Helios-Core.st 44 KB

  1. Smalltalk createPackage: 'Helios-Core'!
  2. InterfacingObject subclass: #HLModel
  3. instanceVariableNames: 'announcer environment'
  4. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  5. !HLModel commentStamp!
  6. I am the abstract superclass of all models of Helios.
  7. I am the "Model" part of the MVC pattern implementation in Helios.
  8. I provide access to an `Environment` object and both a local (model-specific) and global (system-specific) announcer.
  9. The `#withChangesDo:` method is handy for performing model changes ensuring that all widgets are aware of the change and can prevent it from happening.
  10. Modifications of the system should be done via commands (see `HLCommand` and subclasses).!
  11. !HLModel methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  12. announcer
  13. ^ announcer ifNil: [ announcer := Announcer new ]
  14. !
  15. environment
  16. ^ environment ifNil: [ self manager environment ]
  17. !
  18. environment: anEnvironment
  19. environment := anEnvironment
  20. !
  21. manager
  22. ^ HLManager current
  23. !
  24. systemAnnouncer
  25. ^ self environment systemAnnouncer
  26. ! !
  27. !HLModel methodsFor: 'error handling'!
  28. withChangesDo: aBlock
  29. [
  30. self announcer announce: (HLAboutToChange new
  31. actionBlock: aBlock;
  32. yourself).
  33. aBlock value.
  34. ]
  35. on: HLChangeForbidden
  36. do: [ :ex | ]
  37. ! !
  38. !HLModel methodsFor: 'testing'!
  39. isBrowserModel
  40. ^ false
  41. !
  42. isReferencesModel
  43. ^ false
  44. !
  45. isToolModel
  46. ^ false
  47. ! !
  48. HLModel subclass: #HLFinder
  49. instanceVariableNames: ''
  50. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  51. !HLFinder commentStamp!
  52. I am the `Finder` service handler of Helios.
  53. Finding a class will open a new class browser, while finding a method will open a references browser.!
  54. !HLFinder methodsFor: 'finding'!
  55. findClass: aClass
  56. HLBrowser openAsTab openClassNamed: aClass name
  57. !
  58. findMethod: aCompiledMethod
  59. HLBrowser openAsTab openMethod: aCompiledMethod
  60. !
  61. findString: aString
  62. | foundClass |
  63. foundClass := self environment classes
  64. detect: [ :each | each name = aString ]
  65. ifNone: [ nil ].
  66. foundClass
  67. ifNil: [ HLReferences openAsTab search: aString ]
  68. ifNotNil: [ self findClass: foundClass ]
  69. ! !
  70. HLModel subclass: #HLToolModel
  71. instanceVariableNames: 'selectedClass selectedPackage selectedProtocol selectedSelector'
  72. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  73. !HLToolModel commentStamp!
  74. I am a model specific to package and class manipulation. All browsers should either use me or a subclass as their model.
  75. I provide methods for package, class, protocol and method manipulation and access, forwarding to my environment.
  76. I also handle compilation of classes and methods as well as compilation and parsing errors.!
  77. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  78. allSelectors
  79. ^ self environment allSelectors
  80. !
  81. availableClassNames
  82. ^ self environment availableClassNames
  83. !
  84. availablePackageNames
  85. ^ self environment availablePackageNames
  86. !
  87. availablePackages
  88. ^ self environment availablePackageNames
  89. !
  90. availableProtocols
  91. ^ self environment availableProtocolsFor: self selectedClass
  92. !
  93. forceSelectedClass: aClass
  94. self withChangesDo: [
  95. self
  96. selectedClass: nil;
  97. selectedClass: aClass ]
  98. !
  99. forceSelectedMethod: aMethod
  100. self withChangesDo: [
  101. self
  102. selectedMethod: nil;
  103. selectedMethod: aMethod ]
  104. !
  105. forceSelectedPackage: aPackage
  106. self withChangesDo: [
  107. self
  108. selectedPackage: nil;
  109. selectedPackage: aPackage ]
  110. !
  111. forceSelectedProtocol: aProtocol
  112. self withChangesDo: [
  113. self
  114. selectedProtocol: nil;
  115. selectedProtocol: aProtocol ]
  116. !
  117. packageToCommit
  118. "Answer the package to commit depending on the context:
  119. - if a Method is selected, answer its package
  120. - else answer the `selectedPackage`"
  121. ^ self selectedMethod
  122. ifNil: [ self selectedPackage ]
  123. ifNotNil: [ :method | method package ]
  124. !
  125. packages
  126. ^ self environment packages
  127. !
  128. selectedClass
  129. ^ selectedClass
  130. !
  131. selectedClass: aClass
  132. (self selectedClass = aClass and: [ aClass isNil ])
  133. ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  134. self withChangesDo: [
  135. selectedClass = aClass ifTrue: [
  136. self selectedProtocol: nil ].
  137. aClass
  138. ifNil: [ selectedClass := nil ]
  139. ifNotNil: [
  140. self selectedPackage: aClass theNonMetaClass package.
  141. self showInstance
  142. ifTrue: [ selectedClass := aClass theNonMetaClass ]
  143. ifFalse: [ selectedClass := aClass theMetaClass ] ].
  144. self selectedProtocol: nil.
  145. self announcer announce: (HLClassSelected on: self selectedClass) ]
  146. !
  147. selectedMethod
  148. ^ self selectedClass ifNotNil: [
  149. self selectedClass methodDictionary
  150. at: selectedSelector
  151. ifAbsent: [ nil ] ]
  152. !
  153. selectedMethod: aCompiledMethod
  154. selectedSelector = aCompiledMethod ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  155. self withChangesDo: [
  156. aCompiledMethod
  157. ifNil: [ selectedSelector := nil ]
  158. ifNotNil: [
  159. selectedClass := aCompiledMethod methodClass.
  160. selectedPackage := selectedClass theNonMetaClass package.
  161. selectedSelector := aCompiledMethod selector ].
  162. self announcer announce: (HLMethodSelected on: aCompiledMethod) ]
  163. !
  164. selectedPackage
  165. ^ selectedPackage
  166. !
  167. selectedPackage: aPackage
  168. selectedPackage = aPackage ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  169. self withChangesDo: [
  170. selectedPackage := aPackage.
  171. self selectedClass: nil.
  172. self announcer announce: (HLPackageSelected on: aPackage) ]
  173. !
  174. selectedProtocol
  175. ^ selectedProtocol
  176. !
  177. selectedProtocol: aString
  178. selectedProtocol = aString ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  179. self withChangesDo: [
  180. selectedProtocol := aString.
  181. self selectedMethod: nil.
  182. self announcer announce: (HLProtocolSelected on: aString) ]
  183. ! !
  184. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'actions'!
  185. addInstVarNamed: aString
  186. self environment addInstVarNamed: aString to: self selectedClass.
  187. self announcer announce: (HLInstVarAdded new
  188. theClass: self selectedClass;
  189. variableName: aString;
  190. yourself)
  191. !
  192. save: aString
  193. self announcer announce: HLSourceCodeSaved new.
  194. (self shouldCompileClassDefinition: aString)
  195. ifTrue: [ self compileClassDefinition: aString ]
  196. ifFalse: [ self compileMethod: aString ]
  197. !
  198. saveSourceCode
  199. self announcer announce: HLSaveSourceCode new
  200. ! !
  201. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'commands actions'!
  202. commitPackageOnSuccess: aBlock onError: anotherBlock
  203. self environment
  204. commitPackage: self packageToCommit
  205. onSuccess: aBlock
  206. onError: anotherBlock
  207. !
