Smalltalk createPackage: 'Compiler-AST'! Object subclass: #Node instanceVariableNames: 'parent position source nodes shouldBeInlined shouldBeAliased' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !Node commentStamp! I am the abstract root class of the abstract syntax tree. Concrete classes should implement `#accept:` to allow visiting. `position` holds a point containing line and column number of the symbol location in the original source file.! !Node methodsFor: 'accessing'! addNode: aNode self nodes add: aNode. aNode parent: self ! allNodes | allNodes | allNodes := self nodes asSet. self nodes do: [ :each | allNodes addAll: each allNodes ]. ^ allNodes ! method ^ self parent ifNotNil: [ :node | node method ] ! navigationNodeAt: aPoint ifAbsent: aBlock "Answer the navigation node in the receiver's tree at aPoint or nil if no navigation node was found. See `node >> isNaviationNode`" | children | children := self allNodes select: [ :each | each isNavigationNode and: [ each inPosition: aPoint ] ]. children ifEmpty: [ ^ aBlock value ]. ^ (children asArray sort: [ :a :b | (a positionStart dist: aPoint) <= (b positionStart dist: aPoint) ]) first ! nodes ^ nodes ifNil: [ nodes := Array new ] ! parent ^ parent ! parent: aNode parent := aNode ! position "answer the line and column of the receiver in the source code" ^ position ifNil: [ self parent ifNotNil: [ :node | node position ] ] ! position: aPosition position := aPosition ! positionEnd ^ self positionStart + ((self source lines size - 1) @ (self source lines last size - 1)) ! positionStart ^ self position ! shouldBeAliased ^ shouldBeAliased ifNil: [ false ] ! shouldBeAliased: aBoolean shouldBeAliased := aBoolean ! shouldBeInlined ^ shouldBeInlined ifNil: [ false ] ! shouldBeInlined: aBoolean shouldBeInlined := aBoolean ! size ^ self source size ! source ^ source ifNil: [ '' ] ! source: aString source := aString ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'building'! nodes: aCollection nodes := aCollection. aCollection do: [ :each | each parent: self ] ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'copying'! postCopy super postCopy. self nodes do: [ :each | each parent: self ] ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'testing'! inPosition: aPoint ^ (self positionStart <= aPoint and: [ self positionEnd >= aPoint ]) ! isAssignmentNode ^ false ! isBlockNode ^ false ! isBlockSequenceNode ^ false ! isCascadeNode ^ false ! isImmutable ^ false ! isJSStatementNode ^ false ! isLastChild ^ self parent nodes last = self ! isNavigationNode "Answer true if the node can be navigated to" ^ false ! isNode ^ true ! isReferenced "Answer true if the receiver is referenced by other nodes. Do not take sequences or assignments into account" ^ (self parent isSequenceNode or: [ self parent isAssignmentNode ]) not ! isReturnNode ^ false ! isSendNode ^ false ! isSequenceNode ^ false ! isValueNode ^ false ! isVariableNode ^ false ! requiresSmalltalkContext "Answer true if the receiver requires a smalltalk context. Only send nodes require a context. If no node requires a context, the method will be compiled without one. See `IRJSTranslator` and `JSStream` for context creation" ^ (self nodes detect: [ :each | each requiresSmalltalkContext ] ifNone: [ nil ]) notNil ! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^ (self shouldBeAliased or: [ self shouldBeInlined ]) or: [ self nodes anySatisfy: [ :each | each subtreeNeedsAliasing ] ] ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #AssignmentNode instanceVariableNames: 'left right' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !AssignmentNode commentStamp! I represent an assignment node.! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! left ^ left ! left: aNode left := aNode. aNode parent: self ! nodes ^ Array with: self left with: self right ! right ^ right ! right: aNode right := aNode. aNode parent: self ! ! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isAssignmentNode ^ true ! shouldBeAliased ^ super shouldBeAliased or: [ self isReferenced ] ! ! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitAssignmentNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #BlockNode instanceVariableNames: 'parameters scope' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !BlockNode commentStamp! I represent an block closure node.! !BlockNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! parameters ^ parameters ifNil: [ parameters := Array new ] ! parameters: aCollection parameters := aCollection ! scope ^ scope ! scope: aLexicalScope scope := aLexicalScope ! ! !BlockNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isBlockNode ^ true ! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^ self shouldBeAliased or: [ self shouldBeInlined ] ! ! !BlockNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitBlockNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #DynamicArrayNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !DynamicArrayNode commentStamp! I represent an dynamic array node.! !DynamicArrayNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitDynamicArrayNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #DynamicDictionaryNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !DynamicDictionaryNode commentStamp! I represent an dynamic dictionary node.! !DynamicDictionaryNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitDynamicDictionaryNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #JSStatementNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !JSStatementNode commentStamp! I represent an JavaScript statement node.! !JSStatementNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isJSStatementNode ^ true ! requiresSmalltalkContext ^ true ! ! !JSStatementNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitJSStatementNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #MethodNode instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments source scope classReferences sendIndexes' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !MethodNode commentStamp! I represent an method node. A method node must be the root and only method node of a valid AST.! !MethodNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! arguments ^ arguments ifNil: [ #() ] ! arguments: aCollection arguments := aCollection ! classReferences ^ classReferences ! classReferences: aCollection classReferences := aCollection ! messageSends ^ self sendIndexes keys ! method ^ self ! scope ^ scope ! scope: aMethodScope scope := aMethodScope ! selector ^ selector ! selector: aString selector := aString ! sendIndexes ^ sendIndexes ! sendIndexes: aDictionary sendIndexes := aDictionary ! sequenceNode self nodes do: [ :each | each isSequenceNode ifTrue: [ ^ each ] ]. ^ nil ! source ^ source ! source: aString source := aString ! ! !MethodNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitMethodNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #QuasiSendNode instanceVariableNames: 'receiver' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !QuasiSendNode commentStamp! I am a node that has a receiver. My subclasses are `SendNode`, `CascadeNode` and `BranchSendNode`.! !QuasiSendNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! receiver ^ receiver ! receiver: anObject receiver := anObject ! ! QuasiSendNode subclass: #BranchSendNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !BranchSendNode methodsFor: 'building'! valueForReceiver: anObject self nodes: {self nodes first valueForReceiver: anObject}. self receiver ifNil: [ self receiver: anObject ]. ^ self ! ! !BranchSendNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitBranchSendNode: self ! ! QuasiSendNode subclass: #CascadeNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !CascadeNode commentStamp! I represent an cascade node.! !CascadeNode methodsFor: 'building'! valueForReceiver: anObject | nds | nds := self nodes. nds at: 1 put: (nds first valueForReceiver: anObject). self nodes: nds. ^ self ! ! !CascadeNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isCascadeNode ^ true ! ! !CascadeNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitCascadeNode: self ! ! QuasiSendNode subclass: #SendNode instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments index' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !SendNode commentStamp! I represent an message send node.! !SendNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! arguments ^ arguments ifNil: [ arguments := #() ] ! arguments: aCollection arguments := aCollection. aCollection do: [ :each | each parent: self ] ! cascadeNodeWithMessages: aCollection | first | first := SendNode new selector: self selector; arguments: self arguments; yourself. ^ CascadeNode new receiver: self receiver; nodes: (Array with: first), aCollection; yourself ! index ^ index ! index: anInteger index := anInteger ! navigationLink ^ self selector ! nodes self receiver ifNil: [ ^ self arguments copy ]. ^ (Array with: self receiver) addAll: self arguments; yourself ! receiver: aNode super receiver: aNode. aNode isNode ifTrue: [ aNode parent: self ] ! selector ^ selector ! selector: aString selector := aString ! superSend ^ self receiver value = 'super' ! ! !SendNode methodsFor: 'building'! valueForReceiver: anObject ^ SendNode new position: self position; source: self source; receiver: (self receiver ifNil: [ anObject ] ifNotNil: [ self receiver valueForReceiver: anObject ]); selector: self selector; arguments: self arguments; yourself ! ! !SendNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isCascadeSendNode ^ self parent isCascadeNode ! isNavigationNode ^ true ! isSendNode ^ true ! requiresSmalltalkContext ^ true ! shouldBeAliased "Because