# Tabby This jQuery plugin is by [Ted Devito], originally found at . There did not seem to be a GitHub repo for it yet, so I made one. ### Purpose Ted: > The "Tabby" Javascript jQuery plugin … [allows use of the Tab key] in regular `textarea`s to make them suitable for in-browser coding [in] languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, or your favorite server-side language. The idea is to be able to use a press of the TAB button or SHIFT+TAB to indent or outdent your code. It pretty well for Markdown editors, too. ### Usage Can’t be any simpler: $('.my-textarea').tabby(); To use e.g. four spaces instead of the default tab character: var tabby_opts = {tabString:' '}; $('.my-textarea').tabby(tabby_opts); ### Demo Please see [Ted’s demo here][ted]. ### Differences from original I made a small change to better support alternate tag strings besides the actual tab character `\t` (e.g. four spaces). ### Caveats / Issues 1. Outdenting will not work if there are (hard) tab characters used but `tabby` was initialized with a number of spaces as the `tabString` (i.e. soft tabs), and vice-versa. You should probably standardize input to your preferred tab string (soft or hard tabs) before presenting a Tabby-enabled `textarea` to your users. 2. Sometimes the selection can change slightly (e.g. grow to include a previous line) when outdenting. Pull requests are welcome! ### Bookmarklet [Grab the bookmarklet here](http://alanhogan.com/bookmarklets#tabby). ### See Also For a description of the problem and how this solution is implemented, please see [Ted’s original description][ted]. [ted]: http://teddevito.com/demos/textarea.html "Original website and demo" [Ted Devito]: http://teddevito.com/ "Ted’s website"