  208. copyClassTo: aClassName
  209. self withChangesDo: [
  210. self environment
  211. copyClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass
  212. to: aClassName ]
  213. !
  214. moveClassToPackage: aPackageName
  215. self withChangesDo: [
  216. self environment
  217. moveClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass
  218. toPackage: aPackageName ]
  219. !
  220. moveMethodToClass: aClassName
  221. self withChangesDo: [
  222. self environment
  223. moveMethod: self selectedMethod
  224. toClass: aClassName ]
  225. !
  226. moveMethodToProtocol: aProtocol
  227. self withChangesDo: [
  228. self environment
  229. moveMethod: self selectedMethod
  230. toProtocol: aProtocol ]
  231. !
  232. openClassNamed: aString
  233. | class |
  234. self withChangesDo: [
  235. class := self environment classNamed: aString.
  236. self selectedPackage: class package.
  237. self selectedClass: class ]
  238. !
  239. removeClass
  240. self withChangesDo: [
  241. self manager
  242. confirm: 'Do you REALLY want to remove class ', self selectedClass theNonMetaClass name
  243. ifTrue: [ self environment removeClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass ] ]
  244. !
  245. removeMethod
  246. self withChangesDo: [
  247. self manager
  248. confirm: 'Do you REALLY want to remove method ', self selectedMethod methodClass name,' >> #', self selectedMethod selector
  249. ifTrue: [ self environment removeMethod: self selectedMethod ] ]
  250. !
  251. removeProtocol
  252. self withChangesDo: [
  253. self manager
  254. confirm: 'Do you REALLY want to remove protocol ', self selectedProtocol
  255. ifTrue: [ self environment
  256. removeProtocol: self selectedProtocol
  257. from: self selectedClass ] ]
  258. !
  259. renameClassTo: aClassName
  260. self withChangesDo: [
  261. self environment
  262. renameClass: self selectedClass theNonMetaClass
  263. to: aClassName ]
  264. !
  265. renameProtocolTo: aString
  266. self withChangesDo: [
  267. self environment
  268. renameProtocol: self selectedProtocol
  269. to: aString
  270. in: self selectedClass ]
  271. ! !
  272. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'compiling'!
  273. compileClassComment: aString
  274. self environment
  275. compileClassComment: aString
  276. for: self selectedClass
  277. !
  278. compileClassDefinition: aString
  279. self environment compileClassDefinition: aString
  280. !
  281. compileMethod: aString
  282. | method |
  283. self withCompileErrorHandling: [
  284. method := self environment
  285. compileMethod: aString
  286. for: self selectedClass
  287. protocol: self compilationProtocol.
  288. self selectedMethod: method ]
  289. ! !
  290. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'defaults'!
  291. allProtocol
  292. ^ '-- all --'
  293. !
  294. unclassifiedProtocol
  295. ^ 'as yet unclassified'
  296. ! !
  297. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'error handling'!
  298. handleCompileError: anError
  299. self announcer announce: (HLCompileErrorRaised new
  300. error: anError;
  301. yourself)
  302. !
  303. handleParseError: anError
  304. | split line column messageToInsert |
  305. split := anError messageText tokenize: ' : '.
  306. messageToInsert := split second.
  307. "21 = 'Parse error on line ' size + 1"
  308. split := split first copyFrom: 21 to: split first size.
  309. split := split tokenize: ' column '.
  310. line := split first.
  311. column := split second.
  312. self announcer announce: (HLParseErrorRaised new
  313. line: line asNumber;
  314. column: column asNumber;
  315. message: messageToInsert;
  316. error: anError;
  317. yourself)
  318. !
  319. handleUnkownVariableError: anError
  320. self announcer announce: (HLUnknownVariableErrorRaised new
  321. error: anError;
  322. yourself)
  323. !
  324. withCompileErrorHandling: aBlock
  325. self environment
  326. evaluate: [
  327. self environment
  328. evaluate: [
  329. self environment
  330. evaluate: aBlock
  331. on: ParseError
  332. do: [ :ex | self handleParseError: ex ] ]
  333. on: UnknownVariableError
  334. do: [ :ex | self handleUnkownVariableError: ex ] ]
  335. on: CompilerError
  336. do: [ :ex | self handleCompileError: ex ]
  337. ! !
  338. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'private'!
  339. compilationProtocol
  340. | currentProtocol |
  341. currentProtocol := self selectedProtocol.
  342. currentProtocol ifNil: [ currentProtocol := self unclassifiedProtocol ].
  343. self selectedMethod ifNotNil: [ currentProtocol := self selectedMethod protocol ].
  344. ^ currentProtocol = self allProtocol
  345. ifTrue: [ self unclassifiedProtocol ]
  346. ifFalse: [ currentProtocol ]
  347. !
  348. withHelperLabelled: aString do: aBlock
  349. "TODO: doesn't belong here"
  350. '#helper' asJQuery remove.
  351. [ :html |
  352. html div
  353. id: 'helper';
  354. with: aString ] appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery.
  355. [
  356. aBlock value.
  357. '#helper' asJQuery remove
  358. ]
  359. valueWithTimeout: 10
  360. ! !
  361. !HLToolModel methodsFor: 'testing'!
  362. isToolModel
  363. ^ true
  364. !
  365. shouldCompileClassDefinition: aString
  366. ^ self selectedClass isNil or: [
  367. aString match: '^\s*[A-Z]' ]
  368. ! !
  369. !HLToolModel class methodsFor: 'actions'!
  370. on: anEnvironment
  371. ^ self new
  372. environment: anEnvironment;
  373. yourself
  374. ! !
  375. Object subclass: #HLProgressHandler
  376. instanceVariableNames: ''
  377. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  378. !HLProgressHandler commentStamp!
  379. I am a specific progress handler for Helios, displaying progresses in a modal window.!
  380. !HLProgressHandler methodsFor: 'progress handling'!
  381. do: aBlock on: aCollection displaying: aString
  382. HLProgressWidget default
  383. do: aBlock
  384. on: aCollection
  385. displaying: aString
  386. ! !
  387. Widget subclass: #HLWidget
  388. instanceVariableNames: 'wrapper'
  389. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  390. !HLWidget commentStamp!
  391. I am the abstract superclass of all Helios widgets.
  392. I provide common methods, additional behavior to widgets useful for Helios, like dialog creation, command execution and tab creation.
  393. ## API
  394. 1. Rendering
  395. Instead of overriding `#renderOn:` as with other Widget subclasses, my subclasses should override `#renderContentOn:`.
  396. 2. Refreshing
  397. To re-render a widget, use `#refresh`.
  398. 3. Key bindings registration and tabs
  399. When displayed as a tab, the widget has a chance to register keybindings with the `#registerBindingsOn:` hook method.
  400. 4. Unregistration
  401. When a widget has subscribed to announcements or other actions that need to be cleared when closing the tab, the hook method `#unregister` will be called by helios.
  402. 5. Tabs
  403. To enable a widget class to be open as a tab, override the class-side `#canBeOpenAsTab` method to answer `true`. `#tabClass` and `#tabPriority` can be overridden too to respectively change the css class of the tab and the order of tabs in the main menu.
  404. 6. Command execution
  405. An helios command (instance of `HLCommand` or one of its subclass) can be executed with `#execute:`.!
  406. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  407. cssClass
  408. ^ 'hl_widget'
  409. !
  410. manager
  411. ^ HLManager current
  412. !
  413. removeTab
  414. self manager removeTabForWidget: self
  415. !
