123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306 |
- Object subclass:
- instanceVariableNames: 'ptrComp discr enumComp intComp stringComp'
- package: 'Pystone'!
- !PyStoneRecord commentStamp!
- Record class used in Pystone benchmark.!
- !PyStoneRecord methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- discr
- ^discr
- !
- discr: p
- discr := p
- !
- enumComp
- ^enumComp
- !
- enumComp: p
- enumComp := p
- !
- intComp
- ^intComp
- !
- intComp: p
- intComp := p
- !
- ptrComp
- ^ptrComp
- !
- ptrComp: p
- ptrComp := p
- !
- stringComp
- ^stringComp
- !
- stringComp: p
- stringComp := p
- ! !
- !PyStoneRecord methodsFor: 'copying'!
- copy
- ^PyStoneRecord ptrComp: ptrComp discr: discr enumComp: enumComp intComp: intComp stringComp: stringComp
- ! !
- !PyStoneRecord methodsFor: 'initialize-release'!
- ptrComp: p discr: d enumComp: e intComp: i stringComp: s
- ptrComp := p.
- discr := d.
- enumComp := e.
- intComp := i.
- stringComp := s
- ! !
- !PyStoneRecord class methodsFor: 'instance-creation'!
- new
- ^self ptrComp: nil discr: 0 enumComp: 0 intComp: 0 stringComp: 0
- !
- ptrComp: p discr: d enumComp: e intComp: i stringComp: s
- ^super new ptrComp: p discr: d enumComp: e intComp: i stringComp: s
- ! !
- Object subclass:
- instanceVariableNames: 'nulltime ptrGlbNext ptrGlb ident1 ident3 ident2 ident4 ident5 ident6 intGlob boolGlob char1Glob char2Glob array1Glob array2Glob func3 func2 func1'
- package: 'Pystone'!
- !Pystone commentStamp!
- This is a straight translation of pystone 1.1 from Python to Squeak. Procedures have been mapped to instance side methods, functions have been mapped to blocks. Open a transcript and run:
- Pystone run!
- !Pystone methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified'!
- defineFunctions
- "Functions have been mapped to blocks, since that
- would be natural."
- func1 := [:charPar1 :charPar2 |
- | charLoc1 charLoc2 |
- charLoc1 := charPar1.
- charLoc2 := charLoc1.
- (charLoc2 = charPar2) ifTrue: [ident2] ifFalse: [ident1]].
- func2 := [:strParI1 :strParI2 |
- | intLoc charLoc |
- intLoc := 1.
- [intLoc <= 1] whileTrue: [
- ((func1 value: (strParI1 at: intLoc) value: (strParI1 at: intLoc + 1)) = ident1)
- ifTrue: [
- charLoc := 'A'.
- intLoc := intLoc + 1]].
- (charLoc >= 'W' and: [charLoc <= 'Z']) ifTrue: [
- intLoc := 7].
- (charLoc = 'X') ifTrue: [true] ifFalse: [
- (strParI1 > strParI2) ifTrue: [
- intLoc := intLoc + 7.
- true]
- ifFalse: [
- false]]].
- func3 := [:enumParIn |
- | enumLoc |
- enumLoc := enumParIn.
- enumLoc = ident3]
- !
- main: loops
- "Adaption of pystone.py version 1.9 from Python."
- ident1 := 1. ident2 := 2. ident3 := 3. ident4 := 4. ident5 := 5. ident6 := 6.
- intGlob := 0.
- boolGlob := false.
- char1Glob := String value: 0.
- char2Glob := String value: 0.
- array1Glob := Array new.
- 51 timesRepeat: [ array1Glob add: 0].
- array2Glob := ((1 to: 51) collect: [:i | array1Glob copy]) asArray.
- self defineFunctions.
- self pystones: loops block: [:benchtime :stones |
- self log: 'Pystone(1.1) time for ', loops asString, ' passes = ', benchtime asString.
- self log: 'This machine benchmarks at ',
- ((stones / 0.1) rounded * 0.1) asString, ' pystones/second']
- !
- log: aString
- (smalltalk at:
- ifNotNil: [
- Transcript show: aString;cr]
- ifNil: [
- console log: aString]
- !
- proc0: loops block: aBlock
- | string1Loc starttime intLoc1 intLoc2 string2Loc enumLoc intLoc3 charIndex benchtime |
- loops timesRepeat: [].
- benchtime := Date millisecondsToRun: [
- ptrGlbNext := PyStoneRecord new.
- ptrGlb := PyStoneRecord new.
- ptrGlb ptrComp: ptrGlbNext.
- ptrGlb discr: ident1.
- ptrGlb enumComp: ident3.
- ptrGlb intComp: 40.
- string1Loc := 'DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1''ST STRING'.
- (array2Glob at: 8) at: 7 put: 10.
- "1 to: loops - 1 do: [:i | Changed this to use timesRepeat: since i is not used at all in the loop"
- loops timesRepeat: [
- self proc5; proc4.
