Smalltalk current createPackage: 'SUnit'!
Object subclass: #ResultAnnouncement
	instanceVariableNames: 'result'
	package: 'SUnit'!

!ResultAnnouncement methodsFor: 'accessing'!


result: aTestResult
	result := aTestResult
! !

Object subclass: #TestCase
	instanceVariableNames: 'testSelector asyncTimeout context'
	package: 'SUnit'!
!TestCase commentStamp!
A TestCase is an implementation of the command pattern to run a test.  

`TestCase` instances are created with the class method `#selector:`, 
passing the symbol that names the method to be executed when the test case runs.

When you discover a new fixture, subclass `TestCase` and create a `#test...` method for the first test.  
As that method develops and more `#test...` methods are added, you will find yourself refactoring temps 
into instance variables for the objects in the fixture and overriding `#setUp` to initialize these variables.  
As required, override `#tearDown` to nil references, release objects and deallocate.!

!TestCase methodsFor: 'accessing'!

context: aRunningTestContext
	context := aRunningTestContext


setTestSelector: aSelector
	testSelector := aSelector
! !

!TestCase methodsFor: 'async'!

async: aBlock
	| c |
	self errorIfNotAsync: '#async'.
    c := context.
    ^ [ self isAsync ifTrue: [ c execute: aBlock ] ]

	self errorIfNotAsync: '#finished'.
	asyncTimeout := nil

timeout: aNumber
	"Set a grace time timeout in milliseconds to run the test asynchronously"
	asyncTimeout ifNotNil: [ asyncTimeout clearTimeout ].
     "to allow #async: message send without throwing an error"
	asyncTimeout := 0.
	asyncTimeout := (self async: [ 
    	self assert: false description: 'SUnit grace time exhausted' ])
        	valueWithTimeout: aNumber
! !

!TestCase methodsFor: 'error handling'!

errorIfNotAsync: aString
	self isAsync ifFalse: [ 
    	self error: aString, ' used without prior #timeout:' ]
! !

!TestCase methodsFor: 'private'!

signalFailure: aString
	TestFailure new
		messageText: aString;
! !

!TestCase methodsFor: 'running'!

	asyncTimeout := nil.
	self perform: self selector

	"Runs a test case in isolated context, leaking all errors."

	(TestContext testCase: self) start


! !

!TestCase methodsFor: 'testing'!

assert: aBoolean
	self assert: aBoolean description: 'Assertion failed'

assert: aBoolean description: aString
	aBoolean ifFalse: [self signalFailure: aString]

assert: actual equals: expected
	^ self assert: (actual = expected) description: 'Expected: ', expected asString, ' but was: ', actual asString

deny: aBoolean
	self assert: aBoolean not

	^asyncTimeout notNil

should: aBlock
	self assert: aBlock value

should: aBlock raise: anExceptionClass
	self assert: ([aBlock value. false] 
		on: anExceptionClass 
		do: [:ex | true])

shouldnt: aBlock raise: anExceptionClass
	self assert: ([aBlock value. true] 
		on: anExceptionClass 
		do: [:ex | false])
! !

!TestCase class methodsFor: 'accessing'!

	| selectors |
	selectors := self testSelectors.
	self shouldInheritSelectors ifTrue: [
		selectors addAll: self superclass allTestSelectors].

	^self allTestSelectors collect: [:each | self selector: each]


selector: aSelector
	^self new
		setTestSelector: aSelector;

	^self methodDictionary keys select: [:each | each match: '^test']
! !

!TestCase class methodsFor: 'testing'!

	^ self name = 'TestCase'

	^self ~= self lookupHierarchyRoot
! !

Object subclass: #TestContext
	instanceVariableNames: 'testCase'
	package: 'SUnit'!
!TestContext commentStamp!
TestContext governs running a particular test case.

It's main added value is `#execute:` method which runs a block
as a part of test case (restores context, nilling it afterwards,
cleaning/calling tearDown as appropriate for sync/async scenario).!

!TestContext methodsFor: 'accessing'!

testCase: aTestCase
	testCase := aTestCase
! !

!TestContext methodsFor: 'running'!

execute: aBlock
	| failed |
    testCase context: self.
    	failed := true. 
        aBlock value. 
        failed := false 
    	ensure: [
        	testCase context: nil.
        	(failed and: [ testCase isAsync ]) ifTrue: [ 
            	testCase finished ].
        	testCase isAsync ifFalse: [ 
        		testCase tearDown ] ]

	self execute: [ 
    	testCase setUp. 
        testCase performTest ]
! !