  416. setTabLabel: aString
  417. self manager announcer announce: (HLTabLabelChanged new
  418. widget: self;
  419. label: aString;
  420. yourself)
  421. !
  422. tabClass
  423. ^ self class tabClass
  424. !
  425. wrapper
  426. ^ wrapper
  427. ! !
  428. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  429. confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock
  430. self manager confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock
  431. !
  432. confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock ifFalse: anotherBlock
  433. self manager
  434. confirm: aString
  435. ifTrue: aBlock
  436. ifFalse: anotherBlock
  437. !
  438. execute: aCommand
  439. HLManager current keyBinder
  440. activate;
  441. applyBinding: aCommand asBinding
  442. !
  443. inform: aString
  444. self manager inform: aString
  445. !
  446. openAsTab
  447. (HLTabWidget on: self labelled: self defaultTabLabel)
  448. add
  449. !
  450. request: aString do: aBlock
  451. self manager request: aString do: aBlock
  452. !
  453. request: aString value: valueString do: aBlock
  454. self manager
  455. request: aString
  456. value: valueString
  457. do: aBlock
  458. !
  459. unregister
  460. "This method is called whenever the receiver is closed (as a tab).
  461. Widgets subscribing to announcements should unregister there"
  462. ! !
  463. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'defaults'!
  464. defaultTabLabel
  465. ^ self class tabLabel
  466. ! !
  467. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'keybindings'!
  468. bindKeyDown: keyDownBlock keyUp: keyUpBlock
  469. self wrapper asJQuery
  470. keydown: keyDownBlock;
  471. keyup: keyUpBlock
  472. !
  473. registerBindings
  474. self registerBindingsOn: self manager keyBinder bindings
  475. !
  476. registerBindingsOn: aBindingGroup
  477. !
  478. unbindKeyDownKeyUp
  479. self wrapper asJQuery
  480. unbind: 'keydown';
  481. unbind: 'keyup'
  482. ! !
  483. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  484. renderContentOn: html
  485. !
  486. renderOn: html
  487. wrapper := html div
  488. class: self cssClass;
  489. yourself.
  490. [ :renderer | self renderContentOn: renderer ] appendToJQuery: wrapper asJQuery
  491. ! !
  492. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'testing'!
  493. canHaveFocus
  494. ^ false
  495. ! !
  496. !HLWidget methodsFor: 'updating'!
  497. refresh
  498. self wrapper ifNil: [ ^ self ].
  499. self wrapper asJQuery empty.
  500. [ :html | self renderContentOn: html ] appendToJQuery: self wrapper asJQuery
  501. ! !
  502. !HLWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  503. openAsTab
  504. | instance |
  505. instance := self new.
  506. (HLTabWidget
  507. on: instance
  508. labelled: instance defaultTabLabel) add.
  509. ^ instance
  510. !
  511. tabClass
  512. ^ ''
  513. !
  514. tabLabel
  515. ^ 'Tab'
  516. !
  517. tabPriority
  518. ^ 500
  519. ! !
  520. !HLWidget class methodsFor: 'testing'!
  521. canBeOpenAsTab
  522. ^ false
  523. ! !
  524. HLWidget subclass: #HLFocusableWidget
  525. instanceVariableNames: ''
  526. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  527. !HLFocusableWidget commentStamp!
  528. I am a widget that can be focused.
  529. ## API
  530. Instead of overriding `#renderOn:` as with other `Widget` subclasses, my subclasses should override `#renderContentOn:`.
  531. To bring the focus to the widget, use the `#focus` method.!
  532. !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  533. focusClass
  534. ^ 'focused'
  535. ! !
  536. !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'events'!
  537. blur
  538. self wrapper asJQuery blur
  539. !
  540. focus
  541. self wrapper asJQuery focus
  542. ! !
  543. !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  544. renderContentOn: html
  545. !
  546. renderOn: html
  547. wrapper := html div
  548. class: self cssClass;
  549. yourself.
  550. wrapper with: [ self renderContentOn: html ].
  551. wrapper
  552. at: 'tabindex' put: '0';
  553. onBlur: [ self wrapper asJQuery removeClass: self focusClass ];
  554. onFocus: [ self wrapper asJQuery addClass: self focusClass ]
  555. ! !
  556. !HLFocusableWidget methodsFor: 'testing'!
  557. canHaveFocus
  558. ^ true
  559. !
  560. hasFocus
  561. ^ self wrapper notNil and: [ self wrapper asJQuery hasClass: self focusClass ]
  562. ! !
  563. HLFocusableWidget subclass: #HLListWidget
  564. instanceVariableNames: 'items selectedItem'
  565. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  566. !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  567. activeItemCssClass
  568. ^'active'
  569. !
  570. buttonsDivCssClass
  571. ^ 'pane_actions form-actions'
  572. !
  573. cssClassForItem: anObject
  574. ^ ''
  575. !
  576. findListItemFor: anObject
  577. ^ (((wrapper asJQuery find: 'li')
  578. filter: [ :thisArg :otherArg | (thisArg asJQuery data: 'item') = anObject ] currySelf) eq: 0)
  579. !
  580. items
  581. ^ items ifNil: [ items := self defaultItems ]
  582. !
  583. items: aCollection
  584. items := aCollection
  585. !
  586. listCssClass
  587. ^'nav nav-pills nav-stacked'
  588. !
  589. listCssClassForItem: anObject
  590. ^ self selectedItem = anObject
  591. ifTrue: [ self activeItemCssClass ]
  592. ifFalse: [ 'inactive' ]
  593. !
  594. positionOf: aListItem
  595. <
  596. return aListItem.parent().children().get().indexOf(aListItem.get(0)) + 1
  597. >
  598. !
  599. selectedItem
  600. ^ selectedItem
  601. !
  602. selectedItem: anObject
  603. selectedItem := anObject
  604. ! !
  605. !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  606. activateFirstListItem
  607. self activateListItem: ((wrapper asJQuery find: 'li.inactive') eq: 0)
  608. !
  609. activateItem: anObject
  610. self activateListItem: (self findListItemFor: anObject)
  611. !
  612. activateListItem: aListItem
  613. | item |
  614. (aListItem get: 0) ifNil: [ ^ self ].
  615. aListItem parent children removeClass: self activeItemCssClass.
  616. aListItem addClass: self activeItemCssClass.
  617. self ensureVisible: aListItem.
  618. "Activate the corresponding item"
  619. item := aListItem data: 'item'.
  620. self selectedItem == item ifFalse: [
  621. self selectItem: item ]
  622. !
  623. activateNextListItem
  624. self activateListItem: (self wrapper asJQuery find: ('li.', self activeItemCssClass)) next.
  625. "select the first item if none is selected"
  626. (self wrapper asJQuery find: (' .', self activeItemCssClass)) get ifEmpty: [
  627. self activateFirstListItem ]
  628. !
  629. activatePreviousListItem
  630. self activateListItem: (self wrapper asJQuery find: ('li.', self activeItemCssClass)) prev
  631. !
  632. ensureVisible: aListItem
  633. "Move the scrollbar to show the active element"
  634. | parent position |
  635. (aListItem get: 0) ifNil: [ ^ self ].
  636. position := self positionOf: aListItem.
  637. parent := aListItem parent.
  638. aListItem position top < 0 ifTrue: [
  639. (parent get: 0) scrollTop: ((parent get: 0) scrollTop + aListItem position top - 10) ].
  640. aListItem position top + aListItem height > parent height ifTrue: [
  641. (parent get: 0) scrollTop: ((parent get: 0) scrollTop + aListItem height - (parent height - aListItem position top)) +10 ]
  642. !
