Smalltalk createPackage: 'Compiler-IR'! NodeVisitor subclass: #IRASTTranslator slots: {#source. #theClass. #method. #sequence} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRASTTranslator commentStamp! I am the AST (abstract syntax tree) visitor responsible for building the intermediate representation graph.! !IRASTTranslator methodsFor: 'accessing'! method ^ method ! method: anIRMethod method := anIRMethod ! sequence ^ sequence ! sequence: anIRSequence sequence := anIRSequence ! source ^ source ! source: aString source := aString ! theClass ^ theClass ! theClass: aClass theClass := aClass ! withSequence: aSequence do: aBlock | outerSequence | outerSequence := self sequence. self sequence: aSequence. aBlock value. self sequence: outerSequence. ^ aSequence ! ! !IRASTTranslator methodsFor: 'visiting'! addToSequence: anInstruction anInstruction ifNotNil: [ anInstruction isVariable ifFalse: [ self sequence add: anInstruction ] ]. ^ anInstruction ! alias: anExpressionNode | assignment | anExpressionNode isIdempotent ifTrue: [ ^ self visit: anExpressionNode ]. assignment := self method newAliasingOf: (self visit: anExpressionNode). self addToSequence: assignment. ^ assignment left ! aliasTemporally: aCollection " If a node is aliased, all preceding ones are aliased as well. The tree is iterated twice. First we get the aliasing dependency, then the aliasing itself is done" | threshold shouldAlias | threshold := aCollection reversed detect: [ :each | each subtreeNeedsAliasing ] ifNone: [ nil ]. threshold ifNil: [ ^ self visitAll: aCollection ]. shouldAlias := true. ^ aCollection collect: [ :each | shouldAlias ifTrue: [ each == threshold ifTrue: [ shouldAlias := false ]. self alias: each ] ifFalse: [ self visit: each ] ] ! visitAssignmentNode: aNode | left right assignment | right := self visit: aNode right. left := self visit: aNode left. self addToSequence: (IRAssignment new add: left; add: right; yourself). ^ left ! visitBlockNode: aNode | closure | closure := IRClosure new arguments: aNode parameters; requiresSmalltalkContext: aNode requiresSmalltalkContext; scope: aNode scope; yourself. aNode scope temps do: [ :each | closure add: (IRTempDeclaration new name: each name; scope: aNode scope; yourself) ]. closure add: (self visit: aNode sequenceNode). ^ closure ! visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode ^ self withSequence: IRBlockSequence new do: [ aNode dagChildren ifNotEmpty: [ aNode dagChildren allButLast do: [ :each | self addToSequence: (self visit: each) ]. aNode dagChildren last isReturnNode ifFalse: [ self addToSequence: (IRBlockReturn new add: (self visitOrAlias: aNode dagChildren last); yourself) ] ifTrue: [ self addToSequence: (self visit: aNode dagChildren last) ] ]] ! visitCascadeNode: aNode | receiver | receiver := aNode receiver. receiver isIdempotent ifFalse: [ | alias | alias := self alias: receiver. receiver := VariableNode new binding: alias variable ]. aNode dagChildren do: [ :each | each receiver: receiver ]. aNode dagChildren allButLast do: [ :each | self addToSequence: (self visit: each) ]. ^ self visitOrAlias: aNode dagChildren last ! visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode | array | array := IRDynamicArray new. (self aliasTemporally: aNode dagChildren) do: [ :each | array add: each ]. ^ array ! visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode | dictionary | dictionary := IRDynamicDictionary new. (self aliasTemporally: aNode dagChildren) do: [ :each | dictionary add: each ]. ^ dictionary ! visitJSStatementNode: aNode ^ IRVerbatim new source: aNode source crlfSanitized; yourself ! visitMethodNode: aNode | irSequence | self method: (IRMethod new source: self source crlfSanitized; pragmas: (aNode pragmas collect: [ :each | Message selector: each selector arguments: (each arguments collect: [ :eachArg | eachArg isString ifTrue: [ eachArg crlfSanitized ] ifFalse: [ eachArg ]])]); theClass: self theClass; arguments: aNode arguments; selector: aNode selector; sendIndexes: aNode sendIndexes; requiresSmalltalkContext: aNode requiresSmalltalkContext; classReferences: aNode classReferences; scope: aNode scope; yourself). aNode scope temps do: [ :each | self method add: (IRTempDeclaration new name: each name; scope: aNode scope; yourself) ]. self method add: (irSequence := self visit: aNode sequenceNode). aNode scope hasLocalReturn ifFalse: [ irSequence add: (IRReturn new add: (IRVariable new variable: (aNode scope pseudoVars at: 'self'); yourself); yourself) ]. ^ self method ! visitOrAlias: anExpressionNode ^ anExpressionNode