describe('String', function() { "use strict"; describe("trim", function() { var test = "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFFHello, World!\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF"; it('trims all ES5 whitespace', function() { expect(test.trim()).toEqual("Hello, World!"); expect(test.trim().length).toEqual(13); }); }); describe("split", function() { var test = "ab"; it('If "separator" is undefined must return Array with one String - "this" string', function() { expect(test.split()).toEqual([test]); expect(test.split(void 0)).toEqual([test]); }); it('If "separator" is undefined and "limit" set to 0 must return Array[]', function() { expect(test.split(void 0, 0)).toEqual([]); }); describe('Tests from Steven Levithan', function () { it("''.split() results in ['']", function () { expect(''.split()).toEqual(['']); }); it("''.split(/./) results in ['']", function () { expect(''.split(/./)).toEqual(['']); }); it("''.split(/.?/) results in []", function () { expect(''.split(/.?/)).toEqual([]); }); it("''.split(/.??/) results in []", function () { expect(''.split(/.??/)).toEqual([]); }); it("'ab'.split(/a*/) results in ['', 'b']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/a*/)).toEqual(['', 'b']); }); it("'ab'.split(/a*?/) results in ['a', 'b']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/a*?/)).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it("'ab'.split(/(?:ab)/) results in ['', '']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/(?:ab)/)).toEqual(['', '']); }); it("'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/) results in ['', '']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/)).toEqual(['', '']); }); it("'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*?/) results in ['a', 'b']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/(?:ab)*?/)).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it("'test'.split('') results in ['t', 'e', 's', 't']", function () { expect('test'.split('')).toEqual(['t', 'e', 's', 't']); }); it("'test'.split() results in ['test']", function () { expect('test'.split()).toEqual(['test']); }); it("'111'.split(1) results in ['', '', '', '']", function () { expect('111'.split(1)).toEqual(['', '', '', '']); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, 2) results in ['t', 'e']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, 2)).toEqual(['t', 'e']); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1) results in ['t', 'e', 's', 't']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, -1)).toEqual(['t', 'e', 's', 't']); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, undefined) results in ['t', 'e', 's', 't']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, undefined)).toEqual(['t', 'e', 's', 't']); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, null) results in []", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, null)).toEqual([]); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, NaN) results in []", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, NaN)).toEqual([]); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, true) results in ['t']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, true)).toEqual(['t']); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, '2') results in ['t', 'e']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, '2')).toEqual(['t', 'e']); }); it("'test'.split(/(?:)/, 'two') results in []", function () { expect('test'.split(/(?:)/, 'two')).toEqual([]); }); it("'a'.split(/-/) results in ['a']", function () { expect('a'.split(/-/)).toEqual(['a']); }); it("'a'.split(/-?/) results in ['a']", function () { expect('a'.split(/-?/)).toEqual(['a']); }); it("'a'.split(/-??/) results in ['a']", function () { expect('a'.split(/-??/)).toEqual(['a']); }); it("'a'.split(/a/) results in ['', '']", function () { expect('a'.split(/a/)).toEqual(['', '']); }); it("'a'.split(/a?/) results in ['', '']", function () { expect('a'.split(/a?/)).toEqual(['', '']); }); it("'a'.split(/a??/) results in ['a']", function () { expect('a'.split(/a??/)).toEqual(['a']); }); it("'ab'.split(/-/) results in ['ab']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/-/)).toEqual(['ab']); }); it("'ab'.split(/-?/) results in ['a', 'b']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/-?/)).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it("'ab'.split(/-??/) results in ['a', 'b']", function () { expect('ab'.split(/-??/)).