  643. focus
  644. super focus.
  645. self items isEmpty ifFalse: [
  646. self selectedItem ifNil: [ self activateFirstListItem ] ]
  647. !
  648. reactivateListItem: aListItem
  649. self activateListItem: aListItem.
  650. self reselectItem: self selectedItem
  651. !
  652. refresh
  653. super refresh.
  654. self selectedItem ifNotNil: [self ensureVisible: (self findListItemFor: self selectedItem)].
  655. !
  656. reselectItem: anObject
  657. !
  658. selectItem: anObject
  659. self selectedItem: anObject
  660. ! !
  661. !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'defaults'!
  662. defaultItems
  663. ^ #()
  664. ! !
  665. !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'events'!
  666. setupKeyBindings
  667. (HLRepeatedKeyDownHandler on: self)
  668. whileKeyDown: 38 do: [ self activatePreviousListItem ];
  669. whileKeyDown: 40 do: [ self activateNextListItem ];
  670. rebindKeys.
  671. self wrapper asJQuery keydown: [ :e |
  672. e which = 13 ifTrue: [
  673. self reselectItem: self selectedItem ] ]
  674. ! !
  675. !HLListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  676. renderButtonsOn: html
  677. !
  678. renderContentOn: html
  679. html ul
  680. class: self listCssClass;
  681. with: [ self renderListOn: html ];
  682. onClick: [ self focus ].
  683. html div class: self buttonsDivCssClass; with: [
  684. self renderButtonsOn: html ].
  685. self setupKeyBindings
  686. !
  687. renderItem: anObject on: html
  688. | li |
  689. li := html li.
  690. li asJQuery data: 'item' put: anObject.
  691. li
  692. class: (self listCssClassForItem: anObject);
  693. with: [
  694. html a
  695. with: [
  696. (html tag: 'i') class: (self cssClassForItem: anObject).
  697. self renderItemLabel: anObject on: html ];
  698. onClick: [
  699. self reactivateListItem: li asJQuery ] ]
  700. !
  701. renderItemLabel: anObject on: html
  702. html with: anObject asString
  703. !
  704. renderListOn: html
  705. self items do: [ :each |
  706. self renderItem: each on: html ]
  707. ! !
  708. HLListWidget subclass: #HLNavigationListWidget
  709. instanceVariableNames: 'previous next'
  710. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  711. !HLNavigationListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  712. next
  713. ^ next
  714. !
  715. next: aWidget
  716. next := aWidget.
  717. aWidget previous = self ifFalse: [ aWidget previous: self ]
  718. !
  719. previous
  720. ^ previous
  721. !
  722. previous: aWidget
  723. previous := aWidget.
  724. aWidget next = self ifFalse: [ aWidget next: self ]
  725. ! !
  726. !HLNavigationListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  727. nextFocus
  728. self next ifNotNil: [ self next focus ]
  729. !
  730. previousFocus
  731. self previous ifNotNil: [ self previous focus ]
  732. ! !
  733. !HLNavigationListWidget methodsFor: 'events'!
  734. setupKeyBindings
  735. super setupKeyBindings.
  736. self wrapper asJQuery keydown: [ :e |
  737. e which = 39 ifTrue: [
  738. self nextFocus ].
  739. e which = 37 ifTrue: [
  740. self previousFocus ] ]
  741. ! !
  742. HLNavigationListWidget subclass: #HLToolListWidget
  743. instanceVariableNames: 'model'
  744. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  745. !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  746. commandCategory
  747. ^ self label
  748. !
  749. label
  750. ^ 'List'
  751. !
  752. menuCommands
  753. "Answer a collection of commands to be put in the cog menu"
  754. ^ ((HLToolCommand concreteClasses
  755. select: [ :each | each isValidFor: self model ])
  756. collect: [ :each | each for: self model ])
  757. select: [ :each |
  758. each category = self commandCategory and: [
  759. each isAction and: [ each isActive ] ] ]
  760. !
  761. model
  762. ^ model
  763. !
  764. model: aBrowserModel
  765. model := aBrowserModel.
  766. self
  767. observeSystem;
  768. observeModel
  769. !
  770. selectedItem: anItem
  771. "Selection changed, update the cog menu"
  772. super selectedItem: anItem.
  773. self updateMenu
  774. ! !
  775. !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  776. activateListItem: anItem
  777. self model withChangesDo: [ super activateListItem: anItem ]
  778. !
  779. activateNextListItem
  780. self model withChangesDo: [ super activateNextListItem ]
  781. !
  782. activatePreviousListItem
  783. self model withChangesDo: [ super activatePreviousListItem ]
  784. !
  785. observeModel
  786. !
  787. observeSystem
  788. !
  789. reactivateListItem: anItem
  790. self model withChangesDo: [ super reactivateListItem: anItem ]
  791. !
  792. unregister
  793. super unregister.
  794. self model announcer unsubscribe: self.
  795. self model systemAnnouncer unsubscribe: self
  796. ! !
  797. !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  798. renderContentOn: html
  799. self renderHeadOn: html.
  800. super renderContentOn: html
  801. !
  802. renderHeadOn: html
  803. html div
  804. class: 'list-label';
  805. with: [
  806. html with: self label.
  807. self renderMenuOn: html ]
  808. !
  809. renderMenuOn: html
  810. | commands |
  811. commands := self menuCommands.
  812. commands isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  813. html div
  814. class: 'btn-group cog';
  815. with: [
  816. html a
  817. class: 'btn dropdown-toggle';
  818. at: 'data-toggle' put: 'dropdown';
  819. with: [ (html tag: 'i') class: 'icon-chevron-down' ].
  820. html ul
  821. class: 'dropdown-menu pull-right';
  822. with: [
  823. self menuCommands do: [ :each |
  824. html li with: [ html a
  825. with: each menuLabel;
  826. onClick: [ self execute: each ] ] ] ] ]
  827. ! !
  828. !HLToolListWidget methodsFor: 'updating'!
  829. updateMenu
  830. (self wrapper asJQuery find: '.cog') remove.
  831. [ :html | self renderMenuOn: html ]
  832. appendToJQuery: (self wrapper asJQuery find: '.list-label')
  833. ! !
  834. !HLToolListWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
  835. on: aModel
  836. ^ self new
  837. model: aModel;
  838. yourself
  839. ! !
  840. HLListWidget subclass: #HLTabListWidget
  841. instanceVariableNames: 'callback'
  842. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  843. !HLTabListWidget commentStamp!
  844. I am a widget used to display a list of helios tabs.
  845. When a tab is selected, `callback` is evaluated with the selected tab as argument.!
  846. !HLTabListWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  847. callback
  848. ^ callback ifNil: [ [] ]
  849. !
  850. callback: aBlock
  851. callback := aBlock
  852. ! !
  853. !HLTabListWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  854. selectItem: aTab
  855. super selectItem: aTab.
  856. self callback value: aTab
  857. ! !
  858. !HLTabListWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  859. renderItemLabel: aTab on: html
  860. html span
  861. class: aTab cssClass;
  862. with: aTab label
  863. ! !
  864. HLWidget subclass: #HLInformationWidget
  865. instanceVariableNames: 'informationString'
  866. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  867. !HLInformationWidget commentStamp!
  868. I display an information dialog.
  869. ## API
  870. `HLWidget >> #inform:` is a convenience method for creating information dialogs.!
  871. !HLInformationWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  872. informationString
  873. ^ informationString ifNil: [ '' ]
  874. !
  875. informationString: anObject
  876. informationString := anObject
  877. ! !
