#1 RequireJS "shim" is used incorrectly

aperto 8 anni fa da nero · 0 commenti
Admin of lolg.it ha commentato 8 anni fa

Originally at 2015-01-21T10:27:43Z by Herbert Vojčík closed at 2016-04-25T20:39:50Z

RequireJS "shim" is used here to add dependencies to existing AMD module (amber/boot). This is not correct use of it.

Another solution must be found. Possibilities are using the "map trick" (as used for jQuery.noConflict in RequireJS docs), or hooking es5-shim and es5-sham to browser-compatibility (which is not not AMD module, though it will break once it's changed to AMD).

Originally at 2015-01-21T10:27:43Z by Herbert Vojčík closed at 2016-04-25T20:39:50Z RequireJS "shim" is used here to add dependencies to existing AMD module (amber/boot). This is not correct use of it. Another solution must be found. Possibilities are using the "map trick" (as used for jQuery.noConflict in RequireJS docs), or hooking es5-shim and es5-sham to browser-compatibility (which is not not AMD module, though it will break once it's changed to AMD).
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