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it("'a-b'.split(/-/) results in ['a', 'b']", function () { expect('a-b'.split(/-/)).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it("'a-b'.split(/-?/) results in ['a', 'b']", function () { expect('a-b'.split(/-?/)).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); it("'a-b'.split(/-??/) results in ['a', '-', 'b']", function () { expect('a-b'.split(/-??/)).toEqual(['a', '-', 'b']); }); it("'a--b'.split(/-/) results in ['a', '', 'b']", function () { expect('a--b'.split(/-/)).toEqual(['a', '', 'b']); }); it("'a--b'.split(/-?/) results in ['a', '', 'b']", function () { expect('a--b'.split(/-?/)).toEqual(['a', '', 'b']); }); it("'a--b'.split(/-??/) results in ['a', '-', '-', 'b']", function () { expect('a--b'.split(/-??/)).toEqual(['a', '-', '-', 'b']); }); it("''.split(/()()/) results in []", function () { expect(''.split(/()()/)).toEqual([]); }); it("'.'.split(/()()/) results in ['.']", function () { expect('.'.split(/()()/)).toEqual(['.']); }); it("'.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/) results in ['', '.', '', '']", function () { expect('.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/)).toEqual(['', '.', '', '']); }); it("'.'.split(/(.??)(.??)/) results in ['.']", function () { expect('.'.split(/(.??)(.??)/)).toEqual(['.']); }); it("'.'.split(/(.)?(.)?/) results in ['', '.', undefined, '']", function () { expect('.'.split(/(.)?(.)?/)).toEqual(['', '.', undefined, '']); }); it("'Aboldandcoded'.split(/<(\\/)?([^<>]+)>/) results in ['A', undefined, 'B', 'bold', '/', 'B', 'and', undefined, 'CODE', 'coded', '/', 'CODE', '']", function () { expect('Aboldandcoded'.split(/<(\/)?([^<>]+)>/)).toEqual(['A', undefined, 'B', 'bold', '/', 'B', 'and', undefined, 'CODE', 'coded', '/', 'CODE', '']); }); it("'tesst'.split(/(s)*/) results in ['t', undefined, 'e', 's', 't']", function () { expect('tesst'.split(/(s)*/)).toEqual(['t', undefined, 'e', 's', 't']); }); it("'tesst'.split(/(s)*?/) results in ['t', undefined, 'e', undefined, 's', undefined, 's', undefined, 't']", function () { expect('tesst'.split(/(s)*?/)).toEqual(['t', undefined, 'e', undefined, 's', undefined, 's', undefined, 't']); }); it("'tesst'.split(/(s*)/) results in ['t', '', 'e', 'ss', 't']", function () { expect('tesst'.split(/(s*)/)).toEqual(['t', '', 'e', 'ss', 't']); }); it("'tesst'.split(/(s*?)/) results in ['t', '', 'e', '', 's', '', 's', '', 't']", function () { expect('tesst'.split(/(s*?)/)).toEqual(['t', '', 'e', '', 's', '', 's', '', 't']); }); it("'tesst'.split(/(?:s)*/) results in ['t', 'e', 't']", function () { expect('tesst'.split(/(?:s)*/)).toEqual(['t', 'e', 't']); }); it("'tesst'.split(/(?=s+)/) results in ['te', 's', 'st']", function () { expect('tesst'.split(/(?=s+)/)).toEqual(['te', 's', 'st']); }); it("'test'.split('t') results in ['', 'es', '']", function () { expect('test'.split('t')).toEqual(['', 'es', '']); }); it("'test'.split('es') results in ['t', 't']", function () { expect('test'.split('es')).toEqual(['t', 't']); }); it("'test'.split(/t/) results in ['', 'es', '']", function () { expect('test'.split(/t/)).toEqual(['', 'es', '']); }); it("'test'.split(/es/) results in ['t', 't']", function () { expect('test'.split(/es/)).toEqual(['t', 't']); }); it("'test'.split(/(t)/) results in ['', 't', 'es', 't', '']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(t)/)).toEqual(['', 't', 'es', 't', '']); }); it("'test'.split(/(es)/) results in ['t', 'es', 't']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(es)/)).toEqual(['t', 'es', 't']); }); it("'test'.split(/(t)(e)(s)(t)/) results in ['', 't', 'e', 's', 't', '']", function () { expect('test'.split(/(t)(e)(s)(t)/)).toEqual(['', 't', 'e', 's', 't', '']); }); it("'.'.split(/(((.((.??)))))/) results in ['', '.', '.', '.', '', '', '']", function () { expect('.'.split(/(((.((.??)))))/)).toEqual(['', '.', '.', '.', '', '', '']); }); it("'.'.split(/(((((.??)))))/) results in ['.']", function () { expect('.'.split(/(((((.??)))))/)).toEqual(['.']); }); it("'a b c d'.split(/ /, -(Math.pow(2, 32) - 1)) results in ['a']", function () { expect('a b c d'.split(/ /, -(Math.pow(2, 32) - 1))).toEqual(['a']); }); it("'a b c d'.split(/ /, Math.pow(2, 32) + 1) results in ['a']", function () { expect('a b c d'.split(/ /, Math.pow(2, 32) + 1)).toEqual(['a']); }); it("'a b c d'.split(/ /, Infinity) results in []", function () { expect('a b c d'.split(/ /, Infinity)).toEqual([]); }); }); }); });