title: FAQ
layout: default
permalink: "faq.html"
parent: Overview
#### How do I start a new Amber project?
You can see the steps [described here](/getting-started.html) which are basically:
1. `npm install -g amber-cli`
2. `mkdir newProjectDir`
3. `cd newProjectDir`
4. `amber init`
5. `amber serve`
And visit [http://localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000)
Here is also a terminal screencast doing just that:
#### How do I get back the Helios IDE after I have closed it?
Press this sequence of keys: Shift, Shift, Ctrl, Shift.
A dialog should appear with "Legacy IDE" and "Helios IDE" buttons.
In case the above did not work, evaluate the following in the JavaScript console:
#### What version is the Amber website running?
1. Open IDE at [http://amber-lang.net/](http://amber-lang.net/).
2. Go to the Workspace tab.
3. Print or inspect the expression ``Smalltalk version``.
#### How do I install the latest Amber version?
For the **latest stable**, go for
`npm -g install amber-cli`
If you want the **latest prerelease**, go for
`npm -g install amber-cli@bleedingedge`
Note that bleedingedge will *not* install the stable version even if it is newer.
If you want to be sure which version is latest and which one is bleedingedge use:
`npm info amber-cli` and you will find them in the `dist-tags` section.
#### How do I update Amber?
1. ``npm install -g amber-cli`` will get it fixed for all new projects and
2. ``npm update`` in every project dir will fix it for current projects
3. `bower install` in every project dir will fix it for current projects
#### What does the caret ^ do in front of a versionnumber?
``^0.14.1`` is a shortcut for ``>=0.14.1 <0.15.0``.
Contrary to a common misconception, package.json / bower.json do not show the version that is installed, but instead they describe what interval of versions is required for installation itself. Ref: node-semver [caret ranges](https://github.com/npm/node-semver#caret-ranges-123-025-004).
#### How do I get the text value of an input field?
If you have `