- intLoc1 := 2.
- intLoc2 := 3.
- string2Loc := 'DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2''ND STRING'.
- enumLoc := ident2.
- boolGlob := (func2 value: string1Loc value: string2Loc) not.
- [intLoc1 < intLoc2] whileTrue: [
- intLoc3 := 5 * intLoc1 - intLoc2.
- intLoc3 := self proc7: intLoc1 with: intLoc2.
- intLoc1 := intLoc1 + 1].
- self proc8:array1Glob with: array2Glob with: intLoc1 with: intLoc3.
- ptrGlb := self proc1: ptrGlb.
- charIndex := 'A'.
- [charIndex <= char2Glob] whileTrue: [
- (enumLoc = (func1 value: charIndex value: 'C'))
- ifTrue: [enumLoc := self proc6: ident1].
- charIndex := String value: (charIndex asciiValue + 1)].
- intLoc3 := intLoc2 * intLoc1.
- intLoc2 := intLoc3 / intLoc1.
- intLoc2 := 7 * (intLoc3 - intLoc2) - intLoc1.
- intLoc1 := self proc2: intLoc1]].
- ^ aBlock value: (benchtime / 1000) value: (loops / benchtime) * 1000
- !
- proc1: ptrParIn
- | nextRecord tmp |
- tmp := ptrParIn.
- nextRecord := ptrGlb copy.
- ptrParIn ptrComp: nextRecord.
- ptrParIn intComp: 5.
- nextRecord intComp: ptrParIn intComp.
- nextRecord ptrComp: ptrParIn ptrComp.
- nextRecord ptrComp: (self proc3: nextRecord ptrComp).
- (nextRecord discr = ident1) ifTrue: [
- nextRecord intComp: 6.
- nextRecord enumComp: (self proc6: ptrParIn enumComp).
- nextRecord ptrComp: ptrGlb ptrComp.
- nextRecord intComp: (self proc7: nextRecord intComp with: 10) ]
- ifFalse: [
- tmp := nextRecord copy].
- nextRecord ptrComp: nil.
- ^tmp
- !
- proc2: intParIO
- | tmp intLoc enumLoc |
- tmp := intParIO.
- intLoc := intParIO + 10.
- [true] whileTrue: [
- (char1Glob = 'A') ifTrue: [
- intLoc := intLoc - 1.
- tmp := intLoc - intGlob.
- enumLoc := ident1].
- (enumLoc = ident1) ifTrue: [
- ^ tmp]]
- !
- proc3: ptrParOut
- | tmp |
- tmp := ptrParOut.
- ptrGlb ifNotNil: [
- tmp := ptrGlb ptrComp]
- ifNil: [
- intGlob := 100].
- ptrGlb intComp: (self proc7: 10 with: intGlob).
- ^tmp
- !
- proc4
- | boolLoc |
- boolLoc := char1Glob = 'A'.
- boolLoc := boolLoc | boolGlob.
- char2Glob := 'B'
- !
- proc5
- char1Glob := 'A'.
- boolGlob := false
- !
- proc6: enumParIn
- | enumParOut |
- enumParOut := enumParIn.
- (func3 value: enumParIn) ifFalse: [
- enumParOut := ident4].
- (enumParIn = ident1) ifTrue: [
- enumParOut := ident1] ifFalse: [
- (enumParIn = ident2) ifTrue: [
- intGlob > 100 ifTrue: [
- enumParOut := ident1]
- ifFalse: [
- enumParOut := ident4]] ifFalse: [
- (enumParIn = ident3) ifTrue: [
- enumParOut := ident2] ifFalse: [
- (enumParIn = ident4) ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [
- (enumParIn = ident5) ifTrue: [
- enumParOut := ident3]]]]].
- ^enumParOut
- !
- proc7: intParI1 with: intParI2
- | intLoc intParOut |
- intLoc := intParI1 + 2.
- intParOut := intParI2 + intLoc.
- ^ intParOut
- !
- proc8: array1Par with: array2Par with: intParI1 with: intParI2
- | intLoc |
- intLoc := intParI1 + 5.
- array1Par at: intLoc put: intParI2.
- array1Par at: intLoc + 1 put: (array1Par at: intLoc).
- array1Par at: intLoc + 30 put: intLoc.
- intLoc to: intLoc + 1 do: [:intIndex |
- (array2Par at: intLoc) at: intIndex put: intLoc.
- (array2Par at: intLoc) at: intLoc - 1 put: ((array2Par at: intLoc) at: intLoc - 1) + 1.
- (array2Par at: intLoc + 20) at: intLoc put: (array1Par at: intLoc)].
- intGlob := 5
- !
- pystones: loops block: aBlock
- ^self proc0: loops block: aBlock
- ! !
- Pystone class instanceVariableNames: 'nulltime'!
- !Pystone class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified'!
- main
- "self main"
- self run: 50000
- !
- run: loops
- "self run: 50000"
- self new main: loops
- ! !