<li>The collection class hierarchy is simpler compared to most Smalltalk implementations. There is no <code>OrderedCollection</code>, <code>Set</code> or <code>SortedCollection</code>. However, the size of arrays is dynamic, and they behave like an ordered collection. They can also be sorted with the <code>#sort*</code> methods.</li>
<li>The collection class hierarchy is simpler compared to most Smalltalk implementations. There is no <code>OrderedCollection</code>, <code>Set</code> or <code>SortedCollection</code>. However, the size of arrays is dynamic, and they behave like an ordered collection. They can also be sorted with the <code>#sort*</code> methods.</li>
<li>The <code>Date</code> class behaves like the <code>Date</code> <em>and</em> <code>TimeStamp</code> classes in Pharo Smalltalk. Therefore both <code>Date today</code> and <code>Date now</code> are valid in Jtalk.</li>
<li>The <code>Date</code> class behaves like the <code>Date</code> <em>and</em> <code>TimeStamp</code> classes in Pharo Smalltalk. Therefore both <code>Date today</code> and <code>Date now</code> are valid in Jtalk.</li>