123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- Object subclass: #MyScript
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'MyScript'!
- !MyScript class methodsFor: 'main'!
- main
- "Just a trivial example showing some meta programming by
- creating a class, compiling some methods and then exporting
- this package in javascript format to stdout"
- | klass compiler method |
- Object subclass: #Dummy instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Dummy'.
- klass := Smalltalk current at: #Dummy.
- compiler := Compiler new.
- method := compiler load: 'foo ^10' forClass: klass.
- method category: 'foo'.
- klass addCompiledMethod: method.
- method := compiler load: 'bar ^ self foo * 2' forClass: klass.
- method category: 'foo'.
- klass addCompiledMethod: method.
- console log: (Exporter new exportPackage: 'Dummy')
- ! !