19 October 2016 - Release 0.17.0
* Remove some deprecated classes and methods.
* Fix fw compat break of 0.16.1.
Breaks bw compat because of removed deprecated pieces.
Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.17.0.
27 September 2016 - Release 0.16.1
* Fix node builds (lazy loaded kernel-runtime wasn't packaged).
* amber-dev upgrade (to fix UMDs checking for module before define).
* Kernel files use 'use strict'.
Breaks fw compat (uses $boot.nilAsClass in supersends).
Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.16.1.
25 September 2016 - Release 0.16.0
* boot.js overhaul:
* brikz external, reworked to less imperative (no ensure call).
* addClass returns the class.
* no wrapClassName, using setClassConstructor in later stage.
* traverseClassTree (eg allSubclassesDo:) in kernel, not allSubclasses.
* runtime part extracted to kernel-runtime.js.
* runtime loaded lazily, packages can load without runtime in.
* initialize returns a Promise.
* init done automatically upon class creation if runtime is active.
* amber-dev upgrade (to honour initialize returning a Promise).
* Edits relating to lolg.it move.
* Fixes.
May break bw compat for kernel API using code.
Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.16.0.
6 February 2016 - Release 0.15.1
* From this version on, Amber will fully comply to semver:
* Any breaking change will result in increase of first non-zero number.
* If first non-zero number is not changed, no breaking changes are present in release.
* Changed how ST globals are implemented, resulting in shorter and faster code.
* Not working any more on IE8 (b/c of changed globals).
* amber.initialize(...) returns a promise.
* JS global Promise must be present.
* If missing, you can polyfill with `bower install amber-compat-es2015 --save`.
* JS Promise is wrapped in ST class Promise.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.18...0.15.1.
1 January 2016 - Release 0.14.18
Maintenance release.
Cleaning the code in compiler and parser.
Some bug fixes (in compiler/interpreter as well as in other places).
Breaks fw compat (uses $boot.dnu in supercall).
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.17...0.14.18
6 October 2015 - Release 0.14.17
Maintenance release.
Some fixes, optimizations and moving things around.
Using virtual module "amber/Platform". This needs to be mapped
to either "amber_core/Platform-Browser" or "amber_core/Platform-Node".
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.16...0.14.17
20 June 2015 - Release 0.14.16
Bugfix release - Date >> =, Class >> javascriptConstructor:.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.15...0.14.16
9 June 2015 - Release 0.14.15
Bugfix release - in some browsers, package commit failed.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.14...0.14.15
24 May 2015 - Release 0.14.14
* Extraction of `Web` and `Wrappers-JQuery` to own repos.
* Amber core itself formally with no production dependencies.
* Packages with 'use strict'.
* `PlatformInterface` replaced by services `Terminal` and `Platform`.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.13...0.14.14
29 March 2015 - Release 0.14.13
* Rename namespaces of `Web` and `Wrappers-JQuery`.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.12...0.14.13
22 February 2015 - Release 0.14.12
* Wrapped JS object can be put on streams via aStream << anObject.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.11...0.14.12
21 February 2015 - Release 0.14.11
* `anObject in: aBlock` added
* ProtoStream with extracted basic streaming protocol.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.10...0.14.11
17 February 2015 - Release 0.14.10
* Package renames, classes moved between packages:
* Web and Wrappers-JQuery in amber-contrib-xxx namespaces,
* Platform-Xxx packages to keep Kernel-Xxx to kernel.
* Some core speedups.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.4...0.14.10
1 February 2015 - Release 0.14.4
* Compiler now allows the "import them as package-global vars" of 0.14.3.
* Some core speedups.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.3...0.14.4
20 January 2015 - Release 0.14.3
* Package can specify external dependencies and import them as package-global vars.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.2...0.14.3
Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=milestone%3A0.14.3+is%3Aclosed
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
11 January 2015 - Release 0.14.2
* Slimmed core - es5-shim and IE8 compatibilty tweaks in amber-compat-* repos.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.1...0.14.2
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
8 January 2015 - Release 0.14.1
* Slimmed core - legacy IDE, Examples and Benchfib in own repo.
* Smalltalk optOut: used instead allowJavaScriptCalls to make jQuery work.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.0...0.14.1
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
1 January 2015 - Release 0.14.0
* Removed deprecated stuff and backward compatibility support code.
* You can wrap any object using #asJQuery.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.13.2...0.14.0
Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A0.14.0
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
31 December 2014 - Release 0.13.3
This is a planned maintenance release.
It contains everything 0.14.0 contains,
but it retains all the backwards compatibility stuff,
which is going to be removed in 0.14.0.
22 October 2014 - Release 0.13.2
This is maintenance release to upgrade CodeMirror
jointly in Amber and Helios.
* CodeMirror upgrade for Amber and Helios.
* Cleaned of all (as far as findable) uses of deprecated code.
* Recompile using `grunt` in Windows now does not add cr characters.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.13.0...0.13.2
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
10 October 2014 - Release 0.13.1
* Reworked cleaner DNU handling in core.
* `amber init` fully embraced as the way to create new project.
* Helios IDE is extracted and is now a project on its own.
* It is included as dev-dependency in any new project by default.
* Movable data out of index.html:
* list of production packages in deploy.js;
* list of development packages in devel.js;
* project amd mappings in local.amd.json;
* libraries' amd mappings in lib_directory.amd.json.
* 'Batteries included' deployment via `grunt deploy`.
* 0.13.1 because of technical issues w/ 0.13.0 release process.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.6...0.13.0
Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A0.13.0
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
1 July 2014 - Release 0.12.6
* SUnit Runner in Helios IDE.
* `amber` and `amberc` cli moved to `external` directory
and to dedicated npm package.
* Bootstrap 3 can be used in Amber projects
(no more nameclash with Helios' bootstrap 2 using bootstrap2.3.2 name).
* Wider range of jQuery versions allowed.
* Amber now parses `$c` character literal.
* `amber` is not to be installed globally any more.
Instead, `npm install -g amber-cli` installs cli tooling.
* After installing the cli tooling, `amber init` initializes
new project if run in empty directory.
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.4...0.12.6
Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=13&state=closed
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
11 April 2014 - Release 0.12.4
* Fixed backward compatibility for pre-0.12.3 loader syntax.
* `namespace/_source` is not needed to map and is recommended
not to use; `.st` files are by default committed to the `.js` location.
* All sources, including js files into the src/ directory
* Many improvements in Helios, especially in its debugger and
inspector, as well as UI-related improvements
* New Helios dark theme by @BenjaminVanRyseghem
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.3...0.12.4
Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=12&state=closed
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
22 January 2014 - Release 0.12.3
* JQuery updated to ~1.10.2; jquery-ui updated to match
* Subclasses of `nil` can be created
* Several fixes for IE8
* amber.js can be loaded asynchronously (it must
have an id 'amber-path-mapper' in that case)
* CodeMirror updated to ~3.20.0
Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.2...0.12.3
Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=11&state=closed
For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
3 December 2013 - Release 0.12.2
* Loading Amber in nested pages now possible (via additional `data-libs` attribute of the `