Smalltalk createPackage: 'Helios-Workspace'! Object subclass: #HLCodeModel instanceVariableNames: 'announcer environment receiver' package: 'Helios-Workspace'! !HLCodeModel methodsFor: 'accessing'! announcer ^ announcer ifNil: [ announcer := Announcer new ] ! environment ^ environment ifNil: [ HLManager current environment ] ! environment: anEnvironment environment := anEnvironment ! receiver ^ receiver ifNil: [ receiver := self defaultReceiver ] ! receiver: anObject receiver := anObject ! ! !HLCodeModel methodsFor: 'actions'! browse: anObject anObject browse ! doIt: aString "Evaluate aString in the receiver's `environment`. Note: Catch any error and handle it manually, bypassing boot.js behavior to avoid the browser default action on ctrl+d/ctrl+p. See" ^ [ self environment eval: aString on: self receiver ] tryCatch: [ :e | ErrorHandler handleError: e. nil ] ! inspect: anObject self environment inspect: anObject ! ! !HLCodeModel methodsFor: 'defaults'! defaultReceiver ^ self environment doItReceiver ! ! !HLCodeModel class methodsFor: 'actions'! on: anEnvironment ^ self new environment: anEnvironment; yourself ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLCodeWidget instanceVariableNames: 'model wrapper code editor state' package: 'Helios-Workspace'! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! announcer ^ self model announcer ! contents ^ editor getValue ! contents: aString editor setValue: aString. state ifNotNil: [ self updateState ] ! currentLine ^editor getLine: (editor getCursor line) ! currentLineOrSelection ^editor somethingSelected ifFalse: [ self currentLine ] ifTrue: [ self selection ] ! editorOptions ^ #{ 'theme' -> ('helios.codeMirrorTheme' settingValueIfAbsent: 'default helios'). 'mode' -> 'text/x-stsrc'. 'lineNumbers' -> true. 'enterMode' -> 'flat'. 'indentWithTabs' -> true. 'indentUnit' -> 4. 'matchBrackets' -> true. 'electricChars' -> false. 'keyMap' -> 'Amber'. 'extraKeys' -> (HashedCollection with: ('helios.completionKey' settingValueIfAbsent: 'Shift-Space') -> 'autocomplete') } ! model ^ model ifNil: [ model := HLCodeModel new ] ! model: aModel model := aModel ! receiver ^ self model receiver ! receiver: anObject self model receiver: anObject ! selection ^editor getSelection ! selectionEnd ^code element selectionEnd ! selectionEnd: anInteger code element selectionEnd: anInteger ! selectionStart ^code element selectionStart ! selectionStart: anInteger code element selectionStart: anInteger ! ! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! browseIt | result | result := [ self doIt ] on: Error do: [ :exception | ^ ErrorHandler handleError: exception ]. self model browse: result ! clear self contents: '' ! configureEditor self editor at: 'amberCodeWidget' put: self. self editor on: 'change' do: [ self onChange ]. self wrapper asJQuery on: 'mousedown' in: '.CodeMirror pre' do: [ :event | | position node | (event at: 'ctrlKey') ifTrue: [ position := self editor coordsChar: #{ 'left' -> event clientX. 'top' -> event clientY }. self onCtrlClickAt: (position line @ position ch) + 1. event preventDefault ] ] ! doIt | result | result := self model doIt: self currentLineOrSelection. self model announcer announce: (HLDoItExecuted on: model). ^ result ! editor ^ editor ! focus editor focus ! inspectIt self model inspect: self doIt ! navigateTo: aString Finder findString: aString ! navigateToReference: aString (HLReferences openAsTab) search: aString ! print: aString | start stop currentLine | currentLine := (editor getCursor: false) line. start := HashedCollection new. start at: 'line' put: currentLine. start at: 'ch' put: (editor getCursor: false) ch. (editor getSelection) ifEmpty: [ "select current line if selection is empty" start at: 'ch' put: (editor getLine: currentLine) size. editor setSelection: #{'line' -> currentLine. 'ch' -> 0} end: start. ]. stop := HashedCollection new. stop at: 'line' put: currentLine. stop at: 'ch' put: ((start at: 'ch') + aString size + 2). editor replaceSelection: (editor getSelection, ' ', aString, ' '). editor setCursor: (editor getCursor: true). editor setSelection: stop end: start ! printIt self print: self doIt printString. self focus. ! saveIt "I do not do anything" ! setEditorOn: aTextarea ! ! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'hints'! messageHintFor: anEditor token: aToken ^ (Smalltalk vm allSelectors asArray select: [ :each | each includesSubString: aToken string ]) reject: [ :each | each = aToken string ] ! variableHintFor: anEditor token: aToken | variables classNames pseudoVariables | variables := (anEditor display wrapper asJQuery find: '') get collect: [ :each | each asJQuery html ]. classNames := Smalltalk classes collect: [ :each | each name ]. pseudoVariables := Smalltalk pseudoVariableNames. ^ ((variables, classNames, pseudoVariables) asSet asArray sort select: [ :each | each includesSubString: aToken string ]) reject: [ :each | each = aToken string ] ! ! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onChange self updateState ! onCtrlClickAt: aPoint | ast node | ast := [ Smalltalk parse: self editor getValue ] on: Error do: [ :error | ^ self ]. node := ast navigationNodeAt: aPoint ifAbsent: [ ^ nil ]. self navigateTo: node navigationLink ! onInspectIt self inspectIt ! onPrintIt self printIt ! onSaveIt "I do not do anything" ! ! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderButtonsOn: html html button class: 'button'; with: 'DoIt'; onClick: [ self doIt ]. html button class: 'button'; with: 'PrintIt'; onClick: [ self printIt ]. html button class: 'button'; with: 'InspectIt'; onClick: [ self inspectIt ]. html button class: 'button'; with: 'BrowseIt'; onClick: [ self browseIt ] ! renderContentOn: html html div class: 'editor'; with: [ code := html textarea ]. state := html div class: 'state'. html div class: 'buttons_bar'; with: [ self renderButtonsOn: html ]. self setEditorOn: code element; configureEditor; updateState ! ! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! canHaveFocus ^ true ! hasFocus ^ code asJQuery is: ':active' ! hasModification ^ false ! ! !HLCodeWidget methodsFor: 'updating'! updateState self hasModification ifTrue: [ state asJQuery addClass: 'modified' ] ifFalse: [ state asJQuery removeClass: 'modified' ] ! ! !HLCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'accessing'! keyMap ^ HLManager current keyBinder systemIsMac ifTrue: [ self macKeyMap ] ifFalse: [ self pcKeyMap ] ! macKeyMap ^ #{ 'Alt-Backspace' -> 'delWordBefore'. 'Alt-Delete' -> 'delWordAfter'. 'Alt-Left' -> 'goWordLeft'. 'Alt-Right' -> 'goWordRight'. 'Cmd-A' -> 'selectAll'. 'Cmd-Alt-F' -> 'replace'. 'Cmd-D' -> 'doIt'. 'Cmd-B' -> 'browseIt'. 'Cmd-Down' -> 'goDocEnd'. 'Cmd-End' -> 'goDocEnd'. 'Cmd-F' -> 'find'. 'Cmd-G' -> 'findNext'. 'Cmd-I' -> 'inspectIt'. 'Cmd-Left' -> 'goLineStart'. 'Cmd-P' -> 'printIt'. 'Cmd-Right' -> 'goLineEnd'. 'Cmd-S' -> 'saveIt'. 'Cmd-Up' -> 'goDocStart'. 'Cmd-Y' -> 'redo'. 'Cmd-Z' -> 'undo'. 'Cmd-[' -> 'indentLess'. 'Cmd-]' -> 'indentMore'. 'Ctrl-Alt-Backspace' -> 'delWordAfter'. 'Shift-Cmd-Alt-F' -> 'replaceAll'. 'Shift-Cmd-G' -> 'findPrev'. 'Shift-Cmd-Z' -> 'redo'. 'fallthrough' -> { 'basic'. 'emacsy' } } ! pcKeyMap ^ #{ 'Alt-Left' -> 'goLineStart'. 'Alt-Right' -> 'goLineEnd'. 'Alt-Up' -> 'goDocStart'. 'Ctrl-A' -> 'selectAll'. 'Ctrl-Backspace' -> 'delWordBefore'. 'Ctrl-D' -> 'doIt'. 'Ctrl-B' -> 'browseIt'. 'Ctrl-Delete' -> 'delWordAfter'. 'Ctrl-Down' -> 'goDocEnd'. 'Ctrl-End' -> 'goDocEnd'. 'Ctrl-F' -> 'find'. 'Ctrl-G' -> 'findNext'. 'Ctrl-I' -> 'inspectIt'. 'Ctrl-Home' -> 'goDocStart'. 'Ctrl-Left' -> 'goWordLeft'. 'Ctrl-P' -> 'printIt'. 'Ctrl-Right' -> 'goWordRight'. 'Ctrl-S' -> 'saveIt'. 'Ctrl-Y' -> 'redo'. 'Ctrl-Z' -> 'undo'. 'Ctrl-[' -> 'indentLess'. 'Ctrl-]' -> 'indentMore'. 'Shift-Ctrl-F' -> 'replace'. 'Shift-Ctrl-G' -> 'findPrev'. 'Shift-Ctrl-R' -> 'replaceAll'. 'Shift-Ctrl-Z' -> 'redo'. 'fallthrough' -> #('basic') } ! ! !HLCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'hints'! hintFor: anEditor options: options | cursor token completions | cursor := anEditor getCursor. token := anEditor getTokenAt: cursor. token at: 'state' put: ((CodeMirror basicAt: 'innerMode') value: anEditor getMode value: (token at: 'state')) state. completions := token type = 'variable' ifTrue: [ HLCodeWidget variableHintFor: anEditor token: token ] ifFalse: [ HLCodeWidget messageHintFor: anEditor token: token ]. ^ #{ 'list' -> completions. 'from' -> ((CodeMirror basicAt: 'Pos') value: cursor line value: token end). 'to' -> ((CodeMirror basicAt: 'Pos') value: cursor line value: token start) } ! messageHintFor: anEditor token: aToken ^ (anEditor at: 'amberCodeWidget') messageHintFor: anEditor token: aToken ! variableHintFor: anEditor token: aToken ^ (anEditor at: 'amberCodeWidget') variableHintFor: anEditor token: aToken ! ! !HLCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. self setupCodeMirror; setupCommands; setupKeyMaps. ! setupCodeMirror < CodeMirror.keyMap.default.fallthrough = ["basic"]; CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = function(cm) { CodeMirror.showHint(cm, self._hintFor_options_); } > ! setupCommands (CodeMirror basicAt: 'commands') at: 'doIt' put: [ :cm | cm amberCodeWidget doIt ]; at: 'inspectIt' put: [ :cm | cm amberCodeWidget inspectIt ]; at: 'printIt' put: [ :cm | cm amberCodeWidget printIt ]; at: 'saveIt' put: [ :cm | cm amberCodeWidget saveIt ]; at: 'browseIt' put: [ :cm | cm amberCodeWidget browseIt ] ! setupKeyMaps ! ! HLCodeWidget subclass: #HLNavigationCodeWidget instanceVariableNames: 'methodContents' package: 'Helios-Workspace'! !HLNavigationCodeWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! configureEditor super configureEditor. self contents: self methodContents ! contents: aString self methodContents: aString. super contents: aString ! methodContents ^ methodContents ifNil: [ '' ] ! methodContents: aString ^ methodContents := aString ! previous "for browser lists widget" ! previous: aWidget "for browser lists widget" ! ! !HLNavigationCodeWidget methodsFor: 'testing'! hasModification ^ (self methodContents = self contents) not ! ! !HLNavigationCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aBrowserModel ^ self new browserModel: aBrowserModel; yourself ! ! !HLNavigationCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ false ! ! HLNavigationCodeWidget subclass: #HLBrowserCodeWidget instanceVariableNames: 'browserModel' package: 'Helios-Workspace'! !HLBrowserCodeWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! browserModel ^ browserModel ! browserModel: aBrowserModel browserModel := aBrowserModel. self observeSystem; observeBrowserModel ! ! !HLBrowserCodeWidget methodsFor: 'actions'! observeBrowserModel self browserModel announcer on: HLSaveSourceCode send: #onSaveIt to: self; on: HLShowInstanceToggled send: #onShowInstanceToggled to: self; on: HLSourceCodeSaved send: #onSourceCodeSaved to: self; on: HLAboutToChange send: #onBrowserAboutToChange: to: self; on: HLParseErrorRaised send: #onParseError: to: self; on: HLCompileErrorRaised send: #onCompileError: to: self; on: HLUnknownVariableErrorRaised send: #onUnknownVariableError: to: self; on: HLInstVarAdded send: #onInstVarAdded to: self; on: HLMethodSelected send: #onMethodSelected: to: self; on: HLClassSelected send: #onClassSelected: to: self; on: HLPackageSelected send: #onPackageSelected: to: self; on: HLProtocolSelected send: #onProtocolSelected: to: self; on: HLSourceCodeFocusRequested send: #onSourceCodeFocusRequested to: self; on: HLShowTemplate send: #onShowTemplate: to: self ! observeSystem self browserModel systemAnnouncer on: MethodModified send: #onMethodModified: to: self ! refresh self hasModification ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self hasFocus ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self contents: self browserModel selectedMethod source ! renderButtonsOn: html html button class: 'button'; with: 'SaveIt'; onClick: [ self saveIt ]. super renderButtonsOn: html ! saveIt self browserModel saveSourceCode ! unregister super unregsiter. self browserModel announcer unsubscribe: self. self browserModel systemAnnouncer unsubscribe: self ! ! !HLBrowserCodeWidget methodsFor: 'reactions'! onBrowserAboutToChange: anAnnouncement | block | block := anAnnouncement actionBlock. self hasModification ifTrue: [ self confirm: 'Changes have not been saved. Do you want to discard these changes?' ifTrue: [ "Don't ask twice" self methodContents: self contents. block value ]. HLChangeForbidden signal ] ! onClassSelected: anAnnouncement | class | class:= anAnnouncement item. class ifNil: [ ^ self contents: '' ]. self contents: class definition ! onCompileError: anAnnouncement self alert: anAnnouncement error messageText ! onInstVarAdded self browserModel save: self contents ! onMethodModified: anAnnouncement | method | method := anAnnouncement method. self browserModel selectedClass = method methodClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self browserModel selectedMethod ifNil: [ ^ self ]. self browserModel selectedMethod selector = method selector ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self refresh ! onMethodSelected: anAnnouncement | method | method := anAnnouncement item. method ifNil: [ ^ self contents: '' ]. self contents: method source ! onPackageSelected: anAnnouncement | package | package := anAnnouncement item. package ifNil: [ ^ self contents: '' ]. self contents: package definition ! onParseError: anAnnouncement | lineIndex newContents | lineIndex := 1. self contents: (String streamContents: [ :stream | self contents linesDo: [ :each | lineIndex = anAnnouncement line ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: (each copyFrom: 1 to: anAnnouncement column); nextPutAll: '<- '; nextPutAll: anAnnouncement message; nextPutAll: ' '; nextPutAll: (each copyFrom: anAnnouncement column + 1 to: each size) ] ifFalse: [ stream nextPutAll: each ]. stream nextPutAll: String cr. lineIndex := lineIndex + 1 ] ]) ! onProtocolSelected: anAnnouncement self browserModel selectedClass ifNil: [ ^ self contents: '' ]. self contents: self browserModel selectedClass definition ! onSaveIt self browserModel save: self contents ! onShowInstanceToggled self browserModel selectedClass ifNil: [ ^ self contents: '' ]. self contents: self browserModel selectedClass definition ! onShowTemplate: anAnnouncement self contents: anAnnouncement template ! onSourceCodeFocusRequested self focus ! onSourceCodeSaved self methodContents: self contents. self updateState ! onUnknownVariableError: anAnnouncement | error | error := anAnnouncement error. self confirm: (String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: error messageText; nextPutAll: String cr; nextPutAll: 'Would you like to define an instance variable?' ]) ifTrue: [ self browserModel addInstVarNamed: error variableName ] ! ! !HLBrowserCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aBrowserModel ^ self new browserModel: aBrowserModel; yourself ! ! !HLBrowserCodeWidget class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ false ! ! HLWidget subclass: #HLWorkspace instanceVariableNames: 'codeWidget transcript' package: 'Helios-Workspace'! !HLWorkspace methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeWidget ^ codeWidget ifNil: [ codeWidget := HLCodeWidget new ] ! transcript ^ transcript ifNil: [ transcript := HLTranscript new ] ! ! !HLWorkspace methodsFor: 'actions'! focus ^ self codeWidget focus ! unregister super unregister. self transcript unregister ! ! !HLWorkspace methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderContentOn: html html with: (HLContainer with: (HLHorizontalSplitter with: self codeWidget with: [ :canvas | self renderTranscriptOn: canvas ])) ! renderTranscriptOn: html html div class: 'transcript-container'; with: [ html div class: 'list-label'; with: 'Transcript'. self transcript renderOn: html ] ! ! !HLWorkspace methodsFor: 'testing'! canHaveFocus ^ true ! ! !HLWorkspace class methodsFor: 'accessing'! tabClass ^ 'workspace' ! tabLabel ^ 'Workspace' ! tabPriority ^ 10 ! ! !HLWorkspace class methodsFor: 'testing'! canBeOpenAsTab ^ true ! !