shouldBeAliased ifTrue: [ self alias: anExpressionNode ] ifFalse: [ self visit: anExpressionNode ] ! visitReturnNode: aNode ^ (aNode nonLocalReturn ifTrue: [ IRNonLocalReturn new ] ifFalse: [ IRReturn new ]) scope: aNode scope; add: (self visitOrAlias: aNode expression); yourself ! visitSendNode: aNode | send | send := IRSend new. send selector: aNode selector; index: aNode index. (self aliasTemporally: aNode dagChildren) do: [ :each | send add: each ]. ^ send ! visitSequenceNode: aNode ^ self withSequence: IRSequence new do: [ aNode dagChildren do: [ :each | self addToSequence: (self visit: each) ] ] ! visitValueNode: aNode ^ IRValue new value: aNode value; yourself ! visitVariableNode: aNode ^ IRVariable new variable: aNode binding; yourself ! ! Object subclass: #IRAliasFactory slots: {#counter} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRAliasFactory methodsFor: 'accessing'! next counter := counter + 1. ^ AliasVar new name: '$', counter asString; yourself ! ! !IRAliasFactory methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. counter := 0 ! ! DagParentNode subclass: #IRInstruction slots: {#parent} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRInstruction commentStamp! I am the abstract root class of the IR (intermediate representation) instructions class hierarchy. The IR graph is used to emit JavaScript code using a JSStream.! !IRInstruction methodsFor: 'accessing'! method ^ self parent method ! parent ^ parent ! parent: anIRInstruction parent := anIRInstruction ! scope ^ self parent ifNotNil: [ :node | node scope ] ! ! !IRInstruction methodsFor: 'building'! add: anObject ^ self addDagChild: anObject ! remove: anIRInstruction self dagChildren remove: anIRInstruction ! replace: anIRInstruction with: anotherIRInstruction anotherIRInstruction parent: self. self dagChildren at: (self dagChildren indexOf: anIRInstruction) put: anotherIRInstruction ! replaceWith: anIRInstruction self parent replace: self with: anIRInstruction ! ! !IRInstruction methodsFor: 'converting'! asReceiver "Return customized form to act as receiver. Return self to use standard $recv(...) boxing." ^ nil ! ! !IRInstruction methodsFor: 'testing'! isClosure ^ false ! isInlined ^ false ! isMethod ^ false ! isSend ^ false ! isSequence ^ false ! isSuper ^ false ! isTempDeclaration ^ false ! isVariable ^ false ! needsBoxingAsReceiver self deprecatedAPI: 'Use asReceiver isNil instead.'. ^ self asReceiver isNil ! yieldsValue ^ true ! ! !IRInstruction class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aBuilder ^ self new builder: aBuilder; yourself ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRAssignment slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRAssignment methodsFor: 'accessing'! left ^ self dagChildren first ! right ^ self dagChildren last ! ! !IRAssignment methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRAssignment: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRDynamicArray slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRDynamicArray methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRDynamicArray: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRDynamicDictionary slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRDynamicDictionary methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRDynamicDictionary: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRScopedInstruction slots: {#scope} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRScopedInstruction methodsFor: 'accessing'! scope ^ scope ! scope: aScope scope := aScope ! ! IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRClosureInstruction slots: {#arguments. #requiresSmalltalkContext} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRClosureInstruction methodsFor: 'accessing'! arguments ^ arguments ifNil: [ #() ] ! arguments: aCollection arguments := aCollection ! locals ^ self arguments, (self tempDeclarations collect: [ :each | each name ]) ! requiresSmalltalkContext ^ requiresSmalltalkContext ifNil: [ false ] ! requiresSmalltalkContext: anObject requiresSmalltalkContext := anObject ! scope: aScope super scope: aScope. aScope instruction: self ! tempDeclarations ^ self dagChildren select: [ :each | each isTempDeclaration ] ! ! IRClosureInstruction subclass: #IRClosure slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRClosure methodsFor: 'accessing'! sequence ^ self dagChildren last ! ! !IRClosure methodsFor: 'testing'! isClosure ^ true ! ! !IRClosure methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRClosure: self ! ! IRClosureInstruction subclass: #IRMethod