Smalltalk createPackage: 'Moka-Announcements'! Object subclass: #MKAnnouncement instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Moka-Announcements'! !MKAnnouncement commentStamp! I am the root class of all announcements sent in Moka.! MKAnnouncement subclass: #MKAspectChanged instanceVariableNames: 'aspect' package: 'Moka-Announcements'! !MKAspectChanged commentStamp! I am announced whenever an `aspect` is changed. ## API Create instances using the class-side method `#aspect:`! !MKAspectChanged methodsFor: 'accessing'! aspect ^ aspect ! aspect: aSelector aspect := aSelector ! ! !MKAspectChanged class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! aspect: aSelector ^ self new aspect: aSelector; yourself ! ! MKAnnouncement subclass: #MKViewAnnouncement instanceVariableNames: 'view' package: 'Moka-Announcements'! !MKViewAnnouncement commentStamp! I am the root class of all viewn announcements. I hold a `view` object. ## API Create instance with the class-side method `#view:`! !MKViewAnnouncement methodsFor: 'accessing'! view ^ view ! view: aView view := aView ! ! !MKViewAnnouncement class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! view: aView ^ self new view: aView; yourself ! ! MKViewAnnouncement subclass: #MKViewRemoved instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Moka-Announcements'! !MKViewRemoved commentStamp! I am announced when a view gets removed from the DOM.! MKViewAnnouncement subclass: #MKViewScroll instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Moka-Announcements'! !MKViewScroll commentStamp! I am often used in conjunction with `MKScrollDecorator`. I am announced when a view's scroll changed programatically!