  878. !HLInformationWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  879. remove
  880. [
  881. self wrapper asJQuery fadeOut: 100.
  882. [ self wrapper asJQuery remove ]
  883. valueWithTimeout: 400.
  884. ]
  885. valueWithTimeout: 1500
  886. !
  887. show
  888. self appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery
  889. ! !
  890. !HLInformationWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  891. renderContentOn: html
  892. html div
  893. class: 'growl';
  894. with: self informationString.
  895. self remove
  896. ! !
  897. HLWidget subclass: #HLManager
  898. instanceVariableNames: 'tabsWidget environment history announcer'
  899. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  900. !HLManager methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  901. activeTab
  902. ^ self tabsWidget activeTab
  903. !
  904. announcer
  905. ^ announcer ifNil: [ announcer := Announcer new ]
  906. !
  907. environment
  908. "The default environment used by all Helios objects"
  909. ^ environment ifNil: [ environment := self defaultEnvironment ]
  910. !
  911. environment: anEnvironment
  912. environment := anEnvironment
  913. !
  914. history
  915. ^ history ifNil: [ history := OrderedCollection new ]
  916. !
  917. history: aCollection
  918. history := aCollection
  919. !
  920. keyBinder
  921. ^ HLKeyBinder current
  922. !
  923. setEditorTheme: aTheme
  924. 'helios.editorTheme' asSetting value: aTheme
  925. !
  926. setTheme: aTheme
  927. | currentTheme |
  928. currentTheme := 'helios.theme' asSettingIfAbsent: 'default'.
  929. 'body' asJQuery
  930. removeClass: currentTheme value;
  931. addClass: aTheme.
  932. 'helios.theme' asSetting value: aTheme
  933. !
  934. tabWidth
  935. ^ (window asJQuery width - 90) / self tabs size
  936. !
  937. tabs
  938. ^ self tabsWidget tabs
  939. !
  940. tabsWidget
  941. ^ tabsWidget ifNil: [ tabsWidget := HLTabsWidget new ]
  942. ! !
  943. !HLManager methodsFor: 'actions'!
  944. activate: aTab
  945. self tabsWidget activate: aTab
  946. !
  947. addTab: aTab
  948. self tabsWidget addTab: aTab
  949. !
  950. confirm: aString ifFalse: aBlock
  951. self
  952. confirm: aString
  953. ifTrue: []
  954. ifFalse: aBlock
  955. !
  956. confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock
  957. self
  958. confirm: aString
  959. ifTrue: aBlock
  960. ifFalse: []
  961. !
  962. confirm: aString ifTrue: aBlock ifFalse: anotherBlock
  963. HLConfirmationWidget new
  964. confirmationString: aString;
  965. actionBlock: aBlock;
  966. cancelBlock: anotherBlock;
  967. show
  968. !
  969. inform: aString
  970. HLInformationWidget new
  971. informationString: aString;
  972. show
  973. !
  974. removeActiveTab
  975. self tabsWidget removeActiveTab
  976. !
  977. removeTabForWidget: aWidget
  978. self tabsWidget removeTabForWidget: aWidget
  979. !
  980. request: aString do: aBlock
  981. self
  982. request: aString
  983. value: ''
  984. do: aBlock
  985. !
  986. request: aString value: valueString do: aBlock
  987. HLRequestWidget new
  988. confirmationString: aString;
  989. actionBlock: aBlock;
  990. value: valueString;
  991. show
  992. ! !
  993. !HLManager methodsFor: 'defaults'!
  994. defaultEnvironment
  995. "If helios is loaded from within a frame, answer the parent window environment"
  996. ^ Environment new
  997. ! !
  998. !HLManager methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  999. setup
  1000. self
  1001. registerServices;
  1002. setupEvents.
  1003. self keyBinder setupEvents.
  1004. self tabsWidget setupEvents.
  1005. self setupTheme.
  1006. '#helper' asJQuery fadeOut
  1007. ! !
  1008. !HLManager methodsFor: 'private'!
  1009. registerServices
  1010. self
  1011. registerInspector;
  1012. registerErrorHandler;
  1013. registerProgressHandler;
  1014. registerTranscript;
  1015. registerFinder
  1016. !
  1017. setupEvents
  1018. 'body' asJQuery keydown: [ :event |
  1019. "On ctrl keydown, adds a 'navigation' css class to <body>
  1020. for the CodeMirror navigation links. See `HLCodeWidget`."
  1021. event ctrlKey ifTrue: [
  1022. 'body' asJQuery addClass: 'navigation' ] ].
  1023. 'body' asJQuery keyup: [ :event |
  1024. 'body' asJQuery removeClass: 'navigation' ].
  1025. window asJQuery resize: [ :event |
  1026. self refresh ]
  1027. !
  1028. setupTheme
  1029. "self
  1030. setTheme: 'niflheim';
  1031. setEditorTheme: 'niflheim'."
  1032. self
  1033. setTheme: 'default';
  1034. setEditorTheme: 'default'.
  1035. ! !
  1036. !HLManager methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1037. renderContentOn: html
  1038. html with: self tabsWidget.
  1039. html with: HLWelcomeWidget new
  1040. ! !
  1041. !HLManager methodsFor: 'services'!
  1042. registerErrorHandler
  1043. self environment registerErrorHandler: HLErrorHandler new.
  1044. ErrorHandler register: HLErrorHandler new
  1045. !
  1046. registerFinder
  1047. self environment registerFinder: HLFinder new.
  1048. Finder register: HLFinder new
  1049. !
  1050. registerInspector
  1051. self environment registerInspector: HLInspector.
  1052. Inspector register: HLInspector
  1053. !
  1054. registerProgressHandler
  1055. self environment registerProgressHandler: HLProgressHandler new.
  1056. ProgressHandler register: HLProgressHandler new
  1057. !
  1058. registerTranscript
  1059. self environment registerTranscript: HLTranscriptHandler
  1060. ! !
  1061. HLManager class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
  1062. !HLManager class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1063. current
  1064. ^ current ifNil: [ current := self basicNew initialize ]
  1065. ! !
  1066. !HLManager class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  1067. setup
  1068. self current
  1069. setup;
  1070. appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery
  1071. ! !
  1072. !HLManager class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
  1073. new
  1074. "Use current instead"
  1075. self shouldNotImplement
  1076. ! !
  1077. HLWidget subclass: #HLModalWidget
  1078. instanceVariableNames: ''
  1079. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1080. !HLModalWidget commentStamp!
  1081. I implement an abstract modal widget.!
  1082. !HLModalWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1083. remove
  1084. '.dialog' asJQuery removeClass: 'active'.
  1085. [
  1086. '#overlay' asJQuery remove.
  1087. wrapper asJQuery remove
  1088. ] valueWithTimeout: 300
  1089. !
  1090. show
  1091. self appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery
  1092. ! !
  1093. !HLModalWidget methodsFor: 'private'!
  1094. giveFocusToButton: aButton
  1095. aButton asJQuery focus
  1096. ! !
  1097. !HLModalWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1098. hasButtons
  1099. ^ true
  1100. !
  1101. renderButtonsOn: html
  1102. !
  1103. renderContentOn: html
  1104. | confirmButton |
  1105. html div id: 'overlay'.
  1106. html div
  1107. class: 'dialog ', self cssClass;
  1108. with: [
  1109. self renderMainOn: html.
  1110. self hasButtons ifTrue: [
  1111. self renderButtonsOn: html ] ].
  1112. '.dialog' asJQuery addClass: 'active'.
  1113. self setupKeyBindings
  1114. !
  1115. renderMainOn: html
  1116. !
