/* ==================================================================== | | Amber Smalltalk | http://amber-lang.net | ====================================================================== ====================================================================== | | Copyright (c) 2010-2014 | Nicolas Petton | | Copyright (c) 2012-2016 | The Amber team https://lolg.it/org/amber/members | Amber contributors (see /CONTRIBUTORS) | | Amber is released under the MIT license | | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including | without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to | permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to | the following conditions: | | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be | included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | | THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF | MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. | IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, | TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE | SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | ==================================================================== */ //jshint eqnull:true define(['./compatibility'], function () { "use strict"; function inherits (child, parent) { child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype, { constructor: { value: child, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true } }); return child; } function SmalltalkGlobalsBrik (brikz, st) { // jshint evil:true var jsGlobals = new Function("return this")(); var globals = Object.create(jsGlobals); globals.SmalltalkSettings = {}; this.globals = globals; } function RootBrik (brikz, st) { /* Smalltalk foundational objects */ var coreFns = this.coreFns = {}; /* SmalltalkRoot is the hidden root of the normal Amber hierarchy. All objects including `ProtoObject` inherit from SmalltalkRoot. Detached roots (eg. wrapped JS classes like Number or Date) do not directly inherit from SmalltalkRoot, but employ a workaround.*/ function SmalltalkRoot () { } function SmalltalkProtoObject () { } function SmalltalkObject () { } coreFns.ProtoObject = inherits(SmalltalkProtoObject, SmalltalkRoot); coreFns.Object = inherits(SmalltalkObject, SmalltalkProtoObject); this.Root = SmalltalkRoot; this.Object = SmalltalkObject; } OrganizeBrik.deps = ["arraySet", "root"]; function OrganizeBrik (brikz, st) { var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object; var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns; var addElement = brikz.arraySet.addElement; var removeElement = brikz.arraySet.removeElement; function SmalltalkOrganizer () { } function SmalltalkPackageOrganizer () { this.elements = []; } function SmalltalkClassOrganizer () { this.elements = []; } coreFns.Organizer = inherits(SmalltalkOrganizer, SmalltalkObject); coreFns.PackageOrganizer = inherits(SmalltalkPackageOrganizer, SmalltalkOrganizer); coreFns.ClassOrganizer = inherits(SmalltalkClassOrganizer, SmalltalkOrganizer); this.setupClassOrganization = function (behaviorBody) { behaviorBody.organization = new SmalltalkClassOrganizer(); behaviorBody.organization.theClass = behaviorBody; }; this.setupPackageOrganization = function (pkg) { pkg.organization = new SmalltalkPackageOrganizer(); }; this.addOrganizationElement = function (owner, element) { addElement(owner.organization.elements, element); }; this.removeOrganizationElement = function (owner, element) { removeElement(owner.organization.elements, element); }; } SelectorsBrik.deps = ["selectorConversion"]; function SelectorsBrik (brikz, st) { var selectorSet = Object.create(null); var selectors = this.selectors = []; var selectorPairs = this.selectorPairs = []; this.registerSelector = function (stSelector) { if (selectorSet[stSelector]) return null; var jsSelector = st.st2js(stSelector); selectorSet[stSelector] = true; selectors.push(stSelector); var pair = {st: stSelector, js: jsSelector}; selectorPairs.push(pair); return pair; }; st.allSelectors = function () { return selectors; }; } PackagesBrik.deps = ["organize", "root"]; function PackagesBrik (brikz, st) { var setupPackageOrganization = brikz.organize.setupPackageOrganization; var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object; var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns; function SmalltalkPackage () { } coreFns.Package = inherits(SmalltalkPackage, SmalltalkObject); st.packages = {}; /* Smalltalk package