amberc.js 14 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env node
  2. // This is a "compiler" for Amber code. Run without arguments for help.
  3. var path = require('path'),
  4. util = require('util'),
  5. fs = require('fs'),
  6. exec = require('child_process').exec;
  7. console.time('Compile Time');
  8. var defaults = function() {
  9. // Get Amber root directory from the location of this script so that
  10. // we can find the st and js directories etc.
  11. var amber_dir = path.join(path.dirname(process.argv[1]), '..');
  12. amber_dir = path.normalize(amber_dir);
  13. var kernel_libraries = ['boot', 'Kernel-Objects', 'Kernel-Classes', 'Kernel-Methods', 'Kernel-Collections', 'Kernel-Exceptions', 'Kernel-Transcript', 'Kernel-Announcements'];
  14. var compiler_libs = ['parser', 'Compiler', 'Compiler-Exceptions'];//, 'Compiler-Core', 'Compiler-AST', 'Compiler-IR', 'Compiler-Inlining', 'Compiler-Semantic'];
  15. return {
  16. 'amber_dir': amber_dir,
  17. 'smalltalk': {}, // the evaluated compiler will be stored in this variable (see create_compiler)
  18. 'compiler_libraries': kernel_libraries.concat(compiler_libs),
  19. 'init': path.join(amber_dir, 'js', 'init.js'),
  20. 'main': undefined,
  21. 'mainfile': undefined,
  22. 'base': kernel_libraries,
  23. 'load': [],
  24. 'closure': false,
  25. 'closure_parts': false,
  26. 'closure_full': false,
  27. 'closure_options': '',
  28. 'closure_jar': path.resolve(path.join(process.env['HOME'], 'compiler.jar')),
  29. 'suffix': '',
  30. 'loadsuffix': '',
  31. 'suffix_used': '',
  32. 'deploy': false,
  33. 'libraries': [],
  34. 'compile': [],
  35. 'compiled': [],
  36. 'program': undefined
  37. };
  38. }();
  39. if (3 > process.argv.length) {
  40. usage();
  41. } else {
  42. handle_options(process.argv.slice(2));
  43. }
  44. function handle_options(optionsArray) {
  45. var nonOptions = [];
  46. var currentItem = optionsArray.shift();
  47. while(undefined !== currentItem) {
  48. switch(currentItem) {
  49. case '-l':
  50. defaults.load.push.apply(defaults.load, optionsArray.shift().split(','));
  51. break;
  52. case '-i':
  53. defaults.init = optionsArray.shift();
  54. break;
  55. case '-m':
  56. defaults.main = optionsArray.shift();
  57. break;
  58. case '-M':
  59. defaults.mainfile = optionsArray.shift();
  60. break;
  61. case '-o':
  62. defaults.closure = true;
  63. defaults.closure_parts = true;
  64. break;
  65. case '-O':
  66. defaults.closure = true;
  67. defaults.closure_full = true;
  68. break;
  69. case '-A':
  70. defaults.closure = true;
  71. defaults.closure_options = defaults.closure_options + ' --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS';
  72. defaults.closure_full = true;
  73. break;
  74. case '-d':
  75. defaults.deploy = true;
  76. break;
  77. case '-s':
  78. defaults.suffix = optionsArray.shift();
  79. defaults.suffix_used = defaults.suffix;
  80. break;
  81. case '-S':
  82. defaults.loadsuffix = optionsArray.shift();
  83. defaults.suffix_used = defaults.suffix;
  84. break;
  85. case '-h':
  86. case '--help':
  87. case '?':
  88. usage();
  89. break;
  90. default:
  91. nonOptions.push(currentItem);
  92. };
  93. currentItem = optionsArray.shift();
  94. }
  95. check_for_closure_compiler();
  96. collect_files(nonOptions);
  97. }
  98. // print options and exit
  99. function usage() {
  100. console.log('Usage: $0 [-l lib1,lib2...] [-i init_file] [-m main_class] [-M main_file]');
  101. console.log(' [-o] [-O|-A] [-d] [-s suffix] [-S suffix] [file1 [file2 ...]] [Program]');