  1117. setupKeyBindings
  1118. '.dialog' asJQuery keyup: [ :e |
  1119. e keyCode = String esc asciiValue ifTrue: [ self cancel ] ]
  1120. ! !
  1121. HLModalWidget subclass: #HLConfirmationWidget
  1122. instanceVariableNames: 'cancelButtonLabel confirmButtonLabel confirmationString actionBlock cancelBlock'
  1123. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1124. !HLConfirmationWidget commentStamp!
  1125. I display confirmation dialog.
  1126. ## API
  1127. HLWidget contains convenience methods like `HLWidget >> #confirm:ifTrue:` for creating confirmation dialogs.!
  1128. !HLConfirmationWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1129. actionBlock
  1130. ^ actionBlock ifNil: [ [] ]
  1131. !
  1132. actionBlock: aBlock
  1133. actionBlock := aBlock
  1134. !
  1135. cancelBlock
  1136. ^ cancelBlock ifNil: [ [] ]
  1137. !
  1138. cancelBlock: aBlock
  1139. cancelBlock := aBlock
  1140. !
  1141. cancelButtonLabel
  1142. ^ cancelButtonLabel ifNil: [ 'Cancel' ]
  1143. !
  1144. cancelButtonLabel: aString
  1145. ^ cancelButtonLabel := aString
  1146. !
  1147. confirmButtonLabel
  1148. ^ confirmButtonLabel ifNil: [ 'Confirm' ]
  1149. !
  1150. confirmButtonLabel: aString
  1151. ^ confirmButtonLabel := aString
  1152. !
  1153. confirmationString
  1154. ^ confirmationString ifNil: [ 'Confirm' ]
  1155. !
  1156. confirmationString: aString
  1157. confirmationString := aString
  1158. ! !
  1159. !HLConfirmationWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1160. cancel
  1161. self cancelBlock value.
  1162. self remove
  1163. !
  1164. confirm
  1165. self remove.
  1166. self actionBlock value
  1167. ! !
  1168. !HLConfirmationWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1169. renderButtonsOn: html
  1170. | confirmButton |
  1171. html div
  1172. class: 'buttons';
  1173. with: [
  1174. html button
  1175. class: 'button';
  1176. with: self cancelButtonLabel;
  1177. onClick: [ self cancel ].
  1178. confirmButton := html button
  1179. class: 'button default';
  1180. with: self confirmButtonLabel;
  1181. onClick: [ self confirm ] ].
  1182. self giveFocusToButton:confirmButton
  1183. !
  1184. renderMainOn: html
  1185. html span
  1186. class: 'head';
  1187. with: self confirmationString
  1188. ! !
  1189. HLConfirmationWidget subclass: #HLRequestWidget
  1190. instanceVariableNames: 'input multiline value'
  1191. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1192. !HLRequestWidget commentStamp!
  1193. I display a modal window requesting user input.
  1194. ## API
  1195. `HLWidget >> #request:do:` and `#request:value:do:` are convenience methods for creating modal request dialogs.!
  1196. !HLRequestWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1197. beMultiline
  1198. multiline := true
  1199. !
  1200. beSingleline
  1201. multiline := false
  1202. !
  1203. cssClass
  1204. ^ 'large'
  1205. !
  1206. value
  1207. ^ value ifNil: [ '' ]
  1208. !
  1209. value: aString
  1210. value := aString
  1211. ! !
  1212. !HLRequestWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1213. confirm
  1214. | val |
  1215. val := input asJQuery val.
  1216. self remove.
  1217. self actionBlock value: val
  1218. ! !
  1219. !HLRequestWidget methodsFor: 'private'!
  1220. giveFocusToButton: aButton
  1221. ! !
  1222. !HLRequestWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1223. renderMainOn: html
  1224. super renderMainOn: html.
  1225. self isMultiline
  1226. ifTrue: [ input := html textarea ]
  1227. ifFalse: [ input := html input
  1228. type: 'text';
  1229. onKeyDown: [ :event |
  1230. event keyCode = 13 ifTrue: [
  1231. self confirm ] ];
  1232. yourself ].
  1233. input asJQuery
  1234. val: self value;
  1235. focus
  1236. ! !
  1237. !HLRequestWidget methodsFor: 'testing'!
  1238. isMultiline
  1239. ^ multiline ifNil: [ true ]
  1240. ! !
  1241. HLModalWidget subclass: #HLProgressWidget
  1242. instanceVariableNames: 'progressBars visible'
  1243. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1244. !HLProgressWidget commentStamp!
  1245. I am a widget used to display progress modal dialogs.
  1246. My default instance is accessed with `HLProgressWidget class >> #default`.
  1247. See `HLProgressHandler` for usage.!
  1248. !HLProgressWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1249. progressBars
  1250. ^ progressBars ifNil: [ progressBars := OrderedCollection new ]
  1251. ! !
  1252. !HLProgressWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1253. addProgressBar: aProgressBar
  1254. self show.
  1255. self progressBars add: aProgressBar.
  1256. aProgressBar appendToJQuery: (self wrapper asJQuery find: '.dialog')
  1257. !
  1258. do: aBlock on: aCollection displaying: aString
  1259. | progressBar |
  1260. progressBar := HLProgressBarWidget new
  1261. parent: self;
  1262. label: aString;
  1263. workBlock: aBlock;
  1264. collection: aCollection;
  1265. yourself.
  1266. self addProgressBar: progressBar.
  1267. progressBar start
  1268. !
  1269. flush
  1270. self progressBars do: [ :each |
  1271. self removeProgressBar: each ]
  1272. !
  1273. remove
  1274. self isVisible ifTrue: [
  1275. visible := false.
  1276. super remove ]
  1277. !
  1278. removeProgressBar: aProgressBar
  1279. self progressBars remove: aProgressBar ifAbsent: [].
  1280. aProgressBar wrapper asJQuery remove.
  1281. self progressBars ifEmpty: [ self remove ]
  1282. !
  1283. show
  1284. self isVisible ifFalse: [
  1285. visible := true.
  1286. super show ]
  1287. ! !
  1288. !HLProgressWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1289. renderMainOn: html
  1290. self progressBars do: [ :each |
  1291. html with: each ]
  1292. ! !
  1293. !HLProgressWidget methodsFor: 'testing'!
  1294. hasButtons
  1295. ^ false
  1296. !
  1297. isVisible
  1298. ^ visible ifNil: [ false ]
  1299. ! !
  1300. HLProgressWidget class instanceVariableNames: 'default'!
  1301. !HLProgressWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1302. default
  1303. ^ default ifNil: [ default := self new ]
  1304. ! !
  1305. HLModalWidget subclass: #HLTabSelectionWidget
  1306. instanceVariableNames: 'tabs tabList selectedTab selectCallback cancelCallback confirmCallback'
  1307. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1308. !HLTabSelectionWidget commentStamp!
  1309. I am a modal window used to select or create tabs.!
  1310. !HLTabSelectionWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1311. cancelCallback
  1312. ^ cancelCallback ifNil: [ [] ]
  1313. !
  1314. cancelCallback: aBlock
  1315. cancelCallback := aBlock
  1316. !
  1317. confirmCallback
  1318. ^ confirmCallback ifNil: [ [] ]
  1319. !
  1320. confirmCallback: aBlock
  1321. confirmCallback := aBlock
  1322. !
  1323. selectCallback
  1324. ^ selectCallback ifNil: [ [] ]
  1325. !
  1326. selectCallback: aBlock
  1327. selectCallback := aBlock
  1328. !
  1329. selectedTab
  1330. ^ selectedTab
  1331. !
