1. 0.24.1:
  2. * Deprecate Behavior >> javascriptConstructor(:)
  3. * Lots of changes in Compiler.
  4. * Added Teachable class.
  5. + Behavior >>
  6. + alternateConstructorViaSelector:
  7. + applySuperConstructorOn:withArguments:
  8. + beJavaScriptSubclassOf:
  9. + javaScriptConstructor
  10. + javaScriptConstructor:
  11. + BlockClosure >>
  12. + tryIfTrue:catch:
  13. + SequenceableCollection >>
  14. + copyWithFirst:
  15. + SmalltalkImage >>
  16. + isError:
  17. + try:ifTrue:catch:
  18. + amber/boot api >>
  19. + detachClass(klass)
  20. + amber/helpers exports >>
  21. + $nil
  22. - Error >>
  23. - beSmalltalkError
  24. - isSmalltalkError
  25. - JavaScriptError >>
  26. - shouldBeStubbed
  27. - wrap
  28. - MethodContext >>
  29. - stubHere
  30. - stubToAtMost:
  31. - amber/boot api >>
  32. - addElement(arraySet, el)
  33. - removeElement(arraySet, el)
  34. 0.23.2:
  35. + Platform class >>
  36. + fetch:
  37. + fetchUrl:options:
  38. + BrowserPlatform >>
  39. + fetch:
  40. + fetchUrl:options:
  41. + NodePlatform >>
  42. + fetch:
  43. + fetchUrl:options:
  44. 0.23.1:
  45. + TBehaviorDefaults >>
  46. + includingPossibleMetaDo:
  47. + Class >>
  48. + includingPossibleMetaDo:
  49. + CompiledMethod >>
  50. + origin
  51. - SmalltalkImage >>
  52. - includesKey:
  53. 0.23.0:
  54. * Namespace change: amber_core => amber/core.
  55. * amber/boot api addClass only takes 3 params; 4 param version deprecated
  56. + SmalltalkImage >>
  57. + beClean
  58. + amber/helpers exports >>
  59. + beClean
  60. + amber/boot api >>
  61. + setSlots(klass, arrayOfNames)
  62. 0.22.4:
  63. * Remove class IndexableCollection, trait TKeyValueCollection.
  64. * Merge CharacterArray class into String class
  65. * Deprecate CharacterArray class
  66. * Deprecate Collection >> copyWithAll:, #, is enough.
  67. + amber/helpers exports
  68. + loadPackages
  69. - Array >>
  70. - numericallyIndexable
  71. - Set
  72. - detect:ifNone: (pushed up to Collection)
  73. - SequenceableCollection
  74. - numericallyIndexable
  75. - String >>
  76. - numericallyIndexable
  77. 0.22.1:
  78. + BlockClosure >>
  79. + provided
  80. + Class >>
  81. + provided
  82. 0.22.0:
  83. * Deprecate Exception >> resignal. Should have been #pass.
  84. + Compiler >>
  85. + ast:forClass:protocol:
  86. + cleanCodeGenerator
  87. + codeGenerator
  88. + forClass:protocol:
  89. + Exception
  90. + outer
  91. + pass
  92. + JSObjectProxy >>
  93. + removeKey:
  94. + Number >>
  95. + ln1p
  96. + SmalltalkImage >>
  97. + postLoad
  98. - AmberBootstrapInitialization class >>
  99. - initializeClasses
  100. - ClassBuilder >>
  101. - setupClass:
  102. - Compiler >>
  103. - compileNode:forClass:package:
  104. - ProtoObject
  105. - asJSON
  106. - asJavascript
  107. - SmalltalkImage >>
  108. - packageAt:
  109. - amber/boot api >>
  110. - nextId
  111. 0.21.1:
  112. + ClassBuilder >>
  113. + class:instanceVariables:
  114. + JSObjectProxy class >>
  115. + null
  116. + undefined
  117. - ClassBuilder >>
  118. - basicClass:instanceVariableNames:
  119. 0.21.0:
  120. * Deprecate SmalltalkImage >> existsJsGlobal:
  121. + Number >>
  122. + bitAnd:
  123. + bitNot
  124. + bitOr:
  125. + bitXor:
  126. + printStringBase:
  127. + Platform class >>
  128. + includesGlobal:
  129. 0.20.0:
  130. * Internal kernel fields naming changes.
