = 71 or: [ event which = self activationKey ]) and: [ event ctrlKey ] ]) ifTrue: [ self deactivate. event preventDefault. ^ false ]. "Handle the keybinding" ^ self handleBindingFor: event ! handleBindingFor: anEvent | binding | binding := self selectedBinding atKey: anEvent which. binding ifNotNil: [ self applyBinding: binding. anEvent preventDefault. ^ false ] ! handleInactiveKeyDown: event event which = self activationKey ifTrue: [ event ctrlKey ifTrue: [ self activate. event preventDefault. ^ false ] ] ! handleKeyDown: event ^ self isActive ifTrue: [ self handleActiveKeyDown: event ] ifFalse: [ self handleInactiveKeyDown: event ] ! setupEvents 'body' asJQuery keydown: [ :event | self handleKeyDown: event ] ! ! !HLKeyBinder methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. helper := HLKeyBinderHelperWidget on: self ! setupHelper helper renderStart; renderCog ! ! !HLKeyBinder methodsFor: 'testing'! isActive ^ ('.', self helper cssClass) asJQuery is: ':visible' ! systemIsMac ^ navigator platform match: 'Mac' ! ! HLKeyBinder class instanceVariableNames: 'current'! !HLKeyBinder class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! current ^ current ifNil: [ current := super new ] ! new self shouldNotImplement ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLKeyBinderHelperWidget instanceVariableNames: 'keyBinder' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLKeyBinderHelperWidget commentStamp! I am the widget responsible for displaying active keybindings in a bar at the bottom of the window. Each keybinding is an instance of `HLBinding`. Rendering is done through a double dispatch, see `#renderSelectedBindingOn:`.! !HLKeyBinderHelperWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! cssClass ^ 'key_helper' ! keyBinder ^ keyBinder ! keyBinder: aKeyBinder keyBinder := aKeyBinder ! mainId ^ 'binding-helper-main' ! selectedBinding ^ self keyBinder selectedBinding ! ! !HLKeyBinderHelperWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! deactivate self keyBinder deactivate ! hide ('.', self cssClass) asJQuery remove. '.helper_overlay' asJQuery remove. self showCog ! hideCog '#cog-helper' asJQuery hide ! show self hideCog. self appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! showCog '#cog-helper' asJQuery show ! showWidget: aWidget "Some actions need to display more info to the user or request input. This method is the right place for that" ('#', self mainId) asJQuery empty. aWidget appendToJQuery: ('#', self mainId) asJQuery ! ! !HLKeyBinderHelperWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderBindingActionFor: aBinding on: html html span class: 'command'; with: [ html strong class: 'label'; with: aBinding shortcut asLowercase. html a class: 'action'; with: aBinding displayLabel; onClick: [ self keyBinder applyBinding: aBinding ] ] ! renderBindingGroup: aBindingGroup on: html (aBindingGroup activeBindings sorted: [ :a :b | a key < b key ]) do: [ :each | self renderBindingActionFor: each on: html ] ! renderCloseOn: html html a class: 'close'; with: [ (html tag: 'i') class: 'icon-remove' ]; onClick: [ self keyBinder deactivate ] ! renderCog [ :html | html div id: 'cog-helper'; with: [ html a with: [ (html tag: 'i') class: 'icon-cog' ]; onClick: [ self keyBinder activate ] ] ] appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! renderContentOn: html html div id: 'overlay'; class: 'helper_overlay'; onClick: [ self deactivate ]. html div class: self cssClass; with: [ self renderLabelOn: html. html div id: self mainId; with: [ self renderSelectedBindingOn: html ]. self renderCloseOn: html ]. ':focus' asJQuery blur ! renderLabelOn: html html span class: 'selected'; with: (self selectedBinding label ifNil: [ 'Action' ]) ! renderSelectedBindingOn: html self selectedBinding renderOn: self html: html ! renderStart '#helper' asJQuery remove. [ :html | html div id: 'helper'; with: 'Press ', self keyBinder activationKeyLabel, ' to start' ] appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery. [ '#helper' asJQuery fadeOut: 1000 ] valueWithTimeout: 2000 ! ! !HLKeyBinderHelperWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aKeyBinder ^ self new keyBinder: aKeyBinder; yourself ! ! Object subclass: #HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler instanceVariableNames: 'repeatInterval delay interval keyBindings widget keyDown' package: 'Helios-KeyBindings'! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler commentStamp! I am responsible for handling repeated key down actions for widgets. ##Usage (self on: aWidget) whileKeyDown: 38 do: aBlock; whileKeyDown: 40 do: anotherBlock; bindKeys I perform an action block on a key press, wait for 300 ms and then preform the same action block every `repeatInterval` milliseconds until the key is released.! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler methodsFor: 'accessing'! keyBindings ^ keyBindings ifNil: [ keyBindings := Dictionary new ] ! repeatInterval ^ repeatInterval ifNil: [ self defaultRepeatInterval ] ! repeatInterval: anInteger repeatInterval := anInteger ! widget ^ widget ! widget: aWidget widget := aWidget ! ! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler methodsFor: 'actions'! startRepeatingAction: aBlock ^ [ (self widget hasFocus) ifTrue: [ aBlock value ] ifFalse: [ self handleKeyUp ] ] valueWithInterval: self repeatInterval ! whileKeyDown: aKey do: aBlock self keyBindings at: aKey put: aBlock ! ! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler methodsFor: 'binding'! bindKeys self widget bindKeyDown: [ :e | self handleKeyDown: e ] keyUp: [ :e | self handleKeyUp ] ! rebindKeys self unbindKeys; bindKeys ! unbindKeys self widget unbindKeyDownKeyUp ! ! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultRepeatInterval ^ 70 ! ! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler methodsFor: 'events handling'! handleEvent: anEvent forKey: anInteger action: aBlock (anEvent which = anInteger and: [ self isKeyDown not ]) ifTrue: [ self whileKeyDownDo: aBlock ] ! handleKeyDown: anEvent self keyBindings keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :action | self handleEvent: anEvent forKey: key action: action ] ! handleKeyUp self isKeyDown ifTrue: [ keyDown := false. interval ifNotNil: [ interval clearInterval ]. delay ifNotNil: [ delay clearTimeout ] ] ! whileKeyDownDo: aBlock keyDown := true. aBlock value. delay := [ interval := self startRepeatingAction: aBlock ] valueWithTimeout: 300 ! ! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler methodsFor: 'testing'! isKeyDown ^ keyDown ifNil: [ false ] ! ! !HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aWidget ^ self new widget: aWidget; yourself ! !