1. 0.12.3 (wip):
  2. * Package Import-Export renamed to Kernel-ImportExport
  3. * A dozen of methods moved from Object to ProtoObject
  4. * HashedCollection >> at:ifAbsentPut: pushed up to SequenceableCollection
  5. * HashedCollection >> , is now allowed (removed shouldNotImplement)
  6. * HashedCollection and Dictionary both subclasses of AssociativeCollection
  7. * Smalltalk class moved to SmalltalkImage class, Smalltalk is now global var
  8. * Smalltalk current deprecated in favour of Smalltalk
  9. * Smalltalk at:[put:] deprecated in favour of Smalltalk globals at:[put:]
  10. * <smalltalk.ClassName> deprecated in favour of <globals.ClassName>
  11. + CompiledMethod >>
  12. + defaultProtocol
  13. + Behavior >>
  14. + compile:protocol:
  15. + removeProtocolIfEmpty:
  16. + Package >>
  17. + load
  18. + loadFromNamespace:
  19. + Package class >>
  20. + load:
  21. + load:fromNamespace:
  22. + PackageTransport >> load
  23. + PackageHandler >> load:
  24. + AmdPackageHandler >> load:
  25. + Set >> removeAll
  26. + AssociativeCollection class
  27. + BucketStore class
  28. + SmalltalkImage >> globals
  29. + SmalltalkImage >> vm
  30. + Smalltalk global variable
  31. - CompiledMethod >>
  32. - category: (use #protocol:)
  33. - defaultCategory
  34. - Behavior >> compile:category:
  35. - HTMLCanvas class >>
  36. - browserVersion
  37. - isMSIE
  38. - isMozilla
  39. - isOpera
  40. - isWebkit
  41. 0.12.2:
  42. * Collection >> contains: is deprecated in favor of anySatisfy:
  43. + Announcer >> on:doOnce:
  44. + String >>
  45. + uriEncoded
  46. + uriDecoded
  47. + uriComponentEncoded
  48. + uriComponentDecoded
  49. + Collection >>
  50. + removeAll
  51. + ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty:
  52. + ifNotEmpty:ifEmpty:
  53. + anyOne
  54. + noneSatisfy:
  55. + anySatisfy:
  56. + allSatisfy:
  57. 0.12.0:
  58. * SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fillBlock() takes a third 'index' parameter
  59. * Existing classes moved to new KernelInfrastructure package
  60. * ImporterExporter
  61. * are now StreamExporters
  62. * aware of AMD namespaces
  63. * support transport types and commit channels
  64. + Node >>
  65. + nextChild
  66. + method
  67. + postCopy
  68. + isCascadeNode
  69. + isLastChild
  70. + BlockNode >>
  71. + nextNode:
  72. + nextChild
  73. + SendNode >>
  74. + isCascadeSendNode
  75. + shouldBeAliased
  76. + CompiledMethod >> sendTo:arguments:
  77. + Array >>
  78. + addFirst:
  79. + removeLast
  80. + Number >>
  81. + ceiling
  82. + floor
  83. + asNumber
  84. + //
  85. + cos
  86. + sin
  87. + tan
  88. + arcCos
  89. + arcSin
  90. + arcTan
  91. + log
  92. + log:
  93. + raisedTo:
  94. + sign
  95. + **
  96. + ln
  97. + e
  98. + String class >> esc
  99. + String >>
  100. + asMutator
  101. + capitalized
  102. + isCapitalized
  103. + JSProxy >> printString
  104. + Behavior >>
  105. + ownProtocols
  106. + ownMethods
  107. + JSStream >> nextPutSendIndexFor:
  108. + InterfacingObject class
  109. + Interpreter class
  110. + DocumentFragmentTag class
  111. + AbstractExporter class
  112. + PlatformInterface class
  113. - Node >> extent
  114. - JSStream >> nextPutStatement:with:
  115. - Smalltalk.installSuperclass()
  116. - ClassReferenceNode class (now handled via VariableNode)