we keep track of send indexes, some send nodes need additional care for aliasing. See IRJSVisitor >> visitIRSend:" | sends | sends := (self method sendIndexes at: self selector) size. ^ (super shouldBeAliased or: [ self isReferenced and: [ (sends > 1 and: [ self index < sends ]) or: [ self superSend ] ] ]) ! ! !SendNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitSendNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #ReturnNode instanceVariableNames: 'scope' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !ReturnNode commentStamp! I represent an return node. At the AST level, there is not difference between a local return or non-local return.! !ReturnNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! scope ^ scope ! scope: aLexicalScope scope := aLexicalScope ! ! !ReturnNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isReturnNode ^ true ! nonLocalReturn ^ self scope isMethodScope not ! ! !ReturnNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitReturnNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #SequenceNode instanceVariableNames: 'temps scope' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !SequenceNode commentStamp! I represent an sequence node. A sequence represent a set of instructions inside the same scope (the method scope or a block scope).! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! scope ^ scope ! scope: aLexicalScope scope := aLexicalScope ! temps ^ temps ifNil: [ #() ] ! temps: aCollection temps := aCollection ! ! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'building'! asBlockSequenceNode ^ BlockSequenceNode new position: self position; source: self source; nodes: self nodes; temps: self temps; yourself ! ! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isSequenceNode ^ true ! ! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitSequenceNode: self ! ! SequenceNode subclass: #BlockSequenceNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !BlockSequenceNode commentStamp! I represent an special sequence node for block scopes.! !BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isBlockSequenceNode ^ true ! ! !BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitBlockSequenceNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #ValueNode instanceVariableNames: 'value' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !ValueNode commentStamp! I represent a value node.! !ValueNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! value ^ value ! value: anObject value := anObject ! ! !ValueNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isImmutable ^ self value isImmutable ! isValueNode ^ true ! ! !ValueNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitValueNode: self ! ! ValueNode subclass: #VariableNode instanceVariableNames: 'assigned binding' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !VariableNode commentStamp! I represent an variable node.! !VariableNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! alias ^ self binding alias ! assigned ^ assigned ifNil: [ false ] ! assigned: aBoolean assigned := aBoolean ! beAssigned self binding validateAssignment. assigned := true ! binding ^ binding ! binding: aScopeVar binding := aScopeVar ! navigationLink ^ self value ! ! !VariableNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isArgument ^ self binding isArgVar ! isImmutable ^ self binding isImmutable ! isNavigationNode ^ true ! isVariableNode ^ true ! ! !VariableNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitVariableNode: self ! ! Object subclass: #NodeVisitor instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !NodeVisitor commentStamp! I am the abstract super class of all AST node visitors.! !NodeVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'! visit: aNode ^ aNode accept: self ! visitAll: aCollection ^ aCollection collect: [ :each | self visit: each ] ! visitAssignmentNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitBlockNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode ^ self visitSequenceNode: aNode ! visitBranchSendNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitCascadeNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitJSStatementNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitMethodNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitNode: aNode ^ self visitAll: aNode nodes ! visitReturnNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitSendNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitSequenceNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitValueNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! visitVariableNode: aNode ^ self visitNode: aNode ! ! !CompiledMethod methodsFor: '*Compiler-AST'! ast self source ifEmpty: [ self error: 'Method source is empty' ]. ^ Smalltalk parse: self source ! ! !Object methodsFor: '*Compiler-AST'! isNode ^ false ! !