  102. console.log('');
  103. console.log(' amberc compiles Amber files - either separately or into a complete runnable');
  104. console.log(' program. If no .st files are listed only a linking stage is performed.');
  105. console.log(' Files listed will be handled using the following rules:');
  106. console.log('');
  107. console.log(' *.js');
  108. console.log(' Files are linked (concatenated) in listed order.');
  109. console.log(' If not found we look in $AMBER/js/');
  110. console.log('');
  111. console.log(' *.st');
  112. console.log(' Files are compiled into .js files before concatenation.');
  113. console.log(' If not found we look in $AMBER/st/.');
  114. console.log('');
  115. console.log(' NOTE: Each file is currently considered to be a fileout of a single class');
  116. console.log(' category of the same name as the file!');
  117. console.log('');
  118. console.log(' If no Program is specified each given .st file will be compiled into');
  119. console.log(' a .js file. Otherwise a <Program>.js file is linked together based on');
  120. console.log(' the options:');
  121. console.log('');
  122. console.log(' -l library1,library2');
  123. console.log(' Additionally add listed JavaScript libraries (no spaces or .js) in listed order.');
  124. console.log('');
  125. console.log(' -i init_file');
  126. console.log(' Add library initializer <init_file> instead of default $AMBER/js/init.js ');
  127. console.log('');
  128. console.log(' -m main_class');
  129. console.log(' Add at end a call to #main in class <main_class>.');
  130. console.log('');
  131. console.log(' -M main_file');
  132. console.log(' Add at end javascript file <main_file> acting as main.');
  133. console.log('');
  134. console.log(' -o');
  135. console.log(' Optimize each .js file using the Google closure compiler.');
  136. console.log(' Using Closure compiler found at ~/compiler.jar');
  137. console.log('');
  138. console.log(' -O');
  139. console.log(' Optimize final <Program>.js using the Google closure compiler.');
  140. console.log(' Using Closure compiler found at ~/compiler.jar');
  141. console.log('');
  142. console.log(' -A Same as -O but use --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS');
  143. console.log('');
  144. console.log(' -d');
  145. console.log(' Additionally export code for deploy - stripped from source etc.');
  146. console.log(' Uses suffix ".deploy.js" in addition to any explicit given suffic using -s.');
  147. console.log('');
  148. console.log(' -s suffix');
  149. console.log(' Add <suffix> to compiled js files so that is compiled into');
  150. console.log(' File.<suffix>.js.');
  151. console.log('');
  152. console.log(' -S suffix');
  153. console.log(' Use <suffix> for all libraries accessed using -L or -l. This makes it possible');
  154. console.log(' to have multiple flavors of Amber and libraries in the same place.');
  155. console.log('');
  156. console.log('');
  157. console.log(' Example invocations:');
  158. console.log('');
  159. console.log(' Just compile to Kernel-Objects.js:');
  160. console.log('');
  161. console.log(' amberc');
  162. console.log('');
  163. console.log(' Compile to Hello.js and create complete program called');
  164. console.log(' Program.js and adding a call to class method #main in class Hello:');
  165. console.log('');
  166. console.log(' amberc -m Hello Program');
  167. console.log('');
  168. console.log(' Compile two .st files into corresponding .js files,');
  169. console.log(' and link with specific myboot.js, myKernel.js, myinit.js');
