@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function(grunt) {
- var path = require('path');
- var fs = require('fs');
- var amberc = require('../../cli/support/amberc.js');
- A full example entry for a Gruntfile.js is available below.
- Please note that the verbose level is either specified globally
- or on a target specific level.
- However, it can additionally be triggered on the commandline by
- adding the '-v' or '--verbose' flag.
- Example Gruntfile.js entry:
- amberc: {
- options: {
- amber_dir: process.cwd(),
- library_dirs: ['dir1', '/usr/local/js'],
- verbose: true
- },
- helloWorld: {
- options: {
- library_dirs: ['dir1', '/usr/local/js'],
- verbose: true
- },
- src: ['projects/HelloWorld/src/HelloWorld.st'],
- output_dir: 'projects/HelloWorld/src',
- libraries: 'Web',
- jsGlobals: ['global1', 'global2'],
- main_class: 'HelloWorld',
- output_name: 'helloWorld',
- amd_namespace: 'MyNamespace',
- main_file: 'myMain.js',
- output_suffix: 'mySuffix',
- library_suffix: '-0.9'
- },
- },
- */
- grunt.registerMultiTask('amberc', 'Compile Smalltalk files with the amberc compiler', function() {
- var done = this.async();
- var options = this.options({
- amber_dir: undefined,
- library_dirs: [],
- verbose: grunt.option('verbose') || false
- });
- this.data.verbose = options.verbose;
- this.data.library_dirs = options.library_dirs;
- this.requiresConfig('amberc.options.amber_dir');
- if (this.filesSrc.length === 0) {
- grunt.fail.fatal('No source files to compile or link.');
- }
- var compiler = new amberc.Compiler(grunt.config('amberc.options.amber_dir'));
- var configuration = generateCompilerConfiguration(this.data, this.filesSrc);
- var self = this;
- compiler.main(configuration, function(){
- done();
- });
- });
- function generateCompilerConfiguration(data, sourceFiles) {
- var configuration = amberc.createDefaultConfiguration();
- var parameters = [];
- var libraries = data.libraries;
- if (undefined !== libraries) {
- configuration.load = libraries;
- }
- var library_dirs = data.library_dirs;
- if (undefined !== library_dirs) {
- configuration.jsLibraryDirs = library_dirs;
- }
- var mainClass = data.main_class;
- if (undefined !== mainClass) {
- configuration.main = mainClass;
- }
- var mainFile = data.main_file;
- if (undefined !== mainFile) {
- configuration.mainfile = mainFile;
- }
- var outputSuffix = data.output_suffix;
- if (undefined !== outputSuffix) {
- configuration.suffix = outputSuffix;
- configuration.suffix_used = outputSuffix;
- }
- var librarySuffix = data.library_suffix;
- if (undefined !== librarySuffix) {
- configuration.loadsuffix = librarySuffix;
- configuration.suffix_used = librarySuffix;
- }
- if (undefined !== sourceFiles) {
- sourceFiles.forEach(function(currentItem){
- var fileSuffix = path.extname(currentItem);
- switch (fileSuffix) {
- case '.st':
- configuration.stFiles.push(currentItem);
- break;
- case '.js':
- configuration.jsFiles.push(currentItem);
- break;
- }
- });
- }
- var outputName = data.output_name;
- if (undefined !== outputName) {
- configuration.program = outputName;
- }
- var amdNamespace = data.amd_namespace;
- if (undefined !== amdNamespace) {
- configuration.amd_namespace = amdNamespace;
- }
- if (undefined !== data.output_dir) {
- configuration.output_dir = data.output_dir;
- }
- if (undefined !== data.jsGlobals) {
- configuration.jsGlobals.push.apply(configuration.jsGlobals, data.jsGlobals);
- }
- configuration.verbose = data.verbose;
- return configuration;
- }