Hannes Hirzel 3d00c96922 Version numbers for 0.14.4 %!s(int64=9) %!d(string=hai) anos
src a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
Gruntfile.js a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
LICENSE a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
README.md a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
bower.json 3d00c96922 Version numbers for 0.14.4 %!s(int64=9) %!d(string=hai) anos
deploy.js a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
devel.js a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
index.html a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
local.amd.json a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
package.json a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos
snap.svg.amd.json a523900815 initial setup 3rd party JS lib %!s(int64=10) %!d(string=hai) anos


Amber Smalltalk Snap.svg Demo

Demo how to use the Snapsvg libary in Amber Smalltalk 0.14.1

Getting Started

To bring project alive (for example after git clone):

npm install
bower install
grunt devel

Developing the project (after brought alive):

Start server with amber serve and go to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser and follow the instructions

How was this constructed

amber init

hanneshirzel@hanneshirzel-Latitude-E6410 ~/Amber-snapsvg-demo $ amber init
Welcome to Amber version 0.14.0 (NodeJS 0.10.25).
Running "init:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/amber-cli/node_modules/grunt-init-amber" (init) task
This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the
environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any
question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions
will leave its value blank.

"grunt-init-amber" template notes:
 Project title should be a human-readable title.

Please answer the following:
[?] Project title (Application or Library Title) Amber Smalltalk Snap.svg Demo
[?] Main class and package of Amber application.
Project name is derived by lowercasing this. (AmberSmalltalkSnapSvgDemo) AmberSnapsvg
[?] Description (The Application or The Library doing The Thing.) Demo how to use the Snapsvg libary in Amber Smalltalk
[?] Author name (hhzl) 
[?] Author email (hannes.hirzel@gmail.com) 
[?] Namespace of the new Amber package. (amber-ambersnapsvg) amber-snapsvg
[?] Version (0.1.0) 
[?] Project git repository (git://github.com/hanneshirzel/Amber-snapsvg-demo.git) 
[?] Project homepage (https://github.com/hanneshirzel/Amber-snapsvg-demo) 
[?] Project issues tracker (https://github.com/hanneshirzel/Amber-snapsvg-demo/issues) 
[?] Author url (none) 
[?] Licenses (MIT) 
[?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N) 

Installation of snap.svg

bower install snap.svg --save

Creation of snap.svg.amd.json

"paths": {
            "snap.svg" : "dist/snap.svg"

Add it to deploy.js

    // --- packages to be deployed begin here ---
    // --- packages to be deployed end here ---
], function (amber) {
    return amber;

Generate new config.js with

grunt devel

Check that the library is properly referenced in config.js

"snap.svg": "bower_components/snap.svg/dist/snap.svg",

Add Smalltalk code

Add a #snapsvg-button to the index.html page

Change method #augmentPage to

'#amber-with' asJQuery click: [ self doAmberWith ].
'#jquery-append' asJQuery click: [ self doJQueryAppend ].
'#snapsvg-button' asJQuery click: [self doSnapSvg]

Create a method #doSnapSvg

"translation to Smalltalk points 1 to 4 of
http://snapsvg.io/start/ "

| s bigCircle smallCircle |

s := Snap value: 300 value: 600.
bigCircle := s circle: 150 value: 150 value: 100.
bigCircle attr: #{'fill' -> '#bada55'. 'stroke' -> '#000'. 'strokeWidth' -> 5}.
smallCircle := s circle: 100 value: 150 value: 70.

You may add

Transcript show: s outerSVG.

to the #doSnapSvg method to get the generated SVG code.

Create deployment file

To create a deployment file run

grunt deploy

This creates a the.js which includes everything needed for deployment. Copy index.html and the.js to your deployment folder.

To switch back to development mode run

grunt devel