  170. console.log(' and main.js and create complete program called Program.js:');
  171. console.log('');
  172. console.log(' amberc -M main.js myinit.js myboot.js myKernel.js Program');
  173. process.exit();
  174. }
  175. function check_for_closure_compiler() {
  176. if (!defaults.closure) {
  177. return;
  178. }
  179. exec('which java', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
  180. // stdout contains path to java executable
  181. if (null !== error) {
  182. throw(new Error('java is not installed and is needed for -O, -A or -o (Closure compiler).'));
  183. }
  184. path.exists(defaults.closure_jar, function(exists) {
  185. if (!exists) {
  186. throw(new Error('Can not find Closure compiler at ' + defaults.closure_jar));
  187. }
  188. });
  189. });
  190. }
  191. function resolve_js(filename) {
  192. var jsFile = filename + defaults.loadsuffix + '.js';
  193. var amberJsFile = path.join(defaults.amber_dir, 'js', jsFile);
  194. console.log('Resolving: ' + jsFile);
  195. if (path.existsSync(jsFile)) {
  196. return jsFile;
  197. } else if (path.existsSync(amberJsFile)) {
  198. return amberJsFile;
  199. } else {
  200. throw(new Error('JavaScript file not found: ' + jsFile));
  201. }
  202. }
  203. // --------------------------------------------------
  204. // Collect libraries and Smalltalk files looking
  205. // both locally and in $AMBER/js and $AMBER/st
  206. // --------------------------------------------------
  207. function collect_files(filesArray) {
  208. var currentFile = filesArray.shift();
  209. while (undefined !== currentFile) {
  210. var suffix = path.extname(currentFile);
  211. var category = path.basename(currentFile, '.st');
  212. var amberFile = path.join(defaults.amber_dir, 'st', currentFile);
  213. switch (suffix) {
  214. case '.st':
  215. if (path.existsSync(currentFile)) {
  216. defaults.compile.push(currentFile, category);
  217. defaults.compiled.push(category + defaults.suffix_used + '.js');
  218. } else if (path.existsSync(amberFile)) {
  219. defaults.compile.push(amberFile, category);
  220. defaults.compiled.push(category + defaults.suffix_used + '.js');
  221. } else {
  222. throw(new Error('File not found: ' + currentFile));
  223. }
  224. break;
  225. case '.js':
  226. defaults.libraries.push(resolve_js(currentFile));
  227. break;
  228. default:
  229. // Will end up being the last non js/st argument
  230. defaults.program = currentFile
  231. break;
  232. };
  233. currentFile = filesArray.shift();
  234. };
  235. resolve_libraries();
  236. }
  237. function resolve_libraries() {
  238. // Resolve libraries listed in defaults.base
  239. defaults.base.forEach(function(file) {
  240. defaults.libraries.push(resolve_js(file));
  241. });
  242. // Resolve libraries listed in defaults.compiler
  243. var compilerFiles = [];
  244. defaults.compiler_libraries.forEach(function(file) {
  245. compilerFiles.push(resolve_js(file));
  246. });
  247. // Resolve libraries listed in defaults.load
  248. defaults.load.forEach(function(file) {
  249. var resolvedFile = resolve_js(file);
  250. compilerFiles.push(resolvedFile);
  251. defaults.libraries.push(resolvedFile);
  252. });
  253. // check and add init.js
  254. var initFile = defaults.init;
  255. if ('.js' !== path.extname(initFile)) {
  256. initFile = resolve_js(initFile);
  257. defaults.init = initFile;
  258. }
  259. compilerFiles.push(initFile);
  260. create_compiler(compilerFiles);
  261. }
  262. function create_compiler(compilerFilesArray) {
  263. // load all files from parameter <-> require?