slots: {#theClass. #source. #compiledSource. #attachments. #selector. #pragmas. #classReferences. #sendIndexes. #internalVariables. #aliasFactory} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRMethod commentStamp! I am a method instruction! !IRMethod methodsFor: 'accessing'! aliasFactory ^ aliasFactory ifNil: [ aliasFactory := IRAliasFactory new ] ! attachments ^ attachments ifNil: [ attachments := #{} ] ! classReferences ^ classReferences ! classReferences: aCollection classReferences := aCollection ! compiledSource ^ compiledSource ! compiledSource: anObject compiledSource := anObject ! internalVariables ^ internalVariables ifNil: [ internalVariables := Set new ] ! messageSends ^ self sendIndexes keys ! method ^ self ! newAliasingOf: anIRInstruction | variable | variable := IRVariable new variable: self aliasFactory next; yourself. self internalVariables add: variable. ^ IRAssignment new add: variable; add: anIRInstruction; yourself ! pragmas ^ pragmas ! pragmas: aCollection pragmas := aCollection ! selector ^ selector ! selector: aString selector := aString ! sendIndexes ^ sendIndexes ! sendIndexes: aDictionary sendIndexes := aDictionary ! source ^ source ! source: aString source := aString ! theClass ^ theClass ! theClass: aClass theClass := aClass ! ! !IRMethod methodsFor: 'testing'! isMethod ^ true ! ! !IRMethod methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRMethod: self ! ! IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRReturn slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRReturn commentStamp! I am a local return instruction.! !IRReturn methodsFor: 'accessing'! expression ^ self dagChildren single ! scope ^ scope ifNil: [ self parent scope ] ! ! !IRReturn methodsFor: 'testing'! yieldsValue ^ false ! ! !IRReturn methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRReturn: self ! ! IRReturn subclass: #IRBlockReturn slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRBlockReturn commentStamp! Smalltalk blocks return their last statement. I am a implicit block return instruction.! !IRBlockReturn methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRBlockReturn: self ! ! IRReturn subclass: #IRNonLocalReturn slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRNonLocalReturn commentStamp! I am a non local return instruction. Non local returns are handled using a try/catch JavaScript statement. See `IRNonLocalReturnHandling` class.! !IRNonLocalReturn methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRNonLocalReturn: self ! ! IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRTempDeclaration slots: {#name} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRTempDeclaration methodsFor: 'accessing'! name ^ name ! name: aString name := aString ! ! !IRTempDeclaration methodsFor: 'testing'! isTempDeclaration ^ true ! ! !IRTempDeclaration methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRTempDeclaration: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRSend slots: {#selector. #javaScriptSelector. #index} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRSend commentStamp! I am a message send instruction.! !IRSend methodsFor: 'accessing'! arguments ^ self dagChildren allButFirst ! index ^ index ! index: anInteger index := anInteger ! javaScriptSelector ^ javaScriptSelector ifNil: [ javaScriptSelector := self selector asJavaScriptMethodName ] ! javaScriptSelector: aString javaScriptSelector := aString ! receiver ^ self dagChildren first ! selector ^ selector ! selector: aString selector := aString ! ! !IRSend methodsFor: 'testing'! isSend ^ true ! ! !IRSend methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRSend: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRSequence slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRSequence methodsFor: 'testing'! isSequence ^ true ! ! !IRSequence methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRSequence: self ! ! IRSequence subclass: #IRBlockSequence slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRBlockSequence methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRBlockSequence: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRValue slots: {#value} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRValue commentStamp! I am the simplest possible instruction. I represent a value.! !IRValue methodsFor: 'accessing'! value ^ value ! value: aString value := aString ! ! !IRValue methodsFor: 'converting'! asReceiver ^ self ! ! !IRValue methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRValue: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRVariable slots: {#variable} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRVariable commentStamp! I am a variable instruction.! !IRVariable methodsFor: 'accessing'! variable ^ variable ! variable: aScopeVariable variable := aScopeVariable ! ! !IRVariable methodsFor: 'converting'! asReceiver self variable asReceiver ifNil: [ ^ super asReceiver ] ifNotNil: [ :receiverVar | self variable == receiverVar ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. ^ self copy variable: receiverVar; yourself ] ! ! !IRVariable methodsFor: 'testing'! isSuper ^ self variable isSuper ! isVariable ^ true ! ! !IRVariable methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRVariable: self ! ! IRInstruction subclass: #IRVerbatim slots: {#source} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRVerbatim methodsFor: 'accessing'! source ^ source ! source: aString source := aString ! ! !IRVerbatim methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitIRVerbatim: self ! ! Object subclass: #IRPragmator slots: {#irMethod} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRPragmator methodsFor: 'accessing'! irMethod ^ irMethod ! irMethod: anObject irMethod := anObject ! ! !IRPragmator methodsFor: 'visiting'! value: anIRMethod self irMethod: anIRMethod. self processPragmas: anIRMethod pragmas. ^ anIRMethod ! ! IRPragmator subclass: #IRLatePragmator slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRLatePragmator methodsFor: 'pragmas'! jsOverride: aString self irMethod attachments at: aString put: (NativeFunction constructorNamed: #Function value: 'return this.', irMethod selector asJavaScriptMethodName, '()') ! ! ParentFakingPathDagVisitor subclass: #IRVisitor slots: {} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'! visitDagNode: aNode ^ self visitDagNodeVariantSimple: aNode ! visitIRAssignment: anIRAssignment ^ self visitDagNode: anIRAssignment ! visitIRBlockReturn: anIRBlockReturn ^ self visitIRReturn: anIRBlockReturn ! visitIRBlockSequence: anIRBlockSequence ^ self visitIRSequence: anIRBlockSequence ! visitIRClosure: anIRClosure ^ self visitDagNode: anIRClosure ! visitIRDynamicArray: anIRDynamicArray ^ self visitDagNode: anIRDynamicArray ! visitIRDynamicDictionary: anIRDynamicDictionary ^ self visitDagNode: anIRDynamicDictionary ! visitIRMethod: anIRMethod ^ self visitDagNode: anIRMethod ! visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn ^ self visitDagNode: anIRNonLocalReturn ! visitIRNonLocalReturnHandling: anIRNonLocalReturnHandling ^ self visitDagNode: anIRNonLocalReturnHandling ! visitIRReturn: anIRReturn ^ self visitDagNode: anIRReturn ! visitIRSend: anIRSend ^ self visitDagNode: anIRSend ! visitIRSequence: anIRSequence ^ self visitDagNode: anIRSequence ! visitIRTempDeclaration: anIRTempDeclaration ^ self visitDagNode: anIRTempDeclaration ! visitIRValue: anIRValue ^ self visitDagNode: anIRValue ! visitIRVariable: anIRVariable ^ self visitDagNode: anIRVariable ! visitIRVerbatim: anIRVerbatim ^ self visitDagNode: anIRVerbatim ! ! IRVisitor subclass: #IRJSTranslator slots: {#stream. #currentClass} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !IRJSTranslator methodsFor: 'accessing'! contents ^ self stream contents ! currentClass ^ currentClass ! currentClass: aClass currentClass := aClass ! stream ^ stream ! stream: aStream stream := aStream ! ! !IRJSTranslator methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. stream := JSStream new. ! ! !IRJSTranslator methodsFor: 'visiting'! visitIRAssignment: anIRAssignment self stream nextPutAssignLhs: [self visit: anIRAssignment left] rhs: [self visit: anIRAssignment right]. ! visitIRClosure: anIRClosure self stream nextPutClosureWith: [ self stream nextPutVars: (anIRClosure tempDeclarations collect: [ :each | each name asVariableName ]). self stream nextPutBlockContextFor: anIRClosure during: [ super visitIRClosure: anIRClosure ] ] arguments: anIRClosure arguments ! visitIRDynamicArray: anIRDynamicArray self visitInstructionList: anIRDynamicArray dagChildren enclosedBetween: '[' and: ']' ! visitIRDynamicDictionary: anIRDynamicDictionary self visitInstructionList: anIRDynamicDictionary dagChildren enclosedBetween: '$globals.HashedCollection._newFromPairs_([' and: '])' ! visitIRMethod: anIRMethod self stream nextPutFunctionWith: [ self stream nextPutVars: (anIRMethod tempDeclarations collect: [ :each | each name asVariableName ]). self stream nextPutContextFor: anIRMethod during: [ anIRMethod internalVariables ifNotEmpty: [ :internalVars | self stream nextPutVars: (internalVars collect: [ :each | each variable alias ]) asSet ]. anIRMethod scope hasNonLocalReturn ifTrue: [ self stream nextPutNonLocalReturnHandlingWith: [ super visitIRMethod: anIRMethod ] ] ifFalse: [ super visitIRMethod: anIRMethod ] ]] arguments: anIRMethod arguments. ^ anIRMethod compiledSource: self contents; yourself ! visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn self stream nextPutNonLocalReturnWith: [ super visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn ] ! visitIRReturn: anIRReturn self stream nextPutReturnWith: [ super visitIRReturn: anIRReturn ] ! visitIRSend: anIRSend | prefixes suffixes workBlock | prefixes := #(). suffixes := #(). workBlock := [ self visitSend: anIRSend ]. anIRSend index < (anIRSend method sendIndexes at: anIRSend selector) size ifTrue: [ suffixes add: anIRSend scope alias, '.sendIdx[', anIRSend selector asJavaScriptSource, ']=', anIRSend index asString ]. anIRSend receiver isSuper ifTrue: [ prefixes add: anIRSend scope alias, '.supercall = true'. suffixes add: anIRSend scope alias, '.supercall = false'. workBlock := [ self visitSuperSend: anIRSend ] ]. self stream nextPutBefore: prefixes after: suffixes with: workBlock ! visitIRSequence: anIRSequence anIRSequence dagChildren do: [ :each | self stream nextPutStatementWith: [ self visit: each ] ] ! visitIRTempDeclaration: anIRTempDeclaration "self stream nextPutAll: 'var ', anIRTempDeclaration name asVariableName, ';'; lf" ! visitIRValue: anIRValue self stream nextPutAll: anIRValue value asJavaScriptSource ! visitIRVariable: anIRVariable self stream nextPutAll: anIRVariable variable alias ! visitIRVerbatim: anIRVerbatim self stream nextPutAll: anIRVerbatim source ! visitInstructionList: anArray enclosedBetween: aString and: anotherString self stream nextPutAll: aString. anArray do: [ :each | self visit: each ] separatedBy: [ self stream nextPutAll: ',' ]. stream nextPutAll: anotherString ! visitReceiver: anIRInstruction anIRInstruction asReceiver ifNotNil: [ :instr | self visit: instr ] ifNil: [ self stream nextPutAll: '$recv('. self visit: anIRInstruction. self stream nextPutAll: ')' ] ! visitSend: anIRSend self visitReceiver: anIRSend receiver. self stream nextPutAll: '.', anIRSend javaScriptSelector. self visitInstructionList: anIRSend arguments enclosedBetween: '(' and: ')' ! visitSuperSend: anIRSend self stream nextPutAll: anIRSend receiver variable lookupAsJavaScriptSource, '.'; nextPutAll: anIRSend javaScriptSelector, '.call'. self visitInstructionList: {anIRSend receiver asReceiver}, anIRSend arguments enclosedBetween: '(' and: ')' ! ! Object subclass: #JSStream slots: {#stream. #omitSemicolon} package: 'Compiler-IR'! !JSStream methodsFor: 'accessing'! contents ^ stream contents ! omitSemicolon ^ omitSemicolon ! omitSemicolon: aBoolean omitSemicolon := aBoolean ! ! !JSStream methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. stream := '' writeStream. ! ! !JSStream methodsFor: 'streaming'! lf stream lf ! nextPut: aString stream nextPut: aString ! nextPutAll: aString stream nextPutAll: aString ! nextPutAssignLhs: aBlock rhs: anotherBlock aBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '='. anotherBlock value ! nextPutBefore: prefixCollection after: suffixCollection with: aBlock suffixCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [ self nextPutBefore: prefixCollection with: aBlock ] ifFalse: [ self nextPutAll: '['; nextPutBefore: prefixCollection with: aBlock; lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeStart("ctx", pragmas.excludeDebugContexts);'; lf. suffixCollection do: [ :each | self nextPutAll: ','; nextPutAll: each ]. self lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeEnd("ctx");'; lf; nextPutAll: '][0]' ] ! nextPutBefore: aCollection with: aBlock aCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [ aBlock value ] ifFalse: [ self nextPutAll: '('; lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeStart("ctx", pragmas.excludeDebugContexts);'; lf. aCollection do: [ :each | self nextPutAll: each; nextPutAll: ',' ]. self lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeEnd("ctx");'; lf. aBlock value. self nextPutAll: ')' ] ! nextPutBlockContextFor: anIRClosure during: aBlock anIRClosure requiresSmalltalkContext ifFalse: [ ^ aBlock value ]. self nextPutAll: '//>>excludeStart("ctx", pragmas.excludeDebugContexts);'; lf; nextPutAll: 'return $core.withContext(function(', anIRClosure scope alias, ') {'; lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeEnd("ctx");'; lf. aBlock value. self nextPutAll: '//>>excludeStart("ctx", pragmas.excludeDebugContexts);'; lf; nextPutAll: '}, function(', anIRClosure