Smalltalk createPackage: 'Kernel-Dag'! Object subclass: #AbstractDagVisitor slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Dag'! !AbstractDagVisitor commentStamp! I am base class of `DagNode` visitor. Concrete classes should implement `visitDagNode:`, they can reuse possible variants of implementation offered directly: `visitDagNodeVariantSimple:` and `visitDagNodeVariantRedux:`.! !AbstractDagVisitor methodsFor: 'evaluating'! value: anObject ^ self visit: anObject ! ! !AbstractDagVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'! visit: aNode ^ aNode acceptDagVisitor: self ! visitAll: aCollection ^ aCollection collect: [ :each | self visit: each ] ! visitAllChildren: aDagNode ^ self visitAll: aDagNode dagChildren ! visitDagNode: aNode self subclassResponsibility ! visitDagNodeVariantRedux: aNode "Immutable-guarded implementation of visitDagNode:. Visits all children and checks if there were changes. If not, returns aNode. If yes, returns copy of aNode with new children." | newChildren oldChildren | oldChildren := aNode dagChildren. newChildren := self visitAllChildren: aNode. oldChildren = newChildren ifTrue: [ ^ aNode ] ifFalse: [ ^ aNode copy dagChildren: newChildren; yourself ] ! visitDagNodeVariantSimple: aNode "Simple implementation of visitDagNode:. Visits children, then returns aNode" self visitAllChildren: aNode. ^ aNode ! ! AbstractDagVisitor subclass: #PathDagVisitor slots: {#path} package: 'Kernel-Dag'! !PathDagVisitor commentStamp! I am base class of `DagNode` visitor. I hold the path of ancestors up to actual node in `self path`.! !PathDagVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing'! path ^ path ! ! !PathDagVisitor methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. path := #() ! ! !PathDagVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'! visit: aNode | oldPath result | result := aNode. oldPath := path. [ path := path, {aNode}. result := super visit: aNode ] ensure: [ path := oldPath ]. ^ result ! visitDagNodeVariantRedux: aNode | newNode | newNode := super visitDagNodeVariantRedux: aNode. aNode == newNode ifFalse: [ path at: path size put: newNode ]. ^ newNode ! ! Object subclass: #DagNode slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Dag'! !DagNode commentStamp! I am the abstract root class of any directed acyclic graph. Concrete classes should implement `dagChildren` and `dagChildren:` to get / set direct successor nodes (aka child nodes / subnodes).! !DagNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! allDagChildren | allNodes | allNodes := self dagChildren asSet. self dagChildren do: [ :each | allNodes addAll: each allDagChildren ]. ^ allNodes ! dagChildren self subclassResponsibility ! dagChildren: aCollection self subclassResponsibility ! ! !DagNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isDagNode ^ true ! ! !DagNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! acceptDagVisitor: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitDagNode: self ! ! DagNode subclass: #DagParentNode slots: {#nodes} package: 'Kernel-Dag'! !DagParentNode commentStamp! I am `DagNode` that stores a collection of its children, lazy initialized to empty array. I can `addDagChild:` to add a child.! !DagParentNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! addDagChild: aDagNode self dagChildren add: aDagNode ! dagChildren ^ nodes ifNil: [ nodes := Array new ] ! dagChildren: aCollection nodes := aCollection ! ! DagNode subclass: #DagSink slots: {#nodes} package: 'Kernel-Dag'! !DagSink commentStamp! I am `DagNode` with no direct successors. Sending `dagChildren:` with empty collection is legal.! !DagSink methodsFor: 'accessing'! dagChildren ^ #() ! dagChildren: aCollection aCollection ifNotEmpty: [ self error: 'A DagSink cannot have children.' ] ! ! !Object methodsFor: '*Kernel-Dag'! isDagNode ^ false ! !