Platform-Services.st 16 KB

  1. Smalltalk createPackage: 'Platform-Services'!
  2. Object subclass: #ConsoleErrorHandler
  3. instanceVariableNames: ''
  4. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  5. !ConsoleErrorHandler commentStamp!
  6. I am manage Smalltalk errors, displaying the stack in the console.!
  7. !ConsoleErrorHandler methodsFor: 'error handling'!
  8. handleError: anError
  9. anError context ifNotNil: [ self logErrorContext: anError context ].
  10. self logError: anError
  11. ! !
  12. !ConsoleErrorHandler methodsFor: 'private'!
  13. log: aString
  14. console log: aString
  15. !
  16. logContext: aContext
  17. aContext home ifNotNil: [
  18. self logContext: aContext home ].
  19. self log: aContext asString
  20. !
  21. logError: anError
  22. self log: anError messageText
  23. !
  24. logErrorContext: aContext
  25. aContext ifNotNil: [
  26. aContext home ifNotNil: [
  27. self logContext: aContext home ]]
  28. ! !
  29. ConsoleErrorHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
  30. !ConsoleErrorHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  31. initialize
  32. ErrorHandler registerIfNone: self new
  33. ! !
  34. Object subclass: #ConsoleTranscript
  35. instanceVariableNames: 'textarea'
  36. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  37. !ConsoleTranscript commentStamp!
  38. I am a specific transcript emitting to the JavaScript console.
  39. If no other transcript is registered, I am the default.!
  40. !ConsoleTranscript methodsFor: 'actions'!
  41. open
  42. ! !
  43. !ConsoleTranscript methodsFor: 'printing'!
  44. clear
  45. "no op"
  46. !
  47. cr
  48. "no op"
  49. !
  50. show: anObject
  51. "Smalltalk objects should have no trouble displaying themselves on the Transcript; Javascript objects don't know how, so must be wrapped in a JSObectProxy."
  52. <console.log(String($recv(anObject)._asString()))>
  53. ! !
  54. !ConsoleTranscript class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  55. initialize
  56. Transcript registerIfNone: self new
  57. ! !
  58. Object subclass: #InterfacingObject
  59. instanceVariableNames: ''
  60. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  61. !InterfacingObject commentStamp!
  62. I am superclass of all object that interface with user or environment. `Widget` and a few other classes are subclasses of me. I delegate all of the above APIs to `PlatformInterface`.
  63. ## API
  64. self alert: 'Hey, there is a problem'.
  65. self confirm: 'Affirmative?'.
  66. self prompt: 'Your name:'.
  67. self ajax: #{
  68. 'url' -> '/patch.js'. 'type' -> 'GET'. dataType->'script'
  69. }.!
  70. !InterfacingObject methodsFor: 'actions'!
  71. ajax: anObject
  72. self deprecatedAPI.
  73. ^ PlatformInterface ajax: anObject
  74. !
  75. alert: aString
  76. ^ PlatformInterface alert: aString
  77. !
  78. confirm: aString
  79. ^ PlatformInterface confirm: aString
  80. !
  81. prompt: aString
  82. ^ PlatformInterface prompt: aString
  83. !
  84. prompt: aString default: defaultString
  85. ^ PlatformInterface prompt: aString default: defaultString
  86. ! !
  87. InterfacingObject subclass: #Environment
  88. instanceVariableNames: ''
  89. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  90. !Environment commentStamp!
  91. I provide an unified entry point to manipulate Amber packages, classes and methods.
  92. Typical use cases include IDEs, remote access and restricting browsing.!
  93. !Environment methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  94. allSelectors
  95. ^ Smalltalk core allSelectors
  96. !
  97. availableClassNames
  98. ^ Smalltalk classes
  99. collect: [ :each | each name ]
  100. !
  101. availablePackageNames
  102. ^ Smalltalk packages
  103. collect: [ :each | each name ]
  104. !