  117. 0.11.0:
  118. * AnnouncementSubscription use #valuable: instead of #block: (deprecated)
  119. * AbstractCodeGenerator inherits from Object, not NodeVisitor
  120. * Object>>printString
  121. * replace >>printString with >>printOn:
  122. * replace >>storeString with >>printString
  123. * PackageLoader is now PackageHandler (>>commit: >>setupPackagenamed:prefix: >>ajaxPutAt:data:
  124. * Package>>fetch: is now Package>>load:
  125. * Package>>fetch:prefix: is now Package>>load:prefix:
  126. * Queue>>front replaced by Queue>>next
  127. * Queue>>frontIfAbsent: replaced by Queue>>nextIfAbsent:
  128. * Queue>>back: replaced by Queue>>nextPut:
  129. * smalltalk.addMethod() does not use explicit JS selector
  130. * JSObjectProxy>>canForwardMessage: replaced by use of JSObjectProxy>>lookupProperty: with asJavaScriptSelector
  131. * JSObjectProxy>>forwardMessage: replaced by explicit JSObjectProxy>>forwardMessage:withArguments:
  132. * String>>asJavaScriptSelector moved to Kernel-Objects package
  133. + Object>>asString
  134. + Object>>putOn:
  135. + String>>isVowel
  136. + Collection>>putOn:
  137. + CharacterArray>>putOn:
  138. + Stream>><<
  139. + Stream>>write
  140. + SequenceableCollection>>newStream
  141. + SequenceableCollection>>readStream
  142. + SequenceableCollection>>stream
  143. + SequenceableCollection>>streamClass
  144. + SequenceableCollection>>writeStream
  145. + Collection>>isImmutable
  146. + Stream>>nextPutString:
  147. + StringStream>>nextPutString:
  148. + JSStream>>nextPutClassRefFunction:
  149. + String>>crlfSanitized
  150. + inlined Block now also responds to >>value:
  151. + Parser: split literal into runtimeLiteral and parseTimeLiteral
  152. + Parser: write #(4 #(5 6 #()) 7) as #(4 (5 6 ()) 7)
  153. + Parser: write #(#on:do: #Object) as #(on:do: Object)
  154. + Parser: Symbols for binarie selectores
  155. + Package>>commit
  156. + AIContext>>initializeLocals
  157. + ASTInterpreter>>withBlockContext:
  158. + smalltalk.allSelectors()
  159. + Object>>isCompiledMethod
  160. + Object>>isPackage
  161. + Object>>isBehavior
  162. + ClassMoved Announcemen class
  163. + Behavior>>includesBehavior:
  164. + Environment>>classes
  165. + Environment>>allSelectors
  166. + Environment>>removeProtocol:
  167. + Environment>>renameProtocol:to:in:
  168. + CompiledMethod>>protocol:
  169. + Smalltalk>>globalJsVariables
  170. + Smalltalk>>addGlobalJsVariable:
  171. + Smalltalk>>deleteGlobalJsVariable:
  172. - Object>>storeOn:
  173. - Object>>log:block:
  174. - Object>>printNl
  175. - Compiler-IR.st >>javascriptSelector
  176. - Compiler-IR.st >>nextPutVar:
  177. - Kernel-Collections.st >>asSuperSelector
  178. - Collection>>readStream
  179. - Collection>>stream
  180. - Collection>>streamClass
  181. - Collection>>writeStream
  182. - Symbol class (replaced with String)
  183. - IRInlinedNonLocalReturn class
  184. - IRInlinedSend>>nonLocalReturnInliner
  185. - IRNonLocalReturnInliner class
  186. - Package>>dependencies
  187. - Package>>dependencies:
  188. - Package>>properties
  189. - Package>>jsProperties
  190. - Package>>jsProperties:
  191. - Package>>propertiesAsJSON
  192. - Package>>propertyAt:
  193. - Package>>propertyAt:ifAbsent:
  194. - Package>>propertyAt:put:
  195. - Browser>>ajaxPutAt:data: