#69 Examples should be modules - Monolithic Examples are bad for amber.

megnyitva ekkor: 8 éve nero által · 0 hozzászólás

Originally at 2015-01-03T19:05:59Z by Tom Rake

The amber website has had a non functional ProfStef page for several months, I have propose this pull request https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber-website/pull/19 to address this issue. In developing this PR I have come to the conclusion that the examples are poorly modularized and do not promote easy reuse. The real roadblock had been that all of amber-examples need to be fixed while the trysmalltalk/profstef code had been finished - all the other code was not used by the website but was holding the website back because of monolithic construction of amber-examples.

Examples that can be built in a modular fashion should be build in amber. Amber has benefited from the decomposition of the single monolith is was several years ago into the amber, amber-cli, amber-dev modules.

Lets make all new amber examples modules that can be independently updated.

The problem of package construction is a key issue raised by @herby in this post: plan for version 0.15 is at play in this case. We do not have tools to make it easy to create modular packages. We should create them.

Originally at 2015-01-03T19:05:59Z by Tom Rake The amber website has had a non functional ProfStef page for several months, I have propose this pull request https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber-website/pull/19 to address this issue. In developing this PR I have come to the conclusion that the examples are poorly modularized and do not promote easy reuse. The real roadblock had been that all of amber-examples need to be fixed while the trysmalltalk/profstef code had been finished - all the other code was not used by the website but was holding the website back because of monolithic construction of amber-examples. Examples that can be built in a modular fashion should be build in amber. Amber has benefited from the decomposition of the single monolith is was several years ago into the amber, amber-cli, amber-dev modules. Lets make all new amber examples modules that can be independently updated. The problem of package construction is a key issue raised by @herby in this post: [plan for version 0.15](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/amber-lang/jtm3ZXiNIH4) is at play in this case. We do not have tools to make it easy to create modular packages. We should create them.
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