#55 Add to FAQ: How do a use a third party JavaScript library in an Amber project?

opened 8 years ago by nero · 0 comments
Originally at 2015-04-11T08:32:40Z by Hannes Hirzel This question needs to be in the FAQ http://docs.amber-lang.net/faq.html **Answers so far** On the wiki FAQ there are three answers which answer part of it or help with problems when importing third party libraries. https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/wiki/FAQ#i-am-integrating-a-javascript-library-and-i-need-to-add-its-amdjson-file-what-should-i-use-as-path-there https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/wiki/FAQ#why-should-i-not-refer-to-min-files-in-amdjson-files https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/wiki/FAQ#my-imports-is-invalid-and-my-app-fails-to-load-so-i-cannot-get-to-ide-how-to-recover And here is a draft of a HowTo https://trello.com/c/gbecTh6f/19-integrate-a-javascript-library **Complete example** together with the description how it was done https://github.com/hhzl/Amber-snapsvg-demo
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