amber-examples ============== Various amber examples Prerequisites ============= 1. A web browser with reasonably good support for HTML5 canvas. 2. [nodejs]( This will give you the node package manager `npm` as well. 3. A global install of the [`amber`]( [npm]( package 4. A global install of the [`bower`]( client side package manager in order to install the dependencies The `amber` and `bower` packages can be installed with the following command (In some cases you have to call `npm` with `sudo npm`): npm install --global amber-cli bower or the same thing, but less typing: npm i -g amber-cli bower Reference: Getting started =============== Clone the repository git clone Get dependencies of this project: cd amber-examples git submodule update --init --recursive npm install bower install Afterwards execute the server: `amber serve` and point your browser to `http://localhost:4000/` Rebuilding examples using Grunt.js (development mode) ==================================================== Since Amber 0.10.0 Grunt.js is used as commandline build system. To use it with the examples it is first necessary to install all dependencies with * install grunt-cli globally if not already present: `npm install -g grunt-cli` * `cd amber-examples` * `npm install` Afterwards the examples can be built/recompiled by running the following command in the subdirectory of each example: `grunt` The subdirectories might contain additional README files which might contain additional information. Status ====== - Loads fine with Amber version 0.12.6