  105. availableProtocolsFor: aClass
  106. | protocols |
  107. protocols := aClass protocols.
  108. aClass superclass ifNotNil: [ protocols addAll: (self availableProtocolsFor: aClass superclass) ].
  109. ^ protocols asSet asArray sort
  110. !
  111. classBuilder
  112. ^ ClassBuilder new
  113. !
  114. classNamed: aString
  115. ^ (Smalltalk globals at: aString asSymbol)
  116. ifNil: [ self error: 'Invalid class name' ]
  117. !
  118. classes
  119. ^ Smalltalk classes
  120. !
  121. doItReceiver
  122. ^ DoIt new
  123. !
  124. packages
  125. ^ Smalltalk packages
  126. !
  127. systemAnnouncer
  128. ^ (Smalltalk globals at: #SystemAnnouncer) current
  129. ! !
  130. !Environment methodsFor: 'actions'!
  131. commitPackage: aPackage onSuccess: aBlock onError: anotherBlock
  132. aPackage transport
  133. commitOnSuccess: aBlock
  134. onError: anotherBlock
  135. !
  136. copyClass: aClass to: aClassName
  137. (Smalltalk globals at: aClassName)
  138. ifNotNil: [ self error: 'A class named ', aClassName, ' already exists' ].
  139. ClassBuilder new copyClass: aClass named: aClassName
  140. !
  141. inspect: anObject
  142. Inspector inspect: anObject
  143. !
  144. moveClass: aClass toPackage: aPackageName
  145. | package |
  146. package := Package named: aPackageName.
  147. package ifNil: [ self error: 'Invalid package name' ].
  148. package == aClass package ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  149. aClass package: package
  150. !
  151. moveMethod: aMethod toClass: aClassName
  152. | destinationClass |
  153. destinationClass := self classNamed: aClassName.
  154. destinationClass == aMethod methodClass ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  155. aMethod methodClass isMetaclass ifTrue: [
  156. destinationClass := destinationClass class ].
  157. destinationClass
  158. compile: aMethod source
  159. protocol: aMethod protocol.
  160. aMethod methodClass
  161. removeCompiledMethod: aMethod
  162. !
  163. moveMethod: aMethod toProtocol: aProtocol
  164. aMethod protocol: aProtocol
  165. !
  166. removeClass: aClass
  167. Smalltalk removeClass: aClass
  168. !
  169. removeMethod: aMethod
  170. aMethod methodClass removeCompiledMethod: aMethod
  171. !
  172. removeProtocol: aString from: aClass
  173. (aClass methodsInProtocol: aString)
  174. do: [ :each | aClass removeCompiledMethod: each ]
  175. !
  176. renameClass: aClass to: aClassName
  177. (Smalltalk globals at: aClassName)
  178. ifNotNil: [ self error: 'A class named ', aClassName, ' already exists' ].
  179. ClassBuilder new renameClass: aClass to: aClassName
  180. !
  181. renamePackage: aPackageName to: aNewPackageName
  182. (Smalltalk globals at: aNewPackageName)
  183. ifNotNil: [ self error: 'A package named ', aNewPackageName, ' already exists' ].
  184. Smalltalk renamePackage: aPackageName to: aNewPackageName
  185. !
  186. renameProtocol: aString to: anotherString in: aClass
  187. (aClass methodsInProtocol: aString)
  188. do: [ :each | each protocol: anotherString ]
  189. !
  190. setClassCommentOf: aClass to: aString
  191. aClass comment: aString
  192. ! !
  193. !Environment methodsFor: 'compiling'!
  194. addInstVarNamed: aString to: aClass
  195. self classBuilder
  196. addSubclassOf: aClass superclass
  197. named: aClass name
  198. instanceVariableNames: (aClass instanceVariableNames copy add: aString; yourself)
  199. package: aClass package name
  200. !
  201. compileClassComment: aString for: aClass
  202. aClass comment: aString
  203. !
