1st Jan 2015 - Release 0.14.0 =================================== Highlights: * Removed deprecated stuff and backward compatibility support code. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.13.0...0.14.0 Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A0.14.0 For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt. 18th Dec 2014 - Release 0.13.1 =================================== This is a planned maintenance release. It contains everything 0.14.0 contains, but it retains all the backwards compatibility stuff, which is going to be removed in 0.14.0. 999st Oct 2014 - Release 0.13.0 =================================== Highlights: * Reworked cleaner DNU handling in core. * `amber init` fully embraced as the way to create new project. * Movable data out of index.html: * list of production packages in deploy.js; * list of development packages in devel.js; * project amd mappings in local.amd.json; * libraries' amd mappings in lib_directory.amd.json. * 'Batteries included' deployment via `grunt deploy`. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.6...0.13.0 Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A0.13.0 For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt. 1st July 2014 - Release 0.12.6 =================================== Highlights: * SUnit Runner in Helios IDE. * `amber` and `amberc` cli moved to `external` directory and to dedicated npm package. * Bootstrap 3 can be used in Amber projects (no more nameclash with Helios' bootstrap 2 using bootstrap2.3.2 name). * Wider range of jQuery versions allowed. * Amber now parses `$c` character literal. * `amber` is not to be installed globally any more. Instead, `npm install -g amber-cli` installs cli tooling. * After installing the cli tooling, `amber init` initializes new project if run in empty directory. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.4...0.12.6 Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=13&state=closed For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt. 11th April 2014 - Release 0.12.4 =================================== Highlights: * Fixed backward compatibility for pre-0.12.3 loader syntax. * `namespace/_source` is not needed to map and is recommended not to use; `.st` files are by default committed to the `.js` location. * All sources, including js files into the src/ directory * Many improvements in Helios, especially in its debugger and inspector, as well as UI-related improvements * New Helios dark theme by @BenjaminVanRyseghem Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.3...0.12.4 Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=12&state=closed For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt. 22nd Jan 2014 - Release 0.12.3 =================================== Highlights: * JQuery updated to ~1.10.2; jquery-ui updated to match * Subclasses of `nil` can be created * Several fixes for IE8 * amber.js can be loaded asynchronously (it must have an id 'amber-path-mapper' in that case) * CodeMirror updated to ~3.20.0 Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.2...0.12.3 Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=11&state=closed For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt. 03rd December 2013 - Release 0.12.2 =================================== Highlights: * Loading Amber in nested pages now possible (via additional `data-libs` attribute of the `