@@ -8,58 +8,10 @@
* compiler.main(options);
- * Helper for concatenating Amber generated AMD modules.
- * The produced output can be exported and run as an independent program.
- *
- * var concatenator = createConcatenator();
- * concatenator.start();
- * concatenator.add(module1);
- * concatenator.addId(module1_ID);
- *
- * concatenator.finish("//some last code");
- * var concatenation = concatenator.toString();
- *
- *
- */
-function createConcatenator() {
- return {
- elements: [],
- ids: [],
- add: function () {
- this.elements.push.apply(this.elements, arguments);
- },
- addId: function () {
- this.ids.push.apply(this.ids, arguments);
- },
- forEach: function () {
- this.elements.forEach.apply(this.elements, arguments);
- },
- start: function () {
- this.add(
- 'var define = (' + require('amdefine') + ')(null, function (id) { throw new Error("Dependency not found: " + id); }), requirejs = define.require;',
- 'define("amber/browser-compatibility", [], {});'
- );
- },
- finish: function (realWork) {
- this.add(
- 'define("app", ["' + this.ids.join('","') + '"], function (boot) {',
- 'boot.api.initialize();',
- realWork,
- '});',
- 'requirejs(["app"]);'
- );
- },
- toString: function () {
- return this.elements.join('\n');
- }
- };
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
- Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
+ Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise,
+ requirejs = require('../node_modules/requirejs/bin/r');
* AmberCompiler constructor function.
@@ -71,12 +23,24 @@ function AmberCompiler(amber_dir) {
this.amber_dir = amber_dir;
+ requirejs = requirejs.config({
+ context: "amberc",
+ nodeRequire: require,
+ paths: {
+ 'amber': path.join(amber_dir, 'support'),
+ 'amber_core': path.join(amber_dir, 'src')
+ }
+ });
- this.kernel_libraries = ['boot', 'Kernel-Objects', 'Kernel-Classes', 'Kernel-Methods',
- 'Kernel-Collections', 'Kernel-Infrastructure', 'Kernel-Exceptions', 'Kernel-Announcements',
- 'Platform-Services', 'Platform-Node'];
- this.compiler_libraries = this.kernel_libraries.concat(['parser', 'Platform-ImportExport', 'Compiler-Exceptions',
- 'Compiler-Core', 'Compiler-AST', 'Compiler-Exceptions', 'Compiler-IR', 'Compiler-Inlining', 'Compiler-Semantic']);
+ this.kernel_libraries = ['amber/boot',
+ 'amber_core/Kernel-Objects', 'amber_core/Kernel-Classes', 'amber_core/Kernel-Methods',
+ 'amber_core/Kernel-Collections', 'amber_core/Kernel-Infrastructure',
+ 'amber_core/Kernel-Exceptions', 'amber_core/Kernel-Announcements',
+ 'amber_core/Platform-Services', 'amber_core/Platform-Node'];
+ this.compiler_libraries = this.kernel_libraries.concat(['amber/parser',
+ 'amber_core/Platform-ImportExport', 'amber_core/Compiler-Exceptions',
+ 'amber_core/Compiler-Core', 'amber_core/Compiler-AST', 'amber_core/Compiler-Exceptions',
+ 'amber_core/Compiler-IR', 'amber_core/Compiler-Inlining', 'amber_core/Compiler-Semantic']);
@@ -285,86 +249,24 @@ function withImportsExcluded(data) {
function create_compiler(configuration) {
var compiler_files = configuration.compiler_libraries;
var include_files = configuration.load;
- var builder;
- return Promise.all(
- compiler_files.map(function (file) {
- return resolve_js(file, configuration);
- })
- )
- .then(function (compilerFilesArray) {
- return Promise.all(
- compilerFilesArray.map(function (file) {
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- console.log('Loading file: ' + file);
- fs.readFile(file, function (err, data) {
- if (err)
- reject(err);
- else
- resolve(data);
- });
- });
- })
- )
- })
- .then(function (files) {
- builder = createConcatenator();
- builder.add('(function() {');
- builder.start();
- files.forEach(function (data) {
- builder.add(data);
- var match = ('' + data).match(/(^|\n)define\("([^"]*)"/);
- if (match) {
- builder.addId(match[2]);
- }
- });
- })
- .then(function () {
- return Promise.all(
- include_files.map(function (file) {
- return resolve_js(file, configuration);
- })
- );
- })
- .then(function (includeFilesArray) {
- return Promise.all(
- includeFilesArray.map(function (file) {
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- console.log('Loading library file: ' + file);
- fs.readFile(file, function (err, data) {
- if (err)
- reject(err);
- else
- resolve(data);
- });
- });
- })
- )
- })
- .then(function (files) {
- var loadIds = [];
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ requirejs(compiler_files, function (boot) {
+ configuration.core = boot.api;
+ configuration.globals = boot.globals;
+ resolve(configuration);
+ }, function (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ });
+ })
+ .then(function (configuration) {
+ var files = [];
files.forEach(function (data) {
data = data + '';
- var match = data.match(/^define\("([^"]*)"/);
- if (match) {
- loadIds.push(match[1]);
- data = withImportsExcluded(data);
- }
- builder.add(data);
+ data = withImportsExcluded(data);
- builder.finish('configuration.core = boot.api; configuration.globals = boot.globals;');
- loadIds.forEach(function (id) {
- builder.add('requirejs("' + id + '");');
- });
- builder.add('})();');
- eval(builder.toString());
+ configuration.core.initialize();
console.log('Compiler loaded');