#24 Update to Amber v0.14.3

8 سال پیش باز شده توسط nero · 0 دیدگاه

Originally at 2015-01-25T00:12:08Z by Tom Rake closed at 2015-01-29T14:20:35Z (pull request)

I added a small widget to print a "running on Amber" (Smalltalk version) at the top of the page. I needed to update helios to avoid the Examples and Benchfib amber_core problems. This is still in devel (with bower_components).

Should close #4

If you want to see preview: https://tomrake.github.io/trysmalltalk/

Originally at 2015-01-25T00:12:08Z by Tom Rake closed at 2015-01-29T14:20:35Z (pull request) I added a small widget to print a "running on Amber" (Smalltalk version) at the top of the page. I needed to update helios to avoid the Examples and Benchfib amber_core problems. This is still in devel (with bower_components). Should close #4 If you want to see preview: https://tomrake.github.io/trysmalltalk/
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