# amdefine A module that can be used to implement AMD's define() in Node. This allows you to code to the AMD API and have the module work in node programs without requiring those other programs to use AMD. ## Usage **1)** Update your package.json to indicate amdefine as a dependency: ```javascript "dependencies": { "amdefine": ">=0.0.2" } ``` Then run `npm install` to get amdefine into your project. **2)** At the top of each module that uses define(), place this code: ```javascript if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module) } ``` **Only use these snippets** when loading amdefine. If you preserve the basic structure, with the braces, it will be stripped out when using the [RequireJS optimizer](#optimizer). You can add spaces, line breaks and even require amdefine with a local path, but keep the rest of the structure to get the stripping behavior. As you may know, because `if` statements in JavaScript don't have their own scope, the var declaration in the above snippet is made whether the `if` expression is truthy or not. If RequireJS is loaded then the declaration is superfluous because `define` is already already declared in the same scope in RequireJS. Fortunately JavaScript handles multiple `var` declarations of the same variable in the same scope gracefully. If you want to deliver amdefine.js with your code rather than specifying it as a dependency with npm, then just download the latest release and refer to it using a relative path: [Version 0.0.2](https://github.com/jrburke/amdefine/raw/0.0.2/amdefine.js) ## define() usage It is best if you use the anonymous forms of define() in your module: ```javascript define(function (require) { var dependency = require('dependency'); }); ``` or ```javascript define(['dependency'], function (dependency) { }); ``` ## RequireJS optimizer integration. Version 1.0.3 of the [RequireJS optimizer](http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html) will have support for stripping the `if (typeof define !== 'function')` check mentioned above, so you can include this snippet for code that runs in the browser, but avoid taking the cost of the if() statement once the code is optimized for deployment. ## Node 0.4 Support If you want to support Node 0.4, then add `require` as the second parameter to amdefine: ```javascript //Only if you want Node 0.4. If using 0.5 or later, use the above snippet. if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require) } ``` ## Limitations ### Synchronous vs Asynchronous amdefine creates a define() function that is callable by your code. It will execute and trace dependencies and call the factory function *synchronously*, to keep the behavior in line with Node's synchronous dependency tracing. The exception: calling AMD's callback-style require() from inside a factory function. The require callback is called on process.nextTick(): ```javascript define(function (require) { require(['a'], function(a) { //'a' is loaded synchronously, but //this callback is called on process.nextTick(). }); }); ``` ### Loader Plugins Loader plugins are supported as long as they call their load() callbacks synchronously. So ones that do network requests will not work. However plugins like [text](http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#text) can load text files locally. The plugin API's `load.fromText()` is **not supported** in amdefine, so this means transpiler plugins like the [CoffeeScript loader plugin](https://github.com/jrburke/require-cs) will not work. This may be fixable, but it is a bit complex, and I do not have enough node-fu to figure it out yet. See the source for amdefine.js if you want to get an idea of the issues involved. ## Tests To run the tests, cd to **tests** and run: ``` node all.js ``` ## License New BSD and MIT. Check the LICENSE file for all the details.