  204. compileClassDefinition: aString
  205. [ self evaluate: aString for: DoIt new ]
  206. on: Error
  207. do: [ :error | self alert: error messageText ]
  208. !
  209. compileMethod: sourceCode for: class protocol: protocol
  210. ^ class
  211. compile: sourceCode
  212. protocol: protocol
  213. ! !
  214. !Environment methodsFor: 'error handling'!
  215. evaluate: aBlock on: anErrorClass do: exceptionBlock
  216. "Evaluate a block and catch exceptions happening on the environment stack"
  217. aBlock tryCatch: [ :exception |
  218. (exception isKindOf: (self classNamed: anErrorClass name))
  219. ifTrue: [ exceptionBlock value: exception ]
  220. ifFalse: [ exception resignal ] ]
  221. ! !
  222. !Environment methodsFor: 'evaluating'!
  223. evaluate: aString for: anObject
  224. ^ Evaluator evaluate: aString for: anObject
  225. ! !
  226. !Environment methodsFor: 'services'!
  227. registerErrorHandler: anErrorHandler
  228. ErrorHandler register: anErrorHandler
  229. !
  230. registerFinder: aFinder
  231. Finder register: aFinder
  232. !
  233. registerInspector: anInspector
  234. Inspector register: anInspector
  235. !
  236. registerProgressHandler: aProgressHandler
  237. ProgressHandler register: aProgressHandler
  238. !
  239. registerTranscript: aTranscript
  240. Transcript register: aTranscript
  241. ! !
  242. Object subclass: #NullProgressHandler
  243. instanceVariableNames: ''
  244. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  245. !NullProgressHandler commentStamp!
  246. I am the default progress handler. I do not display any progress, and simply iterate over the collection.!
  247. !NullProgressHandler methodsFor: 'progress handling'!
  248. do: aBlock on: aCollection displaying: aString
  249. aCollection do: aBlock
  250. ! !
  251. NullProgressHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
  252. !NullProgressHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  253. initialize
  254. ProgressHandler registerIfNone: self new
  255. ! !
  256. Object subclass: #PlatformInterface
  257. instanceVariableNames: ''
  258. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  259. !PlatformInterface commentStamp!
  260. I am single entry point to UI and environment interface.
  261. My `initialize` tries several options (for now, browser environment only) to set myself up.
  262. ## API
  263. PlatformInterface alert: 'Hey, there is a problem'.
  264. PlatformInterface confirm: 'Affirmative?'.
  265. PlatformInterface prompt: 'Your name:'.
  266. PlatformInterface ajax: #{
  267. 'url' -> '/patch.js'. 'type' -> 'GET'. dataType->'script'
  268. }.!
  269. PlatformInterface class instanceVariableNames: 'worker'!
  270. !PlatformInterface class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  271. globals
  272. <return (new Function('return this'))();>
  273. !
  274. setWorker: anObject
  275. worker := anObject
  276. ! !
  277. !PlatformInterface class methodsFor: 'actions'!
  278. ajax: anObject
  279. self deprecatedAPI: 'Use newXhr or dedicated library.'.
  280. ^ worker
  281. ifNotNil: [ worker ajax: anObject ]
  282. ifNil: [ self error: 'ajax: not available' ]
  283. !
  284. alert: aString
  285. ^ worker
  286. ifNotNil: [ worker alert: aString ]
  287. ifNil: [ self error: 'alert: not available' ]
  288. !
  289. confirm: aString
  290. ^ worker
  291. ifNotNil: [ worker confirm: aString ]
  292. ifNil: [ self error: 'confirm: not available' ]
  293. !
  294. existsGlobal: aString
  295. ^ PlatformInterface globals
  296. at: aString
  297. ifPresent: [ true ]
  298. ifAbsent: [ false ]
  299. !
  300. newXhr
  301. ^ worker
  302. ifNotNil: [ worker newXhr ]
  303. ifNil: [ self error: 'newXhr: not available' ]
  304. !
