#5 .gitignore config.js and the.js

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Originally at 2015-01-08T12:44:07Z by Herbert Vojčík closed at 2015-01-24T14:39:36Z

Do you see this project more as an app or as a library? If the former, just ignore and close this. If the latter, the .gitignore and bower.json ignore section should probably include /config.js and /the.js.

Originally at 2015-01-08T12:44:07Z by Herbert Vojčík closed at 2015-01-24T14:39:36Z Do you see this project more as an app or as a library? If the former, just ignore and close this. If the latter, the [.gitignore](https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/trysmalltalk/blob/master/.gitignore) and bower.json ignore section should probably include /config.js and /the.js.
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