#15 0.14.2 deployment mode -- "ProfStef next" is not executed

otworzone 8 lat temu przez nero · 0 komentarzy

Originally at 2015-01-20T20:05:22Z by Hannes Hirzel closed at 2015-01-20T21:19:16Z

In deployment mode (grunt deploy, use of index.html and the.js only) selecting a code snippet, e.g. ProfStef next and clicking the DoIt button does not work.

See https://github.com/hhzl/trysmalltalk0142/issues/1

Originally at 2015-01-20T20:05:22Z by Hannes Hirzel closed at 2015-01-20T21:19:16Z In deployment mode (``grunt deploy``, use of ``index.html`` and ``the.js`` only) selecting a code snippet, e.g. ``ProfStef next`` and clicking the ``DoIt`` button does not work. See https://github.com/hhzl/trysmalltalk0142/issues/1
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