  131. + amber/boot api >>
  132. + traitsOrClasses
  133. - SmalltalkImage >>
  134. - legacyGlobalJsVariables
  135. - amber/boot >>
  136. - nil
  137. - dnu
  138. - amber/boot api >>
  139. - classes
  140. 0.19.1:
  141. * Deprecate amber/boot api nextId, prop globalJsVariables.
  142. * Deprecate ProtoObject >> identityHash.
  143. * Deprecate SmalltalkImage >> packageAt: in favour of explicit #packageAt:if{Absent,Present}:.
  144. + AmberBootstrapInitialization class >>
  145. + run
  146. + initializeClasses
  147. + organizeClasses
  148. + organizeMethods
  149. + Behavior >>
  150. + basicOrganization
  151. + basicOrganization:
  152. + ClassOrganizer >>
  153. + theClass
  154. + ClassOrganizer class >>
  155. + on:
  156. + Compiler class >>
  157. + eval:
  158. + JavaScriptException >>
  159. + shouldBeStubbed
  160. + wrap
  161. + Message class >>
  162. + selector:arguments:notUnderstoodBy:
  163. + MethodContext >>
  164. + stubHere
  165. + stubToAtMost:
  166. + NonBooleanReceiver class >>
  167. + signalOn:
  168. + Package >>
  169. + evalBlock
  170. + evalBlock:
  171. + Package class >>
  172. + named:javaScriptDescriptor:
  173. + SmalltalkImage >>
  174. + packageDictionary
  175. + packageAt:ifPresent:
  176. + TBehaviorProvider >>
  177. + methodOrganizationEnter:andLeave:
  178. + TMasterBehavior >>
  179. + definedMethods
  180. + enterOrganization
  181. + leaveOrganization
  182. + Trait >>
  183. + basicOrganization
  184. + basicOrganization:
  185. + UndefinedObject >>
  186. + ==
  187. + Number >>
  188. + min:max:
  189. + degreesToRadians
  190. + radiansToDegrees
  191. + arcTan:
  192. + between:and:
  193. + Number class >>
  194. + radiansPerDegree
  195. + Point >>
  196. + dotProduct:
  197. + normal
  198. + angle
  199. + normalized
  200. + r
  201. + corner:
  202. + extent:
  203. + rectangle:
  204. + Rectangle >>
  205. + =
  206. + corner
  207. + origin
  208. + containsPoint:
  209. + containsRect:
  210. + printOn:
  211. + Rectangle class >>
  212. + origin:corner:
  213. + origin:extent:
  214. + point:point:
  215. - Package >>
  216. - basicName:
  217. - basicImports
  218. - ProtoObject >>
  219. - isSameInstanceAs:
  220. - ObjectTest >>
  221. - testIdentityHash
  222. - amber/boot api >>
  223. - reservedWords (with the hope no one uses it directly)
  224. 0.19.0:
  225. * Remove class Thenable, add trait TThenable.
  226. * Behavior / Trait hierarchy uses traits.
  227. + NativeFunction class >>
  228. + isNativeFunction:
  229. + IRInstructions >>
  230. + isSelf
  231. + isSuper
  232. + IRVariable >>
  233. + isSelf
  234. + isSuper
  235. + ScopeVar >>
  236. + isSelf
  237. + isSuper
  238. + PseudoVar >>
  239. + isSelf
  240. + isSuper
  241. +UndefinedObject >>
  242. + identityHash
  243. + value
  244. + amber/boot >>
  245. + nilAsValue
  246. - IRSend >>
  247. - isSuperSend
  248. 0.18.3:
  249. * Move {add,remove}Element from Array.prototype to kernel API.
  250. * New superclass of Behavior named BehaviorBody, pushed up some methods.
  251. * Represents named holder of methods; hierarchy and instantiation left to Behavior.
  252. * Add class Trait as subclass of BehaviorBody.
  253. * Add class TraitTransformation.
  254. * Deprecate #asJSON in favour of #asJavaScriptObject.
