#79 Bump version of Showdown To avoid security vulnerability

otevřeno před 3 roky uživatelem psvensson · 0 komentářů
psvensson okomentoval před 3 roky

Dependabot cannot update showdown to a non-vulnerable version The latest possible version that can be installed is 0.5.4 because of the following conflicting dependency:

@ambers/helios@0.13.2 requires showdown@^0.5.0

The earliest fixed version is 1.9.1.

--- Dependabot cannot update showdown to a non-vulnerable version The latest possible version that can be installed is 0.5.4 because of the following conflicting dependency: @ambers/helios@0.13.2 requires showdown@^0.5.0 The earliest fixed version is 1.9.1. ---
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