scope alias, ') {'; nextPutAll: anIRClosure scope alias, '.fillBlock({'. anIRClosure locals do: [ :each | self nextPutAll: each asVariableName; nextPutAll: ':'; nextPutAll: each asVariableName ] separatedBy: [ self nextPutAll: ',' ]. self nextPutAll: '},'; nextPutAll: anIRClosure scope outerScope alias, ',', anIRClosure scope blockIndex asString, ')});'; lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeEnd("ctx");' ! nextPutClosureWith: aBlock arguments: anArray stream nextPutAll: '(function('. anArray do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each asVariableName ] separatedBy: [ stream nextPut: ',' ]. stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf. aBlock value. stream lf; nextPutAll: '})' ! nextPutContextFor: aMethod during: aBlock aMethod requiresSmalltalkContext ifFalse: [ ^ aBlock value ]. self nextPutAll: '//>>excludeStart("ctx", pragmas.excludeDebugContexts);'; lf; nextPutAll: 'return $core.withContext(function(', aMethod scope alias, ') {'; lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeEnd("ctx");'; lf. aBlock value. self nextPutAll: '//>>excludeStart("ctx", pragmas.excludeDebugContexts);'; lf; nextPutAll: '}, function(', aMethod scope alias, ') {', aMethod scope alias; nextPutAll: '.fill(self,', aMethod selector asJavaScriptSource, ',{'. aMethod locals do: [ :each | self nextPutAll: each asVariableName; nextPutAll: ':'; nextPutAll: each asVariableName ] separatedBy: [ self nextPutAll: ',' ]. self nextPutAll: '})});'; lf; nextPutAll: '//>>excludeEnd("ctx");' ! nextPutFunctionWith: aBlock arguments: anArray stream nextPutAll: 'function ('. anArray do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each asVariableName ] separatedBy: [ stream nextPut: ',' ]. stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf. stream nextPutAll: 'var self=this,$self=this;'; lf. aBlock value. stream lf; nextPutAll: '}' ! nextPutIf: aBlock then: anotherBlock stream nextPutAll: 'if('. aBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf. anotherBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '}'. self omitSemicolon: true ! nextPutIf: aBlock then: ifBlock else: elseBlock stream nextPutAll: 'if('. aBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf. ifBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '} else {'; lf. elseBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '}'. self omitSemicolon: true ! nextPutNonLocalReturnHandlingWith: aBlock stream nextPutAll: 'var $early={};'; lf; nextPutAll: 'try {'; lf. aBlock value. stream nextPutAll: '}'; lf; nextPutAll: 'catch(e) {if(e===$early)return e[0]; throw e}'; lf ! nextPutNonLocalReturnWith: aBlock stream nextPutAll: 'throw $early=['. aBlock value. stream nextPutAll: ']' ! nextPutReturnWith: aBlock stream nextPutAll: 'return '. aBlock value ! nextPutStatementWith: aBlock self omitSemicolon: false. aBlock value. self omitSemicolon ifFalse: [ stream nextPutAll: ';' ]. self omitSemicolon: false. stream lf ! nextPutVars: aCollection aCollection ifNotEmpty: [ stream nextPutAll: 'var '. aCollection do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each ] separatedBy: [ stream nextPutAll: ',' ]. stream nextPutAll: ';'; lf ] ! ! IRPragmator setTraitComposition: {TPragmator} asTraitComposition! ! ! !ASTNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! requiresSmalltalkContext "Answer true if the receiver requires a smalltalk context. Only send nodes require a context. If no node requires a context, the method will be compiled without one. See `IRJSTranslator` and `JSStream` for context creation" ^ self dagChildren anySatisfy: [ :each | each requiresSmalltalkContext ] ! ! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^ true ! ! !BlockNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^ self shouldBeAliased ! ! !CascadeNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^ true ! ! !ExpressionNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^ self shouldBeAliased or: [ self dagChildren anySatisfy: [ :each | each subtreeNeedsAliasing ] ] ! ! !JSStatementNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! requiresSmalltalkContext ^ true ! ! !PseudoVar methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! asReceiver ^ self class receiverNames at: self name ifPresent: [ :newName | self copy name: newName; yourself ] ifAbsent: [ self ] ! ! !ScopeVar methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! asReceiver "Return customized copy to use as receiver, or self if suffices." ^ nil ! ! !SendNode methodsFor: '*Compiler-IR'! requiresSmalltalkContext ^ true ! !