  255. * Deprecate #asJavascript in favour of #asJavaScriptSource.
  256. + BehaviorBody >>
  257. + setTraitComposition:
  258. + traitCompositionDefinition
  259. + traitUsers
  260. + allSubclassesDo:
  261. + superclass
  262. + Trait >>
  263. + allInstanceVariableNames
  264. + allSubclassesDo:
  265. + asJavascript
  266. + asTraitComposition
  267. + category
  268. + classTag
  269. + definition
  270. + package
  271. + superclass
  272. + theMetaClass
  273. + theNonMetaClass
  274. + exportBehaviorDefinitionTo:using:
  275. + traitUsers
  276. + package:
  277. + Trait class >>
  278. + named:package:
  279. + named:uses:package:
  280. + TraitTransformation >>
  281. + -
  282. + @
  283. + addAliases:
  284. + addExclusions:
  285. + aliases
  286. + asJSON
  287. + asJavascript
  288. + asTraitComposition
  289. + asTraitTransformation
  290. + definition
  291. + exclusions
  292. + initialize
  293. + postCopy
  294. + trait
  295. + trait:
  296. + Collection >>
  297. + copyWithout:
  298. + SequenceableCollection >>
  299. + reverseDo:
  300. + Array >>
  301. + asTraitComposition
  302. + amber/boot api >>
  303. + addElement
  304. + removeElement
  305. + wrapJavaScript
  306. + CharacterArray >>
  307. + asSymbolPrintOn:
  308. + symbolPrintString
  309. + String >>
  310. + isSelector
  311. + StringStream >>
  312. + print:
  313. + printSymbol:
  314. + Package >>
  315. + traitCompositions
  316. + Class >>
  317. + subClass:
  318. + subClass:uses:
  319. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:
  320. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:category:
  321. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:classVariables:poolDictionaries:category:
  322. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:package:
  323. + UndefinedObject >>
  324. + subClass:
  325. + subClass:uses:
  326. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:
  327. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:category:
  328. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:classVariables:poolDictionaries:category:
  329. + subClass:uses:instanceVariables:package:
  330. + Metaclass >>
  331. + uses:instanceVariableNames:
  332. - Association >>
  333. - importsString
  334. - String >>
  335. - importsString
  336. - AbstractExporter
  337. - classNameFor:
  338. - Exporter >>
  339. - jsClassNameFor:
  340. 0.18.2:
  341. * Add Platform-DOM package with DOM-related stuff.
  342. * Platform-DOM not loaded by default. Packages that will use it will import it.
  343. + PlatformDom class >>
  344. + isFeasible
  345. + isDomNode:
  346. + newCustomEvent:detail:
  347. + toArray:
  348. + CharacterArray >>
  349. + asDomNode
  350. + Collection >>
  351. + asDomNode
  352. + JSObjectProxy >>
  353. + asDomNode
  354. + String >>
  355. + htmlTextContent
  356. 0.18.1:
  357. + ASTNode >>
  358. + withTail:
  359. - SendNode >>
  360. - valueWithReceiver:
  361. 0.18.0:
  362. * Remove class RethrowErrorHandler (hack for cli before 0.12.3).
  363. * Add Kernel-Dag package with abstract DAG-node and DAG-node visitor.
  364. * Some internal API changes in Compiler-* (including the move to DAG-node).
  365. - Object >>
  366. - throw:
  367. 0.17.0:
  368. * Remove classes InterfacingObject, PlatformInterface.
  369. * Deprecate $boot.nil (use $boot.nilAsReceiver).
  370. + amber/boot >>
  371. + nilAsReceiver
  372. - NativeFunction class >>
  373. - constructor:
  374. - constructor:value:
  375. - constructor:value:value:
  376. - constructor:value:value:value:
  377. 0.16.1:
  378. * Deprecate $boot.dnu (use $boot.nilAsClass).