  305. prompt: aString
  306. ^ worker
  307. ifNotNil: [ worker prompt: aString ]
  308. ifNil: [ self error: 'prompt: not available' ]
  309. !
  310. prompt: aString default: defaultString
  311. ^ worker
  312. ifNotNil: [ worker prompt: aString default: defaultString ]
  313. ifNil: [ self error: 'prompt: not available' ]
  314. ! !
  315. !PlatformInterface class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  316. initialize
  317. | candidate |
  318. super initialize.
  319. BrowserInterface ifNotNil: [
  320. candidate := BrowserInterface new.
  321. candidate isAvailable ifTrue: [ self setWorker: candidate. ^ self ]
  322. ]
  323. ! !
  324. Object subclass: #Service
  325. instanceVariableNames: ''
  326. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  327. !Service commentStamp!
  328. I implement the basic behavior for class registration to a service.
  329. See the `Transcript` class for a concrete service.
  330. ## API
  331. Use class-side methods `#register:` and `#registerIfNone:` to register classes to a specific service.!
  332. Service class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
  333. !Service class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  334. current
  335. ^ current
  336. ! !
  337. !Service class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
  338. new
  339. self shouldNotImplement
  340. ! !
  341. !Service class methodsFor: 'registration'!
  342. register: anObject
  343. current := anObject
  344. !
  345. registerIfNone: anObject
  346. self current ifNil: [ self register: anObject ]
  347. ! !
  348. Service subclass: #ErrorHandler
  349. instanceVariableNames: ''
  350. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  351. !ErrorHandler commentStamp!
  352. I am the service used to handle Smalltalk errors.
  353. See `boot.js` `handleError()` function.
  354. Registered service instances must implement `#handleError:` to perform an action on the thrown exception.!
  355. !ErrorHandler class methodsFor: 'error handling'!
  356. handleError: anError
  357. self handleUnhandledError: anError
  358. !
  359. handleUnhandledError: anError
  360. anError wasHandled ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
  361. ^ self current handleError: anError
  362. ! !
  363. Service subclass: #Finder
  364. instanceVariableNames: ''
  365. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  366. !Finder commentStamp!
  367. I am the service responsible for finding classes/methods.
  368. __There is no default finder.__
  369. ## API
  370. Use `#browse` on an object to find it.!
  371. !Finder class methodsFor: 'finding'!
  372. findClass: aClass
  373. ^ self current findClass: aClass
  374. !
  375. findMethod: aCompiledMethod
  376. ^ self current findMethod: aCompiledMethod
  377. !
  378. findString: aString
  379. ^ self current findString: aString
  380. ! !
  381. Service subclass: #Inspector
  382. instanceVariableNames: ''
  383. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  384. !Inspector commentStamp!
  385. I am the service responsible for inspecting objects.
  386. The default inspector object is the transcript.!
  387. !Inspector class methodsFor: 'inspecting'!
  388. inspect: anObject
  389. ^ self current inspect: anObject
  390. ! !
  391. Service subclass: #ProgressHandler
  392. instanceVariableNames: ''
  393. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  394. !ProgressHandler commentStamp!
  395. I am used to manage progress in collection iterations, see `SequenceableCollection >> #do:displayingProgress:`.
  396. Registered instances must implement `#do:on:displaying:`.
  397. The default behavior is to simply iterate over the collection, using `NullProgressHandler`.!
  398. !ProgressHandler class methodsFor: 'progress handling'!
  399. do: aBlock on: aCollection displaying: aString
  400. self current do: aBlock on: aCollection displaying: aString
  401. ! !
  402. Service subclass: #Transcript
  403. instanceVariableNames: ''
  404. package: 'Platform-Services'!
  405. !Transcript commentStamp!
  406. I am a facade for Transcript actions.
  407. I delegate actions to the currently registered transcript.
  408. ## API
  409. Transcript
  410. show: 'hello world';
  411. cr;
  412. show: anObject.!