  1332. selectedTab: aTab
  1333. selectedTab := aTab
  1334. !
  1335. tabs
  1336. ^ tabs ifNil: [ #() ]
  1337. !
  1338. tabs: aCollection
  1339. tabs := aCollection
  1340. ! !
  1341. !HLTabSelectionWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1342. cancel
  1343. self remove.
  1344. self cancelCallback value
  1345. !
  1346. confirm
  1347. self remove.
  1348. self confirmCallback value: self selectedTab
  1349. !
  1350. selectTab: aTab
  1351. self selectedTab: aTab.
  1352. self selectCallback value: aTab
  1353. !
  1354. setupKeyBindings
  1355. super setupKeyBindings.
  1356. '.dialog' asJQuery keyup: [ :e |
  1357. e keyCode = String cr asciiValue ifTrue: [ self confirm ] ]
  1358. ! !
  1359. !HLTabSelectionWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1360. renderButtonsOn: html
  1361. | confirmButton |
  1362. html div
  1363. class: 'buttons';
  1364. with: [
  1365. html button
  1366. class: 'button';
  1367. with: 'Cancel';
  1368. onClick: [ self cancel ].
  1369. confirmButton := html button
  1370. class: 'button default';
  1371. with: 'Select tab';
  1372. onClick: [ self confirm ] ].
  1373. self giveFocusToButton:confirmButton
  1374. !
  1375. renderContentOn: html
  1376. super renderContentOn: html.
  1377. self tabList focus
  1378. !
  1379. renderMainOn: html
  1380. html div
  1381. class: 'title';
  1382. with: 'Tab selection'.
  1383. html with: self tabList
  1384. !
  1385. renderTab: aTab on: html
  1386. html
  1387. span
  1388. class: aTab cssClass;
  1389. with: aTab label
  1390. !
  1391. renderTabsOn: html
  1392. self tabs do: [ :each |
  1393. html li with: [
  1394. html a
  1395. with: [
  1396. self renderTab: each on: html ];
  1397. onClick: [ self selectTab: each ] ] ]
  1398. !
  1399. tabList
  1400. tabList ifNil: [
  1401. tabList := HLTabListWidget new.
  1402. tabList
  1403. callback: [ :tab | self selectTab: tab. tabList focus ];
  1404. selectedItem: self selectedTab;
  1405. items: self tabs ].
  1406. ^ tabList
  1407. ! !
  1408. HLWidget subclass: #HLProgressBarWidget
  1409. instanceVariableNames: 'label parent workBlock collection bar'
  1410. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1411. !HLProgressBarWidget commentStamp!
  1412. I am a widget used to display a progress bar while iterating over a collection.!
  1413. !HLProgressBarWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1414. collection
  1415. ^ collection
  1416. !
  1417. collection: aCollection
  1418. collection := aCollection
  1419. !
  1420. label
  1421. ^ label
  1422. !
  1423. label: aString
  1424. label := aString
  1425. !
  1426. parent
  1427. ^ parent
  1428. !
  1429. parent: aProgress
  1430. parent := aProgress
  1431. !
  1432. workBlock
  1433. ^ workBlock
  1434. !
  1435. workBlock: aBlock
  1436. workBlock := aBlock
  1437. ! !
  1438. !HLProgressBarWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1439. evaluateAt: anInteger
  1440. self updateProgress: (anInteger / self collection size) * 100.
  1441. anInteger <= self collection size
  1442. ifTrue: [
  1443. [
  1444. self workBlock value: (self collection at: anInteger).
  1445. self evaluateAt: anInteger + 1 ] valueWithTimeout: 10 ]
  1446. ifFalse: [ [ self remove ] valueWithTimeout: 500 ]
  1447. !
  1448. remove
  1449. self parent removeProgressBar: self
  1450. !
  1451. start
  1452. "Make sure the UI has some time to update itself between each iteration"
  1453. self evaluateAt: 1
  1454. !
  1455. updateProgress: anInteger
  1456. bar asJQuery css: 'width' put: anInteger asString, '%'
  1457. ! !
  1458. !HLProgressBarWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1459. renderContentOn: html
  1460. html span with: self label.
  1461. html div
  1462. class: 'progress';
  1463. with: [
  1464. bar := html div
  1465. class: 'bar';
  1466. style: 'width: 0%' ]
  1467. ! !
  1468. HLProgressBarWidget class instanceVariableNames: 'default'!
  1469. !HLProgressBarWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1470. default
  1471. ^ default ifNil: [ default := self new ]
  1472. ! !
  1473. HLWidget subclass: #HLTabWidget
  1474. instanceVariableNames: 'widget label root'
  1475. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1476. !HLTabWidget commentStamp!
  1477. I am a widget specialized into building another widget as an Helios tab.
  1478. I should not be used directly, `HLWidget class >> #openAsTab` should be used instead.
  1479. ## Example
  1480. HLWorkspace openAsTab!
  1481. !HLTabWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1482. activate
  1483. self manager activate: self
  1484. !
  1485. cssClass
  1486. ^ self widget tabClass
  1487. !
  1488. focus
  1489. self widget canHaveFocus ifTrue: [
  1490. self widget focus ]
  1491. !
  1492. label
  1493. ^ label ifNil: [ '' ]
  1494. !
  1495. label: aString
  1496. label := aString
  1497. !
  1498. manager
  1499. ^ HLManager current
  1500. !
  1501. widget
  1502. ^ widget
  1503. !
  1504. widget: aWidget
  1505. widget := aWidget
  1506. ! !
  1507. !HLTabWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1508. add
  1509. self manager addTab: self.
  1510. self observeManager
  1511. !
  1512. hide
  1513. root ifNotNil: [ root asJQuery css: 'visibility' put: 'hidden' ]
  1514. !
  1515. observeManager
  1516. self manager announcer
  1517. on: HLTabLabelChanged
  1518. send: #onTabLabelChanged:
  1519. to: self
  1520. !
  1521. registerBindings
  1522. self widget registerBindings
  1523. !
  1524. remove
  1525. self unregister.
  1526. self widget unregister.
  1527. root ifNotNil: [ root asJQuery remove ]
  1528. !
  1529. show
  1530. root
  1531. ifNil: [ self appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ]
  1532. ifNotNil: [ root asJQuery css: 'visibility' put: 'visible' ]
  1533. !
  1534. unregister
  1535. self manager announcer unsubscribe: self
  1536. ! !
  1537. !HLTabWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'!
  1538. onTabLabelChanged: anAnnouncement
  1539. anAnnouncement widget = self widget ifTrue: [
  1540. self label = anAnnouncement label ifFalse: [
  1541. self label: anAnnouncement label.
  1542. self manager refresh ] ]
  1543. ! !
  1544. !HLTabWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1545. renderOn: html
  1546. root := html div
  1547. class: 'tab';
  1548. yourself.
  1549. self renderTab
  1550. !
  1551. renderTab
  1552. root contents: [ :html |
  1553. html div
  1554. class: 'amber_box';
  1555. with: [ self widget renderOn: html ] ]
  1556. ! !
  1557. !HLTabWidget methodsFor: 'testing'!
  1558. isActive
  1559. ^ self manager activeTab = self
  1560. ! !
  1561. !HLTabWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
  1562. on: aWidget labelled: aString
  1563. ^ self new
  1564. widget: aWidget;
  1565. label: aString;
  1566. yourself
  1567. ! !
  1568. HLWidget subclass: #HLTabsWidget
  1569. instanceVariableNames: 'tabs activeTab history selectionDisabled'
  1570. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1571. !HLTabsWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1572. activeTab
  1573. ^ activeTab
  1574. !