  379. + amber/boot >>
  380. + nilAsClass
  381. 0.16.0:
  382. * Deprecate ClassBuilder >> setupClass:
  383. * $core.initialize now returns a Promise
  384. * $core.addClass now returns the class
  385. + amber/boot api >>
  386. + send2
  387. + traverseClassTree
  388. + Promise class >>
  389. + new
  390. - amber/boot api >>
  391. - wrapClassName
  392. - send
  393. - allSubclasses
  394. - AbstractCodeGenerator >>
  395. - classNameFor:
  396. 0.15.1:
  397. * Thenable class added
  398. * Promise class added, wraps JS Promise, subclass of Thenable
  399. + Thenable >>
  400. + catch:
  401. + on:do:
  402. + on:do:catch:
  403. + then:
  404. + then:catch:
  405. + then:on:do:
  406. + then:on:do:catch:
  407. + JSObjectProxy >>
  408. + catch:
  409. + on:do:
  410. + on:do:catch:
  411. + then:
  412. + then:catch:
  413. + then:on:do:
  414. + then:on:do:catch:
  415. + amber/boot api >>
  416. + seamless
  417. + Promise class >>
  418. + new:
  419. + forBlock:
  420. + value:
  421. + signal:
  422. + all:
  423. + any:
  424. 0.14.18:
  425. * Some internal API changes in Compiler-*.
  426. 0.14.14:
  427. * InterfacingObject >> ajax: deprecated
  428. * PlatformInterface class deprecated
  429. * Class BrowserInterface removed
  430. * Class Terminal, BrowserTerminal added
  431. * Class Platform, BrowserPlatform added
  432. + Environment >>
  433. + renamePackage:to:
  434. + Platform class >>
  435. + globals
  436. + newXhr
  437. + Terminal class >>
  438. + alert:
  439. + confirm:
  440. + prompt:
  441. + prompt:default:
  442. SmalltalkImage >>
  443. + existsJsGlobal:
  444. - PlatformInterface class >>
  445. - initialize
  446. - setWorker:
  447. 0.14.12:
  448. + JSObjectProxy >>
  449. + putOn:
  450. + ProtoStream >>
  451. + nextPutJSObject:
  452. 0.14.11:
  453. * Basic streaming protocol extracted from Stream to ProtoStream
  454. + Object >>
  455. + in:
  456. + JSObjectProxy >>
  457. + in:
  458. 0.14.10:
  459. + JSObjectProxy class >>
  460. + addObjectVariablesTo:ofProxy:
  461. + compareJSObjectOfProxy:withProxy:
  462. + forwardMessage:withArguments:ofProxy:
  463. + jsObject:ofProxy:
  464. + lookupProperty:ofProxy:
  465. - JSObjectProxy >>
  466. - jsObject:
  467. - lookupProperty:
  468. - compareJSObjectWith:
  469. - addObjectVariablesTo:
  470. - forwardMessage:withArguments:
  471. 0.14.4:
  472. + AmdExporter >>
  473. + importsForOutput:
  474. + AbstractCodeGenerator >>
  475. + currentPackage
  476. + currentPackage:
  477. + Compiler >>
  478. + currentPackage
  479. + currentPackage:
  480. + compile:forClass:protocol:
  481. + compileNode:forClass:package:
  482. + SemanticAnalyzer >>
  483. + thePackage
  484. + thePackage:
  485. + isVariableUndefined:inPackage:
  486. - Compiler >>
  487. - compile:
  488. - compile:forClass:
  489. - compileExpression:
  490. - SemanticAnalyzer >>
  491. - isVariableGloabllyUndefined:
  492. - Behavior >>
  493. - compile:
  494. 0.14.3:
  495. * #heliosClass is now #classTag
  496. + Compiler >>
  497. + eval:forPackage:
  498. + Behavior >>
  499. + packageOfProtocol:
  500. + Exporter >>
  501. + exportPackageContextOf:on:
  502. + exportPackageImportsOf:on:
  503. + Package >>
  504. + basicImports
  505. + imports
  506. + imports:
  507. + importsDefinition
  508. + importsFromJson:
  509. + importsAsJson
  510. + sortedImportsAsArray
  511. + validateImports:
  512. + Package class >>
  513. + named:imports:transport:
  514. + Association >>
  515. + importsString