  413. !Transcript class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
  414. open
  415. self current open
  416. ! !
  417. !Transcript class methodsFor: 'printing'!
  418. clear
  419. self current clear
  420. !
  421. cr
  422. self current show: String cr
  423. !
  424. inspect: anObject
  425. self show: anObject
  426. !
  427. show: anObject
  428. self current show: anObject
  429. ! !
  430. !AssociativeCollection methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  431. inspectOn: anInspector
  432. | variables |
  433. variables := Dictionary new.
  434. variables at: '#self' put: self.
  435. variables at: '#keys' put: self keys.
  436. self keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
  437. variables at: key put: value ].
  438. anInspector
  439. setLabel: self printString;
  440. setVariables: variables
  441. ! !
  442. !Collection methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  443. inspectOn: anInspector
  444. | variables |
  445. variables := Dictionary new.
  446. variables at: '#self' put: self.
  447. self withIndexDo: [ :each :i |
  448. variables at: i put: each ].
  449. anInspector
  450. setLabel: self printString;
  451. setVariables: variables
  452. ! !
  453. !Date methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  454. inspectOn: anInspector
  455. | variables |
  456. variables := Dictionary new.
  457. variables at: '#self' put: self.
  458. variables at: '#year' put: self year.
  459. variables at: '#month' put: self month.
  460. variables at: '#day' put: self day.
  461. variables at: '#hours' put: self hours.
  462. variables at: '#minutes' put: self minutes.
  463. variables at: '#seconds' put: self seconds.
  464. variables at: '#milliseconds' put: self milliseconds.
  465. anInspector
  466. setLabel: self printString;
  467. setVariables: variables
  468. ! !
  469. !JSObjectProxy methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  470. inspectOn: anInspector
  471. | variables |
  472. variables := Dictionary new.
  473. variables at: '#self' put: self jsObject.
  474. anInspector setLabel: self printString.
  475. JSObjectProxy addObjectVariablesTo: variables ofProxy: self.
  476. anInspector setVariables: variables
  477. ! !
  478. !MethodContext methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  479. inspectOn: anInspector
  480. | variables |
  481. variables := Dictionary new.
  482. variables at: '#self' put: self.
  483. variables at: '#home' put: self home.
  484. variables at: '#receiver' put: self receiver.
  485. variables at: '#selector' put: self selector.
  486. variables at: '#locals' put: self locals.
  487. self class instanceVariableNames do: [ :each |
  488. variables at: each put: (self instVarAt: each) ].
  489. anInspector
  490. setLabel: self printString;
  491. setVariables: variables
  492. ! !
  493. !Object methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  494. inspectOn: anInspector
  495. | variables |
  496. variables := Dictionary new.
  497. variables at: '#self' put: self.
  498. self class allInstanceVariableNames do: [ :each |
  499. variables at: each put: (self instVarAt: each) ].
  500. anInspector
  501. setLabel: self printString;
  502. setVariables: variables
  503. ! !
  504. !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  505. do: aBlock displayingProgress: aString
  506. ProgressHandler
  507. do: aBlock
  508. on: self
  509. displaying: aString
  510. ! !
  511. !Set methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  512. inspectOn: anInspector
  513. | variables i |
  514. variables := Dictionary new.
  515. variables at: '#self' put: self.
  516. i := 1.
  517. self do: [ :each |
  518. variables at: i put: each.
  519. i := i + 1 ].
  520. anInspector
  521. setLabel: self printString;
  522. setVariables: variables
  523. ! !
  524. !String methodsFor: '*Platform-Services'!
  525. inspectOn: anInspector
  526. | label |
  527. super inspectOn: anInspector.
  528. self printString size > 30
  529. ifTrue: [ label := (self printString copyFrom: 1 to: 30), '...''' ]
  530. ifFalse: [ label := self printString ].
  531. anInspector setLabel: label
  532. ! !