creation. To add a Package, use smalltalk.addPackage() */ function pkg (spec) { var that = new SmalltalkPackage(); that.pkgName = spec.pkgName; setupPackageOrganization(that); that.properties = spec.properties || {}; return that; } /* Add a package to the system, creating a new one if needed. If pkgName is null or empty we return nil. If package already exists we still update the properties of it. */ st.addPackage = function (pkgName, properties) { if (!pkgName) return null; if (!st.packages[pkgName]) { st.packages[pkgName] = pkg({ pkgName: pkgName, properties: properties }); } else { if (properties) { st.packages[pkgName].properties = properties; } } return st.packages[pkgName]; }; } BehaviorsBrik.deps = ["organize", "root", "smalltalkGlobals", "arraySet"]; function BehaviorsBrik (brikz, st) { var addOrganizationElement = brikz.organize.addOrganizationElement; var removeOrganizationElement = brikz.organize.removeOrganizationElement; var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals; var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object; var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns; var addElement = brikz.arraySet.addElement; var removeElement = brikz.arraySet.removeElement; function SmalltalkBehaviorBody () { } coreFns.BehaviorBody = inherits(SmalltalkBehaviorBody, SmalltalkObject); this.BehaviorBody = SmalltalkBehaviorBody; /* Smalltalk classes */ var classes = []; this.buildBehaviorBody = function (pkgName, builder) { var pkg = st.packages[pkgName]; if (!pkg) throw new Error("Missing package " + pkgName); var behaviorBody = globals.hasOwnProperty(builder.className) && globals[builder.className]; if (behaviorBody) { builder.updateExisting(behaviorBody, pkg); } else { behaviorBody = builder.make(pkg); } addBehaviorBody(behaviorBody); return behaviorBody; }; function addBehaviorBody (behaviorBody) { globals[behaviorBody.className] = behaviorBody; addElement(classes, behaviorBody); addOrganizationElement(behaviorBody.pkg, behaviorBody); behaviorBody.added(); } function removeBehaviorBody (behaviorBody) { behaviorBody.removed(); removeOrganizationElement(behaviorBody.pkg, behaviorBody); removeElement(classes, behaviorBody); delete globals[behaviorBody.className]; } this.removeBehaviorBody = removeBehaviorBody; /* Create an alias for an existing class */ st.alias = function (behaviorBody, alias) { globals[alias] = behaviorBody; }; /* Answer all registered Smalltalk classes */ //TODO: remove the function and make smalltalk.classes an array st.classes = this.classes = function () { return classes; }; } MethodsBrik.deps = ["composition", "selectors", "root", "selectorConversion"]; function MethodsBrik (brikz, st) { var registerSelector = brikz.selectors.registerSelector; var updateMethod = brikz.composition.updateMethod; var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object; var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns; function SmalltalkMethod () { } coreFns.CompiledMethod = inherits(SmalltalkMethod, SmalltalkObject); /* Smalltalk method object. To add a method to a class, use api.addMethod() */ st.method = function (spec) { var that = new SmalltalkMethod(); var selector = spec.selector; that.selector = selector; that.jsSelector = st.st2js(selector); that.args = spec.args || {}; that.protocol = spec.protocol; that.source = spec.source; that.messageSends = spec.messageSends || []; that.referencedClasses = spec.referencedClasses || []; that.fn = spec.fn; return that; }; /* Add/remove a method to/from a class */ st.addMethod = function (method, behaviorBody) { if (method.methodClass != null) { throw new Error("addMethod: Method " + method.selector + " already bound to " + method.methodClass); } method.methodClass = behaviorBody; registerNewSelectors(method); behaviorBody.localMethods[method.selector] = method; updateMethod(method.selector, behaviorBody); }; function registerNewSelectors (method) { var newSelectors = []; function selectorInUse (stSelector) { var pair = registerSelector(stSelector); if (pair) { newSelectors.push(pair); } } selectorInUse(method.selector); method.messageSends.forEach(selectorInUse); if (st._selectorsAdded) st._selectorsAdded(newSelectors); } st.removeMethod = function (method, behaviorBody) { if (behaviorBody.localMethods[method.selector] !== method) return; delete behaviorBody.localMethods[method.selector]; updateMethod(method.selector, behaviorBody); }; } MethodCompositionBrik.deps = ["organize"]; function MethodCompositionBrik (brikz, st) { var setupClassOrganization = brikz.organize.setupClassOrganization; var addOrganizationElement = brikz.organize.addOrganizationElement; this.setupMethods = function (behaviorBody) { setupClassOrganization(behaviorBody); behaviorBody.traitComposition = []; behaviorBody.localMethods = Object.create(null); behaviorBody.methods = Object.create(null); }; function addMethod (method, behaviorBody) { behaviorBody.methods[method.selector] = method; // During the bootstrap, #addCompiledMethod is not used. // Therefore we populate the organizer here too addOrganizationElement(behaviorBody, method.protocol); behaviorBody.methodAdded(method); } function removeMethod (method, behaviorBody) { delete behaviorBody.methods[method.selector]; behaviorBody.methodRemoved(method); // Do *not* delete protocols from here. // This is handled by #removeCompiledMethod } function applyTraitTransformation (traitTransformation, obj) { var traitMethods = traitTransformation.trait.methods; Object.keys(traitMethods).forEach(function (selector) { obj[selector] = traitMethods[selector]; }); var traitAliases = traitTransformation.aliases || {}; Object.keys(traitAliases).forEach(function (aliasSelector) { var aliasedMethod = traitMethods[traitAliases[aliasSelector]]; if (aliasedMethod) obj[aliasSelector] = aliasedMethod; else delete obj[aliasSelector]; }); var traitExclusions = traitTransformation.exclusions || []; traitExclusions.forEach(function (selector) { delete obj[selector]; }); return obj; } function buildCompositionChain (traitComposition) { return traitComposition.reduce(function (soFar, each) { return applyTraitTransformation(each, Object.create(soFar)); }, null); } st.setTraitComposition = function (traitComposition, behaviorBody) { var oldLocalMethods = behaviorBody.localMethods, newLocalMethods = Object.create(buildCompositionChain(traitComposition)); Object.keys(oldLocalMethods).forEach(function (selector) { newLocalMethods[selector] = oldLocalMethods[selector]; }); behaviorBody.localMethods = newLocalMethods; for (var selector in newLocalMethods) { updateMethod(selector, behaviorBody); } for (var selector in oldLocalMethods) { updateMethod(selector, behaviorBody); } behaviorBody.traitComposition.forEach(function (each) { each.trait.removeUser(behaviorBody); }); behaviorBody.traitComposition = traitComposition; behaviorBody.traitComposition.forEach(function (each) { each.trait.addUser(behaviorBody); }); }; function updateMethod (selector, behaviorBody) { var oldMethod = behaviorBody.methods[selector], newMethod = behaviorBody.localMethods[selector]; if (oldMethod == null && newMethod == null) { console.warn("Removal of nonexistent method " + behaviorBody + " >> " + selector); return; } if (newMethod === oldMethod) return; if (newMethod != null) addMethod(newMethod, behaviorBody); else removeMethod(oldMethod, behaviorBody); } this.updateMethod = updateMethod; } function ArraySetBrik (brikz, st) { st.addElement = this.addElement = function (array, el) { if (typeof el === 'undefined') { return; } if (array.indexOf(el) === -1) { array.push(el); } }; st.removeElement = this.removeElement = function (array, el) { var i = array.indexOf(el); if (i !== -1) { array.splice(i, 1); } }; } function SelectorConversionBrik (brikz, st) { /* Convert a Smalltalk selector into a JS selector */ st.st2js = function (string) { return '_' + string .replace(/:/g, '_') .replace(/[\&]/g, '_and') .replace(/[\|]/g, '_or') .replace(/[+]/g, '_plus') .replace(/-/g, '_minus') .replace(/[*]/g, '_star') .replace(/[\/]/g, '_slash') .replace(/[\\]/g, '_backslash') .replace(/[\~]/g, '_tild') .replace(/%/g, '_percent') .replace(/>/g, '_gt') .replace(/') .replace(/_lt/g, '<') .replace(/_eq/g, '=') .replace(/_comma/g, ',') .replace(/_at/g, '@'); } st.st2prop = function (stSelector) { var colonPosition = stSelector.indexOf(':'); return colonPosition === -1 ? stSelector : stSelector.slice(0, colonPosition); }; } /* Making smalltalk that has basic building blocks */ function configureWithFundamentals (brikz) { brikz.smalltalkGlobals = SmalltalkGlobalsBrik; brikz.root = RootBrik; brikz.arraySet = ArraySetBrik; brikz.organize = OrganizeBrik; brikz.selectorConversion = SelectorConversionBrik; brikz.selectors = SelectorsBrik; brikz.packages = PackagesBrik; brikz.composition = MethodCompositionBrik; brikz.behaviors = BehaviorsBrik; brikz.methods = MethodsBrik; brikz.rebuild(); } return configureWithFundamentals; });