!TestContext class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

testCase: aTestCase
	^self new
        testCase: aTestCase;
! !

TestContext subclass: #ReportingTestContext
	instanceVariableNames: 'finished result'
	package: 'SUnit'!
!ReportingTestContext commentStamp!
ReportingTestContext adds `TestResult` reporting
to `TestContext`.

Errors are caught and save into a `TestResult`,
When test case is finished (which can be later for async tests),
a callback block is executed; this is used by a `TestSuiteRunner`.!

!ReportingTestContext methodsFor: 'accessing'!

finished: aBlock
	finished := aBlock

result: aTestResult
	result := aTestResult
! !

!ReportingTestContext methodsFor: 'private'!

withErrorReporting: aBlock
 	[ aBlock
		on: TestFailure 
		do: [ :ex | result addFailure: testCase ] 
    	on: Error 
        do: [ :ex | result addError: testCase ]
! !

!ReportingTestContext methodsFor: 'running'!

execute: aBlock
    	self withErrorReporting: [ super execute: aBlock ] 
    	ensure: [ 
        	testCase isAsync ifFalse: [ 
            	result increaseRuns. finished value ] ]
! !

!ReportingTestContext class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

testCase: aTestCase result: aTestResult finished: aBlock
	^(super testCase: aTestCase)
        result: aTestResult;
        finished: aBlock;
! !

Error subclass: #TestFailure
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	package: 'SUnit'!
!TestFailure commentStamp!
The test framework distinguishes between failures and errors.  
A failure is an event whose possibiity is explicitly anticipated and checked for in an assertion, 
whereas an error is an unanticipated problem like a division by 0 or an index out of bounds.  

TestFailure is raised when the boolean parameter of an #`assert:` or `#deny:` call is the opposite of what the assertion claims.!

Object subclass: #TestResult
	instanceVariableNames: 'timestamp runs errors failures total'
	package: 'SUnit'!
!TestResult commentStamp!
A TestResult implements the collecting parameter pattern for running a bunch of tests.  

A TestResult holds tests that have run, sorted into the result categories of passed, failures and errors.

TestResult is an interesting object to subclass or substitute. `#runCase:` is the external protocol you need to reproduce!

!TestResult methodsFor: 'accessing'!

addError: anError
	self errors add: anError

addFailure: aFailure
	self failures add: aFailure



	runs := runs + 1


	^self errors isEmpty 
		ifTrue: [
			self failures isEmpty 
				ifTrue: ['success']
				ifFalse: ['failure']]
		ifFalse: ['error']



total: aNumber
	total := aNumber
! !

!TestResult methodsFor: 'initialization'!

	super initialize.
	timestamp := Date now.
	runs := 0.
	errors := Array new.
	failures := Array new.
	total := 0
! !

!TestResult methodsFor: 'running'!

nextRunDo: aBlock
"Runs aBlock with index of next run
or does nothing if no more runs"
^self runs == self total
	ifFalse: [ aBlock value: self runs + 1 ]

runCase: aTestCase
	[[	self increaseRuns.
    	aTestCase runCase]
	on: TestFailure do: [:ex | self addFailure: aTestCase]]
	on: Error do: [:ex | self addError: aTestCase]
! !

Object subclass: #TestSuiteRunner
	instanceVariableNames: 'suite result announcer runNextTest'
	package: 'SUnit'!

!TestSuiteRunner methodsFor: 'accessing'!



suite: aCollection
	suite := aCollection
! !

!TestSuiteRunner methodsFor: 'actions'!

	runNextTest fork.
    announcer announce: (ResultAnnouncement new result: result)

	result total: suite size.
	self resume
! !

!TestSuiteRunner methodsFor: 'initialization'!

	super initialize.
	announcer := Announcer new.
    result := TestResult new.
    runNextTest := [ | runs | runs := result runs. runs < result total ifTrue: [ (self contextOf: runs + 1) start ]].
! !

!TestSuiteRunner methodsFor: 'private'!

contextOf: anInteger
   	^ReportingTestContext testCase: (suite at: anInteger) result: result finished: [ self resume ]
! !

!TestSuiteRunner class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

	self shouldNotImplement

on: aCollection
	^super new suite: aCollection
! !