Object subclass: #TrivialServer instanceVariableNames: 'os http counter' category: 'TrivialServer'! !TrivialServer methodsFor: 'initializing'! initialize counter := 0. os := require value: 'os'. http := require value: 'http'. ! ! !TrivialServer methodsFor: 'processing'! process: aRequest | hostname httpVersion stream | counter := counter + 1. "Calling a method in a js module" hostname := os hostname. "Accessing a property of js HTTP request object" httpVersion := aRequest httpVersion. stream := String new writeStream. stream nextPutAll: '

Request HTTP version: ', httpVersion, '

'; nextPutAll: '

OS hostname: ', hostname, '

'; nextPutAll: '

Number of requests: ', counter asString, '

'. ^stream contents ! start | block obj | block := [:req :res || headers | headers := Dictionary with: 'content-type' -> 'text/html'. res writeHead: (Array with: 200 with: headers). res end: (self process: req)]. (http createServer: block) listen: 1337 host: ''. console log: 'TrivialServer running at' ! ! !TrivialServer class methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize "We require these Node modules." ! main self new start ! !