  516. + String >>
  517. + importsString
  518. + ProtoObject >>
  519. + ifNil:
  520. + ifNil:ifNotNil:
  521. + ifNotNil:
  522. + ifNotNil:ifNil:
  523. + isNil
  524. + notNil
  525. - Object >>
  526. - ifNil:
  527. - ifNil:ifNotNil:
  528. - ifNotNil:
  529. - ifNotNil:ifNil:
  530. - isNil
  531. - notNil
  532. 0.14.1:
  533. * NativeFunction class >> constructor:[value:...] deprecated
  534. + NativeFunction class >>
  535. + constructorNamed:
  536. + constructorNamed:value:
  537. + constructorNamed:value:value:
  538. + constructorNamed:value:value:value:
  539. + constructorOf:
  540. + constructorOf:value:
  541. + constructorOf:value:value:
  542. + constructorOf:value:value:value:
  543. + functionNamed:
  544. + functionNamed:value:
  545. + functionNamed:value:value:
  546. + functionNamed:value:value:value:
  547. + functionNamed:valueWithArgs:
  548. + functionOf:
  549. + functionOf:value:
  550. + functionOf:value:value:
  551. + functionOf:value:value:value:
  552. + functionOf:valueWithArgs:
  553. + methodOf:this:
  554. + methodOf:this:value:
  555. + methodOf:this:value:value:
  556. + methodOf:this:value:value:value:
  557. + methodOf:this:valueWithArgs:
  558. + SmalltalkImage >>
  559. + optOut:
  560. + cancelOptOut:
  561. 0.14.0:
  562. + Object >>
  563. + asJQuery
  564. + asJQueryInContext:
  565. + BlockClosure >>
  566. + asJQuery
  567. + asJQueryInContext:
  568. - AnnouncementSubscription >>
  569. - block
  570. - block:
  571. - Collection >>
  572. - contains:
  573. - String >>
  574. - asSelector
  575. - asJavaScriptSelector
  576. - SmalltalkImage >>
  577. - at:
  578. - at:ifAbsent:
  579. - at:put:
  580. - current
  581. - vm
  582. - createPackage:properties:
  583. - MethodContext >>
  584. - temps
  585. - Object >>
  586. - try:catch:
  587. 0.13.2:
  588. + SourceArea class >>
  589. + codeMirror
  590. 0.13.1:
  591. * String >> asSelector is now String >> asJavaScriptMethodName
  592. * String >> asJavaScriptSelector is now String >> asJavaScriptPropertyName
  593. * smalltalk.selector is now smalltalk.st2js
  594. * smalltalk.convertSelector is now smalltalk.js2st
  595. * Collection >> ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty: family passes self to ifNotEmpty: block
  596. * Smalltalk vm is now Smalltalk core
  597. * boot.js's .vm is now .api
  598. * amber load sets' .vm is now .api
  599. * Internal variables smalltalk/globals/_st are now $core/$globals/$recv
  600. + smalltalk.
  601. + accessJavaScript
  602. + Object >>
  603. + postMessageTo:
  604. + postMessageTo:origin:
  605. + Class >>
  606. + heliosClass
  607. + SmalltalkImage >>
  608. + core
  609. + amber/boot
  610. + api
  611. + amber/{devel,deploy,lang} exports
  612. + api
  613. - ProtoObject class >>
  614. - heliosClass
  615. - Object class >>
  616. - heliosClass
  617. - amber/boot
  618. - vm
  619. 0.12.6:
  620. + String >>
  621. + value:
  622. + ProtocolAnnouncement >>
  623. + package
  624. + Behavior >>
  625. + isTestClass
  626. + Package >>
  627. + isTestPackage
  628. + amber/{devel,deploy,lang} exports
  629. + nil
  630. + amber/helpers exports
  631. + nil
  632. 0.12.4:
  633. * Package Canvas renamed to Web
  634. * Object >> try:catch: deprecated in favour of BlockClosure >> tryCatch:
  635. + Announcer >>
  636. + on:do:for:
  637. + Node >>
  638. + navigationNodeAt:ifAbsent:
  639. + BlockClosure >>
  640. + tryCatch:
  641. + Environment >>
  642. + evaluate:for:
  643. + AmberCli >>
  644. + version:
