#!/bin/sh # ATTENTION: Be logged into npm before running this script, # as a user with write access to amber npm package. cd `dirname "$0"`/../.. rm -rf * git checkout master echo -n "Which version are you going to publish [0 to skip]? " VER=`head -n 1` if [ "$VER" = "0" ]; then :; else echo "Publishing version $VER" cli/support/setversion.sh "$VER" cp package.json package.json.bak sed -e 's@/amber.git.*"@/amber.git#'"$VER"'"@' package.json.bak >package.json rm package.json.bak git commit -a -m "Release version $VER" git tag -a "$VER" # bower does not publish explicitly but implictly via semver tag echo npm publish fi echo -n "Which version are you going to work on? " VERF=`head -n 1` VER="${VERF}-pre" echo "Setting version $VER" cli/support/setversion.sh "$VER" cp package.json package.json.bak sed -e 's@/amber.git.*"@/amber.git"@' package.json.bak >package.json rm package.json.bak git commit -a -m "Working on $VERF" git push --tags