  264. // create compiler in memory -> should be faster
  265. var content = '(function() {';
  266. compilerFilesArray.forEach(function(file) {
  267. console.log('Loading file: ' + file);
  268. content = content + fs.readFileSync(file);
  269. });
  270. content = content + 'return smalltalk;})();';
  271. defaults.smalltalk = eval(content);
  272. console.log('Compiler loaded');
  273. compile();
  274. };
  275. function compile() {
  276. console.log('Compiling collected .st files to .js')
  277. node_compile(defaults.compile);
  278. console.log('Verifying if all .st files were compiled');
  279. defaults.compiled.forEach(function(file) {
  280. if (!path.existsSync(file)) {
  281. throw(new Error('Compilation failed of: ' + file));
  282. }
  283. });
  284. if (undefined !== defaults.program) {
  285. compose_js_files();
  286. }
  287. optimize();
  288. }
  289. function compose_js_files() {
  290. var program_files = [];
  291. if (undefined !== defaults.libraries) {
  292. console.log('Collecting libraries: ' + defaults.libraries);
  293. program_files.push.apply(program_files, defaults.libraries);
  294. }
  295. if (undefined !== defaults.compiled) {
  296. console.log('Collecting compiled files: ' + defaults.compiled);
  297. program_files.push.apply(program_files, defaults.compiled);
  298. }
  299. if (undefined !== defaults.init) {
  300. console.log('Adding initializer ' + defaults.init);
  301. program_files.push(defaults.init);
  302. }
  303. console.log('Writing program file: %s.js', defaults.program);
  304. var fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(defaults.program + '.js');
  305. fileStream.on('error', function(error) {
  306. console.log(error);
  307. });
  308. program_files.forEach(function(file) {
  309. console.log('Checking : ' + file);
  310. if(path.existsSync(file)) {
  311. fileStream.write(fs.readFileSync(file));
  312. } else {
  313. throw(new Error('Can not find file ' + file));
  314. }
  315. });
  316. if (undefined !== defaults.main) {
  317. console.log('Adding call to: %s>>main', defaults.main);
  318. fileStream.write('smalltalk.' + defaults.main + '._main()');
  319. }
  320. if (undefined !== defaults.mainfile && path.existsSync(defaults.mainfile)) {
  321. console.log('Adding main file: ' + defaults.mainfile);
  322. fileStream.write(fs.readFileSync(defaults.mainfile));
  323. }
  324. fileStream.end();
  325. console.log('Done.');
  326. }
  327. function node_compile(filesArray) {
  328. // The filesArray variable is a series of .st filenames and category names.
  329. // If it is a .st file we import it, if it is a category name we export it
  330. // as aCategoryName.js.
  331. // If it ends with .st, import it, otherwise export category as .js
  332. filesArray.forEach(function(val, index, array) {
  333. if (/\.st/.test(val)) {
  334. console.log("Reading file " + val);
  335. code = fs.readFileSync(val, "utf8");
  336. defaults.smalltalk.Importer._new()._import_(code._stream());
  337. } else {
  338. console.log("Exporting " + (defaults.deploy ? "(debug + deploy)" : "(debug)") + " category "
  339. + val + " as " + val + defaults.suffix_used + ".js" + (defaults.deploy ? " and " + val + defaults.suffix_used + ".deploy.js" : ""));
  340. fs.writeFileSync(val + defaults.suffix_used + ".js", defaults.smalltalk.Exporter._new()._exportPackage_(val));
  341. if (defaults.deploy) {
  342. fs.writeFileSync(val + defaults.suffix_used + ".deploy.js", defaults.smalltalk.StrippedExporter._new()._exportPackage_(val));
  343. }
  344. }
  345. });
  346. }
  347. function optimize() {
  348. if (defaults.closure_parts) {
  349. console.log('Compiling all js files using Google closure compiler.');
  350. var allJsFiles = defaults.compiled.concat(defaults.libraries);
  351. allJsFiles.forEach(function(file) {
  352. var minifiedName = path.basename(file, '.js') + '.min.js';
  353. closure_compile(file, minifiedName);
  354. });
  355. }
  356. if (defaults.closure_full) {
  357. console.log('Compiling ' + defaults.program + '.js file using Google closure compiler.');
  358. closure_compile(defaults.program + '.js', defaults.program + '.min.js');
  359. }
  360. }
  361. function closure_compile(sourceFile, minifiedFile) {
  362. // exec is asynchronous
  363. exec(
  364. 'java -jar ' +
  365. defaults.closure_jar + ' ' +
  366. defaults.closure_options +
  367. ' --js '+ sourceFile +
  368. ' --js_output_file '+ minifiedFile,
  369. function (error, stdout, stderr) {
  370. if (error) {
  371. console.log(stderr);
  372. } else {
  373. console.log(stdout);
  374. console.log(' '+ minifiedFile + ' built.');
  375. }
  376. }
  377. );
  378. }
  379. console.timeEnd('Compile Time');