Smalltalk createPackage: 'Web'! (Smalltalk packageAt: 'Web') imports: {'amber/jquery/Wrappers-JQuery'. 'amber_core/Platform-DOM'}! Object subclass: #HTMLCanvas instanceVariableNames: 'root' package: 'Web'! !HTMLCanvas commentStamp! I am a canvas for building HTML. I provide the `#tag:` method to create a `TagBrush` (wrapping a DOM element) and convenience methods in the `tags` protocol. ## API My instances are used as the argument of the `#renderOn:` method of `Widget` objects. The `#with:` method is used to compose HTML, nesting tags. `#with:` can take a `TagBrush`, a `String`, a `BlockClosure` or a `Widget` as argument. ## Usage example: aCanvas a with: [ aCanvas span with: 'click me' ]; onClick: [ window alert: 'clicked!!' ]! !HTMLCanvas methodsFor: 'accessing'! root ^ root ! root: aTagBrush root := aTagBrush ! ! !HTMLCanvas methodsFor: 'adding'! entity: aString "Adds a character representing html entity, eg. html entity: 'copy' adds a copyright sign. If a name does not represent valid HTML entity, error is raised." | result | result := ('' asJQuery html: '&', aString, ';') text. result size = 1 ifFalse: [ self error: 'Not an HTML entity: ', aString ]. self with: result ! with: anObject ^ self root with: anObject ! ! !HTMLCanvas methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. root ifNil: [ root := TagBrush fromString: 'div' canvas: self ] ! initializeFromJQuery: aJQuery root := TagBrush fromJQuery: aJQuery canvas: self ! ! !HTMLCanvas methodsFor: 'tags'! a ^ self tag: 'a' ! abbr ^ self tag: 'abbr' ! address ^ self tag: 'address' ! area ^ self tag: 'area' ! article ^ self tag: 'article' ! aside ^ self tag: 'aside' ! audio ^ self tag: 'audio' ! base ^ self tag: 'base' ! blockquote ^ self tag: 'blockquote' ! body ^ self tag: 'body' ! br ^ self tag: 'br' ! button ^ self tag: 'button' ! canvas ^ self tag: 'canvas' ! caption ^ self tag: 'caption' ! cite ^ self tag: 'cite' ! code ^ self tag: 'code' ! col ^ self tag: 'col' ! colgroup ^ self tag: 'colgroup' ! command ^ self tag: 'command' ! datalist ^ self tag: 'datalist' ! dd ^ self tag: 'dd' ! del ^ self tag: 'del' ! details ^ self tag: 'details' ! div ^ self tag: 'div' ! div: aBlock ^ self div with: aBlock ! dl ^ self tag: 'dl' ! dt ^ self tag: 'dt' ! em ^ self tag: 'em' ! embed ^ self tag: 'embed' ! fieldset ^ self tag: 'fieldset' ! figcaption ^ self tag: 'figcaption' ! figure ^ self tag: 'figure' ! footer ^ self tag: 'footer' ! form ^ self tag: 'form' ! h1 ^ self tag: 'h1' ! h1: anObject ^ self h1 with: anObject ! h2 ^ self tag: 'h2' ! h2: anObject ^ self h2 with: anObject ! h3 ^ self tag: 'h3' ! h3: anObject ^ self h3 with: anObject ! h4 ^ self tag: 'h4' ! h4: anObject ^ self h4 with: anObject ! h5 ^ self tag: 'h5' ! h5: anObject ^ self h5 with: anObject ! h6 ^ self tag: 'h6' ! h6: anObject ^ self h6 with: anObject ! head ^ self tag: 'head' ! header ^ self tag: 'header' ! hgroup ^ self tag: 'hgroup' ! hr ^ self tag: 'hr' ! html ^ self tag: 'html' ! iframe ^ self tag: 'iframe' ! iframe: aString ^ self iframe src: aString ! img ^ self tag: 'img' ! img: aString ^ self img src: aString ! input ^ self tag: 'input' ! label ^ self tag: 'label' ! legend ^ self tag: 'legend' ! li ^ self tag: 'li' ! li: anObject ^ self li with: anObject ! link ^ self tag: 'link' ! map ^ self tag: 'map' ! mark ^ self tag: 'mark' ! menu ^ self tag: 'menu' ! meta ^ self tag: 'meta' ! nav ^ self tag: 'nav' ! newTag: aString ^ TagBrush fromString: aString canvas: self ! noscript ^ self tag: 'noscript' ! object ^ self tag: 'object' ! ol ^ self tag: 'ol' ! ol: anObject ^ self ol with: anObject ! optgroup ^ self tag: 'optgroup' ! option ^ self tag: 'option' ! output ^ self tag: 'output' ! p ^ self tag: 'p' ! p: anObject ^ self p with: anObject ! param ^ self tag: 'param' ! pre ^ self tag: 'pre' ! progress ^ self tag: 'progress' ! script ^ self tag: 'script' ! section ^ self tag: 'section' ! select ^ self tag: 'select' ! small ^ self tag: 'small' ! source ^ self tag: 'source' ! span ^ self tag: 'span' ! span: anObject ^ self span with: anObject ! strong ^ self tag: 'strong' ! strong: anObject ^ self strong with: anObject ! style ^ self tag: 'style' ! style: aString ^ self style with: aString; yourself ! sub ^ self tag: 'sub' ! summary ^ self tag: 'summary' ! sup ^ self tag: 'sup' ! table ^ self tag: 'table' ! tag: aString ^ root addBrush: (self newTag: aString) ! tbody ^ self tag: 'tbody' ! td ^ self tag: 'td' ! textarea ^ self tag: 'textarea' ! tfoot ^ self tag: 'tfoot' ! th ^ self tag: 'th' ! thead ^ self tag: 'thead' ! time ^ self tag: 'time' ! title ^ self tag: 'title' ! tr ^ self tag: 'tr' ! ul ^ self tag: 'ul' ! ul: anObject ^ self ul with: anObject ! video ^ self tag: 'video' ! ! !HTMLCanvas class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! onJQuery: aJQuery ^ self basicNew initializeFromJQuery: aJQuery; initialize; yourself ! ! Object subclass: #TagBrush instanceVariableNames: 'canvas element' package: 'Web'! !TagBrush commentStamp! I am a brush for building a single DOM element (which I hold onto). All tags but `