  1575. history
  1576. ^ history ifNil: [ history := OrderedCollection new ]
  1577. !
  1578. history: aCollection
  1579. history := aCollection
  1580. !
  1581. tabWidth
  1582. ^ (window asJQuery width - 90) / self tabs size
  1583. !
  1584. tabs
  1585. ^ tabs ifNil: [ tabs := OrderedCollection new ]
  1586. ! !
  1587. !HLTabsWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1588. activate: aTab
  1589. self isSelectionDisabled ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  1590. self manager keyBinder flushBindings.
  1591. aTab registerBindings.
  1592. activeTab := aTab.
  1593. self
  1594. refresh;
  1595. addToHistory: aTab;
  1596. show: aTab
  1597. !
  1598. activateNextTab
  1599. | nextTab |
  1600. self tabs ifEmpty: [ ^ self ].
  1601. nextTab := self tabs
  1602. at: (self tabs indexOf: self activeTab) + 1
  1603. ifAbsent: [ self tabs first ].
  1604. self activate: nextTab
  1605. !
  1606. activatePreviousTab
  1607. | previousTab |
  1608. self tabs ifEmpty: [ ^ self ].
  1609. previousTab := self tabs
  1610. at: (self tabs indexOf: self activeTab) - 1
  1611. ifAbsent: [ self tabs last ].
  1612. self activate: previousTab
  1613. !
  1614. addTab: aTab
  1615. self tabs add: aTab.
  1616. self activate: aTab
  1617. !
  1618. addToHistory: aTab
  1619. self removeFromHistory: aTab.
  1620. self history add: aTab
  1621. !
  1622. disableSelection
  1623. selectionDisabled := true
  1624. !
  1625. enableSelection
  1626. selectionDisabled := false
  1627. !
  1628. removeActiveTab
  1629. self removeTab: self activeTab
  1630. !
  1631. removeFromHistory: aTab
  1632. self history: (self history reject: [ :each | each == aTab ])
  1633. !
  1634. removeTab: aTab
  1635. (self tabs includes: aTab) ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
  1636. self removeFromHistory: aTab.
  1637. self tabs remove: aTab.
  1638. self manager keyBinder flushBindings.
  1639. aTab remove.
  1640. self refresh.
  1641. self history ifNotEmpty: [
  1642. self history last activate ]
  1643. !
  1644. removeTabForWidget: aWidget
  1645. self removeTab: (self tabs
  1646. detect: [ :each | each widget = aWidget ]
  1647. ifNone: [ ^ self ])
  1648. !
  1649. updateTabsOrder
  1650. tabs := '.main-tabs li' asJQuery toArray
  1651. collect: [ :each | each at: 'tab-data' ]
  1652. ! !
  1653. !HLTabsWidget methodsFor: 'private'!
  1654. setupEvents
  1655. 'body' asJQuery keydown: [ :event |
  1656. "ctrl+> and ctrl+<"
  1657. (event ctrlKey and: [ event which = 188 ]) ifTrue: [
  1658. self activatePreviousTab.
  1659. event preventDefault ].
  1660. (event ctrlKey and: [ event which = 190 ]) ifTrue: [
  1661. self activateNextTab.
  1662. event preventDefault ] ]
  1663. ! !
  1664. !HLTabsWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1665. renderAddOn: html
  1666. html div
  1667. class: 'dropdown new_tab';
  1668. with: [
  1669. html a
  1670. class: 'dropdown-toggle';
  1671. at: 'data-toggle' put: 'dropdown';
  1672. with: [
  1673. (html tag: 'b') class: 'caret' ].
  1674. html ul
  1675. class: 'dropdown-menu';
  1676. with: [
  1677. ((HLWidget withAllSubclasses
  1678. select: [ :each | each canBeOpenAsTab ])
  1679. sorted: [ :a :b | a tabPriority < b tabPriority ])
  1680. do: [ :each |
  1681. html li with: [
  1682. html a
  1683. with: each tabLabel;
  1684. onClick: [ each openAsTab ] ] ] ] ]
  1685. !
  1686. renderContentOn: html
  1687. html div
  1688. class: 'navbar navbar-fixed-top';
  1689. with: [ html div
  1690. class: 'navbar-inner';
  1691. with: [ self renderTabsOn: html ] ].
  1692. self renderAddOn: html
  1693. !
  1694. renderTab: aTab on: html
  1695. | li |
  1696. li := html li
  1697. style: 'width: ', self tabWidth asString, 'px';
  1698. class: (aTab isActive ifTrue: [ 'tab active' ] ifFalse: [ 'tab inactive' ]);
  1699. with: [
  1700. html a
  1701. with: [
  1702. ((html tag: 'i') class: 'close')
  1703. onClick: [ self removeTab: aTab ].
  1704. html span
  1705. class: aTab cssClass;
  1706. title: aTab label;
  1707. with: aTab label ] ];
  1708. onClick: [ aTab activate ].
  1709. (li asJQuery get: 0) at: 'tab-data' put: aTab
  1710. !
  1711. renderTabsOn: html
  1712. | ul |
  1713. ul := html ul
  1714. class: 'nav main-tabs';
  1715. with: [
  1716. self tabs do: [ :each |
  1717. self renderTab: each on: html ] ].
  1718. ul asJQuery sortable: #{
  1719. 'containment' -> 'parent'.
  1720. 'start' -> [ self disableSelection ].
  1721. 'stop' -> [ [ self enableSelection] valueWithTimeout: 300 ].
  1722. 'update' -> [ self updateTabsOrder ]
  1723. }
  1724. !
  1725. show: aTab
  1726. self tabs do: [ :each | each hide ].
  1727. aTab show; focus
  1728. ! !
  1729. !HLTabsWidget methodsFor: 'testing'!
  1730. isSelectionDisabled
  1731. ^ selectionDisabled ifNil: [ false ]
  1732. ! !
  1733. HLTabsWidget class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
  1734. HLWidget subclass: #HLWelcomeWidget
  1735. instanceVariableNames: ''
  1736. package: 'Helios-Core'!
  1737. !HLWelcomeWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  1738. cssClass
  1739. ^ 'welcome'
  1740. ! !
  1741. !HLWelcomeWidget methodsFor: 'actions'!
  1742. openClassBrowser
  1743. HLBrowser openAsTab
  1744. !
  1745. openHelp
  1746. !
  1747. openTestRunner
  1748. HLSUnit openAsTab
  1749. !
  1750. openWorkspace
  1751. HLWorkspace openAsTab
  1752. ! !
  1753. !HLWelcomeWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'!
  1754. renderButtonsOn: html
  1755. html button
  1756. class: 'button';
  1757. with: 'Class Browser';
  1758. onClick: [ self openClassBrowser ].
  1759. html button
  1760. class: 'button';
  1761. with: 'Workspace';
  1762. onClick: [ self openWorkspace ].
  1763. html button
  1764. class: 'button';
  1765. with: 'Test Runner';
  1766. onClick: [ self openTestRunner ].
  1767. "html button
  1768. class: 'button';
  1769. with: 'Help';
  1770. onClick: [ self openHelp ]"
  1771. !
  1772. renderContentOn: html
  1773. self
  1774. renderHelpOn: html;
  1775. renderButtonsOn: html
  1776. !
  1777. renderHelpOn: html
  1778. html h2 with: 'No tools are open'.
  1779. html ul with: [
  1780. html li with: 'Perform actions with ctrl + space'.
  1781. html li with: 'Open one of the common tools:' ]
  1782. ! !