  645. + Object >>
  646. + deprecatedAPI:
  647. - Environment >>
  648. - eval:on:
  649. - evaluateString:on:
  650. 0.12.3:
  651. * Package Import-Export renamed to Kernel-ImportExport
  652. * A dozen of methods moved from Object to ProtoObject
  653. * HashedCollection >> at:ifAbsentPut: pushed up to SequenceableCollection
  654. * HashedCollection >> , is now allowed (removed shouldNotImplement)
  655. * HashedCollection and Dictionary both subclasses of AssociativeCollection
  656. * Smalltalk class moved to SmalltalkImage class, Smalltalk is now global var
  657. * Smalltalk current deprecated in favour of Smalltalk
  658. * Smalltalk at:[put:] deprecated in favour of Smalltalk globals at:[put:]
  659. * <smalltalk.ClassName> deprecated in favour of <globals.ClassName>
  660. + CompiledMethod >>
  661. + defaultProtocol
  662. + Behavior >>
  663. + compile:protocol:
  664. + removeProtocolIfEmpty:
  665. + Package >>
  666. + load
  667. + loadFromNamespace:
  668. + Package class >>
  669. + load:
  670. + load:fromNamespace:
  671. + PackageTransport >> load
  672. + PackageHandler >> load:
  673. + AmdPackageHandler >> load:
  674. + Set >> removeAll
  675. + AssociativeCollection class
  676. + BucketStore class
  677. + SmalltalkImage >>
  678. + globals
  679. + vm
  680. + settings
  681. + Setting class
  682. + String >>
  683. + asSetting
  684. + asSettingIfAbsent:
  685. + settingValue
  686. + settingValueIfAbsent:
  687. + settingValue:
  688. + Smalltalk global variable
  689. - CompiledMethod >>
  690. - category: (use #protocol:)
  691. - defaultCategory
  692. - Behavior >> compile:category:
  693. - HTMLCanvas class >>
  694. - browserVersion
  695. - isMSIE
  696. - isMozilla
  697. - isOpera
  698. - isWebkit
  699. 0.12.2:
  700. * Collection >> contains: is deprecated in favor of anySatisfy:
  701. + Announcer >> on:doOnce:
  702. + String >>
  703. + uriEncoded
  704. + uriDecoded
  705. + uriComponentEncoded
  706. + uriComponentDecoded
  707. + Collection >>
  708. + removeAll
  709. + ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty:
  710. + ifNotEmpty:ifEmpty:
  711. + anyOne
  712. + noneSatisfy:
  713. + anySatisfy:
  714. + allSatisfy:
  715. 0.12.0:
  716. * SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fillBlock() takes a third 'index' parameter
  717. * Existing classes moved to new KernelInfrastructure package
  718. * ImporterExporter
  719. * are now StreamExporters
  720. * aware of AMD namespaces
  721. * support transport types and commit channels
  722. + Node >>
  723. + nextChild
  724. + method
  725. + postCopy
  726. + isCascadeNode
  727. + isLastChild
  728. + BlockNode >>
  729. + nextNode:
  730. + nextChild
  731. + SendNode >>
  732. + isCascadeSendNode
  733. + shouldBeAliased
  734. + CompiledMethod >> sendTo:arguments:
  735. + Array >>
  736. + addFirst:
  737. + removeLast
  738. + Number >>
  739. + ceiling
  740. + floor
  741. + asNumber
  742. + //
  743. + cos
  744. + sin
  745. + tan
  746. + arcCos
  747. + arcSin
  748. + arcTan
  749. + log
  750. + log:
  751. + raisedTo:
  752. + sign
  753. + **
  754. + ln
  755. + e
  756. + String class >> esc
  757. + String >>
  758. + asMutator
  759. + capitalized
  760. + isCapitalized
  761. + JSProxy >> printString
  762. + Behavior >>
  763. + ownProtocols
  764. + ownMethods
  765. + JSStream >> nextPutSendIndexFor:
  766. + InterfacingObject class
  767. + Interpreter class
  768. + DocumentFragmentTag class
  769. + AbstractExporter class
  770. + PlatformInterface class
  771. - Node >> extent
  772. - JSStream >> nextPutStatement:with:
  773. - Smalltalk.installSuperclass()
  774. - ClassReferenceNode class (now handled via VariableNode)
  775. 0.11.0:
  776. * AnnouncementSubscription use #valuable: instead of #block: (deprecated)
  777. * AbstractCodeGenerator inherits from Object, not NodeVisitor
  778. * Object>>printString
  779. * replace >>printString with >>printOn:
  780. * replace >>storeString with >>printString
  781. * PackageLoader is now PackageHandler (>>commit: >>setupPackagenamed:prefix: >>ajaxPutAt:data:
  782. * Package>>fetch: is now Package>>load:
  783. * Package>>fetch:prefix: is now Package>>load:prefix:
  784. * Queue>>front replaced by Queue>>next
  785. * Queue>>frontIfAbsent: replaced by Queue>>nextIfAbsent:
  786. * Queue>>back: replaced by Queue>>nextPut:
  787. * smalltalk.addMethod() does not use explicit JS selector
  788. * JSObjectProxy>>canForwardMessage: replaced by use of JSObjectProxy>>lookupProperty: with asJavaScriptSelector
  789. * JSObjectProxy>>forwardMessage: replaced by explicit JSObjectProxy>>forwardMessage:withArguments:
  790. * String>>asJavaScriptSelector moved to Kernel-Objects package
  791. + Object>>asString
  792. + Object>>putOn:
  793. + String>>isVowel
  794. + Collection>>putOn:
  795. + CharacterArray>>putOn:
  796. + Stream>><<
  797. + Stream>>write
  798. + SequenceableCollection>>newStream
  799. + SequenceableCollection>>readStream
  800. + SequenceableCollection>>stream
  801. + SequenceableCollection>>streamClass
  802. + SequenceableCollection>>writeStream
  803. + Collection>>isImmutable
  804. + Stream>>nextPutString:
  805. + StringStream>>nextPutString:
  806. + JSStream>>nextPutClassRefFunction:
  807. + String>>crlfSanitized
  808. + inlined Block now also responds to >>value:
  809. + Parser: split literal into runtimeLiteral and parseTimeLiteral
  810. + Parser: write #(4 #(5 6 #()) 7) as #(4 (5 6 ()) 7)
  811. + Parser: write #(#on:do: #Object) as #(on:do: Object)
  812. + Parser: Symbols for binarie selectores
  813. + Package>>commit
  814. + AIContext>>initializeLocals
  815. + ASTInterpreter>>withBlockContext:
  816. + smalltalk.allSelectors()
  817. + Object>>isCompiledMethod
  818. + Object>>isPackage
  819. + Object>>isBehavior
  820. + ClassMoved Announcemen class
  821. + Behavior>>includesBehavior:
  822. + Environment>>classes
  823. + Environment>>allSelectors
  824. + Environment>>removeProtocol:
  825. + Environment>>renameProtocol:to:in:
  826. + CompiledMethod>>protocol:
  827. + Smalltalk>>globalJsVariables
  828. + Smalltalk>>addGlobalJsVariable:
  829. + Smalltalk>>deleteGlobalJsVariable:
  830. - Object>>storeOn:
  831. - Object>>log:block:
  832. - Object>>printNl
  833. - Compiler-IR.st >>javascriptSelector
  834. - Compiler-IR.st >>nextPutVar:
  835. - Kernel-Collections.st >>asSuperSelector
  836. - Collection>>readStream
  837. - Collection>>stream
  838. - Collection>>streamClass
  839. - Collection>>writeStream
  840. - Symbol class (replaced with String)
  841. - IRInlinedNonLocalReturn class
  842. - IRInlinedSend>>nonLocalReturnInliner
  843. - IRNonLocalReturnInliner class
  844. - Package>>dependencies
  845. - Package>>dependencies:
  846. - Package>>properties
  847. - Package>>jsProperties
  848. - Package>>jsProperties:
  849. - Package>>propertiesAsJSON
  850. - Package>>propertyAt:
  851. - Package>>propertyAt:ifAbsent:
  852. - Package>>propertyAt:put:
  853. - Browser>>ajaxPutAt:data: